Stratifying multiple columns for cross-validation - r

There are many ways I've seen to stratify a sample by a single variable to use for cross-validation. The caret package does this nicely with the createFolds() function. By default it seems that caret will partition such that each fold has roughly the same target event rate.
What I want to do though is stratify by the target rate and by time. I've found a function that can partially do this, it's the splitstackshape package and uses the stratified() function. The issue with that function though is it returns a single sample, it doesn't split the data into k groups under the given conditions.
Here's some dummy data to reproduce.
time = rep(seq(1:10),100)
target = rbinom(n=100, size=1, prob=0.3)
data =,target))
0 1
1 60 40
2 80 20
3 80 20
4 60 40
5 80 20
6 80 20
7 60 40
8 60 40
9 70 30
10 80 20
As you can see, the target event rate is not the same across time. It's 40% in time 1 and 20% in time 2, etc. I want to preserve this when creating the folds used for cross-validation. If I understand correctly, caret will partition by the overall event rate.
0 1
710 290
This rate of ~30% will be preserved overall, but target event rate over time will not.
We can get one sample like this:
train.index <- stratified(data,c("target","time"),size=.2)
I need to repeat this though 4 more times for a 5-fold cross validation and it needs to be done such that once a row is assigned it can't be assigned again. I feel like there should be a function designed for this already. Any ideas?

I know this post is old but I just had the same problem and I couldn't find another solution. In case anyone else needs an answer, here's the solution I'm implementing.
mystratified <- function(indt, group, NUM_FOLDS) {
indt <- setDT(copy(indt))
if (is.numeric(group))
group <- names(indt)[group]
temp_grp <- temp_ind <- NULL
indt[, `:=`(temp_ind, .I)]
indt[, `:=`(temp_grp,, .SD)), .SDcols = group]
samp_sizes <- indt[, .N, by = group]
samp_sizes[, `:=`(temp_grp,, .SD)), .SDcols = group]
inds <- split(indt$temp_ind, indt$temp_grp)[samp_sizes$temp_grp]
z = unlist(inds,use.names=F)
model_folds <- suppressWarnings(split(z, 1:NUM_FOLDS))
Which is basically a rewriting of splitstackshape::stratified. It works like the following, giving as output a list of validation indeces for each fold.
myfolds = mystratified(indt = data, group = colnames(data), NUM_FOLDS = 5)
List of 5
$ 1: int [1:200] 1 91 181 261 351 441 501 591 681 761 ...
$ 2: int [1:200] 41 101 191 281 361 451 541 601 691 781 ...
$ 3: int [1:200] 51 141 201 291 381 461 551 641 701 791 ...
$ 4: int [1:200] 61 151 241 301 391 481 561 651 741 801 ...
$ 5: int [1:200] 81 161 251 341 401 491 581 661 751 841 ...
So, for instance the train and validation data for each fold are:
# first fold
train = data[-myfolds[[1]],]
valid = data[myfolds[[1]],]
# second fold
train = data[-myfolds[[2]],]
valid = data[myfolds[[2]],]
# etc...


