I'm trying to use diffenv to see the surface difference between two audio files.
Below are the codes adopted, but I'm faced with the error:
Error in diffenv(a1, a2, f = f, plot = TRUE, main = "surface
difference between ’a’ and ’b’") : wave1 and wave2 should have the
same length
env(a1,f=f,colwave="red",title="sound ’a’")
env(a2,f=f,colwave="blue",title="sound ’b’")
diffenv(a1,a2,f=f,plot=TRUE, main="surface difference between ’a’ and ’b’")
Is there a way I can amend the wave length so that they are comparable? Or is this not advisable?
You could zero pad the shorter file to the length of the larger.
If it is advisable or not depends on what you will do with the data! If you are using this as a distance estimation between the two envelopes, it sort of makes sense. There are also scenarios where it would be beneficial to ignore the trailing end of diffenvs output.
I am using the hist-function to analyze some data I generated. For an analysis-assay I would like to precisely control the number of histogram bins.
I know the "break-argument" and I can see that in many cases the number of bins is in a direct relationship to the number of breaks (i.e. no_bins = no_breaks + 1).
Due to R's algorithm this is not always the case. Is there a way to force R to output a specific number of bins?
Let me know if I need to specify further details.
Best and many thanks!
From ?hist, there are several options for controlling the bins through the breaks argument.
breaks one of:
a vector giving the breakpoints between histogram cells,
a function to compute the vector of breakpoints,
a single number giving the number of cells for the histogram,
a character string naming an algorithm to compute the number of cells
(see ‘Details’),
a function to compute the number of cells.
In the last three cases the number is a suggestion only; the
breakpoints will be set to pretty values. If breaks is a function, the
x vector is supplied to it as the only argument.
For the greatest precision, you have to set the breakpoints exactly, either by supplying a vector of breakpoints, or a function to compute them. You need to cover the entire range of x with your breakpoints and there will be 1 more breakpoint than bins (i.e. no_bins + 1 = no_breaks).
I have been running two unmarked planar point pattern data sets through a series of spatstat functions. Now I would like to use the Kcross.inhom function to describe interaction between the two, but Kcross only works with marked data, so I have combined all x-y data into one csv file and added a column that distinguishes the two. I have established the following point pattern object, but do not understand how to edit the subsequent example of Kcross for my purposes. Or, perhaps there is a better way? Thanks for your help!
# read in data & create ppp
# synthetic example
pp <- runifpoispp(50)
pp <- pp %mark% factor(sample(0:1, npoints(pp), replace=TRUE))
K <- Kcross(pp, "0", "1")
K <- Kcross(pp, 0, 1) # equivalent
I am not really clear as to what the problem is that you are having. You seem to me to "be there" essentially. However let me, for completeness, spell out the procedure that you should follow:
Let X and Y be your two point patterns (observed, presumably, in the same window).
Put these together into a single pattern:
XY <- superimpose(X=X,Y=Y)
Note that there is no need to dick around with your csv files; it is much more efficient to use the facilities provided by spatstat.
The foregoing syntax produces a multitype point pattern with marks being a factor with levels "X" and "Y". (If you want the levels to be denoted by other symbols you can easily arrange this.)
Then just calculate the inhomogeneous Kcross function:
Ki <- Kcross.inhom(XY,"X","Y")
That is all that there is to it.
Note that the foregoing uses the default method of estimating the intensities of the two patterns, explicitly leave-one-out kernel smoothing with bandwidth chosen by bw.diggle(). There may be better ways of estimating the intensities, perhaps by fitting a parametric model. This depends on the nature of the information available to you.
Interpreting the output of Kcross.inhom() is, IMHO, subtle and difficult.
Be cautious in any conclusions that you draw.
Rolf Turner's answer is correct. However, you say that
I have combined all x-y data into one csv file and added a column that distinguishes the two.
