Firebase disable automatic login account creation - firebase

I am building a web and mobile app using firebase. When signing with Google, firebase auto creates a new account in the project (Auth) if one does not exist. Its fine with the mobile app.
But with the web, I just want existing users (who created accounts with mobile app) to signin and not create new accounts via web.
How do I setup firebase not to create new accounts if one does not exist?

There isn't a way to restrict social sign-in with Firebase Auth to "only sign in, not sign up".
If you have a means of detecting users that have signed in using the app at some point (e.g. by writing a value to your database in a specific location), you could check for that value when signing in via the web, and, if missing, display a screen encouraging users to install the mobile app.

I think this is what you are looking for:
Link Multiple Auth Providers to an Account Using
You can allow users to sign in to your app using multiple
authentication providers by linking auth provider credentials to an
existing user account. Users are identifiable by the same Firebase
user ID regardless of the authentication provider they used to sign
in. For example, a user who signed in with a password can link a
Google account and sign in with either method in the future. Or, an
anonymous user can link a Facebook account and then, later, sign in
with Facebook to continue using your app.


Firebase Third Party Account Linking

Im currently trying to build a web app using firebase and am fairly new to web development. I currently am using SvelteKit and am only allowing users to sign in via email authentication with Firebase Auth. I was curious to if there was a more efficient method of account linking than what I am currently doing
I currently have users:
Click Link Discord button
User Authorizes with Discord
I store user discord info in their user document in Firestore
The problem I see with this is that if the users change their account info on discord that it will not be reflected in my app.
Should I be storing the tokens in a cookie and calling them? would that be also bad as the tokens expire?

Firebase Authentication with popup - allow only registered user

I wanted to create website where I have separate Sign In and Sign Up form. I also want to have Google authentication with Firebase.
I've implemented it like this both on sign in and sign up page:
await FIREBASE_AUTH.signInWithPopup(googleAuthProvider);
But this code will always create new user.
What I would like to do is to block creating new user on sign in page, only log them in if user already exists (e.g. as I require terms of use consent on sign up page, but I don't want to require it on sign up page - it would be quite weird)
There is no way in Firebase Authentication to prevent users from signing up, while still allowing them to sign in if they're already created. The reason for this is that Firebase Authentication merely focuses on allowing users to authenticate themselves, so to prove who they are by providing credentials. What they can then do in your app is known as authorization, and is up to you to implement in your front-end application code, back-end application code, and server-side security rules.
For example, if you use one of Firebase's databases (Cloud Firestore or Realtime Database), you'll typically maintain a list of approved user's in that list (either their email or their UID). Then before granting the user access to specific screens in your app or data in your database, you check if the users exists in that list. If not, you don't grant access to the screen or data.
I don't see an issue here, when a user uses google auth when they already have an account it will create a new account with their in some cases new data he might have changed in his google account.
In case your users hold other data in your database I'm pretty sure there's a google auth API for that issue.

Lose password after sign in using Google provider

I have an Android app with use Firebase authentication using email and password. Recently added Google provider now my users can sign in wih his Google account, the problem is the following
There's an existing user registered on my app, later the user sign in with his Google account Firebase automatically change the provider of the account from email to Google, the problem the user sign out and try to login with his email/password and got a message
The password is invalid or the user does not have a password
I understand why happens, but users (you know they are users) get frustrated because can't login with his email/password
There's some way to tell Firebase to keep the user password or when a user login with Google and this convertion happens in order to notify to user
Note My app only allow one account per email
I found there's a method fetchProvidersForEmail I asume I can build a flow over that method that check which provider have the user and allow the user chose if want to keep if old password by asking and linking account or just continue

Firebase : Authentication providers different email address

If I register with Facebook ( and later log in with Google (, but I do not have the same email address on both providers, there are 2 users created. How can I handle this situation?
Linking is typically used in three cases:
Automatically requested by the backend for security reasons: when a user signs in to google for example with email x#x and then logs out and tries to sign in with a new facebook account x#x. In this case the backend will not complete the second sign in without verifying that the second user is the same as the first user (since both use the same email). So in this case, the user has to sign to the google account and then link the second facebook account to the initial one.
Manually triggered by the developer: One common case here is that the user signs in to google with email x#x and remains signed in. The developer wants access to the user's facebook friends. So the developer will ask the user to link their facebook account to the already logged in google user.
Upgrading an anonymous user: Developer could automatically sign in users initially as anonymous and then prompt them to upgrade to a registered user. In this case you can call link on the anonymous user.
So can be made on all kinds of users as long as the account you are linking is new and not already linked.
You'll want to use the Account Linking APIs to authenticate multiple providers for the same account. Docs for Web, Android, and iOS are available.

Where does firebase save it's simple login users?

I am currently using firebase to make an ionic app. I am using firebase simple login for social auth (facebook, twitter, email & password). The auth works perfectly, it $broadcasts the authed user. However it doesn't seem to create a user in the actual firebase db. I was wondering how I can get the users that have been authed using my app.
For most of the authentication protocols it supports, Firebase doesn't store user data anywhere. Even for the protocols where it does store data (I only know of email+password doing this), it stores this information in a place that your application can't access (though you can find those users in the dashboard of your Firebase).
To quote the Firebase documentation:
It does not store profile or user state in your Firebase. To persist user data you must save it to your Firebase.
What most applications end up doing, is keeping a list of users inside their Firebase that they manage themselves. So when a user first authenticates with the application, it creates a node under /users/<uid> that contains the information for that user.
See this section of the Firebase documentation that describes storing user data.
Firebase does not store profile or user state in your Firebase instance. To persist user data you must save it to your Firebase.
Firebase provides multiple authentications services
Using existing social login providers such Facebook, Twitter, Google, and GitHub. Using these services provides an option for your users to access your application without creating a new account.
Using built-in support for logging in with email & password. This requires registration and account creation that is handled by Firebase. The user account information is stored outside you application.
Using a custom authentication to implement existing server-side authentication, single sign-on, legacy systems, or third-party OAuth based services (such as Yahoo).
Once authenticated, Firebase return a variable auth to your application that you can use for authorization and access control. This variable is null for unauthenticated users, but for authenticated users it is an object containing the user's unique (auth.uid) and potentially other data about the user.
If you want to persist additional user information such as name
and location, then you need to use auth.uid and store it in your
Firebase with additional profile data.
Internally, Firebase generates JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and creates authenticated sessions by calling Firebase.loginWithCustomToken() with those tokens. Each user is assigned a uid (a unique ID), which is guaranteed to be distinct across all providers, and to never change for a specific authenticated user.
The user data for firebase authentication is stored in firebaseLocalStorageDb in IndexedDB. After login to website, if you delete firebaseLocalStorageDb, the login user data for firebase authentication is all deleted so you need to log in website again.
