I am new to Julia, I would like to solve this system:
where k1 and k2 are constant parameters. However, I=0 when y,0 or Ky otherwise, where k is a constant value.
I followed the tutorial about ODE. The question is, how to solve this piecewise differential equation in DifferentialEquations.jl?
Answered on the OP's cross post on Julia Discourse; copied here for completeness.
Here is a (mildly) interesting example $x''+x'+x=\pm p_1$ where the sign of $p_1$ changes when a switching manifold is encountered at $x=p_2$. To make things more interesting, consider hysteresis in the switching manifold such that $p_2\mapsto -p_2$ whenever the switching manifold is crossed.
The code is relatively straightforward; the StaticArrays/SVector/MVector can be ignored, they are only for speed.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using StaticArrays
f(x, p, t) = SVector(x[2], -x[2]-x[1]+p[1]) # x'' + x' + x = ±p₁
h(u, t, integrator) = u[1]-integrator.p[2] # switching surface x = ±p₂;
g(integrator) = (integrator.p .= -integrator.p) # impact map (p₁, p₂) = -(p₁, p₂)
prob = ODEProblem(f, # RHS
SVector(0.0, 1.0), # initial value
(0.0, 100.0), # time interval
MVector(1.0, 1.0)) # parameters
cb = ContinuousCallback(h, g)
sol = solve(prob, Vern6(), callback=cb, dtmax=0.1)
Then plot sol[2,:] against sol[1,:] to see the phase plane - a nice non-smooth limit cycle in this case.
Note that if you try to use interpolation of the resulting solution (i.e., sol(t)) you need to be very careful around the points that have a discontinuous derivative as the interpolant goes a little awry. That's why I've used dtmax=0.1 to get a smoother solution output in this case. (I'm probably not using the most appropriate integrator either but it's the one that I was using in a previous piece of code that I copied-and-pasted.)
I got an apparently quite common Julia error when trying to use AD with forward.diff. The error messages vary a bit (sometimes matching function name sometimes Float64)
MethodError: no method matching logL_multinom(::Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(logL_multinom), Real}, Real, 7}})
My goal: Transform a probability vector to be unbounded (θ -> y), do some stuff (namely HMC sampling) and transform back to the simplex space whenever the unnormalized posterior (logL_multinom()) is evaluated. DA should be used to overome problems for later, more complex, models than this.
Unfortunately, neither the Julia documentation, not the solutions from other questions helped me figure the particular problem out. Especially, it seems to work when I do the first transformation (y -> z) outside of the function, but the first transformation is a 1-to-1 mapping via logistic and should not cause any harm to differentiation.
Here is an MWE:
using LinearAlgebra
using ForwardDiff
using Base
function logL_multinom(y)
# transform to constrained
K = length(y)+1
k = collect(1:(K-1))
# inverse logit:
z = 1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-y .- log.(K .- k))) # if this is outside, it works
θ = zeros(eltype(y),K) ; x_cumsum = zeros(eltype(y),K-1)
for i in k
x_cumsum[i] = 1-sum(θ)
θ[i] = (x_cumsum[i]) * z[i]
θ[K] = x_cumsum[K-1] - θ[K-1]
#log_dens_correction = sum( log(z*(1-z)*x_cumsum) )
dot(colSums, log.(θ))
colSums = [835, 52, 1634, 3469, 3053, 2507, 2279, 1115]
y0 = [-0.8904013824298864, -0.8196709647741431, -0.2676845405543302, 0.31688184351556026, -0.870860684394019,0.15187821053559714,0.39888119498547964]
∇L = y -> ForwardDiff.gradient(logL_multinom,y)
Thanks a lot and especially some further readings/ explanations for the problem are appreciated since I'll be working with it moreoften :D
Edit: I tried to convert the input and any intermediate variable into Real / arrays of these, but nothing helped so far.
The diagram and the graph
I have made the above diagram and I placed the values of 1,1 as the parameters of INTEGRAL_f and GAINBLK_f respectively,and the other parameters are as default.
