R loop through multiple sub groups with using functions - r

Hi I am trying to learn how to loop through multiple groups within a data frame and apply certain arithmetic operations. I do not have a programming background and am struggling to loop through the multiple conditions.
My data looks like the following:
Event = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2)
z = data.frame(Event,Indiv1,Indiv2,Category,Play_together,Money)
What I would like to do is to look through each event and each category and take the average value of Money in cases where Play_together == 1. When Play_together==0, then I would like to apply Money/100.
I understand that the loop would look something like the following:
for i in 1:nrow(z){
#loop for event{
#loop for Category{
#Define avg or division function
However, I cannot seem to implement this using a nested loop. I saw another post (link: apply function for each subgroup) which uses dplyr package. I was wondering if someone could help me to implement this without using any packages (I know this might take longer as compared to using R packages). I am trying to learn R and this is the first time I am working with nested loops.
The final output will look like this:
where for event 1, the following holds:
a) For cateory 1:
Play_together ==1 in row 1; we take the avg of Money value and hence final output = 23/1= 23
Play_together==0 in row 2; we take Money/100= 0.11
b) For category 2:
Play_together == 1 for all observations. We take avg Money for all three observations.
This holds similarly for Event 2. In my actual dataset, I have event = 600 and number of category ranging from 1 - 10. Some events may have only 1 category and a maximum of 10 categories. So any function needs to be extremely flexible. The total number of observations in my dataset is around 1.5 million so any changes in the looping process to reduce the time taken to carry out the operation is going to be extremely helpful (Although at this stage my priority is the looping process itself).
Once again it would be a great help if you can show me how to use nested looping and explain the steps in brief. Much appreciated.

will something like this do?
I know it's using dplyr, but that package is made for this kind of jobs ;-)
Event = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2)
z = data.frame(Event,Indiv1,Indiv2,Category,Play_together,Money)
df_temp <- z %>%
group_by( Event, Category, Play_together ) %>%
summarise( money_mean = mean( Money ) ) %>%
mutate( final_output = ifelse( Play_together == 0, money_mean / 100, money_mean )) %>%
select( -money_mean )
df <- z %>%
left_join(df_temp, by = c("Event", "Category", "Play_together" )) %>%
arrange(Event, Category)

Consider base R's by, the object-oriented wrapper to tapply designed to subset dataframes by factor(s) but unlike split can pass subsets into a defined function. Then, run conditional logic with ifelse for Final_Output field. Finally, stack all subsetted dataframes for final object.
by_list <- by(z, z[c("Event", "Category")], function(sub) {
tmp <- subset(sub, Play_together==1)
sub$Final_Output <- ifelse(sub$Play_together == 1, mean(tmp$Money), sub$Money/100)
final_df <- do.call(rbind, by_list)
row.names(final_df) <- NULL
# Event Indiv1 Indiv2 Category Play_together Money Final_Output
# 1 1 4 7 1 1 23 23.00
# 2 1 5 81 1 0 11 0.11
# 3 2 66 34 1 1 345 217.50
# 4 2 32 90 1 0 21 0.21
# 5 2 45 12 1 1 90 217.50
# 6 1 6 91 2 1 78 19.00
# 7 1 11 67 2 1 -9 19.00
# 8 1 45 12 2 1 -12 19.00
# 9 2 8 56 2 1 9 26.00
# 10 2 9 78 2 1 43 26.00


Replace value from updated dataset based on number of instances it appears in a second dataset