Adding values of two columns on the same row to get a new value

Sorry for asking a very basic question but I am new to R and really stuck on a rather simple matter; I have the data frame below (2 rows and 7 columns):
Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
6 175 434 596 585 601 593 211
7 130 592 592 593 600 384 166
These values correspond with time duration (secs) for seven test conditions
col$names <- c(sup_b, hdt, sup_2, lbnp, sup_3, hut, sup_4)
and 17 rows (each row is for one study subject- I have only included first two rows).
I am trying to add values from row 1 col$sup_b (175) and row 1 col$hdt (434) to get the combined duration for the first two conditions i.e. 609 secs. I then add the value of the previous two cols (609) to the next col$sup_2 to get the total duration (609 + 596) and so on until the last condition col$sup_4.
I have tried the method below which is for subject 6 (row 1), which works fine, but I want to tidy this up and make it easier as I have 17 subjects (rows) and have been advised there is an easier way around this:
sup_b <- 175
hdt <- (sup_b + 434)
sup_2 <- (hdt + 596)
lbnp <- (sup_2 + 585)
sup_3 <- (hdt_lbnp + 601)
hut <- (sup_3 + 593)
sup_4 <- (hut + 211)
I want to be able to just change the number of row and have the data pulled across from the data frame rather than entering each individual time period; for instance:
line <- 1 ### the row I want which corresponds to the subject
sup_b <- df[line, 2]
hdt <-df[line, 2] + df[line, 3]
but I keep getting this warning message:
In Ops.factor(df[line, 2], df[line, 3]) : ‘+’ not meaningful for factor
I have even tried: colSums(df[,c(2:3)]), but get the following warning:
Error in colSums(df[, c(2:3)]) : 'x' must be numeric.
also tried: st$sum <- apply(df[,c(2:3)], 1, sum), which doesn't work either.
df1[-1] <- t(apply(df1[-1],1,cumsum))
# Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
# 1 6 175 609 1205 1790 2391 2984 3195
# 2 7 130 722 1314 1907 2507 2891 3057
df1 <- read.table(text="Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
6 175 434 596 585 601 593 211
7 130 592 592 593 600 384 166",h=T,strin=F)

R One sample test for set of columns for each row

I have a data set where I have the Levels and Trends for say 50 cities for 3 scenarios. Below is the sample data -
City <- paste0("City",1:50)
L1 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
L2 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
L3 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
T1 <- runif(50,0,3)
T2 <- runif(50,0,3)
T3 <- runif(50,0,3)
df <- data.frame(City,L1,L2,L3,T1,T2,T3)
Now, across the 3 scenarios I find the minimum Level and Minimum Trend using the below code -
df$L_min <- apply(df[,2:4],1,min)
df$T_min <- apply(df[,5:7],1,min)
Now I want to check if these minimum values are significantly different between the levels and trends respectively. So check L_min with columns 2-4 and T_min with columns 5-7. This needs to be done for each city (row) and if significant then return which column it is significantly different with.
It would help if some one could guide how this can be done.
Thank you!!
I'll put my idea here, nevertheless I'm looking forward for ideas for others.
> head(df)
City L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 L_min T_min
1 City1 251 176 263 1.162313 0.07196579 2.0925715 176 0.07196579
2 City2 385 406 264 0.353124 0.66089524 2.5613980 264 0.35312402
3 City3 437 333 426 2.625795 1.43547766 1.7667891 333 1.43547766
4 City4 431 405 493 2.042905 0.93041254 1.3872058 405 0.93041254
5 City5 101 429 100 1.731004 2.89794314 0.3535423 100 0.35354230
6 City6 374 394 465 1.854794 0.57909775 2.7485841 374 0.57909775
> df$FC <- rowMeans(df[,2:4])/df[,8]
> df <- df[order(-df$FC), ]
> head(df)
City L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 L_min T_min FC
18 City18 461 425 117 2.7786757 2.6577894 0.75974121 117 0.75974121 2.857550
38 City38 370 117 445 0.1103141 2.6890014 2.26174542 117 0.11031411 2.655271
44 City44 101 473 222 1.2754675 0.8667007 0.04057544 101 0.04057544 2.627063
10 City10 459 361 132 0.1529519 2.4678493 2.23373484 132 0.15295194 2.404040
16 City16 232 393 110 0.8628494 1.3995549 1.01689217 110 0.86284938 2.227273
15 City15 499 475 182 0.3679611 0.2519497 2.82647041 182 0.25194969 2.117216
Now you have the most different rows based on columns 2:4 at the top. Columns 5:7 in analogous way.
And some tips for stastical tests:
Always use t.test(parametrical, based on mean) instead of wilcoxon(u-mann whitney - non-parametrical, based on median), it has more power; HOWEVER:
-Data sets should be big ex. hipotesis: Montreal has taller citizens than Quebec; t.test will work fine when you take a 100 people from each city, so we have height measurment of 200 people 100 vs 100.
-Distribution should be close to normal distribution in all samples; or both samples should have similar distribution far from normal - it may be binominal. Anyway we can't use this test when one sample has normal distribution, and second hasn't.
-Size of both samples should be eqal, so 100 vs 100 is ok, but 87 vs 234 not exactly, p-value will be below 0.05, however it may be misrepresented.
If your data doesn't meet above conditions, I prefer non-parametrical test, less power but more resistant.

