Automatically rebuild dependencies in Qt Creator - qt

Qt Creator (4.6.1) is driving me nuts. My application is split into 3 parts:
the app
the library
a unit tests app
When I change a file within the library and rebuild the application, the compiler does not recompile the library but links with the old version of the library.
Also, when I change the library, recompile it and then compile the app, no compilation takes place because it uses the cached app.
Is there a setting to change that? Here's my project file:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
app \
lib_mylib \
app.depends = lib_mylib
tests.depends = lib_mylib
The lib is built as a static library:
TARGET = mylib
CONFIG += staticlib

I know it's a little late, but I would like to give an a little more extensive answer why this happens and how exactly the other solutions help.
A working solution will be: You use either b.depends += a as you did before or CONFIG += ordered and add PRE_TARGETDEPS += ... to b. (Side note: ordered is not recommended, as it can drastically slow down your builds and is generally considered bad practice)
TL;DR: The reason why this special combination is needed: The app.depends = lib_mylib in the subdirs project ensure that the library is always built before building the app is started, and the PRE_TARGETDEPS ensures that the app is actually beeing rebuild everytime the library changed.
Long explanation:
To understand why that works, we need to understand how qmake handles subdirs. qmake is a Makefile generator, which means it will only create makefiles. So all dependency ordering must be done using the methods make prodives. To understand what happens, we must understand how make works, first.
In make, dependencies are relatively simple:
some_target: dep1 dep2 dep3
means that if you want to create some_target, make will create dep1, dep2 and dep3 first, in an unspecified order. Once all 3 are finished, some_command is executed.
However, make will optimize this for files. Considering the following:
echo "creating hello"
echo "hello" > hello.txt
hello2.txt: hello.txt
echo "creating hello2"
echo "hello2" > hello2.txt
Running make will create the both files and print both messages. Running it a second time will do nothing. The reason here is that make keeps tracks of already created files and file changes. Since hello.txt already exists, it is not created again. And since hello.txt has not changed, there is no need to create hello2.txt again. If you now externally change the contents of hello.txt and run make again, hello2.txt will be created anew and you will see the message.
Now with subdirs projects, this gets a little more complicated, as we now need dependencies between multiple different makefiles! This is typically resolved by recursive make calls. For your example, qmake creates the following code (simplified):
lib_mylib: FORCE
$(MAKE) lib_mylib/Makefile
app: lib_mylib FORCE
$(MAKE) app/Makefile
This code will, as expected, create lib_mylib first (blocking, i.e. the lib_mylib will only finish once the whole lib has been built) and after that create app. The FORCE depenency ensures that this command is always run, even if the target already exists.
With those basics in mind, we can now reconstruct what happens for qmake. Using the b.depends += a will generate code as above - it makes shure that all dependencies are built in the correct order, but nothing else! Using the ordered config will simply automatically create those depends rules, so there is no logical difference in how they work.
However, this is not enough to actually rebuild app when lib_mylib changes. It only ensures that lib_mylib is built before make starts building app.
In order to rebuild app, we use the PRE_TARGETDEPS - this adds a dependency as shown before to the make target in the apps makefile
app.exe: mylib.lib:
#linker code
This means that every time lib_mylib changes, app is now rebuilt as well. Using this without the ordered config however can fail, as it is possible that make would first try to build app (which either does nothing, as lib has not changed, or will fail if lib does not already exists) and after that rebuild lib_mylib. Running make a second time will the rebuild app as well - but thats rather inconvenient.
So, thats why we need to combine those two. We need to control the order in which the different makefiles are executed and references the created artifacts from the other makefile - and thats exactly what those commands do.

I have used CONFIG += ordered, DEPENDPATH and PRE_TARGETDEPS to get rid of the same problems. It works for me on linux and on win with MSVC. Try it.
in your project pro file add:
CONFIG += ordered
P.S.: your lib should be listed first. Like :
lib \
app \
in your exe .pro file add this with correct paths:
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../lib
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../lib/liblib.a
More options and flags is to be found here

Regardless the long and understandable explanation I've tried with
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered
dynamiclib \
staticlib \
for my rather small and short project and it worked for me.


