How to build berkeley db on linux - berkeley-db

I've downloaded Berkeley DB source codes from Oracle's website. After unpacking the zip file, there does not have any files in build_unix directory. There exists an directory which contains sln file for build it on windows using visual studio.
My question is if there is a sample Makefile & Configure script for building this db on unix-like systems such as Linux.

The makefile and configure scripts are located at DB_ROOT/dist/* , DB_ROOT is the root directory of the unzipped source codes.
The build guide is available at


Packaking application with MSIX package installer not including sqlite .db file in VFS c:\windows\system32

I was reading this guide to help me package a sqlite .db file part of my MSIX package installer, it says to create a folder called VFS and inside I have placed SystemX86 and inside that folder I placed my .db file, but when I run the program from the .msix package installer it doesnt access my .db
I finally solved this. I was using the 32bit directory (SystemX86 VFS) but my application is 64-bit, so I used the correct name and it worked.

How to install .NET Core SDK 2.1.401 after having installed version 2.1.500?

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
I updated my .NET Core installation to the latest version 2.1.500 a few days ago.
Shortly after, I wanted to play with the source code for MS Build, so I cloned the MS Build git repo and ran their build.cmd file as instructed.
But it kept failing telling me it wasn't able to download the per-requisite .NET Core version 2.1.401.
C:\Source\Of\MSBuild> build.cmd
dotnet-install: Downloading link:
dotnet-install: Cannot download:
dotnet-install: Downloading legacy link:
Exception calling "Invoke" with "0" argument(s):
"Failed to download"
yada yada yada yada...
So I downloaded the zip file manually, and unzipped it to find a dotnet.exe in it.
First thinking that it was a set-up file, I double-clicked it. It appeared and disappeared quickly.
Then, after a few failed attempts, I suspected it was indeed the SDK itself and wasn't an install-able set-up. So, I checked the folders in the unzipped file and they matched exactly the folders in my C:\Program Files\dotnet folder (see the picture at the bottom of this question).
So, now, I don't know how to have this version of .NET Core that I just downloaded (v 2.1.401) co-exist with the latest version 2.1.500. I do see that the C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\ folder has several versions exist side by side:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk>dir /b
So, should I just go ahead and mess around with my folders manually? That is, should I just copy and paste the folders I downloaded and merge them with what I have? See below.
The contents of the two folders needn't have to be merged. One must download the .NET Core installer instead.
Two issues need to be addressed in answering this question.
I had downloaded the binaries in a zip file and not an installer. I was led to install the binaries because the URL I saw on the console when I ran the build script pointed to the binaries and not to the installer.
.NET Core comes in two kinds of packages:
a. MSI installers; and
b. Zip files containing the binaries. These are useful when you want to hold a private copy of .NET core in your application. Just like NPM packages have private installations in contrast to public/global ones. Just like you hold private assemblies (CopyLocal = True) of the .NET framework within your application in contrast with references them from the GAC or the Reference Assemblies folder.
Look at this SDK download page on the Microsoft website. It lists both, the binaries and the installers for each version of the SDK and the runtime.
A Powershell script in the MS Build build process downloads the zip file containing only the binaries and it holds this version of the .NET Core privately. The version it is looking for is mentioned in the DotNetCliVersion property in the Version.props file.
function Build {
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DotNetCoreSdkDir) -and
(Test-Path -Path $DotNetCoreSdkDir)) {
$env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR = $DotNetCoreSdkDir
else {
$env:DOTNET_HOST_PATH = Join-Path $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR "dotnet.exe"

Is it possible to install dotnet core on macOS without using root access?

I was thinking of playing with dotnet core, but both the Homebrew cask installers and the one provided by MicroSoft require administrator access? I normally don't install packages as root, and so was wondering if there is a way to install dotnet core without root access.
You can download the macOS binaries (.tar.gz file) from the .NET Core download page, unpack it to a directory and set your PATH environment variable to include the directory you extracted the contents to.

Source of qt5 cmake Config-file Packages

Trying to build qt5 with buildroot. I need to download the source so that everything is compiled through the cross-compiler.
One of my project relies on the 'Config-file Packages' (CMake helper config file) provided by Qt5 in the binary tarball at this location Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64/lib/cmake.
Problem: I can't find that folder anywhere in the source. When I take one example file (e.g. Qt5Config.cmake), I can't find any git repo hosting it.
Had a look at Ubuntu packages and it is being distributed in qtbase5-dev. When I look at this package documentation, it says it is using qtbase-opensource-src 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.4 as the source package. Had a look at the source package for 5.8 but the cmake files are not there.
I could upload those files in an ad-hoc git repo, but that just seems weird that those files are not hosted by the qt repo.
What am I missing?
The cmake files are generated while build. On Linux the results are installed to qt/lib/cmake.

How do you install sqlite3 on Windows - The download page shows 3 pre-compiled zips for the database. It doesn't look like a full installation. Where am I supposed to install these files?
Here is the list:
Precompiled Binaries For Windows
(244.12 KiB) A command-line shell for accessing and modifying SQLite databases.
(278.28 KiB) This ZIP archive contains a DLL for the SQLite library version
(710.48 KiB) An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through and beyond.
There are shell and analyzer program that can be used to interactively work with sqlite databases without writing any code. Shell is an interactive SQL command-line interface; and analyzer is program to get info about some sqlite database. You can place this tools anywhere, or install them to some folder, which is in your %PATH%.
DLL is compiled sqlite library that should be placed in your application directory.