Creating data continuously using rnorm until an outlier occurs in R

Sorry for the confusing title, but i wasn't sure how to title what i am trying to do. My objective is to create a dataset of 1000 obs each would be the length of the run. I have created a phase1 dataset, from which a set of control limits are produced. What i am trying to do now is create a phase2 dataset most likely using rnorm. what im trying to do is create a repeat loop that will continuously create values in the phase2 dataset until one of those values is outside of the control limits produced from the phase1 dataset. for example if i had 3.0 and -3.0 as control limits the phase2 dataset would create a bunch of observations until obs 398 when the value here happens to be 3.45, thus stopping the creation of data. my objective is then to record the number 398. Furthermore, I am then trying to loop the code back to the phase1 dataset/ control limits portion and create a new set of control limits and then run another phase2, until i have 1000 run lengths recorded. the code i have for the phase1/ control limits works fine and looks like this:
meanshift= 0
sigmashift= 1
##### phase1 dataset/ control limits #####
phase1 <- matrix(rnorm(nphase1*varcount, 0, 1), nrow = nphase1, ncol=varcount)
mean_var <- apply(phase1, 2, mean)
std_var <- apply(phase1, 2, sd)
df_var <- data.frame(mean_var, std_var)
Upper_SPC_Limit_Method1 <- with(df_var, mean_var + 3 * std_var)
Lower_SPC_Limit_Method1 <- with(df_var, mean_var - 3 * std_var)
df_control_limits<- data.frame(Upper_SPC_Limit_Method1, Lower_SPC_Limit_Method1)
I have previously created this code in SAS and it looks like this. might be a better reference for what i am trying to achieve then me trying to explain it.
%macro phase2_dataset (n=,varcount=, meanshift=, sigmashift=, nphase1=,simID=,);
%do z=1 %to &n;
%phase1_dataset (n=&nphase1, varcount=&varcount);
data phase2; set control_limits n=lastobs;
call streaminit(0);
do until (phase2_var1<Lower_SPC_limit_method1_var1 or
phase2_var1 = rand("normal", &meanshift, &sigmashift);
ods exclude all;
proc means data=phase2;
var phase2_var1;
ods output summary=x;
ods select all;
data run_length; set x;
keep Phase2_var1_n;
proc append base= QA.Phase2_dataset&simID data=Run_length force; run;
Also been doing research about using a while loop in replace of the repeat loop.
Im new to R so Any ideas you are able to throw my way are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Using a while loop indeed seems to be the way to go. Here's what I think you're looking for:
set.seed(10) #Making results reproducible
replicate(100, { #100 is easier to display here
phase1 <- matrix(rnorm(nphase1*varcount, 0, 1), nrow = nphase1, ncol=varcount)
mean_var <- colMeans(phase1) #Slightly better than apply
std_var <- apply(phase1, 2, sd)
df_var <- data.frame(mean_var, std_var)
Upper_SPC_Limit_Method1 <- with(df_var, mean_var + 3 * std_var)
Lower_SPC_Limit_Method1 <- with(df_var, mean_var - 3 * std_var)
df_control_limits<- data.frame(Upper_SPC_Limit_Method1, Lower_SPC_Limit_Method1)
#Phase 2
x <- 0
count <- 0
while(x > Lower_SPC_Limit_Method1 && x < Upper_SPC_Limit_Method1) {
x <- rnorm(1)
count <- count + 1
The result is:
[1] 225 91 97 118 304 275 550 58 115 6 218 63 176 100 308 844 90 2758
[19] 161 311 1462 717 2446 74 175 91 331 210 118 1517 420 32 39 201 350 89
[37] 64 385 212 4 72 730 151 7 1159 65 36 333 97 306 531 1502 26 18
[55] 67 329 75 532 64 427 39 352 283 483 19 9 2 1018 137 160 223 98
[73] 15 182 98 41 25 1136 405 474 1025 1331 159 70 84 129 233 2 41 66
[91] 1 23 8 325 10 455 363 351 108 3
If performance becomes a problem, perhaps it would be interesting to explore some improvements, like creating more numbers with rnorm() at a time and then counting how many are necessary to exceed the limits and repeat if necessary.

