If I am given the SHA1 ID of a particular file as a string, how can I obtain its name in JGit?
As part of a project I need to retrieve personal user information from a Teradata table.
To preserve user privacy we need to have access only on the sha256 hash of the values.
Would it be possible in Teradata to hash the value directly in the query?
I tried:
SELECT sha256(login_email) as sha_login_email
FROM tablex;
but the function sha256(binary) doesn't work with Strings.
I get an error: The string contains an untranslatable character.
whichever string is processed by the query.
Here is my encrypted string:
How do I convert this into a String that can be written to ConfigParser
later, read this string and convert it back to the correct data type for used for encryption?
encrypted username are of type:<class 'nacl.utils.EncryptedMessage'>
Dynamodb Table with an attribute say id(unique value) which is a Range key and it should always be an incremental value. Using DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey will solve my requirement?
No. auto-generated-keys get a UUID value which is a unique random string (e.g., 0674e9df-0059-4f71-a172-6e2dcb32a92d)
Specifically, the Java Doc says the following:
Only String typed keys can be auto generated, and are given a random UUID.
I have need to add additional Columns to each file under a folder.
I am getting error
E_CSC_USER_DATAPARTITIONEDOUTPUTNOTSUPPORTED: Data partitioned output is not supported.
#q =
EXTRACT OrderID int,
OrderDate DateTime?,
CustomerName string,
PhoneNumber string,
DeliveryAddressLine1 string,
DeliveryAddressLine2 string,
CityName string,
StockItemID int?,
Quantity int?,
UnitPrice float?,
filename string,
extension string
FROM "/Orders/{filename}.{extension}"
USING Extractors.Tsv(skipFirstNRows:1);
OUTPUT #q TO "/Orders/Processed/{filename}.{extension}"
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader:true);
Currently dynamic partitioned output (aka using {} wildcards in output paths) is currently in preview. If you're interested, please email usql at Microsoft dot com with more information about your scenario to see if the preview would work for you.
Otherwise, you could script your output via U-SQL or Powershell. Example here.
Here is what i have or as far as i know about GPG
1. when GPG encrypt using a public key , we need to specify a keyid/user_id to identity that key.
but when decrypt, looks like we do not need to specify the keyid/user_id.
So my question is :
How GPG identify or find out the corresponding private key of that encryption public key ?
Is that information indicated in the encrypted file ?
By using the key ID, normally a cryptographically secure hash over (part of) the key. Note that for e.g. RSA the modulus already identifies the public and private key, so normally a hash over the modulus suffices for identification. No direct need to store the ID.
The encrypted file contains a list of all the keys that can be used to decrypt it. If you have any of those private keys, you can decrypt it.