I have a simple 2-column dataset containing variable cluster_size and index. Originally all values of index were assigned a value 1. Subsequently, I received a second dataset containing only a few clusters where index should updated with different integer values.
I simply need to replace the index value from the updated dataset. My specific issue is that the values for cluster_size can repeat multiple times, but I only need to replace it for the number of instances it appears in the updated dataset. For instance, in the example data below, the cluster_size value of 34 appears three times, but only once in the updated data with an index of 6. This means that only one of these three rows should update to 6 (doesn't matter which one).
Code to recreate a 20-row sample of the original data (have), updated subset (updated), and desired dataset (want) are below. The actual data has tens of thousands of rows. Ive tried several merge and loop functions (all too pathetic to waste your time by posting here), but cant seem to find an elegant solution.
# Data with original index cases
have <- data.frame(clust_size=sample(1:50,20,replace=TRUE),index=rep(1,times=20))
have <- have[order(have$clust_size),]
# Updated data only contains clusters that need updating of inde
updated <- data.frame(clust_size=c(30,34,42,44,44,46),
# Desired dataset
want <- data.frame(clust_size=have$clust_size,
Here is a base R approach. Add row numbers to have and updated for each clust_size. So the clust_size of 34 will have rows numbered consecutively 1, 2, and 3.
Then, you can merge the two together on both clust_size and row number. If you include all.x you will get all rows from the first data frame have.
Final step is to replace the missing NA values in your new index column with the original index.
have$rn <- with(have, ave(seq_along(clust_size), clust_size, FUN = seq_along))
updated$rn <- with(updated, ave(seq_along(clust_size), clust_size, FUN = seq_along))
want <- merge(have, updated, all.x = TRUE, by = c("clust_size", "rn"))
want$index.y <- ifelse(is.na(want$index.y), want$index.x, want$index.y)
want[, c("clust_size", "index.y")]
An alternate version using dplyr would be something like this:
have2 <- have %>%
group_by(clust_size) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number())
updated2 <- updated %>%
group_by(clust_size) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number())
left_join(have2, updated2, by = c("clust_size", "rn")) %>%
mutate(index.y = coalesce(index.y, index.x))
clust_size index.y
1 1 1
2 5 1
3 8 1
4 10 1
5 16 1
6 20 1
7 22 1
8 27 1
9 29 1
10 30 2
11 30 1
12 34 6
13 34 1
14 34 1
15 35 1
16 42 4
17 43 1
18 44 8
19 44 9
20 46 4

How to use if else statement in a dataframe when comparing dates?

I have a dataframe D and I would want to calculate a daily return of "Close" only if they share the same month. So for example there would be 0 for 1995-08-01
Date Close Month
1 1995-07-27 163.32 1995-07
2 1995-07-28 161.36 1995-07
3 1995-07-30 162.91 1995-07
4 1995-08-01 162.95 1995-08
5 1995-08-02 162.69 1995-08
I am trying to use an if-else statement and looping to apply it on other dataframes.
D1 <- D[-1,]
for (i in c("Close"))
{ TT <- dim(D)[1]
if (D[1:(TT-1),"Month"] == D[2:TT,"Month"]) {
D1[,i] = round((100*(log(D[2:TT,i]/D[1:(TT-1),i]))), digits = 4)
else {
D1[i] = 0 }
I get these results but in the forth row it should be 0.0000 because the forth row is a from different month than the the third row. Moreover, I get this warning message : "Warning message: In if (D[1:(TT - 1), "Month"] == D[2:TT, "Month"]) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used". Can you please help me out? Thank you.
Date Close Month
1 1995-07-27 0.5903 1995-07
2 1995-07-28 1.4577 1995-07
3 1995-07-30 0.9139 1995-07
4 1995-08-01 0.0006 1995-08
5 1995-08-02 0.0255 1995-08
Next time you should REALLY provide a reproducible example here I did it for you. My solution uses diff and ifelse as requested.
month <- c(1,1:5,5:6)
data <- (1:8)*(1:8)
df <- data.frame(cbind(month, data))
diffs <- sapply(df, diff)
diffs <- data.frame(rbind(NA, diffs))
df$result <- ifelse(diffs$month==0, diffs$data, 0)
month data result
1 1 1 NA
2 1 4 3
3 2 9 0
4 3 16 0
5 4 25 0
6 5 36 0
7 5 49 13
8 6 64 0
if() expects a single value (usually TRUE or FALSE, but can also be 0 or 1, and it can handle other single values, e.g., it treats positive values like ones). You are feeding in a vector of values. The warning message is telling you that it is ignoring all the other values of the vector except the first, which is usually a strong indication that your code is not doing what you intend it to do.
Here's one do-it-yourself approach with no loops (I'm sure some time-series package has a function to calculate returns):
# create your example dataset
D <- data.frame(
Date = (as.Date("1995-07-27") + 0:6)[-c(3,5)],
Close = 162 + c(1.32, -.64, .91, .95, .69)
# get lagged values as new columns
D$Close_lag <- dplyr::lag(D$Close)
D$Date_lag <- dplyr::lag(D$Date)
# calculate all returns
D$return <- D$Close / D$Close_lag - 1
# identify month switches
D$new_month <- lubridate::month(D$Date) != lubridate::month(D$Date_lag)
# replace returns with zeros when month switches
D[!is.na(D$return) & D$new_month==TRUE, "return"] <- 0
# print results