R - setting equiprobability over a specific variable when sampling

I have a data set with more than 2 millions entries which I load into a data frame.
I'm trying to grab a subset of the data. I need around 10000 entries but I need the entries to be picked with equal probability on one variable.
This is what my data looks like with str(data):
'data.frame': 2685628 obs. of 3 variables:
$ category : num 3289 3289 3289 3289 3289 ...
$ id: num 8064180 8990447 747922 9725245 9833082 ...
$ text : chr "text1" "text2" "text3" "text4" ...
You've noticed that I have 3 variables : category,id and text.
I have tried the following :
> sample_data <- data[sample(nrow(data),10000,replace=FALSE),]
Of course this works, but the probability of sample if not equal. Here is the output of count(sample_data$category) :
x freq
1 3289 707
2 3401 341
3 3482 160
4 3502 243
5 3601 1513
6 3783 716
7 4029 423
8 4166 21
9 4178 894
10 4785 31
11 5108 121
12 5245 2178
13 5637 387
14 5946 1484
15 5977 117
16 6139 664
Update: Here is the output of count(data$category) :
x freq
1 3289 198142
2 3401 97864
3 3482 38172
4 3502 59386
5 3601 391800
6 3783 201409
7 4029 111075
8 4166 6749
9 4178 239978
10 4785 6473
11 5108 32083
12 5245 590060
13 5637 98785
14 5946 401625
15 5977 28769
16 6139 183258
But when I try setting the probability I get the following error :
> catCount <- length(unique(data$category))
> probabilities <- rep(c(1/catCount),catCount)
> train_set <- data[sample(nrow(data),10000,prob=probabilities),]
Error in, size, replace, prob) :
incorrect number of probabilities
I understand that the sample function is randomly picking between the row number but I can't figure out how to associate that with the probability over the categories.
Question : How can I sample my data over an equal probability for the category variable?
Thanks in advance.
I guess you could do this with some simple base R operation, though you should remember that you are using probabilities here within sample, thus getting the exact amount per each combination won't work using this method, though you can get close enough for large enough sample.
Here's an example data
data <- data.frame(category = sample(rep(letters[1:10], seq(1000, 10000, by = 1000)), 55000))
probs <- 1/prop.table(table(data$category)) # Calculating relative probabilities
data$probs <- probs[match(data$category, names(probs))] # Matching them to the correct rows
train_set <- data[sample(nrow(data), 1000, prob = data$probs), ] # Sampling
table(train_set$category) # Checking frequencies
# a b c d e f g h i j
# 94 103 96 107 105 99 100 96 107 93
Edit: So here's a possible data.table equivalent
setDT(data)[, probs := .N, category][, probs := .N/probs]
train_set <- data[sample(.N, 1000, prob = probs)]
Edit #2: Here's a very nice solution using the dplyr package contributed by #Khashaa and #docendodiscimus
The nice thing about this solution is that it returns the exact sample size within each group
train_set <- data %>%
group_by(category) %>%
Edit #3:
It seems that data.table equivalent to dplyr::sample_n would be
train_set <- setDT(data)[data[, sample(.I, 1000), category]$V1]
Which will also return the exact sample size within each group