How can I pass a command line CONFIG parameter to qmake from QtCreator?

I have a script used for CI builds that adds a CONFIG variable to qmake when building via Linux. I need to do the same for Windows desktop devs from within QtCreator. This needs to be an optional (every now and then) thing, rather than the default. Hence why it is not in the .pro file permanently.
Is this possible? And if so, how do I do it?
Example of my situation is:
SUBDIRS = common base
SUBDIRS += app
CI {
SUBDIRS += app support_tools
Build Script:
qmake -makefile -r -Wall CONFIG+=CI
So what I'd like to be able to do is to (occasionally) do the CI style build from within QtCreator. In other words, I just need to be able to pass the additional CONFIG entry to qmake.
Yes, the users could edit the pro file, but that's annoying and has the chance of getting mistakenly committed. It doesn't seem like much of an ask to be able to pass something to qmake from Creator, but I couldn't see where.
You do that in the build settings of the project. You just add CONFIG+=CI in the qmake build step (click the "Details" button to expand it). Once you're done with testing, just remove it again. Or you can create a dedicated CI build configuration that always adds CONFIG+=CI. Although in your case, you probably just want to temporarily add that, build, and then remove it again.

How to get the actual qmake build destination within the project file?

I'm trying to determine the build directory in the qmake project file, but failed in all my experiments so far :-(
At first I had a very plain as QtCreator generates it for a plain Qt5 gui app with a few source files. Then I added an EXTRA_BINFILES list with some data files. They must be copied in the same directory as the executable foo. Without the copy stuff, it looks like this:
QT += core gui xml webkitwidgets widgets
TARGET = foo
foobar.png \
main.cpp \
# ...
# ...
FORMS += \
# ...
When I build that, I get the foo executable (or foo.exe if you want). Mostly straightforward so far. Now I want to copy the EXTRA_BINFILES alongside this executable. The open question is how to get the destination directory. My best idea so far is adding this:
QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote($${QMAKE_COPY} $$shell_path($${PWD}/$${FILE}) $$shell_path($${OUT_PWD})$$escape_expand(\n\t))
This uses the OUT_PWD variable, which automatically points to where the Makefile is generated. This is nice for some scenarios. However, I have to deal with two different scenarios:
Directly compiling from within QtCreator with mostly out-of-the-box build configs. It creates a new build-foo-desktop-release directory, creates the Makefile there and builds the executable there. In this scenario, everything works fine.
Building from command-line with qmake -makefile /my/projects/foo/ and make in a temporary fresh build directory. This way it creates the Makefile in directly in that build directory but compiles the executable into a release subdirectory`. This obviously breaks my copy code.
For some reasons, it is not an option to get rid of one of those scenarios. I have to deal with both of them within the same project file. It is also not an option to make very technical/tricky things in the project file. It has to remain mostly as 'straightforward' as it is. Overriding some of qmake's own variables in the qmake command-line call is also probably not an option. This is because of the broader context, which is too extensive to explain here.
Is there an option to get the correct path in both scenarios? Something like OUT_PWD but for the executable itself?
Unfortunately, DESTDIR is empty (and as mentioned, it is not an option to forcefully set it). DESTDIR_TARGET is empty as well (otherwise I could combine it with dirname, which would be barely non-tricky enough).
Any hints?
sub_dir = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_
sub_dir ~= s,^$$re_escape($$PWD),,
PROJECT_BUILD_TREE = $$clean_path($$OUT_PWD)
PROJECT_BUILD_TREE ~= s,$$re_escape($$sub_dir)$,,

