CSS Changes Not Showing In HTML site - css

My CSS changes are not showing once I upload to FTP. HTML changes show just fine. This is the web page in question:-
Activ Physiotherapy
Hosted with 1and1 and recently had an SSL certificate installed. I think it is an APACHE SERVER.
I have tried caching, deleting history and cookies and no luck with that. I deleted css file from root and the website still had all the css styled correctly as if the css file was still in the root.
I think something is wrong with my FTP but I do not know what to be able to fix it. It is like it is getting uploaded to the wrong webspace.
I should also mention that the changes work just fine locally in all browsers, just nothing when uploaded via FTP.

I just wanted to offer an update in case anyone goes through the same thing. It is a caching issue however the hard refresh and clearing cookies etc was useless for me.
Therefore in the end I added a string to the html tag in the . Like so:-
This has forced the cache immediately.


How do I get a css file to be reflect any updates in localhost on xampp?

I have an index.html and a CSS file that are part of a wider project I am working on and it appears that any amendments I make to the CSS file is not reflected in the localhost server. Does anyone know why this might be?
Your browser will request the html files and won't always load the newest files because they are being pulled out of the cache. The best way to reset the cache is to do ctrl + shift + r.
I would guess this is a cache issue. Simple test:
Reload the page using ctrl+f5 on your keyboard. If the css updates, then your browser is (correctly, usually) caching the css file.
If this is the case, you can set up xampp to send a no cache header always or disable caching on your browser. Depending on your browser, you may be able to disable the cache on a specific domain, so all files served by localhost are not cached.

CSS not refreshing - now deleted, not cached, inexistent - and still loading? How? Why?

I'm working on a Wordpress website and I have styles loaded from two stylesheets - original style.css and style-custom.css for additional style.
Unfortunately whatever I do, the styles do not refresh. I already tried to press Shift+F5 without success.
I've purged the server and browser cache entirely several times (even though it's actually permanently turned off via WP Engine). I've removed appended ?ver numbers to force the update of the file content.
Right now I've even deleted the file and it is still loading in the browser! Even worse - it's loading in all browsers that I have not even ever used on the damn site.
I don't know what else to do. The file is gone and the cache has been purged.
There is definitely some sort of caching mechanism still. Are you developing on your own server? If you try to refresh on somebody else's computer are they able to see the file?
If yes - then you need to contact the servers' administrator, or you hosting provider with clarification.
You should be developing your websites locally though, and once they are ready publish them on the web.

401 unauthorized error access CSS files MVC

First things first, yes I am fully aware this has been addressed here before, however none of the solutions seem to resolve my issue. My problem is simply that I have created a new web project and everything works fine with the default code template that VS2013 has provided, the problem I am currently runing into is adding my own CSS files. This is the process I went through to add them:
added CSS folder under the already existing Content directory
Linked to CSS files in the header CSHTML (I can be sure it is linked properly as it is not a 404 error
but when i run the project i get: Status Code:401 Unauthorized (pulled form the network explorer in chrome dev tools), nothing more. I have tried everything from modifying my config file to setting WindowsAuthentication to true and even moving NTLM to the top, to going into IIS and giving everyone access to every possible function to the CSS directory, been at this for an hour and I'm simply lost, any ideas?
Edit: if it helps at all this is the erro i get when i navigate to one of the CSS files:
I found the issue and I feel incredibly stupid about it, as it turns out all of my css files had encryption set on, i simply had to turn it off: right-click
*.css file > Properties (General tab) > Advanced button > Encrypt contents to secure data checkbox.
Works like a dream. If anyone ever purchases a template form ThemeForest, be wary of that.

Edits in .asp net website wont show

i've got an issue with website made in asp.net. A site is published and online, i've made some modifications, republished site on my computer and just uploaded a .aspx file into the server via ftp.
First time it seems to have worked after a while. But i've made a small error and want to edit it again, i did the same, but it wont change. Could it be that i need to wait some time before changes are seen? Or could it be that there needs to be a server restart or something?
If you've edited something in the aspx.cs page you will need to upload the bin directory to the remote site, or better still republish the whole site.
If it is a change to the .aspx, css or javasctipt file, the original will most likely be cached in your browser. Try a differrent browser brand or refreshing the page, ctrl-f5 does a complete refresh.
If this error was by any chance a CSS mistake, that can be easily fixed by adding a "?" at the end of the address since CSS files are normally stored in the cache of the browser and the ? tells the browser to update them. Same thing is true about JavaScripts which are kept in individual files
I'd recommend you to use the Visual Studio Publish Website under the Build instead of manually uploading the site over FTP. That built in publisher provides you many advantages of which one of them is the same issue you have faced. When you make a small change, fixing the error in host would be very faster by republishing the site that way rather than manually upping it over FTP.

