Set an int pointer to an int value in Go - pointers

I'm very new to Go and am trying to set a *int to point to a number, say 12345.
package main
import (
func main() {
var guess *int
*guess = 12345
But it's giving me the following error:
Type: *int
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x483c7d]
goroutine 1 [running]:
/home/aaron/projects/gopath/src/ +0x9d
exit status 2
I see that the error is with the *guess = 12345 since 12345, but I'm not sure what's causing it.

You have a pointer variable which after declaration will be nil.
If you want to set the pointed value, it must point to something. Attempting to dereference a nil pointer is a runtime panic, just what you experienced. You may use the builtin new() function to obtain a pointer to a zero-valued int, and then you can set the pointed value:
var guess *int
guess = new(int)
*guess = 12345
Your modified app:
var guess *int
guess = new(int)
*guess = 12345
fmt.Println(guess, *guess)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
0x10414028 12345
Note that you can make this shorter using a short variable declaration like this:
guess := new(int)
*guess = 12345
Another option to make a pointer point to something "useful" is to assign the address of a variable to the pointer variable, like this:
value := 12345 // will be of type int
guess := &value
But this solution modifies the pointer value, not the pointed value. The result is the same though in this simple example.
You could also just assign the address of another variable, and then proceed to change the pointed value:
var value int
guess := &value
*guess = 12345
Also note that since guess points to value, changing the pointed value will change the value of the value variable too. Also if you change the value variable directly, the pointed value by guess also changes: they are one and the same:
var value int
guess := &value
value = 12345
fmt.Println(*guess) // This will also print 12345
Try this one on the Go Playground.

FWIW, if you do this often enough (like setting up data in unit tests) it's useful to have a shorthand, hence:
val := 42
pointerToVal := &val
// vs.
pointerToVal := pointy.Int(42)

Here's one possible utility function:
func getIntPointer(val int) *int {
return &val
Or as an inline anonymous function:
func(val int) *int { return &val }(val)
For example,
var foo *int = func(val int) *int { return &val }(10)
Run on The Go Playground
EDIT: It's probably better to make this a 2-liner:
val := new(int)
*val = 5

Assuming you really want an int pointer and not just an int, then you need a variable to store the int you point to. For example:
var guess *int
a := 12345
guess = &a

Starting from Go 1.18 you can make use of generics
func Pointer[K any](val K) *K {
return &val

A tricky way to get int pointer without create new variable.
someIntPtr := &[]int64{10}[0]
Like this, you don't have to use a one line func like func(val int) *int { return &val }(10) or create a variable of int.


reflect.New returns <nil> instead of initialized struct

I am using reflection for a library I'm building but there's something I don't understand about reflect.New.
type A struct {
A int
B string
func main() {
real := new(A)
reflected := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(real)).Elem().Interface()
$ go run *go
&{0 }
Isn't reflect.New supposed to return &{0 } too? (Runnable Version)
Ultimately, I wish to be able to iterate over the fields of the reflected struct (reflected.NumField() gives reflected.NumField undefined (type interface {} is interface with no methods)) and use SetInt, SetString and so on.
You used the builtin new() function when you created your real variable, which returns a pointer! Type of real is *A, not A! This is the source of the confusion.
reflect.New() returns a pointer to the (zeroed) value of the given type (wrapped in a reflect.Value). If you pass the type A, you get back a wrapped *A, A initialized / zeroed. If you pass the type *A, you get back a wrapped **A, *A initialized (zeroed), and the zero value for any pointer type is nil.
You basically ask reflect.New() to create a new value of a pointer type (*A), and –as mentioned– its zero value is nil.
You have to pass the type A (and not the type *A). It works like this (try it on the Go Playground):
real := new(A)
reflected := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(real).Elem()).Elem().Interface()
Or like this (Go Playground):
real := A{}
reflected := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(real)).Elem().Interface()