Writing a function to summarize the results of dunn.test::dunn.test

In R, I perform dunn's test. The function I use has no option to group the input variables by their statistical significant differences. However, this is what I am genuinely interested in, so I tried to write my own function. Unfortunately, I am not able to wrap my head around it. Perhaps someone can help.
I use the airquality dataset that comes with R as an example. The result that I need could look somewhat like this:
> library (tidyverse)
> ozone_summary <- airquality %>% group_by(Month) %>% dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(Ozone, na.rm=TRUE))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
Month Mean
<int> <dbl>
1 5 23.6
2 6 29.4
3 7 59.1
4 8 60.0
5 9 31.4
When I run the dunn.test, I get the following:
> dunn.test::dunn.test (airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month, method = "bh", altp = T)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: x and group
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 29.2666, df = 4, p-value = 0
Comparison of x by group
Col Mean-|
Row Mean | 5 6 7 8
6 | -0.925158
| 0.4436
7 | -4.419470 -2.244208
| 0.0001* 0.0496*
8 | -4.132813 -2.038635 0.286657
| 0.0002* 0.0691 0.8604
9 | -1.321202 0.002538 3.217199 2.922827
| 0.2663 0.9980 0.0043* 0.0087*
alpha = 0.05
Reject Ho if p <= alpha
From this result, I deduce that May differs from July and August, June differs from July (but not from August) and so on. So I'd like to append significantly differing groups to my results table:
# A tibble: 5 x 3
Month Mean Group
<int> <dbl> <chr>
1 5 23.6 a
2 6 29.4 ac
3 7 59.1 b
4 8 60.0 bc
5 9 31.4 a
While I did this by hand, I suppose it must be possible to automate this process. However, I don't find a good starting point. I created a dataframe containing all comparisons:
> ozone_differences <- dunn.test::dunn.test (airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month, method = "bh", altp = T)
> ozone_differences <- data.frame ("P" = ozone_differences$altP.adjusted, "Compare" = ozone_differences$comparisons)
P Compare
1 4.436043e-01 5 - 6
2 9.894296e-05 5 - 7
3 4.963804e-02 6 - 7
4 1.791748e-04 5 - 8
5 6.914403e-02 6 - 8
6 8.604164e-01 7 - 8
7 2.663342e-01 5 - 9
8 9.979745e-01 6 - 9
9 4.314957e-03 7 - 9
10 8.671708e-03 8 - 9
I thought that a function iterating through this data frame and using a selection variable to choose the right letter from letters() might work. However, I cannot even think of a starting point, because changing numbers of rows have to considered at the same time...
Perhaps someone has a good idea?
Perhaps you could look into cldList() function from rcompanion library, you can pipe the res results from the output od dunnTest() and create a table that specifies the compact letter display comparison per group.
Following the advice of #TylerRuddenfort , the following code will work. The first cld is created with rcompanion::cldList, and the second directly uses multcompView::multcompLetters. Note that to use multcompLetters, the spaces have to be removed from the names of the comparisons.
Here, I have used FSA:dunnTest for the Dunn test (1964).
In general, I recommend ordering groups by e.g. median or mean before running e.g. dunnTest if you plan on using a cld, so that the cld comes out in a sensible order.
library (tidyverse)
ozone_summary <- airquality %>% group_by(Month) %>% dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(Ozone, na.rm=TRUE))
Result = dunnTest(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month, method = "bh")$res
### Use cldList()
cldList(P.adj ~ Comparison, data=Result)
### Use multcompView
X = Result$P.adj <= 0.05
names(X) = gsub(" ", "", Result$Comparison)