I have no idea why this graph is plotted since I thought that there should be no factor(s) which compose the exponential function.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
That's just math. You're have the system (here noted in the Laplace domain) y = 1/s*u and apply to it the positive feedback u = u+y, hence you end up (after solving for y) with the system y = 1/(s-1)*u, which is in state space, with your initial condition of integral block
x' = x+u,
x(0) = 1,
since you have no input, you obtain
x' = x,
x(0) = 1,
which yields x(t)=exp(t). If you want to see something interesting, just take 0 as initial condition of the integral block and add an input. However, if you keep this positive feedback your system is unstable...
I've written a a little function that gives me out a value based on a sine wave when I put in a float between 0 and 1. I'm using it to lerp things around in a game.
public static class Utilities
public static float SineMe(float prop)
float output = (prop*180f)-90f;
output = Mathf.Sin(output*Mathf.Deg2Rad);
output = (output+1f)/2f;
return output;
It works fine.. But I was wondering is there a mathematical way of altering the sine wave so I can make it 'steeper' or 'shallower' in the middle?
In the diagram below the blue curve is a sine wave, I'm wondering if I can make it more like the green line.
What you're showing already isn't really sine - the range of sine is between -1 and +1. You're applying the linear function f(x) = (x+1)/2 to change that range. So place another function between the sine and that transform.
To change the shape, you need a non-linear function. So, here's a cubic equation you might try...
g(x) = Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D
D = 0
C = p
B = 3 - 3C
A = 1 - (B + C)
The parameter p should be given a value between 0.0 and 9.0. If it's 1.0, g(x) is the identity function (the output is the unmodified input). With values between 0.0 and 1.0, it will tend to "fatten" your sine wave (push it away from 0.0 and towards 1.0 or -1.0) which is what you seem to require.
I once "designed" this function as a way to get "fractal waveforms". Using values of p between 1.0 and 9.0 (and particularly between around 3.0 and 6.0) iterative application of this formula is chaotic. I stole the idea from the population fluctuation modelling chaotic function by R. M. May, but that's a quadratic - I wanted something symmetric, so I needed a cubic function. Not really relevant here, and a pretty aweful idea as it happens. Although you certainly get chaotic waveforms, what that really means is huge problems with aliassing - change the sample rate and you get a very different sound. Still, without the iteration, maybe this will give you what you need.
If you iterate enough times with p between 0.0 and 1.0, you end up with a square wave with slightly rounded corners.
Most likely you can just choose a value of p between 0.0 and 1.0, apply that function once, then apply your function to change the range and you'll get what you want.
By the way, there's already a comment suggesting a cheat sheet of "easing functions". "Easing" is a term from animation, and computer animation software often uses Bezier curves for that purpose - the same Bezier curves that vector graphics software often uses. Bezier curves come in quadratic and cubic variants, with cubic being the more common. So what this is doing probably isn't that different. However, cubic Bezier easing gives you more control - you can control the "ease-in" independently of the "ease-out", where my function only provides one parameter.
You can use the y(x) = 1-(1-x)^n function when x = [0..1], as a transform function.
You will just have to replace x by the absolute value of your sinus and report the sign of sinus to the result. In that way you can tweak the sinus slope by increasing n. So what you want is this:
float sinus = Mathf.Sin(output*Mathf.Deg2Rad);
int sign = (sinus >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
int n = 4; // slope parameter
float waveform = sign * ( 1-Mathf.Pow(1-Mathf.Abs(sinus), n) );
You can root the sine function to make it steeper (only working for positive values). The higher the root, the steeper the sine.
Graph of a steeper sine wave function
I discovered this nifty trick for a steeper sine wave (0..1).
f(x) = cos(sin(x)^3)^10
If you need (-1..1):
2 * (f(x) - 0.5)
I think I found the solution.
in the interval x = [0.0, 1.0]
with k that control the steepness.
k=0.0 for the unmodified sinus (purple)
k=1.0 (green)
k=2.0 (blue)
I was looking for a similar function, not for the whole sine but just half the period.