OK, suppose the data frame is called df and it has columns named x and y giving the spatial coordinates and h which is a character vector identifying whether the corresponding point is a pothole (h="p") or a collision (h="c"). Then you could do
X <- ppp(df$x, df$y, xlim, ylim, marks=factor(df$h))
where xlim, ylim are the limits for the spatial coordinates. Or more elegantly
X <- with(df, ppp(x, y, xlim, ylim, marks=factor(h))
Note the use of factor to ensure that the marks are categorical values. Then type
to check that you've got a 'multitype point pattern'.
Then you can do, e.g.
K <- Kcross(X)
Ki <- Kcross.inhom(X)
Please read the help files for Kcross, Kcross.inhom for advice about how to use these functions and how to interpret the results.
Incidentally, please do not send the same question to multiple forums at the same time. That is difficult for those who have to answer.
I am trying to convey the concentration of lines in 2D space by showing the number of crossings through each pixel in a grid. I am picturing something similar to a density plot, but with more intuitive units. I was drawn to the spatstat package and its line segment class (psp) as it allows you to define line segments by their end points and incorporate the entire line in calculations. However, I'm struggling to find the right combination of functions to tally these counts and would appreciate any suggestions.
As shown in the example below with 50 lines, the density function produces values in (0,140), the pixellate function tallies the total length through each pixel and takes values in (0, 0.04), and as.mask produces a binary indictor of whether a line went through each pixel. I'm hoping to see something where the scale takes integer values, say 0..10.
numLines = 50
# define line segments
L = psp(runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines), window=owin())
# image with 2-dimensional kernel density estimate
D = density.psp(L, sigma=0.03)
# image with total length of lines through each pixel
P = pixellate.psp(L)
# binary mask giving whether a line went through a pixel
B = as.mask.psp(L)
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
plot(L, main="L")
plot(D, main="density.psp(L)")
plot(P, main="pixellate.psp(L)")
plot(B, main="as.mask.psp(L)")
The pixellate.psp function allows you to optionally specify weights to use in the calculation. I considered trying to manipulate this to normalize the pixels to take a count of one for each crossing, but the weight is applied uniquely to each line (and not specific to the line/pixel pair). I also considered calculating a binary mask for each line and adding the results, but it seems like there should be an easier way. I know that you can sample points along a line, and then do a count of the points by pixel. However, I am concerned about getting the sampling right so that there is one and only one point per line crossing of a pixel.
Is there is a straight-forward way to do this in R? Otherwise would this be an appropriate suggestion for a future package enhancement? Is this more easily accomplished in another language such as python or matlab?
The example above and my testing has been with spatstat 1.40-0, R 3.1.2, on x86_64-w64-mingw32.
You are absolutely right that this is something to put in as a future enhancement. It will be done in one of the next versions of spatstat. It will probably be an option in pixellate.psp to count the number of crossing lines rather than measure the total length.
For now you have to do something a bit convoluted as e.g:
numLines = 50
# define line segments
L <- psp(runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines), window=owin())
# split into individual lines and use as.mask.psp on each
masklist <- lapply(1:nsegments(L), function(i) as.mask.psp(L[i]))
# convert to 0-1 image for easy addition
imlist <- lapply(masklist, as.im.owin, na.replace = 0)
rslt <- Reduce("+", imlist)
# plot
plot(rslt, main = "")
I have two sequences of length n and m. Each is a sequence of points of the form (x,y) and represent curves in an image. I need to find how different (or similar) these sequences are given that fact that
one sequence is likely longer than the other (i.e., one can be half or a quarter as long as the other, but if they trace approximately the same curve, they are the same)
these sequences could be in opposite directions (i.e., sequence 1 goes from left to right, while sequence 2 goes from right to left)
I looked into some difference estimates like Levenshtein as well as edit-distances in structural similarity matching for protein folding, but none of them seem to do the trick. I could write my own brute-force method but I want to know if there is a better way.