Qt project file: Add libs depending on Kit

I have a QT project which runs on x86 linux and ARM linux embedded (yocto).
For each platform I defined a Kit within QtCreator referencing the appropriate compiler etc.
Now I want to add LIBS to my pro file, but I got different libraries on each platform. I didn't find a way to specify the LIBS-directive dependant on the compiling Kit.
I search something like:
if (Kit == "Desktop")
LIBS += ...
if (Kit == "Embedded Yocto")
LIBS += ...
How to achieve this?
Thank you in advance
I scraped together a solution to the OP's problem by using the answer suggested by #vsz in the comments found here.
I have two kits, one for the local Desktop and one for the Target_ARM device, and I wanted a way to easily build for both of those without having to specially modify the .pro file or anything else. I followed the linked answer and added the following:
In my Desktop kit (for both Debug and Release), I added CONFIG+=Desktop as an additional qmake argument in the qmake build step.
For the Target_ARM kit, I added CONFIG+=Target_ARM in the same spot.
Now, this is where things shifted from the linked answer to the OP's problem. I didn't simply want #defineed variables in my code, I wanted to alter the behavior of qmake based on the selected kit. I don't know if the CONFIG built-in test function supports block designations or not (ie, CONFIG { _several lines here_ }), but it turned out I could copy and paste the CONFIG test function in front of each line that I wanted to be conditional; in fact I could string multiple CONFIGs together, like this:
CONFIG(Desktop, Desktop|Target_ARM):unix:!macx:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += /path/to/Desktop/debug/lib
else:CONFIG(Desktop, Desktop|Target_ARM):unix:!macx:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += /path/to/Destop/release/lib
As it suggests, the above statement will run qmake with the appropriate LIBS path depending on which kit and configuration I have selected. Desktop->debug will generate a Makefile with /path/to/Desktop/debug/lib in it whereas Desktop->release will generate a Makefile with /path/to/Desktop/release/lib. I have similar statements for the Target_ARM kit. Below is an example of selecting the correct INCLUDEPATH: Both tests will evaluate to true when Target_ARM->release is selected.
CONFIG(Target_ARM, Desktop|Target_ARM):CONFIG(release, debug|release): INCLUDEPATH += /include/path/for/Target_ARM/release
In all, I used this method to modify LIBS, INCLUDEPATH, DEPENDPATH, and PRE_TARGETDEPS. I have 4 possible configurations of include paths and libraries depending on which kit I select (Desktop or Target_ARM) and which build configuration I select (build or release). Once this is set up, there is no need to modify the .pro file, simply pick your kit, your build configuration, run qmake, then rebuild.
I don't know off the top of my head where the CONFIG+=Desktop (for example) data is stored, but I would guess in the .pro.user file. So if somebody pulls your .pro file from a repo, they may have to initially configure the project in this manner at least once, but not afterwards (as long as the .pro.user file persists). QT should really have an easy mechanism for doing this front-and-center, especially since one of their selling points is multiple-platform integration. If there's a better way of doing this, I haven't seen it on SO or in the QT documentation yet.
You have all qmake variables here:
You can define a variable
KIT = Desktop
#KIT = EmbeddedYocto
And use contains function
contains( KIT, Desktop ) {
LIBS += ...
contains( KIT, EmbeddedYocto ) {
LIBS += ...

