Using Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 - google-analytics

I am trying to use Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 for the 1st time, programmatically. We are building dashboard pages to show statistics, within their organisation-until now I have been reporting on information from internal databases.
Now we want to retrieve data from our Google analytics account.
My main tool for development is visual studio and C#. Some of the webpages have been created just using text editors, by a colleague, but I'm happier doing it in visual studio. We are sharing this development with organisations who do not use visual studio. So when I finish work on my webpages, we make 2 small changes to my files and we can be used without needing visual studio.
I have experience also in JavaScript and some jscript. I did find the Google API nuget package for studio and have installed it (not had time to look at it yet).
Some options Google have on their help site involves languages such as Java that we don't have any experience of in the format they appeared to be using it.
Given the above, can someone advise or recommend the best approach I should take for retrieving Google analytics data into our webpages (I do not want users to have to login-it should just seamlessly retrieve the data and display it).

You could make an MVC project, where you can take the data and display it in a View. Here you can see some example with GoogleApi and MVC project in C#.


I would like to know, is there any tool (is it possible) to create analytics dashboard similar to Youtube Studio for an OTT platform

Am working on an OTT platform for that I need to build an analytics dashboard similar to YouTube Studio which must includes most watched content, watch time, content views, live users count etc. So my question is there any tool available to achieve this, if not can someone guide me how can I build this (what are the tools/technologies required)?
You could use Google Data Studio. In the data studio, you can import your analytics data and create some dashboards for reports. actually, they have a youtube dashboard as a template maybe you wanna lookout.
ı think data studio is better than analytics. because in google analytics there are so many data and some of them not useful for other companies so in data studio you can put your data wherever you want.
you can learn easily data studio but there are some courses on the internet. you can learn from that.

Export Data to PDF in ASP.NET Application

In My ASP.NET Website, I am taking data inputs and storing it in Database. Now, I need to put a functionality where I can get the stored data in Export to PDF facility where i can save the pdf, having the data in specific format. Can anyone guide in this regard ?
you will need to use a 3rd party framework to do this. Most reporting tools have an option to export a report to PDF. I believe SSRS has this option, I know Crystal Reports has this functionality. I'm sure other reporting tools have this feature too.
There are also tools for directly generating PDFs instead of going through a report. A quick google search of .net pdf generator will be a good starting point. There is also iText which is an open source project for generating PDFs from xml. There is not much documentation on iText sharp and it's not actively developed from my understanding so expect a huge learning curve with this library.
unless the reporting features built into the .net framework (reporting services) can generate a PDF that meets your needs expect to purchase a 3rd party tool to help you create the PDF.

How To Embed Microsoft Excel Spreadhseet inside an Asp .Net page? Just like Google Docs

I am developing a web based application that requires extensive works on spreadsheets. The spreadsheets are already created and are updated on daily basis. I just want to open/embed the MS Excel 2003/2007/2010 Application inside my web page. It should seem like the application is running inside an Iframe.
Users can click on file name. It will open the ms excel exe file inside iframe, they'll use the spreadsheets just like using it when ms excel is opened inside desktop.
Please help.
If you're budget allows for it i would recommend not to re-invent the wheel and use a third-party component like Aspose Cells which comes with ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet visualization and manipulation controls. Check out the GridWeb.
Of course there are a lot of other vendors selling similar components with controls too.
If you have more time than money you could use a free grid control like RealWorld.Grid or a platform independent solution like dhtmlxGrid (which is only free if your project can be GPL'd). This of course will leave you with a lot of footwork with the office interop libraries.
I have seen Microsoft Word 2003 being launched within browser from websites developed in JSF technology. I couldn't find a free of cost solution to use MS Office in browser while being offline. And even online.
Absent a massive amount of reinventing the wheel the best solution is probably to either scale down your product or get a pre-built solution such as Office 365 or Google Docs. Think about what your product really needs to do. Do the users need to access all of the spreadsheet or just one particular section (range or sheet). If your users need to do everything with a spreadsheet, get them a spreadsheet program. Don't bang your head trying to figure out wheel 88888.0, so to speak.

