Date Navigation resets the vertical scroll to the top - fullcalendar

Clicking the Previous, Next or Refresh button always resets the vertical scroll to the top of the resource list. Is there a way to preserve the vertical scroll position during refetch events?


React-beautiful-dnd: Prevent page from scrolling when draggable is being dragged near edge of page

I'm using react-beautiful-dnd in a project and when I'm dragging a draggable, the page auto scrolls if I drag it near the top, bottom or sides of the page. I could theoretically fix this problem by placing the drag and drop container in the middle of the page so that the user probably wouldn't trigger the auto scroll as the draggable wouldn't be dragged to the edges of the page, but I'd prefer not to alter the layout in that way. Is there any way to disable the auto scrolling?

Cannot scroll element into view in Firefox using Robot Framework

I try to click element that doesn't appear in page then I use "keyword Scroll Element Into View" but it doesn't scroll into view and Robot return element is not clickable at point.
I try these way: Nothing happen and cannot click
Scroll Element Into View &{quickLink}[sendDoc]
Set Focus To Element ${PRODUCT}
Click Element ${PRODUCT}
And these way: it scroll to the bottom of page and cannot click
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${PRODUCT} timeout=30s
${x}= Get Horizontal Position ${PRODUCT}
${y}= Get Vertical Position ${PRODUCT}
Execute Javascript window.scrollTo(${x}, ${y})
Set Focus To Element ${PRODUCT}
Click Element ${PRODUCT}
ElementClickInterceptedException: Message: Element is not clickable at point (453.75,186.5) because another element obscures it
Instead of scrolling, you have more options:
1) Resize your browser, so you dont need to scroll (use xvfb to create a screen with a specific size, then use Set Window Size)
2) I guess only using "Wait Until Element Is Visible" is enough. No need to scroll

JavaFX ScrollPane not showing ScrollBars until mouse is clicked on the ScrollBar

I've got a ScrollPane containing a TableView. The ScrollBars are hidden until you click the mouse on them. Since they are invisible you have to guess where to click to make them appear. It doesn't matter if the TableView has data in it or just the column headers. It doesn't matter if the ScrollBar policy is ALWAYS.
The vertical ScrollBar displays if you have a scroll mouse and scroll it, but you have to guess where horizontal ScrollBar is and click the mouse on it to make it appear.
How can I make the ScrollBars stay visible in a ScrollPane?

Semantic UI Modal fixed position

I am using Semantic UI 2.1. I have a modal which displays pictures. The pictures are varying sizes. I then have nav buttons to move back and forth between the pictures. The modal wants to keep resizing/recentering itself as I move through the photos. What that means is the navigation buttons keep moving up and down so a user can't just click, click, click to move through the photos. They have to click, move mouse, click, move mouse, etc.
Is it possible to have the modal fixed to the top? I am happy for it to resize but at a fixed top position. That way the nav buttons will stay under the user's mouse cursor.

Touch event for right and left bar button items of navigationbar in ios7

I created left bar button item and array of 2 bar button items to the right bar button item. Here, the problem is, if I tap on area out of the left and right bar button items, the navigation occurs.How to remove this touch behaviour at the area out of the buttons?
I created left and right bar button items as shown in figure.Kindly answer my question.
Have you tried disabling the back button with the hidesBackButton property on the navigation item?
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;
See the UINavigationItem docs.