Codeblocks with Qt - something terribly wrong

After creating qt project in codeblocks and running it I'm getting:
Anyone knows how to resolve it?
This looks to me like you're building against one version of Qt and linking against another at runtime. Run the QtSDK Maintenance Tool and remove any versions of Qt Desktop that you don't need. You may then need to repoint Codeblocks at the correct headers.
I'm guessing that if you're running from within Codeblocks, you've had to explicitly specify which dlls to use when you run your newly built app. If so, make sure that those are the correct versions (i.e. replace them with dlls from QT INSTALL DIR\Desktop\4.7.x\mingw\bin [though I'm not on my work PC at the moment, so this path may be slightly wrong. Just make sure you're in the correct 4.7.x folder]).
To be honest though, if you're running from Windows, why not use QtCreator? Aside from slightly lacking in terms of GDB integration, it's pretty good and you'd find problems like this are harder to come across.
This is (esp on Windows) a common problem. When installing the Qt SDK, you'll get at least 2 .dll's with the same name but in different versions. It happens, that you link against the intended (dev-)lib but at runtime the version from the Designer/Creator is used.
The easiest way to avoid this, is to deploy the right version of the dll's together with your binaries (.exe and stuff) in a separate folder. This can be achived by modifying your build script. It depends on your build system which is usually qmake/.pro or cmake/CMakeLists.txt.
As for CMake, given an environment variable MYQTDLLDIR containing the path to the files to be deployed you can use something like that:
documentation stripped from cmake --help-full:
configure_file Copy a file to another location and modify its
Copies a file to file and substitutes variable
values referenced in the file content. If is a relative
path it is evaluated with respect to the current source directory.
The must be a file, not a directory. If is a
relative path it is evaluated with respect to the current binary
directory. If names an existing directory the input file
is placed in that directory with its original name.
This command replaces any variables in the input file referenced as
${VAR} or #VAR# with their values as determined by CMake. If a
variable is not defined, it will be replaced with nothing. If
COPYONLY is specified, then no variable expansion will take place. If
ESCAPE_QUOTES is specified then any substituted quotes will be C-style
escaped. The file will be configured with the current values of CMake
variables. If #ONLY is specified, only variables of the form #VAR#
will be replaces and ${VAR} will be ignored. This is useful for
configuring scripts that use ${VAR}. Any occurrences of #cmakedefine
VAR will be replaced with either #define VAR or /* #undef VAR */
depending on the setting of VAR in CMake. Any occurrences of
#cmakedefine01 VAR will be replaced with either #define VAR 1 or
#define VAR 0 >depending on whether VAR evaluates to TRUE or FALSE in
As for qmake you could use INSTALLS (used when make install is called) or execute a "plain command" after linking. Using INSTALLS:
mytarget.path = /output/path
mytarget.files += /path/to/QtCore4.dll
mytarget.files += /path/to/QtGui4.dll
INSTALLS += mytarget
qmake using command execution:
win32 {
$${MYQTDLLDIR}/QtCore4.dll \
DESTDIR_WIN ~= s,/,\\,g
QMAKE_POST_LINK +=$$quote(cmd /c copy /y $${FILE} $${DESTDIR_WIN}$$escape_expand(\n\t))

How to execute shell command after compile finished from .pro in QT?

What changes must I make to the .pro file if I want to execute chmod command, execute the output binary file, or do some other operations.
I had a similar problem. I wanted a special tool (versioner) to run over the code every time the Makefile was executed. Here's the solution:
(to be read in the Qmake Manual, Configuring qmake's Environment, Section: Customizing Makefile Output)
Create you own Makefile target. Specify the command etc. = .buildfile
mytarget.commands = touch $$
This way, you have an extra target you can call with make mytarget for example. If you want to tie it together to the actual buildtarget you'll have to add:
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Another way to make things in given order is to use empty "super" target:
super.depends = target_pre first target_post
Where first - is default qmake target, and target_pre and target_post some custom targets. Now make super just do the thing.
EDIT: looks like in last versions of Qt build of dependencies is running in paralell so this solution wouldn't work.
If you are using Qt Creator, you can add custom build steps in the Projects panel:
The right answer depends on exactly what you want, and when. However, as seen in some previously posted comments here QMAKE_POST_LINK is probably what you want rather than POST_TARGETDEPS.
Check out this related post:
QMake: execute script after build
For one, when you use POST_TARGETDEPS that fires off BEFORE your exe is created (in Windows) or BEFORE it is recreated (in Linux)! QMake works differently depending upon the platform and the complier.
I needed to do some "symbols processing" on an exe when it was recompiled. POST_TARGETDEPS gave me problems in both Windows (using mingw) and Linux (using gcc). In Windows, it executed my script prematurely, and in Linux it overwrote my exe after I had modified it (i.e. added back my debugging info to the exe after I had stripped it in my external script). QMAKE_POST_LINK worked perfectly, however, in both cases. It's also short, sweet, and more clear by comparison!