Do you mean that you are trying to match curves that have been translated in x,y coordinates? One technique from image processing is to use chain codes [I'm looking for a decent reference, but all I can find right now is this] to encode each sequence and then compare those chain codes. You could take the sum of the differences (modulo 8) and if the result is 0, the curves are identical. Since the sequences are of different lengths and don't necessarily start at the same relative location, you would have to shift one sequence and do this again and again, but you only have to create the chain codes once. The only way to detect if one of the sequences is reversed is to try both the forward and reverse of one of the sequences. If the curves aren't exactly alike, the sum will be greater than zero but it is not straightforward to tell how different the curves are simply from the sum.
This method will not be rotationally invariant. If you need a method that is rotationally invariant, you should look at Boundary-Centered Polar Encoding. I can't find a free reference for that, but if you need me to describe it, let me know.
A method along these lines might work:
For both sequences:
Fit a curve through the sequence. Make sure that you have a continuous one-to-one function from [0,1] to points on this curve. That is, for each (real) number between 0 and 1, this function returns a point on the curve belonging to it. By tracing the function for all numbers from 0 to 1, you get the entire curve.
One way to fit a curve would be to draw a straight line between each pair of consecutive points (it is not a nice curve, because it has sharp bends, but it might be fine for your purpose). In that case, the function can be obtained by calculating the total length of all the line segments (Pythagoras). The point on the curve corresponding to a number Y (between 0 and 1) corresponds to the point on the curve that has a distance Y * (total length of all line segments) from the first point on the sequence, measured by traveling over the line segments (!!).
Now, after we have obtained such a function F(double) for the first sequence, and G(double) for the second sequence, we can calculate the similarity as follows:
double epsilon = 0.01;
double curveDistanceSquared = 0.0;
for(double d=0.0;d<1.0;d=d+epsilon)
Point pointOnCurve1 = F(d);
Point pointOnCurve2 = G(d);
//alternatively, use G(1.0-d) to check whether the second sequence is reversed
double distanceOfPoints = pointOnCurve1.EuclideanDistance(pointOnCurve2);
curveDistanceSquared = curveDistanceSquared + distanceOfPoints * distanceOfPoints;
similarity = 1.0/ curveDistanceSquared;
Possible improvements:
-Find an improved way to fit the curves. Note that you still need the function that traces the curve for the above method to work.
-When calculating the distance, consider reparametrizing the function G in such a way that the distance is minimized. (This means you have an increasing function R, such that R(0) = 0 and R(1)=1,
but which is otherwise general. When calculating the distance you use
Point pointOnCurve1 = F(d);
Point pointOnCurve2 = G(R(d));
Subsequently, you try to choose R in such a way that the distance is minimized. (to see what happens, note that G(R(d)) also traces the curve)).
Why not do some sort of curve fitting procedure (least-squares whether it be ordinary or non-linear) and see if the coefficients on the shape parameters are the same. If you run it as a panel-data sort of model, there are explicit statistical tests whether sets of parameters are significantly different from one another. That would solve the problem of the the same curve but sampled at different resolutions.
Step 1: Canonicalize the orientation. For example, let's say that all curved start at the endpoint with lowest lexicographic order.
def inCanonicalOrientation(path):
return path if path[0]<path[-1] else reversed(path)
Step 2: You can either be roughly accurate, or very accurate. If you wish to be very accurate, calculate a spline, or fit both curves to a polynomial of appropriate degree, and compare coefficients. If you'd like just a rough estimate, do as follows:
def resample(path, numPoints)
pathLength = pathLength(path) #write this function
segments = generateSegments(path)
currentSegment = next(segments)
segmentsSoFar = [currentSegment]
for i in range(numPoints):
samplePosition = i/(numPoints-1)*pathLength
while samplePosition > pathLength(segmentsSoFar)+currentSegment.length:
currentSegment = next(segments)
difference = samplePosition - pathLength(segmentsSoFar)
howFar = difference/currentSegment.length
yield Point((1-howFar)*currentSegment.start + (howFar)*currentSegment.end)
This can be modified from a linear resampling to something better.
def error(pathA, pathB):
pathA = inCanonicalOrientation(pathA)
pathB = inCanonicalOrientation(pathB)
higherResolution = max([len(pathA), len(pathB)])
resampledA = resample(pathA, higherResolution)
resampledB = resample(pathA, higherResolution)
error = sum(
for pointInA,pointInB in zip(pathA,pathB)
averageError = error / len(pathAorB)
normalizedError = error / Z(AorB)
return normalizedError
Where Z is something like the "diameter" of your path, perhaps the maximum Euclidean distance between any two points in a path.