Search for value within a range of values in two separate vectors

This is my first time posting to Stack Exchange, my apologies as I'm certain I will make a few mistakes. I am trying to assess false detections in a dataset.
I have one data frame with "true" detections
ID Start Stop SNR
1 213466 213468 10.08
2 32238 32240 10.28
3 218934 218936 12.02
4 222774 222776 11.4
5 68137 68139 10.99
And another data frame with a list of times, that represent possible 'real' detections
ID Times
1 32239.76
2 32241.14
3 68138.72
4 111233.93
5 128395.28
6 146180.31
7 188433.35
8 198714.7
I am trying to see if the values in my 'possible' data frame lies between the start and stop values. If so I'd like to create a third column in possible called "between" and a column in the "truth" data frame called "match. For every value from possible that falls between I'd like a 1, otherwise a 0. For all of the rows in "truth" that find a match I'd like a 1, otherwise a 0.
Neither ID, not SNR are important. I'm not looking to match on ID. Instead I wand to run through the data frame entirely. Output should look something like:
ID Times Between
1 32239.76 0
2 32241.14 1
3 68138.72 0
4 111233.93 0
5 128395.28 0
6 146180.31 1
7 188433.35 0
8 198714.7 0
Alternatively, knowing if any of my 'possible' time values fall within 2 seconds of start or end times would also do the trick (also with 1/0 outputs)
(Thanks for the feedback on the original post)
Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I navigate this system.
I think this can be conceptulised as a rolling join in data.table. Take this simplified example:
# id start stop
#1: 1 1 5
#2: 2 7 10
#3: 3 12 15
#4: 4 17 20
#5: 5 22 26
# id times
#1: 1 3
#2: 2 11
#3: 3 13
#4: 4 28
melt(truth, measure.vars=c("start","stop"), value.name="times")[
possible, on="times", roll=TRUE
][, .(id=i.id, truthid=id, times, status=factor(variable, labels=c("in","out")))]
# id truthid times status
#1: 1 1 3 in
#2: 2 2 11 out
#3: 3 3 13 in
#4: 4 5 28 out
The source datasets were:
truth <- read.table(text="id start stop
1 1 5
2 7 10
3 12 15
4 17 20
5 22 26", header=TRUE)
possible <- read.table(text="id times
1 3
2 11
3 13
4 28", header=TRUE)
I'll post a solution that I'm pretty sure works like you want it to in order to get you started. Maybe someone else can post a more efficient answer.
Anyway, first I needed to generate some example data - next time please provide this from your own data set in your post using the function dput(head(truth, n = 25)) and dput(head(possible, n = 25)). I used:
#generate random test data
truth <- data.frame(c(1:100),
c(sample(5:20, size = 100, replace = T)),
c(sample(21:50, size = 100, replace = T)))
possible <- data.frame(c(sample(1:15, size = 15, replace = F)))
colnames(possible) <- "Times"
After getting sample data to work with; the following solution provides what I believe you are asking for. This should scale directly to your own dataset as it seems to be laid out. Respond below if the comments are unclear.
#need the %between% operator
#initialize vectors - 0 or false by default
truth.match <- c(rep(0, times = nrow(truth)))
possible.between <- c(rep(0, times = nrow(possible)))
#iterate through 'possible' dataframe
for (i in 1:nrow(possible)){
#get boolean vector to show if any of the 'truth' rows are a 'match'
match.vec <- apply(truth[, 2:3],
FUN = function(x) {possible$Times[i] %between% x})
#if any are true then update the match and between vectors
truth.match[match.vec] <- 1
possible.between[i] <- 1
#i think this should be called anyMatch for clarity
truth$anyMatch <- truth.match
#similarly; betweenAny
possible$betweenAny <- possible.between

Row aggregation when values are close enough in a column

I have a dataframe with 2 columns
time x
1306247226 5
1306247236 10
1306248127 20
1306248187 36
1306249248 28
1306249258 24
1306249259 20
I'd like to aggregate the rows whose values in the 'time' column are close enough
(eg. let's say their difference is less than 60.) and sum their 'x' values in the aggregated row. The 'time value in the aggregated row will be the one of the first row of the aggregation. ('time' is an unix timestamp)
The goal is to have as output of this example:
time x
1306247226 15
1306248127 20
1306248187 36
1306249248 72
The dataset is quite big, a 'for' loop will take a long time... but if it is the only option I can deal with it and wait.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!
You can use something like this :
First I create a new column for aggregation
dat$gg <- cumsum(c(0,diff(dat$time)) > 60)
Then I use the plyr package to apply function aggregation
ddply(dat,.(gg),summarise,time = head(time,1),res = sum(x))
gg time res
1 0 1306247226 15
2 1 1306248127 56
3 2 1306249248 72
Edit after comment
The Op wanted a threshold of 60, not greater than 60. So I need to change the > to >=
dat$gg <- cumsum(c(0,diff(dat$time)) >= 60)
ddply(dat,.(gg),summarise,time = head(time,1),res = sum(x))
gg time res
1 0 1306247226 15
2 1 1306248127 20
3 2 1306248187 36
4 3 1306249248 72
