Renamed and Transferred site successful but old Social Media links are broken - wordpress

I just got finished with moving my site from one domain name to another. All old links on social media and search engines are broken. If I click on a link from reddit or Facebook it still points to Even though if I type into a browser, does pop up. Is there anyway I can resolve this issue? All I did was export the old site data, switched to the new site, and imported the new site back. What am I missing now?
Google is coming with weird results when I search for this topic. I am using godaddy and wordpress with over 500 posts if it matters. Thank you.

It seems you are adding the social media links in the template files like footer.php of header.php
please double check once again.
If you change site_url in wp-admin in also and if the social media links loading from templates then it wont reflect the old site to new site


why WordPress website showing readme page on my home page

I am facing a problem if i am opening my website with domain name it keep showing the readme page of how to install wordpress and if i am opening shop from wordpress dashboard the shop page open and website's other pages work properly only home page is showing readme page. Its really complicated to explain. if you understand so.
can any one help me to solve this problem.
I have tried many things to solve by getting backup and reuploading the website but the hosting i have that not have the feature to getting backup and now i cant make changes in public html files and i have watched youtube videos get the solution but there is not a single one video bout that.

Wordpress URL slug redirects me to Media file

I'm trying to setup a fanlink with links from Spotify, YouTube & other streaming platforms for a musician. Whenever I set the URL slug as /rock-my-world (rock my world is the name of the track just released) it takes me to the audio file stored in the server (no bueno).
Any clue what could be causing this issue? Would appreciate anyone who could give me a hand with this!
At first I encountered this issue when it had another page /fanlinks as the parent page. I did /rock-my-world as main page (no parent) and still same issue. Contacted hosting provider and they have no clue what to do. Check settings of wordpress URL and everything looks good.
Tried flushing the permalink and that also didn't work.
Edit: It's the media permalink...

internal fake links shows in google search results

I recently had a strange problem on my site. This is a problem with urls that have not any relation my content (see screenshot with fake links in google search results). Fortunately these links are no external spam links.
So I decided to do the following steps:
I've reviewed my site with a security checker, such as sucuri, unmasking, and all of these sites announced that my site is completely clean.
I deleted the old WordPress files (except wp-config & wp content folder) and replaced them with fresh and clean files.
1.I replaced the entire theme system files (php, js, etc.) with new and fresh files.
2.I changed all the passwords and worpress salts with using itheme security plugin, removed .htaccess file and let wordpress create a new one.
3.I removed the unrelated links using google webmasters.
4.I also removed suspicious plugins and restored the full version of my site's backup two weeks ago.
Unfortunately until today the links are not gone. All urls share the same word "marblehead". Like the following URL:
The interesting thing is that in the description section of search results of each of these URLs, abstract part (or meta tag description) of content of my site is displayed.
Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem? I'm really confused how to get rid of this problem!

[code][/code] tags changes the posted code

I wanted to add codes to my hosted blog in a code friendly way. So I found this page since I can't use plugin. First this worked as promised. But later I checked the blog's code it has been change some codes replaced with symbols like below one <servlet> I don't understand the reason for this because for a time it works as it promised. Below is how they looks in the blog site.
What I want is to show codes in a friendly way in my blog since I can't install plugins in my blog.
This is a known issue with the new Calypso editor on There is an open GitHub issue for it here.
If you make sure to only edit the page in the traditional WP-Admin interface your code should not be changed.
Edit: The on-page edit link only goes to Calypso now, so to edit a post in WP-Admin, add /wp-admin to the end of your site URL and type it in your browser. Then go to Posts ->All posts (or Pages) to edit existing content.
Some older accounts still show a link to WP-Admin when you click on My Site(s), but if your account doesn't, you need to use the direct link.

Screenshot.png Not displaying on admin

I have installed a premium theme and changed the screenshot.png and uploaded it via ftp, upon looking at the admin panel it still display the old screenshot.png and the link it was linking was
http:// www. mysite .com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/screenshot.png
and if I directly go to the link
it shows my new screenshot but not showing on my admin panel, why does the admin panel detects the screenshot with www and if I look on my hosting file manager my theme has the new screenshot. I've tried to delete and reinstall wordpress from scratch including the theme but still doing the same thing. any thoughts?
It's probably cached. Try CTRL+F5 or clear browser cache and see if that helps.
A quicker solution is to add a query arg to the end of the url, like ?refresh=1 which would make your browser think it is a different URL, even if the query arg doesn't do anything. This won't fix the original issue until your cache clears, still, but it will tell you that it is working (at least for other people who haven't seen the old version yet).
