Capture the column index in R or excel for a series of data for a condition - r

I would like to capture the index value for any value less than 500 for a series of data.
Below is how my data looks like
For example, in the first row, Price6 is the first element for the series between Price1 to Price6, where value is less than 500, hence in the output "First" has 6.
Similarly, for second row, Price4 has less than 500, and next Price5 has less than 500, hence the value for First and Second are 4,5 respectively for the series of data between price1 and Price6.
When nothing is capture in the logic, i want to place a "-" for the same.
Below is the output i am looking for.
Not sure how to do the same in R or excel.
Any leads would be highly appreciated.

Using data.table
dt[, when := melt(dt, id.vars = "Category")[, toString(which(value < 500)), Category][, V1]]
cbind(dt, dt[, tstrsplit(when, ", ", fill = "-")])
Category Price1 Price2 Price3 Price4 Price5 Price6 when V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1: Product1 967 855 929 811 501 387 6 6 - - - -
2: Product2 526 809 723 304 315 671 4, 5 4 5 - - -
3: Product3 412 133 369 930 400 337 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 1 2 3 5 6
4: Product4 709 241 625 822 967 952 2 2 - - - -
5: Product5 395 506 110 280 829 817 1, 3, 4 1 3 4 - -
6: Product6 803 618 794 214 605 788 4 4 - - - -
Now you just need to replace the names V1-V5 and drop column when.
dt <- fread("Category,Price1,Price2,Price3,Price4,Price5,Price6

One can try apply and tidyr::separate based solution as:
# First merge the data after moving values < 500 in left.
# The empty places should be filled with `-`
df$DesiredData <- apply(df[2:7],1,function(x){
value <- x[x<500]
paste0(c(value,rep("-",length(x)-length(value))),collapse = ",")
# Now use `separate` function to split column in 6 desired columns
df %>% separate("DesiredData",
c("First","Second","Third","Fourth","Fifth","Sixth"), sep = ",")
# Category Price1 Price2 Price3 Price4 Price5 Price6 First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
# 1 Product1 967 855 929 811 501 387 387 - - - - -
# 2 Product2 526 809 723 304 315 671 304 315 - - - -
# 3 Product3 412 133 369 930 400 337 412 133 369 400 337 -
# 4 Product4 709 241 625 822 967 952 241 - - - - -
# 5 Product5 395 506 110 280 829 817 395 110 280 - - -
# 6 Product6 803 618 794 214 605 788 214 - - - - -
df <- read.table(text="
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep=",")


Remove row with specific value

I have the following data:
sales <- data.table(Customer = c(192,964,929,345,898,477,705,804,188,231,780,611,420,816,171,212,504,526,471,979,524,410,557,152,417,359,435,820,305,268,763,194,757,475,351,933,805,687,813,880,798,327,602,710,785,840,446,891,165,662),
Producttype = c(1,2,3,2,3,3,2,1,3,3,1,1,2,2,1,3,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,3,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,3,2,1,2,3,1),
Price = c(469,721,856,956,554,188,429,502,507,669,427,582,574,992,418,835,652,983,149,917,370,617,876,337,663,252,599,949,915,556,313,842,892,724,415,307,900,114,439,456,541,261,881,757,199,308,958,374,409,738),
Quarter = c(2,3,3,4,4,1,4,4,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,2,1,3,1,2,3,3,4,4,1,1,4,1,1,3,2,1,3,3,2,2,2,1,4,3,3,1,1,1,3,1,1))
How can I remove (let's say) the row in which Customer = 891?
And then I have another question:
If I want to manipulate the data I use data [row, column]. But when I want to use only the rows in which Quarter equals (for example) 4. I use data [Quarter = 4,] Why is it not data [, Quarter = 4] since Quarter is a column and not a row?
I did not find an appropriate answer in the internet which really explains the why.
Thank you.
You have used 'data.table' function to import your data, so you could write :
sales[Customer != 891,]
The data[Quarter = 4, ], ensures that all columns should be returned for the rows where Quarter is equal to 4. The comma(,) is necessary to only select the rows, and not the column Quarter = 4.
When you use indexing, ie, data[row, column] you are telling R to look for either a specific row or column index.
Row: sales[sales$Customer %in% c(192,964),] translates to "search the specific column Customer in the data frame (or table) for any rows that have values that contain 192 or 964 and isolate them. Note that data.table will allow for sales[Customer %in% c(192, 964),] but data frames cant (use sales[sales$Customer %in% c(192,964),])
Customer Producttype Price Quarter
1: 192 1 469 2
2: 964 2 721 3
Columns sales[, "Customer"] translates to "search the data frame (or table) for columns named "Customer" and isolate all its rows
1: 192
2: 964
3: 929
4: 345
5: 898
Note this returns a data table with one column. If you use sales[,Customer] (data table) or sales$Customer (data frame), it will return a vector:
# [1] 192 964 929 345 898 477 705 804 188 231 780 611 420 816 171 212 504 526 471 979 524
# [22] 410 557 152 417 359 435 820 305 268 763 194 757 475 351 933 805 687 813 880 798 327
# [43] 602 710 785 840 446 891 165 662
You can of course combine - if you did, sales[sales$Quarter %in% 1:2, c("Customer", "Producttype")] you would isolate all values of Customer and Producttype which were in quarters 1 and 2:
Customer Producttype
1: 192 1
2: 477 3
3: 780 1
4: 611 1
5: 420 2