Find the non zero values and frequency of those values in R

I have a data which has two parameters, they are data/time and flow. The flow data is intermittent flow. Lets say at times there is zero flow and suddenly the flow starts and there will be non-zero values for sometime and then the flow will be zero again. I want to understand when the non-zero values occur and how long does each non-zero flow last. I have attached the sample dataset at this location
The data is 1 minute data.
I was able to import the data into R as follows:
flow <- read.csv("sampledataflow.csv")
names(flow) <- c("Date","discharge")
flow$Date <- strptime(flow$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
plot(flow$Date, flow$discharge,type="l")
I made plot to see the distribution but couldn't get a clue where to start to get the frequency of each non zero values. I would like to see a output table as follows:
Date Duration in Minutes
Please let me know if I am not clear here. Thanks.
Additional Info:
I think we need to check the non-zero value first and then find how many non zero values are there continuously before it reaches zero value again. What I want to understand is the flow release durations. For eg. in one day there might be multiple releases and I want to note at what time did the release start and how long did it continue before coming to value zero. I hope this explain the problem little better.
The first point is that you have too many NA in your data. In case you want to look into it.
If I understand correctly, you require the count of continuous 0's followed by continuous non-zeros, zeros, non-zeros etc.. for each date.
This can be achieved with rle of course, as also mentioned by #mnel under comments. But there are quite a few catches.
First, I'll set up the data with non-NA entries:
flow <- read.csv("~/Downloads/sampledataflow.csv")
names(flow) <- c("Date","discharge")
flow <- flow[1:33119, ] # remove NA entries
# format Date to POSIXct to play nice with data.table
flow$Date <- as.POSIXct(flow$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
Next, I'll create a Date column:
flow$g1 <- as.Date(flow$Date)
Finally, I prefer using data.table. So here's a solution using it.
# load package, get data as data.table and set key
flow.dt <- data.table(flow)
# set key to both "Date" and "g1" (even though, just we'll use just g1)
# to make sure that the order of rows are not changed (during sort)
setkey(flow.dt, "Date", "g1")
# group by g1 and set data to TRUE/FALSE by equating to 0 and get rle lengths
out <- flow.dt[, list(duration = rle(discharge == 0)$lengths,
val = rle(discharge == 0)$values + 1), by=g1][val == 2, val := 0]
> out # just to show a few first and last entries
# g1 duration val
# 1: 2010-05-31 120 0
# 2: 2010-06-01 722 0
# 3: 2010-06-01 138 1
# 4: 2010-06-01 32 0
# 5: 2010-06-01 79 1
# ---
# 98: 2010-06-22 291 1
# 99: 2010-06-22 423 0
# 100: 2010-06-23 664 0
# 101: 2010-06-23 278 1
# 102: 2010-06-23 379 0
So, for example, for 2010-06-01, there are 722 0's followed by 138 non-zeros, followed by 32 0's followed by 79 non-zeros and so on...
I looked a a small sample of the first two days
> cbind, tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) table(x > 0) ) )
2010-06-01 2010-06-02
FALSE 1223 911
TRUE 217 529 # these are the cumulative daily durations of positive flow.
You may want this transposed in which case the t() function should succeed. Or you could use rbind.
If you jsut wante the number of flow-postive minutes, this would also work:
tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) sum(x > 0, na.rm=TRUE) )
2010-06-01 2010-06-02 2010-06-03 2010-06-04 2010-06-05 2010-06-06 2010-06-07 2010-06-08
217 529 417 463 0 0 263 220
2010-06-09 2010-06-10 2010-06-11 2010-06-12 2010-06-13 2010-06-14 2010-06-15 2010-06-16
244 219 287 234 31 245 311 324
2010-06-17 2010-06-18 2010-06-19 2010-06-20 2010-06-21 2010-06-22 2010-06-23 2010-06-24
299 305 124 129 295 296 278 0
To get the lengths of intervals with discharge values greater than zero:
tapply(flow$discharge, as.Date(flow$Date), function(x) rle(x>0)$lengths[rle(x>0)$values] )
[1] 138 79
[1] 95 195 239
[1] 57 360
[1] 6 457
... Snipped output
If you want to look at the distribution of these durations you will need to unlist that result. (And remember that the durations which were split at midnight may have influenced the counts and durations.) If you just wanted durations without dates, then use this:
flowrle <- rle(flow$discharge>0)
flowrle$lengths[!$values) & flowrle$values]
[1] 138 79 95 195 296 360 6 457 263 17 203 79 80 85 30 189 17 270 127 107 31 1
[23] 2 1 241 311 229 13 82 299 305 3 121 129 295 3 2 291 278