Find address of constant in go

We have written one program by which we try to find an address of a constant. Is it possible to do it like that?
package main
func main() {
const k = 5
address := &k
It gives an error, can anyone tell how can we find the address of a constant?
In short: you can't.
The error message says:
cannot take the address of k
There are limitations on the operand of the address operator &. Spec: Address operators:
For an operand x of type T, the address operation &x generates a pointer of type *T to x. The operand must be addressable, that is, either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array. As an exception to the addressability requirement, x may also be a (possibly parenthesized) composite literal. If the evaluation of x would cause a run-time panic, then the evaluation of &x does too.
Constants are not listed as addressable, and things that are not listed in the spec as addressable (quoted above) cannot be the operand of the address operator & (you can't take the address of them).
It is not allowed to take the address of a constant. This is for 2 reasons:
A constant may not have an address at all.
And even if a constant value is stored in memory at runtime, this is to help the runtime to keep constants that: constant. If you could take the address of a constant value, you could assign the address (pointer) to a variable and you could change that (the pointed value, the value of the constant). Robert Griesemer (one of Go's authors) wrote why it's not allowed to take a string literal's address: "If you could take the address of a string constant, you could call a function [that assigns to the pointed value resulting in] possibly strange effects - you certainly wouldn't want the literal string constant to change." (source)
If you need a pointer to a value being equal to that constant, assign it to a variable of which is addressable so you can take its address, e.g.
func main() {
const k = 5
v := k
address := &v // This is allowed
But know that in Go numeric constants represent values of arbitrary precision and do not overflow. When you assign the value of a constant to a variable, it may not be possible (e.g. the constant may be greater than the max value of the variable's type you're assigning it to - resulting in compile-time error), or it may not be the same (e.g. in case of floating point constants, it may lose precision).
I often hit this problem when creating large, nested JSON objects during unit tests. I might have a structure where all the fields are pointers to strings/ints:
type Obj struct {
Prop1 *string
Prop2 *int
Status *string
and want to write something like:
obj := Obj{
Prop1: &"a string property",
Prop2: &5,
Status: &statuses.Awesome,
When I initialise it, but the language doesn't allow this directly. A quick way to bypass this is to define a function that takes a constant and returns its address:
s := func(s string) *string { return &s }
i := func(i int) *int { return &i }
obj := Obj{
Prop1: s("a string property"),
Prop2: i(5),
Status: s(statuses.Awesome)
This works due to the fact that when the constant is passed as a parameter to the function, a copy of the constant is made which means the pointer created in the function does not point to the address of the constant, but to the address of its copy, in the same way as when a constant value is assigned to a var. However, using a function to do this makes it more readable/less cumbersome IMO than having to forward declare large blocks of variables.
The AWS SDK uses this technique. I now find myself regularly adding a package to my projects that looks something like:
package ref
import "time"
func Bool(i bool) *bool {
return &i
func Int(i int) *int {
return &i
func Int64(i int64) *int64 {
return &i
func String(i string) *string {
return &i
func Duration(i time.Duration) *time.Duration {
return &i
func Strings(ss []string) []*string {
r := make([]*string, len(ss))
for i := range ss {
r[i] = &ss[i]
return r
Which I call in the following way:
func (t: Target) assignString(to string, value string) {
if to == tags.AuthorityId {
t.authorityId = ref.String(value)
// ...
You can also add a deref package, though I have generally found this to be less useful:
package deref
func String(s *string, d string) string {
if s != nil { return *s }
return d
// more derefs here.
EDIT April 2022:
With the release of go 1.18, it's now possible to define a single method to handle all conversions from constants into pointers:
package ref
func Of[E any](e E) *E {
return &e
I found another way to deal with this, which is using AWS API:
import ""
type Obj struct {
x := aws.Int(16) // return address
obj := Obj{x} // work fine
this method is literally same as the answer above, but you dont have to write the whole functions on your own.
These 3 options could be helpful:
Using a helper function with generics. (Works for both primitive and custom types)
package main
import "fmt"
type Role string
const (
Engineer Role = "ENGINEER"
Architect Role = "ARCHITECT"
const (
EngineerStr string = "ENGINEER"
ArchitectStr string = "ARCHITECT"
func main() {
fmt.Println(PointerTo(Engineer)) // works for custom types
fmt.Println(PointerTo(EngineerStr)) // works for primitive types
func PointerTo[T any](v T) *T {
return &v
Try it on playground
Using pointy. (Works only for primitive types)
Using a ToPointer() method. (Works only for custom types)
package main
import "fmt"
type Role string
const (
Engineer Role = "ENGINEER"
Architect Role = "ARCHITECT"
func (r Role) ToPointer() *Role {
return &r
func main() {
Try it on playground
What the constants section does not make very clear: Constants are, unlike variables, not present in the compiled code or running program. They are untyped and will only be in memory once they are assigned to a variable.
As a result, they seem1 to have infinite precision. If you look at this example, you can see that I can assign the constant to a variable without casting it, and the variable will hold as much of the constants precision as it can.
1 As the spec also points out, integers have at least 256 bits, floats at least 256 bits mantissa and 32 bits exponent, and the compiler will throw an error if its internal constructs cannot accurately store a constant.

Why should constructor of Go return address?