R - Percentage of whole dataframe per column

I have a data frame reporting the count of answers per question (this is just a part of it), and I'd like to obtain the answer percentage for each question. I've found adorn_percentages, but it computes the percentage by dividing the values for the whole data frame, meanwhile, I just want the percentage for each column. Each column has a total of 2230 answers.
I was thinking to use something like (x/2230)*100 but I don't know how to go on.
df<-data.frame(q1=c(159,139,1048,571,93), q2=c(106,284,1043,672,125), q3=c(99,222,981,843,94))
q1 q2 q3
1 159 106 99
2 139 284 222
3 1048 1043 981
4 571 672 843
5 93 125 94
We may use colSums to do the division after making the lengths same
100 * df/colSums(df)[col(df)]
or use sweep
100 * sweep(df, 2, colSums(df), `/`)
Or use proportions
df[paste0(names(df), "_prop")] <- 100 * proportions(as.matrix(df), 2)
> df
q1 q2 q3 q1_prop q2_prop q3_prop
1 159 106 99 7.910448 4.753363 4.421617
2 139 284 222 6.915423 12.735426 9.915141
3 1048 1043 981 52.139303 46.771300 43.814203
4 571 672 843 28.407960 30.134529 37.650737
5 93 125 94 4.626866 5.605381 4.198303
You can apply prop.table for each column -
df %>% mutate(across(.fns = prop.table, .names = '{col}_prop') * 100)
# q1 q2 q3 q1_prop q2_prop q3_prop
#1 159 106 99 7.910448 4.753363 4.421617
#2 139 284 222 6.915423 12.735426 9.915141
#3 1048 1043 981 52.139303 46.771300 43.814203
#4 571 672 843 28.407960 30.134529 37.650737
#5 93 125 94 4.626866 5.605381 4.198303

Using dplyr to compute calculated fields depending on multiple columns without explicitly writing column names

Consider the following code.
df <- data.frame(
NUM_1 =, replace = TRUE),
DENOM_1 =, replace = TRUE),
NUM_2 =, replace = TRUE),
DENOM_2 =, replace = TRUE)
1 417 379 154 173
2 160 437 239 154
3 243 315 106 361
4 291 169 393 340
5 170 450 429 421
6 422 131 75 64
Without having to manually specify each of the column names (the actual problem has about 40 of these I need to create), I would like to create columns FRAC_1 and FRAC_2 for which FRAC_X = NUM_X/DENOM_X.
So, this would be what I'm looking for with regard to output, but since I'm dealing with about 40 of these, I don't want to have to manually type out each column:
df_frac <- df %>%
mutate(FRAC_1 = NUM_1 / DENOM_1,
FRAC_2 = NUM_2 / DENOM_2)
1 417 379 154 173 1.1002639 0.8901734
2 160 437 239 154 0.3661327 1.5519481
3 243 315 106 361 0.7714286 0.2936288
4 291 169 393 340 1.7218935 1.1558824
5 170 450 429 421 0.3777778 1.0190024
6 422 131 75 64 3.2213740 1.1718750
I would strongly prefer a dplyr solution to this. I thought maybe I could use mutate() with across(), but it isn't clear to me how to tell across() to pair the NUM_x with the corresponding DENOM_x columns.
Here is one in tidyverse
Loop across the columns with names starts_with 'NUM'
Extract the column name cur_column(), replace the substring from 'NUM' to 'DENOM' in str_replace
get the column value, divide by the NUM column, and change the column name in .names to create the 'FRAC' columns
df <- df %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("NUM"), ~
./get(str_replace(cur_column(), 'NUM', 'DENOM')),
.names = "{str_replace(.col, 'NUM', 'FRAC')}"))
1 417 379 154 173 1.1002639 0.8901734
2 160 437 239 154 0.3661327 1.5519481
3 243 315 106 361 0.7714286 0.2936288
4 291 169 393 340 1.7218935 1.1558824
5 170 450 429 421 0.3777778 1.0190024
6 422 131 75 64 3.2213740 1.1718750