Generate reports through ASP.NET

I need to generate reports from database (billing forms for example) from ASP.NET interface. So I'm wondering which approach is better : Use Crystal Reports, reports based on RDLC or SQL Reporting Services ? I need to create an interface, which allows user to select data and through pre-created report definition generate that report. I want to use ASP.NET with AJAX, so it will act as a real application, but with no need for installation - and this is primary requirement.
So, if somebody knows which technology suits best those requirements...I will be grateful :)
Personally I would go for DevExpress XtraReports.
I have used it in the past in both windows forms and web forms; it costs few hundreds of bucks but with the package you also get plenty of other UI controls, or you spend less and only buy XtraReports. It pays off in a flash, main advantages in my opinion are:
each report can be designed with a Visual Studio integrated designer and becomes a simple c# class, easy to instantiate and use, no magic and no external report definitions, all pure 100% .NET code;
end user designed is royalty free and users are amazed by the power and quality of the designer, with Ribbon or classic UI, plenty of features;
so many out of the box zero coding ready to use features like print preview, export to excel, pdf etc...
Disclaimer: I do not work for DevExpress, I am not paid by them, simply I am a satisfied customer and used their products before with joy and good results, we are now in the process of starting a major MVC application development in my company and we are buying licenses of their DXperience Enterprise subscription these days.
you are free to also evaluate or test Crystal Reports or similar reporting solutions offered by ActiveReports, Telerik etc, I can only speak about XtraReports because I used it a lot, Crystal I used in the past with Visual Studio 2003 but I was not so impressed by the designer and deployment was really a mess in windows forms... always missing some files and having errors on client machines...
I would suggest taking a look at ActiveReports 6. It provides great features and allows you to make almost unlimited customization to your report. For ASP.NET you can either opt for the standard edition which allows you to custom export your reports to different formats like PDF, Excel etc and display them to the users.
The professional edition provides you a webviewer control which allows you to display reports directly on the viewer and the user has the option to chose from PDF, HTML and FlashViewer format. In addition to this it also provides a silverlight based viewer control.
You may also want to check the blogs and the forums just in case you want to get more information about the product.
Sankalp (GrapeCity)
Don't miss to take a look into List & Label, too.
We've done some good projects with it!
We use SQL Server Reporting services, it has a visual studio based designer, and it's free. The distribution is a little tricky - If your clients already have SQL Server installed, then there is a a good chance they will have the reporting framework installed. Otherwise you can get just about distribute the dll's with your application - although this takes a bit of digging.

Issues with administration tool

i have created a project in i want to implement administration tool in my project for user management.The tool works fine in a website ,but in a project it does not work.
Actually i have used the follows links to do this:-
When i implemented this walkthrough in the project, the Profile.aspx.vb shows errors.Means in this walkthrough it is specified that profilecommon will be formed dynamically.In website its working.But in project its shows 'ProfileCommon is not defined. What may me the reason?
It sounds like you want to implement your own version of the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool (WSAT) for use "inside of" your own website.
The walk-through that you link to is okay, however, it doesn't walk through creating anything that is particularly generic and can be simply "dropped in" to an existing web site.
I'd suggest looking at this tutorial:
Rolling Your Own Website Administration Tool
as a way of creating your own set of pages specifically for user/role/membership management. You can even download the code for the article if you don't want to re-type it all out yourself. Unfortunately, the code for this tool and in this article is in C#, however, the code is not especially complex and should be able to be easily converted to VB.NET using one of the many available code converter tools.
There is also this tutorial:
Users and Roles On The Production Website
which is VB-specific and should help with building your own WSAT-like tool.
Some time ago, on the CodePlex site, there was an ASP.NET WSAT Starter Kit project that also served the same purpose (and arguably improved on the "default" WSAT considerably), however, that project unfortunately no longer exists. After some searching however, it appears as though the code for this tool is still available, so you could perhaps take a look at that tool also (the code is in VB).
You can find that here:
ASP.Net WSAT (Web Site Administration) Starter Kit. What happened?
(check the very last post at the bottom of the page).
