WooCommerce Subscriptions - Action on initial payment - wordpress

I am using the WooCommerce subscriptions plugin, in particular the woocommerce_subscription_payment_complete function.
I am using it like this:
function subscription_created($subscription) {
echo 'Run when subscription payment is complete';
This works, but it also fires when a renewal payment completes. Does anybody know of a way to determine if the payment was for an initial subscription payment rather than a renewal?

You could use woocommerce_checkout_subscription_created, however the problem here is that it will fire before payment is processed - and I'm assuming you need to fire your even after payment has been successful.
One way to approach this is to set meta on the subscription post, that denotes whether your custom function has been run, and checking that meta with an if statement like this:
function subscription_created($subscription) {
//check if meta exists/is not true
if (!get_post_meta($subscription->id, 'has_my_function_run', true)) {
//update meta to bool(true)
update_post_meta($subscription->id, 'has_my_function_run', true);
//run your function
echo 'Run when subscription payment is complete';
I am sure there is a better way to approach this though, so keep an eye out for other answers. It might be a good idea to look into hooking into woocommerce_order_status_processing, checking if it contains a subscription product, and then running your function, but that won't work if WooCommerce generates a new order for every subscription renewal.


woocommerce checkout update shipping value more than once

Woocommerce allows the use of the code below to update the shipping cost.
$('body').trigger('update_checkout', { update_shipping_method: true });
Am using a custom shipping plugin and am able to update the cost through ajax and eventually update my total.
The problem is, the update_checkout can only work when the billing_address_1, billing_city, shipping_city and a few other fields have been changed. So I have to do something like below:
$("#billing_address_1").trigger("keypress").val(function(i,val){return val + ' -';});
$('body').trigger('update_checkout', { update_shipping_method: true });
Is there a better way to achieve this, other than make the form dirty for woocommerce to update the shipping cost?
Thanks in advance!!
This by design of woocommerce. This scripts assumes that update is needed when changing address or country.
/* what this does is update the order review table but what it doesn't do is update shipping costs;
the calculate_shipping function of your shipping class will not be called again;
so if you were like me and you made a shipping method plugin and you had to change costs based on payment method then
this is the only way to ensure it does just that
If you want to make things work add this (to plugin file or functions.php):
function action_woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review($array, $int)
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', 'action_woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', 10, 2);
Quotation from: https://gist.github.com/neamtua/bfdc4521f5a1582f5ad169646f42fcdf
For reson why, read this ticet:

Payum - How to repeat Paypal payment when user close browser being on paypal side.

I have an ExpressCheckout up and running. Now I want to give the user the chance to make the payment at a later time. For example he closes the paypal process I keep data saved.
I guess this must be pretty straightforward but somehow it wont redirect me to paypal anymore. The only thing I did so far is to use the identifier to find an existing model instead of creating a new one. This part works so it'll find the specific record of the PaypalExpressPaymentDetails table. But as I said it wont redirect to paypal. Here is the code:
$paymentName = 'demo_paypal';
$storage = $this->get('payum')->getStorageForClass(
/** #var $paymentDetails PaymentDetails */
$paymentDetails = $storage->createModel();
$paymentDetails->setPaymentrequestCurrencycode(0, $currency);
$paymentDetails->setPaymentrequestAmt(0, $amount);
$captureToken = $this->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken(
Executed Controller:
$identificator = new Identificator($entity->getId(), 'Demo\UserBundle\Entity\PaypalExpressPaymentDetails');
$captureToken = $this->payLateByPaypal($entity->getAmount(), "USD", $entity->getId(), $identificator);
return $this->redirect($captureToken->getTargetUrl());
Any ideas?
I've reproduce it in the sandbox. Unfortunately it is a known issue. If the user logged in and access the page second time the payment considered as canceled. That's done this way to avoid endless redirection between your site and paypal one. I dont see an easy way to solve it.
In version 1.0 the cancel issue is handled correctly.

run a piece of code once in a day in wordpress

i was working in a wordpress registration plugin. i stucked in expiry of the user. actually i want to expire the member after one year of his/her registration. and i want to notify them via email before 1 month of their expiry. i am using add_action('init','my function name') to check how many of the user is going to expire after a month and also to send the mail. bt this action hook will run every time a user visits the site which will make my site too slow to load everytime a user will visit. so i want something dat will make this code run once in a day. e.g. when the first user visit the site this code will run and for the whole remaining day this code will not be invoke no matter how many user will visit the website.
Wordpress has a built-in function/API that just do exactly what you want - doing something every day/hour/any interval you specify.
Taken shamelessly from the above page
add_action( 'wp', 'prefix_setup_schedule' );
* On an early action hook, check if the hook is scheduled - if not, schedule it.
function prefix_setup_schedule() {
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'prefix_daily_event' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'prefix_daily_event');
add_action( 'prefix_daily_event', 'prefix_do_this_daily' );
* On the scheduled action hook, run a function.
function prefix_do_this_daily() {
// check every user and see if their account is expiring, if yes, send your email.
prefix_ is presumably to ensure there will be no collision with other plugins, so I suggest you to change this to something unique.
See http://wp.tutsplus.com/articles/insights-into-wp-cron-an-introduction-to-scheduling-tasks-in-wordpress/ if you want to know more.

