How to hide domain name before path? - wordpress

I was looking for something new for wordpress, I was trying to find all the paid and free plugins but there is no way to hide the domain name in the path.
I would like to ask if Wordpress can do this?
Can you help me with something to get url like in the picture ???

That is a local URL, so they have to be stored locally on your machine and loaded in by a file located on your machine.

If I am reading this correctly than just do what the image says. It isn't that hard. I did it countless times. If you mean like how to hide domain names in the link than refer to this link and scroll down and go to the "external" tutorial area. And if you mean like in javascript than refer to this link and go to the external part of the page. If this didn't help you or I misunderstood than please put more information.


Font awesome icons not showing in Wordpress after site address URL change

This may be an obvious question for those of you more advanced in coding than myself...but I created a website in WordPress but their domain is hosted elsewhere. They changed the A name and it now points to the site, but the font awesome icons are now square boxes. How can I fix this? Is there a simple way?
Many thanks for any help/guidance.
Super late, but hopefully this saves someone a lot of time. After migrating an existing Wordpress site to a new domain, I too encountered icons missing (both on the front-end and the back-end administration). After a long search and applying different methods, I found the database still listed the original/old domain within the "option" table.
Using phpMyAdmin, select the "option" table. Within "option" you will see the "site" and "home" rows. If the value has the old domains, you will need to change it to match the sites URLs (Located on the Administration dashboard under Settings > WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL). To change the value, click Edit > and update the URL.
Fix the problem in less then 2 mins. Simple replacement of /font-awesome/5.13.0/css/fontawesome.min.css with /font-awesome/5.13.0/css/all.min.css and also font-awesome/5.13.0/js/fontawesome.min.js with /font-awesome/5.13.0/js/all.min.js can fix this issue.
I know this is 2 years old, but I just ran into a similar problem and the answer given by Owais did not feel right to me (getting CSS from another site).
This happened to me for the exact same reason as it did for OP. I migrated my website to another host and another domain-name. After doing that I ran a rename-script for the DB (thousants of hard-coded URLs were replaced).
However, as it turns out, my theme was also using hard-coded URLs in the CSS files and in some JS files, as they were generated (upload/fusion-scripts and upload/fusion-styles). After replacing the hardcoded URLs in these files (I used visual studio, but you can use any bulk-replace tool) everything worked fine again.
Just another idea to throw in here - after transferring the site to the new server, and running this handy script to replace all references of the old url with the new one, I was still having the same issue with font awesome. The solution was to go to Settings / General and set the Endurance Cache to Off (0). Refreshed the site and all was well.
In my case, I had that problem changing the url using the constants WP_HOME WP_SITEURL at wp-config.php
When I changed through the wp-admin using the RELOCATE flag, worked
As you may know, this is the official doc about it
I had this problem so many times but this time I found the full proof solution for this issue:
Open PhpMyAdmin and then click on wp_options table.
In this, you will see a table with a name(according to your theme name) something like "theme_options_css" edit it and change the URL from old to new.
The problem might occur due to Http to Https migration also. So for that also change Http to Https manually in the same table and the problem will be resolved the moment you save your table.

Broken WP images after domain move

I have just moved a site from the domain to and all the images seem to be broken. I know this is a common issue, but my problem seems particuylarly complex.
After the move, I used the 'Better Search Replace' plugin to replace all absolute links in the database. I am seeing the broken img icon in all instances, wether in the Media Library or the Front end.
However, here's the interesting bit, if I inspect the image code and manually visit the URL, the images are all there. Something is stopping them pulling through to the main site.
The issue also seems to apply to background images and favicons too.
Any suggestions?
The image urls look right, it is most likely not a problem with wrong siteurl and homeurl as codenathan pointed out, but it is still a good idea to check. My instinct would say it is a problem with routing/permalinks. Try updateing the permalink structrue, or even try deactivating pretty permalinks and see if it helps.
I observed that your website forwards you to the main page (not the 404 page) when you put in the image url directly into the address bar. Do you have access to your server logs? Try locking at Apache's access.log to find out what happens to the .jpg requests.
My last guess would be a permission issue with the uploads folder, but there is no way to know without log files.
Hope it helps.
you may want to open the database and look at the table called wp_options
and look at column labelled option_name and look for the records for : -
siteurl and homeurl, and if these records still reference the old site replace them with the new site domain.

Change source in frame from an external link

Okay Internet, got a doosy here.
Let me try to explain this the best I can.
I have a website, and on one of its page it has an iframe.
the link to this website is
Here's what i need to do:
I need to create a link to but change the source in the side the iframe. I've read some things on stackoverflow but they didn't help explain what i need to do.

How to prepare all urls for a transfer from: Domain/ftpfolder/page to domain2/page?

Right now I'm bulding a wordpress website on my server. Urls are
Problem that I have is that I'm going to have to transfer this website to the client's server and links will be like this
Wordpress Address & Site URL can fix this easily, however, not all links in the website will be changed as some of them are entered manually. I did the test already.
My question is: How do I write all images/pages links in order to be ready for the transfer?
I thought I could name all of them <a href="./page"> but this creates mistakes for some links.
For eg. I have to some images in a page called "expertise":
I want each image to link to a specific product (wordpress portfolio), for example:
If I use <a href="./portfolio/products1">, then the link becomes: which doesn't work because /expertise/portfolio doesn't exist as mentioned two lines above (because I'm using wordpress pages and portfolios, so categories are bypassed)
So should I write all my links: and then replace this by in the database? If yes, how do I do it?Or is there another technique I'm not aware of to simplify my links? Or should I rethink the way my content is organised, but I'm not sure how.
Hope this makes sense, sorry for my bad English. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Use "Search and Replace Script" as advised by the WordPress Codex.
Use to replace 1 with 2:
Oh, did I tell you to do a backup first?

Url Routing/Rewriting in ASP.NET

We want to add some more data tracking to our website and we want to attach a keyword onto the end of a url.
I have something like this
and I want it to look like this
I've been searching the internet trying to figure out how to do this and I haven't really come up with anything. I'm able to paste those urls in and get to the right page but I don't actually know how to make those pages have those urls when they load. I realize this question is pretty open ended but I'm basically looking for some starting points on some more searches as I don't think I've been phrasing things the best. Thanks in advance.
If you're using IIS 7 or 7.5 you can use the Microsoft URL Rewriter module, otherwise there are some third party ones for IIS6 and 5.
There are several examples at:
So are you saying you go to one of those URLs and it shows what you expect, but the URL is changing (so it doesn't have the suffix)?
Have you tried using urlrewriter?
A few references :
Hope this helps you.
