Something went wrong WordPress File Editor Error - wordpress

When I update a file in WordPress admin editor, I get an error.
Something went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try
again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and
upload the file over FTP.
Please help me how to resolve this error.
Thanks in advance!

Try using the Health Check plugin for general troubleshooting. This can determine is a plugin is causing the issues. If its not a plugin then most likely a server permissions issue.

Is it taking a good while for the message to appear (i.e. the ajax request times out)?
I had that issue and enabled PHP-FPM slowlog to found out it was a specific plugin causing the timeout.


How to handle Wordpress Http error while uploading images

Sometimes I faced the HTTP error on WordPress for different tasks. especially when I try to upload some files in the media library. Some easily uploaded while some give HTTP error. Let me know if you are also facing the same issue. By the way, you can visit my website and tell me if there is any issue there.
Have you tried to upload the same file again after some time? I see it's not a permanent error so it may be a server resources problem.
I found this article on the issue, maybe you'll find it helpful:
I'd recommend you to also contact your hosting provider and tell them about the issue.

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute. No .maintenance File

I logged into my wordpress site today, seen fasttrack plugins needs update. So I clicked on the update button. Now I am stuck at this message.
Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
I have waited around 30 minutes but still same page showing.
Now what to do?
I have googled with the error message and found some instruction to delete the .maintenance file from the root folder at server. But when I when to the server there is no file named .maintenance is available there. I also checked for hidden files.
Found solution, it was litespeed server cache problem. I answered my own question here, so that it will help others.
In my particular case I have found a solution. That's why answering my own question hoping it will help others.
In my case in was litespeed server's default cache problem. I flushed all cache and site working again. So here is my summery.
First check, if .maintenance file exist in root directory of wordpress setup, just delete the file. If problem exist after deleting the file or there is no file name like that follow next.
As Answered by Earid A in his answer follow these steps, if problem still exist
Try clearing all cache, in browser, in your server, check if you are using litespeed server. It has a default behavior to cache every get request. Find litespeed cache module in C-Panel and click the Flush All button.
Hope this will solve the problem.
Go to wp-activate.php
Search for
define ('WP_INSTALLING', false)
Make it
define ('WP_INSTALLING', true)
If it doesn't help, you need to temporarily deactivate all plugin, any of your plugins may be corrupted. Need to find that plugin. If again you see this, you need to update your WordPress installation.

WP File Manager got an error

I think I messed up I don't have the Cpanel access to this site and I'm using the WP File Manager to edit the function.php and I made a mistake and save it now I can't open it and it's returning as a parse error. I can't open anything it keeps showing the error. Anyone know how to fix this without Cpanel? I don't really wanna let my client know that I messed up I think I'm not gonna ask for the CPanel is it possible?
In short: No.
Own your mistake. Tell the client as soon as you can. In future, Always ask for FTP or cPanel access beforehand.
If you cause a parse error in wordpress and have no FTP or SSH access, there's nothing that can be done.

Wordpress doesn't answer

I'm working on a client Wordpress and recently we had to migrate it from one server to another. When we did that, we couldn't access the backend, and were having error 500.
We've tried to solve this, but we can just access to it from webFTP, and all the changes we're implementing are not working. We modify the files and it looks like changes aren't being made. Also, we have "All in one Wordpress Security" installed and working, and maybe that's causing the issue. We can't deactivate the plugins, cause the web does nothing when we rename the folder.
Anyone knows why this is happening and how could I solve it?
Thanks in advance. Kind regards.
This was solved changing one file in a plugin called "Woo Button Text", but not just that. Apparently, there are some things that our hosting service did wrong, and the files are still in the old server, that's why changing all the files didn't work.
Thanks for the replies. Kind Regards.

Media won't show or allow to upload on Wordpress Media Library

The media library only displays one thumb which is unidentified and stops downloading all previous media that were uploaded.
I do not know what seems to be the problem. I have disabled all plugins and tried but the problem still existed.
Anyone has this problem before? and how to solve it. Thank you.
Edited : Guys, thank you for your help. I have looked up online and it seemed like when I imported database, I didn't do it correctly which caused _postmeta and _posts to not have AUTO INCREMENT in the database. I am going to fix it and see if that helps.
Just found the solution. When I migrated website from localhost, at
Settings>Media, somehow the localhost URL was remained there at Path
value. Therefore, I had to make a change there to be
In general to fix this problem you have to check the file permissions of your uploads folder (wp-content/uploads). Try to set the numeric value to 755.
Please specify the error as you are able to see it most probably this issue is occurring due to uploads folder permission issue.
Looking forward to help you more on this.
Just reinstall the wordpress, may be installing issue
