PowerDNS Recursor – Private / Public IP - ip

Sorry to bother you I wanted to know if it was possible that the pdns_recursor uses an ip address for all that is public and one for all that is private (or "internal"). Indeed, I looked in the various settings of the configuration file and I did not find anything.
For example, on my infrastructur :
If a client requests www.google.com, the client will have to query "public dns" and thus have a public address.
While if he queries private.com he will have to query a private
Authoritative dns and he will need a private IP address (because I need his "geolocation").
Thank you in advance


HTTPS communication security

I have an ambiguity about HTTPS communication and my question had may be asked but I didn't find and clear response:
In HTTPS communication, the server is sharing it's public key with "everyone"
If this key is shared with public, than doesn't anyone can decrypt the communication from the server?
No. You use the public key to encrypt the data and it's not possible to decrypt it by using the same public key.
The only way to decrypt the data is by using the correspondent private key.
This wiki article explains the core.

Nginx redirect not working on public IP

I do have a complex scenerio. I have two AWS instances.
Instance 1: Running Nginx (have 1 private IP, 1 public IP)
Instance 2: Running Nodejs server (have 1 Private IP only, NO PUBLIC IP)
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a redirect setting in my nginx config which forwards the requrest for a particular URL to Instance 2.
It works fine when I try browsing from http://Instance 1's private IP, but it does not work if I try by browsing from http://Instance 1's public IP.
I am using nginx reverse proxy setting. It works great when URL is browsed via private IPs but does not when it is browsed via public IP.
What I might be doing wrong? or this something that is not supported?
Simply "redirecting" an HTTP request to the private IP address would not work, as the private IP is not routeable from hosts outside that private network.
What I think you are looking for is Nginx's reverse proxy functionality. There is a good guide on how to set that up here.

Updating IP address in config

Newbie question here, I am trying to change the IP address of our database server. In our config.cs we have:
public class Config
private const string DevelopmentIp = "";
private const string ProductionIp = "";
But on the live server we only have the compiled site. Is it possible to change the IP address without having to recompile the entire application? Is it possible to manually edit the live site with the new IP address?
You should never keep ConnectionString in your source code.
Instead, you want to keep ConnectionString in web.config. If you worry about hacking web.config , then you can decrypt it using aspnet_regiis.exe (which is not your original question).
But on the live server we only have the compiled site. Is it possible
to change the IP address without having to recompile the entire
application? Is it possible to manually edit the live site with the
new IP address?
Answer is No. You have hard-coded IP address inside config.cs. You need to update it, and re-compile the application.

How to find if two distinct accounts are being accessed from same computer but using different browser?

I couldn't track a machine using ip-address because I usually get proxy server address
public static String GetIP()
String ip =
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip))
ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
return ip;
Are there any other ways to track a machine correctly?
Reading ip-address is the only way But with that also you can't trace exactly due to Network address translators,Proxy servers and VPN servers etc.
You have to understand this its privacy issue
Even in iOS also they have forbidden to read UDID right from iOS 7 as it infringes users privacy
Hope this solves your problem

ec2 is not accessible by http using domain in several countries but accessible using public domain

My ec2 instance is accessible using public dns from any where of the world on the other hand its not accessible in different counties using the domain name.
Any idea where to look at?
I assume you mean different "countries"? Therefore do you mean your public DNS works from some countries and not others? My guess is that either your DNS name or possibly even the public IP is being blocked in those countries.