Wordpress Plug-in - Trigger e-mail based on a specific date

I currently have a registration form for people to signup and pick a date for an "appointment". They get sent an e-mail right after filling it up with the details. I need another e-mail to be sent a day before their chosen date to remind them, but that can't be fulfilled by plugins I currently have.
Does anyone know of any Wordpress plug-in that allows the sending of an e-mail message (with a template and user specific data) based on a specified date?
Any piece of information or advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
How I would approach this would be with Wordpresses event scheduling. When a user submits the form to schedule their appointment, set a new action for the reminder email:
// Set this when you send the confirmation email
// Set the $unix_timestamp to be whenever you want the reminder to be sent.
// Args can be an array of the data you will need. Such as the users email/appt date
$args = array(
'email' => 'email#email.com'
wp_schedule_single_event($unix_timestamp, 'set_reminder', $args);
Now we have to catch that, and create a function to actually create and send the email (assuming you use a similar process):
function do_reminder($args) {
// $email = $args['email'], etc.
// send reminder email.
I recommend Wysija Newsletters. You http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wysija-newsletters/. You can use template and user specific data in your email with this plugin.
If you are comfortable with writing your own code(I guess you are more or less ok with that), you can use the WordPress Schedule API(okay, maybe that's not the official name, but it works). Basically it's kind of a cron-job, but for WordPress. It has one downside though - it will only trigger on time, if WordPress is rendered(in other words accessed, so that it's code will execute). That can be easily fixed by adding a simple cron-job to your hosting account, that will simply access your home page every X hours.
You can find useful information on the API here.
Basically what you should have inside of your scheduled function is to get the records of people that should be sent reminder emails(you should probably store additional information about whether a reminder email has been sent or not) and send them the emails. I don't know what is the way you're storing the information from the registration form, but if you are using a Custom Post Type, then things should be pretty easy for you.

Modifying Wordpress post status on Publish

I am attempting to validate fields on a custom post type in the admin panel Edit Post page.
When the user clicks "Publish" I want to validate fields in the POST data, and change the post_status to "pending" if the data does not pass the tests. When this occurs, I'd also like to add errors to the page in the admin notices area.
I've been trying this with an added hook to the "wp_insert_post" action which also saves our own data. I'm not certain of the order of operations, but I'm assuming that the wp_insert_post events happen first, and then my function gets called via the hook.
The problem is that it's the Wordpress function which is doing the post publish actions, so by the time I get to validate data, Wordpress has already saved the post with a status of "publish". What I need to do is either prevent that update, or change the status back to "pending", but I'm having little success in finding a way to do this within the API.
So, here's an order of operations I'd like to effect:
1. admin user edits post data and clicks "Publish"
2. via wp_insert_post, my data validation and post meta save routine is called
3. If data passes validation, post status is "published"
4. Otherwise, post status set to "pending" & message shown in admin notice area
Surely someone has done this, but extensive Googling just leads me to the same seemingly irrelevant pages. Can someone point me in the right direction here? Thanks in advance-
So, RichardML was indeed correct, hooking to the wp_insert_post_data filter gave me the right place to validate admin post edit page fields. I'm updating this however to note what the rest of the solution is, specifically getting the reason reported in the admin notice area.
First off, you can't just output data or set a field because the admin page is the result of a redirect, and by the time you get to rendering the admin post page again, the admin_notices action is already gone. The trick was something I picked up from another forum, and it's hackish, but it works.
What you'll need to do is in your validation filter function, if you determine that you will need to display errors, is use set_option() to add a blog option with a unique name (I used 'publish_errors'). This should be HTML code in a div with a class of "error".
You will also need to add an action hook for 'admin_notices', pointing at a function which checks for the existence of the 'publish_errors' option, and if it finds it, prints it to the page and deletes it with delete_option().
You can use the wp_insert_post_data filter to inspect and modify post data before it's inserted into the database.
In response to your update I don't think it's necessary to temporarily add an option to the database. It should be possible to simply add a query string variable to the Wordpress redirect, something like this:
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'my_post_data_validator', '99');
function my_post_data_validator($data) {
if ($data['post_type'] == 'post') {
// If post data is invalid then
$data['post_status'] = 'pending';
add_filter('redirect_post_location', 'my_post_redirect_filter', '99');
return $data;
function my_post_redirect_filter($location) {
remove_filter('redirect_post_location', __FILTER__, '99');
return add_query_arg('my_message', 1, $location);
add_action('admin_notices', 'my_post_admin_notices');
function my_post_admin_notices() {
if (!isset($_GET['my_message'])) return;
switch (absint($_GET['my_message'])) {
case 1:
$message = 'Invalid post data';
$message = 'Unexpected error';
echo '<div id="notice" class="error"><p>' . $message . '</p></div>';