I bumped into the Logistic function:
f(x) = L / (1 + e^(-k(x-x0)))
e = the natural logarithm base (also known as Euler's number),
x0 = the x-value of the sigmoid's midpoint,
L = the curve's maximum value, and
k = the steepness of the curve.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_function
Works for me
what about
I would like to draw an animation of a polar curve (a spiral) being graphed. I am using javascript and canvas. Currently, I am using setInterval to call a draw function, which graphs an x and y coordinate found from a parametric representation of the polar curve (x and y in terms of theta). I am incrementing theta by 0.01, from 0 to 2*pi, once for every call to draw(). The problem is that I wish for the animation to draw the same amount of the curve for each call to draw, so that the drawing appears to progress with uniform speed. It doesn't matter if the time between each call to draw is different; I just need the speed (in terms of pixels drawn / # of calls to draw) to be constant for the entire awing. In other words, I need the arc length of the segment of the polar graph drawn for each call to draw to be the same. I have no idea how to go about this. Any help/sugestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Let f(z) be the theta variable you are referring to in your question. Here are two parametric equations that should be very similar to what you have:
x(f(z)) = f(z)cos(f(z))
y(f(z)) = f(z)sin(f(z))
We can define the position p(f(z)) at f(z) as
p(f(z)) = [x(f(z)), y(f(z))]
The speed s(f(z)) at f(z) is the length of the derivative of p at f(z).
x'(f(z)) = f'(z)cos(f(z)) - f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z))
y'(f(z)) = f'(z)sin(f(z)) + f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))
s(f(z)) = length(p'(f(z))) = length([x'(f(z)), y'(f(z))])
= length([f'(z)cos(f(z)) - f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z)), f'(z)sin(f(z)) + f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))])
= sqrt([f'(z)cos(f(z))]2 + [f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z))]2 + [f'(z)sin(f(z))]2 + [f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))]2)
= sqrt(f'(z) + [f(z)f'(z)]2)
If you want the speed s(f(z)) to be constant at C as z increases at a constant rate of 1, you need to solve this first-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:
s(f(z)) = sqrt(f'(z) + [f(z)f'(z)]2) = C
Solving this would give you a function theta = f(z) that you could use to compute theta as you keep increasing z. However, this differential equation has no closed form solution.
In other words, you'll have to make guesses at how much you should increase theta at each step, doing binary search on the delta to add to theta and line integrals over p(t) to evaluate how far each guess moves.
Easier method - change the parameter to setInterval proportional to the step arc length. That way you don't have to try to invert the arc length equation. If the interval starts getting too large, you can adjust the step size, but you can do so approximately.
Does anyone know how to minimize a function containing an integral in MATLAB? The function looks like this:
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(AR-x)dt], A is a system parameter and R and x are related through:
dR/dt = axRY - bR, where a and b are constants.
dY/dt = -xRY
I read somewhere that I can use fminbnd and quad in combination but I am not able to make it work. Any suggestions?
Perhaps you could give more details of your integral, e.g. where is the missing bracket in [AR-x)dt]? Is there any dependence of x on t, or can we integrate dR/dt = axR - bR to give R=C*exp((a*x-b)*t)? In any case, to answer your question on fminbnd and quad, you could set A,C,T,a,b,xmin and xmax (the last two are the range you want to look for the min over) and use:
[x fval] = fminbnd(#(x) quad(#(t)A*C*exp((a*x-b)*t)-x,0,T),xmin,xmax)
This finds x that minimizes the integral.
If i didn't get it wrong you are trying to minimize respect to t:
\int_0^t{(AR-x) dt}
well then you just need to find the zeros of:
This is just math, not matlab ;)
Here's some manipulation of your equations that might help.
Combining the second and third equations you gave gives
dR/dt = -a*(dY/dt)-bR
Now if we solve for R on the righthand side and plug it into the first equation you gave we get
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(-A/b*(dR/dt + a*dY/dt) - x)dt]
Now we can integrate the first term to get:
L = -A/b*[R(T) - R(0) + Y(T) - Y(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
So now all that matters with regards to R and Y are the endpoints. In fact, you may as well define a new function, Z which equals Y + R. Then you get
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
This next part I'm not as confident in. The integral of x with respect to t will give some function which is evaluated at t = 0 and t = T. This function we will call X to give:
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - X(T) + X(0)
This equation holds true for all T, so we can set T to t if we want to.
L = -A/b*[Z(t) - Z(0)] - X(t) + X(0)
Also, we can group a lot of the constants together and call them C to give
X(t) = -A/b*Z(t) + C
C = A/b*Z(0) + X(0) - L
So I'm not sure what else to do with this, but I've shown that the integral of x(t) is linearly related to Z(t) = R(t) + Y(t). It seems to me that there are many equations that solve this. Anyone else see where to go from here? Any problems with my math?