POP3 commands in TCP sampler in Jmeter - tcp

Using TCP sampler in Jmeter, I am connected successfully with a pop3 server and set "USER username" as text to send it works and server response over to send the second command.
Can any help me to send the second command "PASS password" one TCP sampler with multiple commands or need to add more TCP sampler for a single command?

I doubt you will be able to do this using JMeter's TCP Sampler, you can try HTTP Raw Request plugin which has option to keep the connection open so you will be able to pass multiple commands within the same TCP session. The HTTP Raw Request sampler can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
However I'm under impression that you're doing something weird. Connecting to POP3 server via telnet is not something the majority of users will do and if you need to load test an email server you should be simulating user actions with 100% accuracy. JMeter comes with Mail Reader Sampler which can be used for fetching messages using POP3 or IMAP protocols which is much closer to real email clients and much easier to implement. See Load Testing Your Email Server: How to Send and Receive E-mails with JMeter for more information if needed


Are communication protocol Half-duplex or Full-duplex?

I know there are a lot of different comminucation protocals like: http, tcp, ssh, socks5, SMTP, POP,etc.
I also know that to achieve a comminication, we need to connect localhost:localport to remotehost:remoteport. For example, if we google something, we would connect a random local port to www.google.com: 80. If we ssh a remote host, we would connect a random local port to remotehost: 22.
My question is: Are communication protocol Half-duplex or Full-duplex?
I guess the answer is Half-duplex. Because I think in http connection, at first we send the request from localhost:localport to remotehost:80, and then the remote server send its response from remotehost:80 to localhost:localport. Similarly, in ssh connection, at first we sent the ssh commands to remote host, after receiving the commands, the remote host do something and send the results back to the local host.
So I think in one connection between localhost:localport and remotehost:remoteport, the message is sent either from localhost:localport to remotehost:remoteport, or from remotehost:remoteport to localhost:localport.
Am I right?
As explained in this article:
SSH is a bidirectional full duplex protocol, which means that it’s not synchronous like HTTP where you need to send a message for a response to happen.
With SSH the remote host might want to tell you something even if you have remained silent. This connector uses a callback flow approach to decouple the “sending” operation from the “receiving” operation.
As documented in this IETF draft, most implementations do allow full-duplex HTTP (for 2xx responses).
Full-duplex HTTP follows the basic HTTP request-response semantics but also allows the server to send response body to the client at the same time when the client is transmitting request body to the server.
Requirements for full-duplex HTTP are under-specified in the existing HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1) specification, and this memo intends to clarify the requirements of full-duplex HTTP on top of the basic HTTP protocol semantics.

How to check http(s) request connection status?

Story: In a client-server system I use a long time connection(an http(s) request from client to server with a long time timeout) in order to use notify client to do some actions(Most of data transfer is from client to server but some commands send to client in response of this http(s) request).
Problem: If client cancel the connection server can understand that but if internet connection of client loses(e.g, unplug the LAN cable or it loses the WLAN/GPRS antenna) neither client nor server understand this. Connection still remains until (some time spends and) somebody writes something in it which is too late.
PS: 0) I googled with AKC/NACK, Keep-alive, ping-pong and heartbeat key words for http(s) request and could not find a protocol which it periodically check the status of request.
1) In this you can find an argument for curl command which sets a time interval to send a props(also I monitored this with wireshark). But if still if you unplug the cable neither curl command nor server can understand the connection lost.
curl -k --keepalive-time 5 https://exampel.com/v1/v/f9a64e73/notification
2) Also here explains that there is an http header which is used to use a connection multiple time.
In server side and with nginx web-server we can enable TCP keep-alive probe with so_keepalive=on as listen input argument. Find more information in this link.

How can a third person read the HTTP request headers, if those are transported via HTTP (insecure)?