Finding overlap in dataframe ranges in R

I have two bedfiles as dataframes in R, for which I want to map all overlapping regions to each other (similar to what bedtools closest would be able to do).
chr start end
2 100 500
2 200 250
3 275 300
chr start end
2 210 265
2 99 106
8 275 290
chr start.A end.A start.B end.B
2 100 500 210 265
2 100 500 99 106
2 200 250 210 265
Now, I found this very similar question, which suggest to use iRanges. Using the proposed way seems works, but I have no idea how to turn the output into a data frame like "BedOut".
Another data.table option using foverlaps:
setkeyv(BedA, names(BedA))
setkeyv(BedB, names(BedB))
ans <- foverlaps(BedB, BedA, nomatch=0L)
setnames(ans, c("start","end","i.start","i.end"), c("start.A","end.A","start.B","end.B"))
chr start.A end.A start.B end.B
1: 2 100 500 99 106
2: 2 100 500 210 265
3: 2 200 250 210 265
BedA <- fread("chr start end
2 100 500
2 200 250
3 275 300")
BedB <- fread("chr start end
2 210 265
2 99 106
8 275 290")
Here is a solution using the data.table package.
chr = c(2,2,3)
start.A = c(100, 200, 275)
end.A = c(500, 250, 300)
df_A = data.table(chr, start.A, end.A)
chr = c(2,2,8)
start.B = c(210, 99, 275)
end.B = c(265, 106, 290)
df_B = data.table(chr, start.B, end.B)
First, inner join the data-tables on the key chr:
df_out = df_B[df_A, on="chr", nomatch=0]
Then filter the overlapping interval:
df_out = df_out[(start.A>=start.B & start.A<=end.B) | (start.B>=start.A & start.B<=end.A)]
setcolorder(df_out, c("chr", "start.A", "end.A", "start.B", "end.B"))
chr start.A end.A start.B end.B
1: 2 100 500 210 265
2: 2 100 500 99 106
3: 2 200 250 210 265

Row wise operation on data.table

Let's say I'd like to calculate the magnitude of the range over a few columns, on a row-by-row basis.
dat <- data.frame(x=sample(1:1000,1000),
Using data.frame(), I would do something like this:
dat$diff_range <- apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
To put it more simply, I'm looking for this operation, over each row:
diff(range(dat[1,]) # for i 1:nrow(dat)
If I were doing this for the entire table, it would be something like:
setDT(dat)[,diff_range := apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))]
But how would I do it for only named (or numbered) rows?
pmax and pmin find the min and max across columns in a vectorized way, which is much better than splitting and working with each row separately. It's also pretty concise:
dat[, r :=,.SD) -,.SD)]
x y z r
1: 266 531 872 606
2: 372 685 967 595
3: 572 383 866 483
4: 906 953 437 516
5: 201 118 192 83
996: 768 945 292 653
997: 61 231 965 904
998: 771 145 18 753
999: 841 148 839 693
1000: 857 252 218 639
How about this:
# I V1
#1: 1 971
#2: 2 877
#3: 3 988
#4: 4 241
#5: 15 622
#6: 16 684
#7: 17 971
#8: 18 835
#actually this will be faster
use .I to give you an index to call with the by= parameter, then you can run the function on each row. The second call pre-filters by any list of row numbers, or you can add a key and filter on that if your real table looks different.
You can do it by subsetting before/during the function. If you only want every second row for example
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[seq(2,1000,by=2),],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
Or for rownames 1:10 (since their names weren't specified they are just numbers counting up)
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[rownames(dat) %in% 1:10,],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
But why not just calculate per row then subset later?
