PACT Bamboo Test Result Parser - pact

I am using pact-provider-gradle project and am outputting the results of our contract tests to both the console and to a JSON report. Unfortunately their is no plugin for PACT on Bamboo. Is there another way around this? It would be much easier if the gradle project for the provider allowed you to output results in XML so I could use the junit parser.

Can you raise a feature request in pact-jvm please? Are you interested in contributing? Ron Holshausen, the maintainer, would be happy to point you in the right direction.


Documentation of Hydra Config

Hydra provides a way to dynamically create a hierarchical configuration by composition and override it through config files and the command line, leveraging OmegaConf. I look for a recommended way to document the parameters but I could not find (a documented) one. What are best practices for that? Coming from argparse, I like the way of documenting the parameter inline, i.e. close to the code.
Excellent question! The answer is: parameter-by-parameter documentation is not yet implemented (as of Hydra v1.1, OmegaConf v2.1).
The future plans are:
in OmegaConf, expose an API allowing users to attach documentation (and other metadata) to each field of a structured config. See this open OmegaConf issue.
Once the above is complete, implement a Hydra feature allowing a parameter-specific help messages to be printed based on the parameter's metadata. See this open Hydra issue.
For now, the best we can do is to customize the general application help message (i.e. the --help command line flag).

Python 3.X Robot Framework: Library To Use to push SOAP Request To Services/Listener

I am trying to learn about any library which is good to use with Python 3.X where Script can send the SOAP/XML request to Listener/Services and Capture the response.
HttpLibrary.HTTP cant work with python 3. similar case with JASONLibrary. Any suggestions?
I used "suds" library to send SOAP requests and it worked fine.
Please give it a try. The instructions are in the below link
Also check the Robot Suds library

Interacting with OptaPlanner through CLI instead of GUI

I am looking for a way to interact with OptaPlanner directly from the command line interface (CLI) without having to use the graphical user interface (GUI).
More specifically, I am looking to pass an XML file to the Employee Rostering function, and to get the solved XML back. Ultimately, I am looking to interact with OctaPlanner from my PHP application.
Any documentation for this?
Here is some what of an example of what I which to achieve:
The UI is only for the examples. Take a look at which solves without a UI.
Or, if you're looking for a more enterprise approach, use OptaPlanner Execution Server (also ASL), which exposes everything as REST api's.

Configure an sbt build for a test framework of your own

In one vein of thought I would like to configure a build with a custom task that will serve instead of the test default task. I will not be registering it as an "sbt test framework" as I'd like to avoid the syntax, limitations and history that comes with that. For example I'd like more flexibility in formatting, storing and sending test results.
Would it be possible introducing an sbt task to mimic sbt's default test task, in the following essential senses:
depend on compilation
be a dependency for other tasks such as artifact publishing tasks, and have them depend on a success return value from it
be able to provide it with library dependencies which will be excluded from final publishable artifacts
be able to control it just like any other task dependency
Alternatively, are you able to delineate the structure of the mostly undocumented sbt TestFramework interface to a level that it's straightforward having your own formatting, test output logic, and test results publishing code, in your TestFramework implementation? I have mostly failed locating scalaTest's implementation of it.
Thanks in advance for you answers on both techniques.

Apache Camel AHC component examples test-sources jar

I am creating a POC using Apache Camel 2.8 and its AHC component.
I could not find any examples on Apache Camel's website's Examples section for the same.
Also on the AHC component detail page examples only show request being sent to a single URL.For sending requests to multiple URLs in aysnchronous manner and handling their callbacks and responses I cannot see any examples.
If anybody has worked on this and can point me to where I can find the desired examples I would be very much thankful.
Also I was looking out for the unit tests for Camel's AHC component in my local maven repository but could not find the test-sources JAR file.From where and how can I download the same? Unit tests would help in how to use the AHC component API.
I could find the test source code at this location
Is there any way in which I can download all the tests in the form of a JAR file?
The camel-ahc component is asynchronous by default.
See more details here and the links from that page:
So if you for example have a Camel route that does a request/reply using AHC, then you can do route messages concurrently, and the camel-ahc runs asynchronously.