Stylesheet not updating when I refresh my site

I am creating a website, but when I made changes to the stylesheet on my site, and I refreshed the site, none of the changes were there.
I tried to use the view source tool to check the stylesheet.css and it isn’t updated either. But when I go to the root of my system it is.
I have to wait at least 20 minutes before I see the update on my site, can anyone tell me why I don’t see changes right away? Is something wrong with my browser, computer, or server?
I also tried deleting my cookies, cache, and history but it still didn’t work.
If your site is not live yet, and you just want to update the stylesheet at your pleased intervals, then use this: Ctrl + F5.
On Mac OS (in Chrome) use: Cmd + Shift + R.
This will force your browser to reload and refresh all the resources related to the website's page.
So every time you change something in your stylesheet and you wanna view the new results, use this.
Most probably the file is just being cached by the server. You could either disable cache (but remember to enable it when the site goes live), or modify href of your link tag, so the server will not load it from cache.
If your page is created dynamically by some language like php, you could add some variable at the end of the href value, like:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/yourStyles.css?<?php echo time(); ?>" />
That will add the current timestamp on the end of a file path, so it will always be unique and never loaded from cache.
If your page is static, you have to manage those variables yourself, so use something like:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/yourStyles.css?version=1" />
after doing some changes in the file content, change version=1 to version=2 and so on.
If you wish to disable the cache from caching css files, refer to your server type documentation (it's done differently on apache, IIS, nginx etc.) or ask/search for a question on https://serverfault.com/
Assuming IIS - adding the key under <system.webServer> with the right settings in the root or the relevant folder does the trick.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<caching enabled="false" enableKernelCache="false" /> <!-- This one -->
That said sometimes one still has to recycle the Application Pool to "bump" the CSS. Therefore: Disabling IIS caching alone is not a 100% guaranteed solution.
For the browser: There are some notes on fine-grain controlling the local cache on FF over on SuperUser for the interested.
Easiest way to see if the file is being cached is to append a query string to the <link /> element so that the browser will re-load it.
To do this you can change your stylesheet reference to something like
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/stylesheet.css?v=1" />
Note the v=1 part. You can update this each time you make a new version to see if it is indeed being cached.
This may not have been the OP's problem, but I had the same problem and solved it by flushing then disabling Supercache on my cpanel. Perhaps some other newbies like myself won't know that many hosting providers cache CSS and some other static files, and these cached old versions of CSS files will persist in the cloud for hours after you edit the file on your server. If your site serves up old versions of CSS files after you edit them, and you're certain you've cleared your browser cache, and you don't know whether your host is caching stuff, check that first before you try any other more complicated suggestions.
I had a similar problem, made all the more infuriating by simply being very SLOW to update. I couldn't get my changes to take effect while working on the site to save my life (trying all manner of clearing my browser cache and cookies), but if I came back to the site later in the day or opened another browser, there they were.
I also solved the problem by disabling the Supercacher software at my host's cpanel (Siteground). You can also use the "flush" button for individual directories to test if that's it before disabling.
In my case, since I could not append a cache busting timestamp to the css url it turned out that I had to manually refresh the application pool in IIS 7.5.7600.
Every other avenue was pursued, right down to disabling the caching entirely for the site and also for the local browser (like ENTIRELY disabled for both), still didn't do the trick. Also "restarting" the website did nothing.
Same position as me?
[Site Name] > "Application Pool" > "Recycle" is your last resort...
If it is cached on the server, there is nothing you can do in the browser to fix this. You have to wait for the server to reload the file. You can't even delete the file and re-upload it. This could take even longer if you are using a caching server like Cloudflare (it will even survive a server reboot). You could rename it and load a copy.
i had the same problem, I use 000webhost to host my site and i also use cloudflare. I'd already disabled all my cache setting from my browser then tried to change some css and reload the page with hard refresh (shift + click refresh button, ctrl + f5, etc) nothing had changed.
It turns out the issue was coming from cloudflare cache. If you are using cloudflare, you can enable development mode in cloudflare it will temporarily bypass your cache allowing you to see changes to your origin server in realtime.
For someone who still encounter this problem, i hope this can help you
This may be a result of your server config, some hosting providers enable "Varnish" on your domain. This caching HTTP reverse proxy, is used to speed up delivery. One could try to disable varnish on the cpanel (assuming that you have one) and check if it was that.
For reference, I'm developing on a Windows 11 machine ,first run below 2 command
now run your application
for reference follow : https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/issues/4081
Same problem happened with me I am cleared my browser cash and cookies then automatically running properly
![Clear Cache] Ctrl+Shift+Delete
Sometimes it’s necessary to do a hard refresh to see the updates take effect. But it’s unlikely that average web users know what a hard refresh is, nor can you expect them to keep refreshing the page until things straighten out.
Here’s one way to do it:<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=1.1">
I ran into this problem too, a lot of people seem to recommend force reloading your page, which won't fix the issue in cases such as if you're running it on a server. I believe the optimal solution in this scenario is to timestamp your css.
This is how I do it in my Django template:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'home/radioStyles.css' %}?{% now 'U' %}" type="text/css"/>
Where adding ?{% now 'U' %} to the end of your css file would fix this issue.
Where ?Wednesday 2nd February 2020 12PM (current date) seems to fix the issue, I also noticed just putting the time fixes it too.
I had same issue. One of the reasons was, my application was cached and I was performing local build.
I would prefer deleting the css file and re-adding it again with changes if none of the above comments work.
First, try to Force reload or Clear cache and Empty chase and hard reload. You can do it by pressing F12 and then by right-clicking on it.
2nd Solution: Check your HTML base tag. You can learn more about it from here.
Don't update the styles in style.css, instead create a new stylesheet of your own and import in style.css
/*any updates*/
import your-own-style.css in style.css
#import url("your-own-style.css");