I understand that Go doesn't have any constructors and a New func is used in its place, but according to this example.
func NewFile(fd int, name string) *File {
if fd < 0 {
return nil
f := File{fd, name, nil, 0}
return &f
They always return &f. Why just simply returning File isn't suffice?
I've tried returning the created object for a simple struct and it's fine. So, I wonder if returning an address is a standard way of constructor or something.
As mentioned, yes, the spec allows you to return either values (as non-pointers) or pointers. It's just a decision you have to make.
When to return pointer?
Usually if the value you return is "more useful" as a pointer. When is it more useful?
For example if it has many methods with pointer receiver. Yes, you could store the return value in a variable and so it will be addressable and you can still call its methods that have pointer receivers. But if a pointer is returned right away, you can "chain" method calls. See this example:
type My int
func (m *My) Str() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(*m)) }
func createMy(i int) My { return My(i) }
Now writing:
Will result in error: cannot call pointer method on createMy(12)
But if works if you return a pointer:
func createMy(i int) *My { return (*My)(&i) }
Also if you store the returned value in a data structure which is not addressable (map for example), you cannot call methods on values by indexing a map because values of a map are not addressable.
See this example: My.Str() has pointer receiver. So if you try to do this:
m := map[int]My{0: My(12)}
m[0].Str() // Error!
You can't because "cannot take the address of m[0]". But the following works:
m := map[int]*My{}
my := My(12)
m[0] = &my // Store a pointer in the map
m[0].Str() // You can call it, no need to take the address of m[0]
// as it is already a pointer
And another example for pointers being useful is if it is a "big" struct which will be passed around a lot. http.Request is a shining example. It is big, it is usually passed around a lot to other handlers, and it has methods with pointer receiver.
If you return a pointer, that usually suggests that the returned value is better if stored and passed around as a pointer.
Pointer receiver accepts both pointer and value types, as long as it matches the data type.
type User struct {
name string
email string
age int
// NewUserV returns value ... ideally for a User we should not be
// returning value
func NewUserV(name, email string, age int) User {
return User{name, email, age}
// NewUserP returns pointer ...
func NewUserP(name, email string, age int) *User {
return &User{name, email, age}
// ChangeEmail ...
func (u *User) ChangeEmail(newEmail string) { = newEmail
func main() {
// with value type
usr1 := NewUserV("frank", "", 22)
fmt.Println("Before change: ", usr1)
fmt.Println("After change: ", usr1)
// with pointer type
usr2 := NewUserP("john", "", 22)
fmt.Println("Before change: ", usr2)
fmt.Println("After change: ", usr2)
In addition to what icza mentioned about the big struct being passed around. Pointer values are a way of saying that pointer semantics are at play and who ever uses the particular type should not make copy of the value which is being shared by the pointer.
If you look at the struct of File or http type, it maintains channels or some other pointer types which is unique to that value. Make a copy of the value (given to you by the pointer) would lead to hard to find bugs since the copied value might end up writing or reading to the pointer types of the original value.

How get pointer of struct's member from interface{}

I want to pass struct's pointer to function that expect interface{}. Then get (through reflection) the pointer to the struct's member and then modify it using this pointer. I've read a much of Q&A and tried much of variations, but still I can get it work.
Let's consider example below:
type Robot struct {
Id int
f := func(i interface {}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
ptr := v.Addr().Pointer()
*ptr = 100
//^ it needs to me for functions expecting the pointer: Scan(&pointerToValue)
robot := &Robot{}
println(robot.Id) //I want to get here 100
I think the problem in poor understanding what actually do Addr() and Pointer() methods of reflect package..
Here's a working version of function f:
func f(i interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
ptr := v.Addr().Interface().(*int)
*ptr = 100
playground example
The conversion to integer pointer goes as follows:
v is a reflect.Value representing the int field.
v.Addr() is a relfect.Value representing a pointer to the int field.
v.Addr().Interface() is an interface{} containing the int pointer.
v.Addr().Interface().(*int) type asserts the interface{} to a *int
You can set the field directly without getting a pointer:
func f(i interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
playground example
If you are passing the value along to something expecting interface{} (like the db/sql Scan methods), then you can remove the type assertion:
func f(i interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
playground example

Go struct pointers not unique

I'm trying to create a map of elements. I wanted to use a pointer rather then an integer as a key. The problem is... I keep getting the same pointer. No matter how many times I create it. Why is this? How do I get a real pointer, without using the unsafe package if possible.
package main
import (
type Thingy struct{}
var things map[*Thingy]int
func main() {
things = make(map[*Thingy]int)
thing1 := new(Thingy)
tracePointer("thing1", thing1)
things[thing1] = 1
thing2 := new(Thingy)
tracePointer("thing2", thing2)
things[thing2] = 2
thing3 := &Thingy{}
tracePointer("thing3", thing3)
things[thing3] = 3
fmt.Printf("Amount of things: %d\n", len(things))
func tracePointer(identifier string, obj interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("%s pointer: %p\n", identifier, obj)
thing1 pointer: 0x546570
thing2 pointer: 0x546570
thing3 pointer: 0x546570
Amount of things: 1
struct{} is a special case, it always uses 0 bytes of memory and will always have the same address.
If you just want a dummy pointer, you can use type Thingy byte.
thing1 pointer: 0x10328000
thing2 pointer: 0x10328020
thing3 pointer: 0x10328021
Amount of things: 3
As James Henstridge pointed out in the comments, struct{}'s address changes if they are inside a bigger struct.
