Tracking multiple installations with google analytics - google-analytics

I have a web based application, which is installed at several clients already. I want to get som einsight how the application is used at these clients. I have their consent on this, but I can't figure out how to collect all tracking data from the installations via Google Analytics. These installations are on different domains, some of the are on intranets. I'm not the owner of those domains, however I would like to collect the data under one GA property-id to have the merged behavior. I would like to be bale to see separate data too for each installations if possible.
But is this possible somehow?


Google Site Kit Plugin has been copied to multiple sites, so Analytics information is inaccurate

My company manages several websites for clients. We build Wordpress sites and manage them all on Flywheel. Whenever we make a new website, we typically duplicate an existing site so that we can reuse some general settings. I recently found out that the Google Site Kit plugin has been getting duplicated, along with its existing settings, so that multiple separate websites have been pointing to the same google analytics account. Because they are all pointing to the same account, the Google Analytics account is just tracking slugs, thinking all traffic is coming from the same base url. Now all traffic on common pages, such as Home, Contact, and About are being clumped together, highly inflating the numbers of what traffic would be on any one of the sites. Is there a way to separate the data by base url, so I could see accurate data for each site?
In that case what you'll need to do on the sites with the same property is revisit the Site Kit settings and connect to the correct Google Analytics property (and Tag Manager / AdSense if applicable).
Note also that if your site URL changes Site Kit does recognize this, asking users to connect once more on the new domain. If you then connect on the new site you'll need to change the connected Google Analytics property.
Going forward, before you duplicate a site that has Site Kit active you can disconnect the Google Analytics, AdSense and Tag Manager modules before duplicating, before connecting once more after copying. Alternatively you can reset Site Kit before duplicating. Resetting will mean you'll need to connect all services once more (after duplicating).
Hopefully the above helps.

How do I set up google analytics for each of my firebase sites in a single project?

I have multiple hosted sites within a single firebase project. Currently in the google analytics section of firebase I can only see the data for my primary hosted site. I would like to be able to view the google analytics results from each of these sites individually. Is this possible?
You can't do this.
However, each Hosting site has a separate "Stream" in Analytics.
This allows you to filter (via the "Add Filter +" button) the Analytics results by "Stream" in order to look at the analytics of one or multiple sites at the same time.

Google Analytics: share data between multiple accounts?

currently we have a company blog that runs via Also we have our corporate site ( that is our "selling" site. The blog is about tutorials, open source stuff, totally non profit.
We want to examine if the blog has value to our business. Branding and so on... Will customers visit our blog, are users from our blog more likely to buy sth and so on.
Both Domains are within the same Google Analytics Account but as separate properties. Is it somehow possible?
I dont want to use something with Referal as solution since it just might be that someone visits our blog and returns after some week via an ad.
You cant analyse Google Analytics data across properties or accounts. Data can only be analyzed within the same property.
This is why its best not to split data between properties but to store everything in the same property when its the same web account. At the very least having one default property with all of the data can also be useful.

How can Google Analytics be used to track the different websites within a homegrown CMS?

I own and operate my own Content Management System (CMS) web application targeted at a specific type of customer (schools). Each customer wants to track the traffic to their own website. Of course, I could ask them to each create their own Google Analytics account and then provide me with the tracking ID so that my CMS can embed the correct code onto their pages. But I was wondering if there was a better way ... something more automated, and something that involves less work on their part.
I was thinking that for each customer, I could use the Google Analytics APIs to automatically create a new Property with the appropriate filter and then give the customer "Read & Analyze" permissions for that property. The problem with that is that I'm limited to creating 50 properties under my account.
Any other ideas? I'm just wondering if I'm missing some feature of GA that is specifically designed for this scenario.
Asking each user to create their own analytics account is the correct solution. Then they should just give your cms the id, and then your cms should include the correct analytics javascript code. It's the way all other cms systems supports Google Analytics

Google Analytics Dashboard for Different Sites

I have a small multitenant application and I want to use google analytics to track the different minitenants. Tutorials on this topic seem to be pretty scarce, but I was wondering how I would go about
1) Rendering the dashboard for each 'site'
2) Allowing the creation of new sites for google analytic 'sites' automatically.
Using a 'global' Google account.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
For building dashboards to report on the analytics of your various sites/properties I would recommend using the Embed API to get started quickly. But since you stated you are interested in also managing Google Analytics properties programmatically. It might be useful go through the quick start guide for the language and application type of your choice. Python Service account or a PHP Web App, the list goes on.
But if you need to actually provision new accounts for each end user there is also the Google Analytics Provisioning API. There are restrictions on who is allowed to use that API, namely you need to be AdWords Channel Partner.