My question is about networking. I'm just looking for a simple answer, yet I couldn't find one after 1 hour research. I know there are techniques such as Wi-Fi Hotspot, man-in-the-middle-attack, local network, echo switch, etc. But I couldn't find an answer to my specific question.
Let's say, client A wants to communicate with server B, and server B says client A must authenticate himself via HTTP basic authentication first. My question is, what happens if client A sends the authentication credentials via HTTP layer (insecure), who can read the HTTP headers that the client A sends to server B over the internet? Would it be easy to do that? Like placing a breakpoint between two arbitrary routers, which help to transfer the packets across the internet, in order to read those headers? How does it work in general?
Thank you!
PS.: I am not trying to learn and do it. I just want to know, how dangerous it would be, if the HTTP basic auth is made via the insecure HTTP layer.
Who can read the HTTP headers that the client A sends to server B over
the internet?
Your Network Provider (e.g Wi-fi hotspot Provider).
Your Domain Name System server (DNS, as
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Your Virtual Private Network if using one (VPN server).
Yourself Or a Virus.
and here comes the HTTPS (HTTP + SSL Encryption)
SSL is about communicating in a language that you and the server only understand.
How dangerous it would be if the HTTP basic auth is made via the insecure HTTP layer?
Well, from above, You can totally get that a simple virus or even a public Wi-fi Hotspot Device can capture and see all of your data if the communication was done in a plain HTTP Socket.
A Simple packet may contain all of your Device information including its basic contents as your passwords, credit cards information, The HTML form for the signup/login that you've just completed with all its data, VoIP Calls and messages being sent to the server + upcoming/received ones.
that's why we need SSL encryption and the server should have a valid SSL certificate too.
By the way, your device may have sent thousands of packets while you read this now!
Capturing the packets that your device sends or even the packets that other devices on your network send can be done through any packet capturing tool or software as Wireshark.

How asp.net websites work in terms of network models?

My understanding regarding network model communication:
Application layer:
1. HTTP(Not Persistent or stateless): For exchanging messages like get, post, put etc. Here connection is made to webserver and disconnected after sending response. So server will not keep track of the previous requests.
2. Websockets(Persistent or statefull): For creating a communication channel that will be open to exchange data. Here we can keep track of the previous requests. Like we can know how many users are currently connected to our server.
Transport layer:
TCP(Persistant and Statefull): Will let the server know to which application to connect using port number. Both HTTP and web sockets will work upon this layer.
Considering working with HTTP and TCP:
I make a HTTP request from browser(application layer):
Connects to web server sends all files requested and also makes a TCP connection with the application(transport layer).
After sending response it's disconnected.
My confusion:
I got totally confused when I heard, read that TCP is Statefull and Persistant connection.
Q1. Now after step three is browser still connected to webserver because of TCP?
Q2. Is the context object we get in server side in c# code is the complete request packet with HTTP info, TCP info, function to invoke or controller to invoke in MVC etc?
Q3. If client and server are still connected with TCP. Then on next HTTP request does it will use the available TCP connection or will create new TCP and HTTP connection? Why can't it use previous TCP to communicate? Or TCP will be destroyed after HTTP? Or what's happening?

Can I reuse my existing TCP-Server?

At the moment I have an existing application which basically consists of a desktop GUI and a TCP server. The client connects to the server, and the server notifies the client if something interesting happens.
Now I'm supposed to replace the desktop GUI by a web GUI, and I'm wondering if I have to rewrite the server to send http packets instead of tcp packets or if I can somehow use some sort of proxy to grab the tcp packets and forward them to the web client?
Do I need some sort of comet server?
If you can make your client ask something like "Whats new pal?" to your server from time to time you can start implementing HTTP server emulator over TCP - its fun and easy process. And you could have any web based GUI.
You can just add to your TCP responds Http headers - itll probably do=)
So I mean HTTP is just a TCP with some headers like shown in here.
You should probably install fiddler and monitor some http requests/ responses you normally do on the web and you'll get how to turn your TCP server into http emulator=)
If you want keep sockets based approche use flash (there is some socket api) or silverlight (there is socket API and you can go for NetTcpBinding or Duplexbinding something like that - it would provide you with ability to receive messages from server when server wants you to receive them (server pushes messages))
So probably you should tall us which back end you plan to use so we could recomend to you something more usefull.
