I'm looking for the easiest way to toggle visibility of multiple objects on a single entity click?
I have one main entity that the user can click on, and I want two additional entities to appear once they click the main one.
Have been researching all kinds of aframe plugins, including the aframe-event-set, but simply can't get it to work.
The event-set-component grabs one target, so i'd suggest making your own component, which will grab all entities you want to toggle, and hide / show them in a for loop:
AFRAME.registerComponent("foo", {
init: function() {
let toggle = false
this.el.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
let cylinders = document.querySelectorAll("a-cylinder")
cylinders.forEach(function(el) {
el.setAttribute("visible", toggle)
toggle = !toggle
On click, i set the visibility to all cylinders, and switch the toggle.
Check it out here.
What is the way to catch anytime a view is rendered?
Not only when switching views, but also when clicking today / prev / next?
I need to clear an array of unique event titles after (or before) each render is complete.
So, similar to eventAllRender which was removed starting v4.
Currently using .click event for all buttons, which does the trick, but I was hoping there was something really linked to the actual rendering.
$('.fc-button').click( () => {
console.log("do something")
Called after the calendar’s date range has been initially set or
changed in some way and the DOM has been updated.
datesSet: function(info) {
// ...
I created custom Poster view so it can be reused in multiple collection view cells (just like TVPosterView in TVUIKit). I add it directly to cell content view with all needed constraints.
The problem is when cell is focused this subview doesn't receive focus update (didUpdateFocus..) so I cannot customize it's focused / unfocused constraints etc. It's odd btw that image view inside is getting floating effect.
In case if I specify cell's preferredFocusEnvironments to return [self.posterView] + super. preferredFocusEnvironments, UI behaves as expected, but the collection view delegate method didSelect not called!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Seems didUpdateFocus not called on all subviews for the focused cell and it's system design. From docs:
After the focus is updated to a new view, the focus engine calls this
method on all focus environments that contain either the previously
focused view, the next focused view, or both, in ascending order. You
should override this method to update your app’s state in response to
changes in focus. Use the provided animation coordinator to animate
changes in visual appearance related to the update. For more
information on animation coordinators, see
Note: So it means didUpdateFocus will be called first on UICollectionViewCell, than on UIViewController subclasses, in ascending order. For subviews you need to manually register customDidUpdateFocus method that will be triggered in notification update. E.g. to update it's appearance we can use notifications (tvOS 11+), please see the example below.
func customDidUpdateFocus(isFocused: Bool, with coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) { /* Custom logic to customize appearance */ }
// Register observer
observerToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: UIFocusSystem.didUpdateNotification, object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] (note) in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let context = note.userInfo?[UIFocusSystem.focusUpdateContextUserInfoKey] as? UIFocusUpdateContext else { return }
guard let coordinator = note.userInfo?[UIFocusSystem.animationCoordinatorUserInfoKey] as? UIFocusAnimationCoordinator else { return }
if let prev = context.previouslyFocusedView, self.isDescendant(of: prev) {
self.didUpdateFocus(isFocused: false, with: coordinator)
} else if let next = context.nextFocusedView, self.isDescendant(of: next) {
self.didUpdateFocus(isFocused: true, with: coordinator)
so i'm working on a meteor project and am trying to get a drop down menu to close when the user clicks outside of it. i've done this before using jquery and normal html but this time we're using velocity.js and meteor.
so on the link that opens the drop down div, i have this:
'click #profile-btn': function () {
if (userTog == false) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeIn", { duration: 150 });
userTog = true;
else if (userTog == true) {
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
userTog = false;
and then i use a meteor package to deal with events on the body as this isnt supported right now..
'click html': function(e, data, tpl) {
userTog = false;
$('#user-menu').velocity("fadeOut", { duration: 150 });
however the above is just not working.. it basically just makes the menu appear then disappear straight away. is it something to do with velocity.js, meteor or am i just doing it plain wrong ?!?
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I just had to make a material design select box, so I feel your pain :-). Here's how I solved it:
Normally, you can only focus an input or an anchor. A trick I stumbled upon is that using tabindex="0" in your element attributes allows it to gain focus, even if it's a div. What's this mean? Well, if you can focus() an element, that means you can blur() it. So, when you click the button for the dropdown, add a line at the end of the event handler like $('.dropdown-menu').focus(). Then, to escape that, just create an event handler like 'blur .dropdown-menu': function() {*..hide..*}. That way, you don't have these ugly global event watchers.
The downside is that you get a glowing blue outline (for accessibility reasons). You can get rid of this by having a line like outline: 0; in your css.
PS, the reason why yours wasn't working is because 'click #profile-btn' bubbles up to the body, so it executes both. To fix it, you need to stop that bubblin via e.stopPropagation();.
I have a grid I created in Gridx which lists a bunch of users. Upon clicking a ROW in the grid (any part of that row), a dialog pops up and shows additional information about that user and actions that can be done for that user (disable user, ignore user, etc.) - when one of these options is selected from the pop up, I want to DISABLE that row. The logic for getting the row, etc. I can take care of, but I can't figure out how to make a grid row actually "appear" disabled and how to make that row no longer clickable.