I would use a curve-fitting procedure, but also throw in a constant term, i.e. 0 =B0 + B1*X + B2*Y + B3*X*Y + B4*X^2 etc. This would catch the translational variance and then you can do a statistical comparison of the estimated coefficients of the curves formed by the two sets of points as a way of classifying them. I'm assuming you'll have to do bi-variate interpolation if the data form arbitrary curves in the x-y plane.
I am trying to plot large amounts of points using some library. The points are ordered by time and their values can be considered unpredictable.
My problem at the moment is that the sheer number of points makes the library take too long to render. Many of the points are redundant (that is - they are "on" the same line as defined by a function y = ax + b). Is there a way to detect and remove redundant points in order to speed rendering ?
Thank you for your time.
The following is a variation on the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for 1.5d graphs:
Compute the line equation between first and last point
Check all other points to find what is the most distant from the line
If the worst point is below the tolerance you want then output a single segment
Otherwise call recursively considering two sub-arrays, using the worst point as splitter
In python this could be
def simplify(pts, eps):
if len(pts) < 3:
return pts
x0, y0 = pts[0]
x1, y1 = pts[-1]
m = float(y1 - y0) / float(x1 - x0)
q = y0 - m*x0
worst_err = -1
worst_index = -1
for i in xrange(1, len(pts) - 1):
x, y = pts[i]
err = abs(m*x + q - y)
if err > worst_err:
worst_err = err
worst_index = i
if worst_err < eps:
return [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)]
first = simplify(pts[:worst_index+1], eps)
second = simplify(pts[worst_index:], eps)
return first + second[1:]
print simplify([(0,0), (10,10), (20,20), (30,30), (50,0)], 0.1)
The output is [(0, 0), (30, 30), (50, 0)].
About python syntax for arrays that may be non obvious:
x[a:b] is the part of array from index a up to index b (excluded)
x[n:] is the array made using elements of x from index n to the end
x[:n] is the array made using first n elements of x
a+b when a and b are arrays means concatenation
x[-1] is the last element of an array
An example of the results of running this implementation on a graph with 100,000 points with increasing values of eps can be seen here.
I came across this question after I had this very idea. Skip redundant points on plots. I believe I came up with a far better and simpler solution and I'm happy to share as my first proposed solution on SO. I've coded it and it works well for me. It also takes into account the screen scale. There may be 100 points in value between those plot points, but if the user has a chart sized small, they won't see them.
So, iterating through your data/plot loop, before you draw/add your next data point, look at the next value ahead and calculate the change in screen scale (or value, but I think screen scale for the above-mentioned reason is better). Now do the same for the next value ahead (getting these values is just a matter of peeking ahead in your array/collection/list/etc adding the for next step increment (probably 1/2) to the current for value whilst in the loop). If the 2 values are the same (or perhaps very minor change, per your own preference), you can skip this one point in your chart by simply adding 'continue' in the loop, skipping adding the data point as the point lies exactly on the slope between the point before and after it.
Using this method, I reduce a chart from 963 points to 427 for example, with absolutely zero visual change.
I think you might need to perhaps read this a couple of times to understand, but it's far simpler than the other best solution mentioned here, much lighter weight, and has zero visual effect on your plot.
I would probably apply a "least squares" algorithm to obtain a line of best fit. You can then go through your points and downfilter consecutive points that lie close to the line. You only need to plot the outliers, and the points that take the curve back to the line of best fit.
Edit: You may not need to employ "least squares"; if your input is expected to hover around "y=ax+b" as you say, then that's already your line of best fit and you can just use that. :)