Replace onclick in html with event handler in Js - onclick

Im working on a project for school which i have to finish quite soon. But i used the old "onclick" in HTML method and that is not allowed. So now im trying to move it to Js with an Id tag. this is my current code.
<label for="male">Username</label>
<input type="text" id="userName" oninput="changeUserName()">
function changeUserName() {
employee.userName = setEmployee('userName');
showEmployee(); }
How do i change the code so that i use event listerers? i tried to search youtube and the forums but didn't figure it out..
Thanks in advance

You can select the element by id and then set the oninput like this:
document.getElementById("userName").oninput = function() {
// do something


Control input hint

Some browsers provide a hint to the user for an input field based on the type of the input, e.g. here for type="email":
<input accesskey="e" name="email" id="email" type="email" required>
My questions are:
Are these part of any spec?
Is there a way to control that message (the message itself and also disable/enable it)?
Is there a way to style this tooltip?
its browser behavior so its cant be modified but you can done something like the tool-tip or hint using bootstrap css framework
Hover over me
You can find examples here
This is the solution from Mozilla
var email = document.getElementById("mail");
email.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
if (email.validity.typeMismatch) {
email.setCustomValidity("I expect an e-mail, darling!");
} else {
To customize the appearance and text of these messages, you must use JavaScript, there is no way to do it using just HTML and CSS.
You can use something like this:
var email = document.getElementById("mail");
email.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
if (email.validity.typeMismatch) {
email.setCustomValidity("I expect an e-mail, pls!");
} else {
HTML5 introduced new mechanisms for forms: it added new semantic types for the element and constraint validation to ease the work of checking the form content on the client side.
Check this documentation
If you want to disable client side validation for a form in HTML5 add a novalidate attribute to the form element. Fx:
<form method="post" action="/foo" novalidate>...</form>
just give a title attribute and use your content to show , and there is no way to style it, to style it you need to include jquery library
<input type="text" title="this is how i did that" />

ASP.NET Disable button and run the function

I am facing this issue where I manage to disable button but somehow the function didn't run. I suspect that the function stops right after my button is disabled. Any idea that can solve this issue when user click on the button, the button will be disable immediately and the button will runs the function behind. Below are the codes that I'm using for my button.
<INPUT TYPE ="Submit" NAME ="Submit1" ID = "Submit1" VALUE ="Create New Sales Contract"
SIZE ="30" onclick="**this.disabled=true;*** CheckGWidth(this.form),
this.form.ContractType.value='N'*" >
this.disabled=true; To disable this button
This is a function that will process this page'
Disabling a button won't stop the rest of the code from firing. I suspect there is something else going on.
This works using document.getElementById instead of this.form:
<form id="form1" action="" method="post">
<INPUT TYPE ="submit" NAME ="Submit1" ID = "Submit1" VALUE ="Create New Sales Contract" SIZE ="30" onclick="this.disabled=true;CheckGWidth(this.form);document.getElementById('ContractType').value='N';return false;" />
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ContractType" ID="ContractType" />
function CheckGWidth(f){
alert("This works");
JS Fiddle Demo
Use Firebug or Chrome or Developer Tools and check your javascript issues...

I need to give an alert when the user places the cursor in a textbox in How do I go about doing this?

I need to give a custom alert to the user when the user places the cursor in a textbox item in How do I go about doing this?
Please help.
<input type="text" onfocus="alert('Got focus!');"/>
or a bit more involved:
function InputFocus()
var inp = document.getElementById('myInput');
inp.onfocus = null;
alert('Got focus - ' +;
setTimeout(function() { inp.onfocus = InputFocus; }, 100);
<input type="text" value="one"/>
<input id="myInput" type="text" onfocus="InputFocus();" value="two"/>
<input type="text" value="three"/>
Javascript on focus event.
On Page_Load or Page_Init method add this code:
mytextBox.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "enterTextBox();")
Then on the page add a script tag with this :
function enterTextBox() {
the two events that you need are onfocus (elemant has focus and can accept input) and onblur which gets fired when leaving the element (say a text box). Disabled elements cannot have focus so these events will not occur in that case.

How to get the radiobutton for corresponding datalisty item?