Is there a simple way to do this? If you aren't familiar with gridx, solutions that apply to EnhancedGrids or other Dojo grids are also appreciated.
Alright now that I have a little more information here is a solution:
Keep a list of all the rows you have disabled so far either inside the Grid widget or in its parent code. Then on the onRowClick listener I would write code like this:
on(grid, "onRowClick", function(e) {
if(disabledRows[rowIndex]) {
// Do whatever pop up stuff you want and after
// a user selects the value, you can "disable"
// your row afterwards by adding it to the disabled
// list so that it can no longer be clicked on.
var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
disabledRows[rowIndex] = true;
// This is just some random class I made up but
// you can use css to stylize the row however you want
var rowNode = e.rowNode;
domClass.add(rowNode, "disabled");
Note that domClass is what I named "dojo/dom-class". Hope this helps!
This is perhaps not exactly what you are seaching for:
If you want to hide one or more rows by your own filterfunction you could just add to these rows in the DOM your own class for nodisplay. Here I show you a function for display only those rows which have in a choiceable field/column a value inside your filterlist.
function hideRowFilter(gridId, fieldName, filterList)
var store = gridId.store;
var rowId;
rowId = gridId.row(object.id,true).node();
if (filterList.indexOf(object[fieldName]) == -1)
domClass.add(rowId, "noDisplay"); // anzeigen
domClass.remove(rowId, "noDisplay"); // verstecken
.noDisplay { display: none; }
So I can for example display only the entries with a myState of 3 or 4 with this call:
hideRowFilter(gridId, 'myState', [3, 4]);
Note that domClass is what I named "dojo/dom-class"
I use a ASP.NET Menu control with Orientation=Horizontal. It is kind of irritating that the popout menus appear on mouseover, which causes it to show by accident if you move the mouse over the menu when you want to click on something right below the menu. Then the menu popout hides the element you actually wanted to click on!
Is it possible to change the functionality so that the popout requires a mouse click instead of mouseover?
Well, I found a solution myself (kind of a hack...).
This solution requires use of AJAX to capture the menu item onclick postback event, so it can be picked up client side in javascript before doing the actual postback when you click the menu item.
First, I override these functions that is defined by the Menu control
to ignore the menu popout in the mouseover event:
var activeMenuItem = null;
function Menu_HoverStatic(item) {
// Register the active item to be able to access it from AJAX
// initialize postback event
activeMenuItem = item
// Apply the style formatting on mouseover (colors etc).
// This was also called in the original Menu_HoverStatic function.
function Menu_Unhover(item) {
activeMenuItem = null; // This is the only difference to the original
var node = (item.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td") ?
var nodeTable = WebForm_GetElementByTagName(node, "table");
if (nodeTable.hoverClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(nodeTable, nodeTable.hoverClass);
node = nodeTable.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0];
if (node.hoverHyperLinkClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(node, node.hoverHyperLinkClass);
// Then I added a renamed copy of the original `Menu_HoverStatic` function:
function Menu_ClickStatic() {
// Pick up the active menu item that is set in the
// overridden Menu_HoverStatic function.
// In the original, the item was input parameter.
var item = activeMenuItem;
// The rest is identical to the original Menu_HoverStatic.
var node = Menu_HoverRoot(item);
var data = Menu_GetData(item);
if (!data) return;
__disappearAfter = data.disappearAfter;
Menu_Expand(node, data.horizontalOffset, data.verticalOffset);
Then I snap up the onclick postback event in AJAX that is triggered by the menu. This must be done to cancel the onclick postback and display the menu popout instead.
// Get the Page Request Manager that provides all the .NET
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
// Register postback event for asyncronous AJAX postbacks
if (prm) prm.add_initializeRequest(InitializePostback);
function InitializePostback(sender, args) {
var element = args.get_postBackElement();
//Check if the postback element is the menu
if (element.id == 'myMenu') {
// Name of the menu element that triggered is the postback argument
var postbackArguments = document.getElementById('__EVENTARGUMENT');
if (postbackArguments)
// Check on the menu item name to pick up only the menu items that shall
// trigger the popout (not the items that does an actual command).
if (postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem1'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem2'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem3') {
// Abort and cancel the postback
Menu_ClickStatic(); // Call my own copy of the original function
I found out the details about these functions by using the script viewer in Firebug.
The soluton provided above doesn't work in everone's case. One can also try this out, it worked in my solution-
var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
jq(document).ready(function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
3 Steps:
Stop the current hovering effects:
On page load (or on ready), write following line: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');
Once you do that, it'll stop the hovering effect of that menu. But once you do that, then you would only be able to open the submenu by making it display block, so for that I wrote following lines, onclick of an image inside the menu: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','block');
Open the menu on click of an element: I don't think need to explain it. Just make menu display block on click of the identified element.
Close the opened menu: 2 ways to do it: First; Use property Disapperafter as below:
Second: Write below code to close it onclick of anywhere else on the screen:
$('body').click(function(evnt) {
if($(evnt.target).parents('table#menu').length == 0)
$('#MenuInvitePatient').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');