I want to convert this code to JavaScript code:
rdb1 = (RadioButton)DataList1.Items[i].FindControl("rdb1");
How can it be done?
Put a unique class on the radio button and then you can easily use jQuery to walk the DOM and find that control.
Here is an example of finding a control here on Stack Overflow.
Here is a tutorial of How to Get Anything You Want from a web page via jQuery.
Good luck, and hope this helps.
In JavaScript using the id attribute makes it easy to retreive a specific element since the id must be unique for all tags.
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1"); //this returns the element
Here is a simple tutorial on how to do other things after getting the element.
EDIT- I see you just want the selected value in javascript:
function radiochanged(){
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1");
var rdb1_value;
for (i=0;i<radio1.length;i++)
if (radio1[i].checked)
rdb1_value = radio1[i].value;
<input id="rdb1" type="radio" onClick="radiochanged()">

Javascript checkboxes with <asp:checkbox />

The Javascript checkbox script (by ryanfait) worked beautifully when I used it at first. Then I needed to alter the form I made so that could process the form, but now the checkboxes are default.
Is there a way to alter the script to make it work on the asp:checkbox?
I call the function like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
And here is the actual javascript.
I have two different types of checkboxes on my page at the moment, one <asp:Checkbox ... /> and one <input type="checkbox" ... />. The second one gets styled, the asp checkbox doesn't...
I haven't contacted Ryan Fait yet, as I hoped this was a common "bug".
The way the script works is, it finds all elements with class="styled", hides it and then puts a span next to the element. Somehow in my sourcecode, for the asp:checkbox this happens too early I think. Look:
<input type="checkbox" class="styled" /><span class="styled"><input id="ctl00_contentPlaceHolderRightColumn_newsletter" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$contentPlaceHolderRightColumn$newsletter" /></span>
The span is there, visible and all, which it should not (I believe, as the first checkbox shows up in the style I want it to be, the second doesn't).
So far, I found a part of the problem. The javascript cannot change the asp checkbox somehow, but when I manually add the span the javascript is supposed to create, the checkbox doesn't work as a checkbox anymore. I added some details in my answer below.
Set an ID on your checkbox and then reference it by that ID, like so:
<asp:checkbox id="mycheck" />
Then reference it like this:
If that doesn't work, do what many, many web developers before you have done: download Firefox, install Firebug, and check your selector logic in the console. I find it's always easier to develop in Firefox, even when my target platform is IE.
I found part of the answer.
When I add the span the plugin creates manually like so:
<span class="checkbox" style="background-position: 0pt 0pt;"><asp:CheckBox ... /></span>
I do get the nicely looking checkbox UNDERNEATH the actual checkbox!
However, the styled box is not interactive. It doesn't change when I click it or hover over it nor does it register the click. It's basically not a checkbox anymore, just a goodlooking square. The actual asp checkbox that shows up does register clicks, but it's the ugly standard one.
<span class="checkbox" style="background-position: 0pt 0pt;"><asp:CheckBox ID="anId" runat="server" style="visibility: hidden;" /></span>
The visibility: hidden makes the "real" checkbox dissappear and leaves the goodlooking yet broken one.
Got it.
Forget about the RyanFait Solution, this one works on ALL checkboxes. :D
var boxes;
var imgCheck = 'Images/checkbox-aangevinkt.png';
var imgUncheck = 'Images/checkbox.png';
function replaceChecks(){
boxes = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
if(boxes[i].getAttribute('type') == 'checkbox') {
var img = document.createElement('img');
if(boxes[i].checked) {
img.src = imgCheck;
} else {
img.src = imgUncheck;
} = 'checkImage'+i;
img.onclick = new Function('checkChange('+i+')');
boxes[i].parentNode.insertBefore(img, boxes[i]);
function checkChange(i) {
if(boxes[i].checked) {
boxes[i].checked = '';
} else {
boxes[i].checked = 'checked';
I think that your problem could be caused by the fact that asp:CheckBox controls are automatically wrapped in a span tag by default, and setting the CssClass attribute on the asp:CheckBox control actually adds the class to the span (not the input) tag.
You can set the class on the input tag using the 'InputAttributes' as follows:
<asp:checkbox id="chkMyCheckbox" />
This should then allow you to target the checkbox with your existing JavaScript.
You don't need to use the 'type' attribute. Does the following work for you?
$(document).ready(function() {
