Hide item of QTreeView when item gets created - qt

I have an application which contains two views of the same model: a QTreeView and QTableView. For some specific nested items say PeakItem, derived from QStandardItem, I would like them to be hidden in the QTreeView but showed in the QTableView. To do so, I did the following:
void PeakItem::setData(const QVariant& value, int role)
and when my model is created I add the following signal/slot connection
Debugging my code, the PeakItem::SetData is actually called but the signal does not seem to be fired or at least is not caught by the tree view as I would expect. Would you have any idea about what I did wrong ?


How to insert QPushButton into TableView and make it view/display?

Sorry to have to go this way, but this question is already available and I could ask there, but no no, need a reputation of 50 first. This give me 1.
From one of the answers:
QPushButton* viewButton = new QPushButton("View");
tableView->setIndexWidget(model->index(counter,2), viewButton);
I've tried that but the button doesn't display at all in, the code works but nothing shows in the cell. Have looked at the spinbox sample and tried a pushbutton delegate -no success
I'm using a QStandardItemModel to hold the data, add the model to a QSortFilterProxyModel (for filtering purpose) that is set to tableView->setModel. Display data is no problem though not the button.
The index argument in setIndexWidget(QModelIndex const& index, QWidget*) should belong to the same model, which is set in the view. What is your variable "model" refers to? To the data holder model(which is not the model set as view's model!!!) or to the proxy-model?
A safe approach would be to call:
tableView->setIndexWidget(tableView->model()->index(counter,2), viewButton);

Calling QStandardItem mimeData() method

In my app I have a QTableView and a QTreeView. I need to drag from the table view and drop in the tree view. I had this working, but I reworked the app so that the GUI elements were created in C++ and this this has stopped working.
I can pick up an item from the table and drop it on the tree - all looks fine. However, the table model's mimeData() method is not called, so the dropped data is incomplete.
How do I get the drag drop operation to call the mimeData() method?
The tables' model is based on a QStandardItemModel.
Had a similar issue with my code. Make sure you override the mimeData properly. For example, some examples show the prototype as:
QMimeData *mimeData(const QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> &items) const;
while the correct prototype is:
QMimeData * mimeData(const QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items) const;
(note the missing reference in front of items). And if you implement it incorrectly, you're not overriding the mimeData() but implementing another mimeData() function.
An easy check to make sure you're doing it right is to declare a function you want to override, but change its return type from QMimeData* to bool, such as:
bool mimeData(const QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items) const;
If you are overriding a correct function, your code will not compile due to conflicting return type (you're not allowed to override only the return type). If your code compiles fine, you are not overriding anything but instead declaring a new function. Check the function signature.

How to reset a user-defined tree model in Qt

I have finally implemented my own tree model (inherited from QAbstractItemModel) for a QTreeView.
A blueprint of what I did can be found here:
So, I have:
the user-defined tree items, which are pure C++ (no Qt) and these are wrapped by
the TreeModel class which is inherited from QAbstractItemModel (like in the example link above).
I now have a generated tree hierarchy of tree items from (1.). This hierarchy has thousands of items, and I want to insert this hierarchy into my existing model at runtime.
How do I do that?
(All I have is the root-node to the c++ tree hierarchy as TreeItem pointer and a QModelIndex of the existing model where the "new sub-tree" has to be inserted)
I found modelAboutToBeReset(), modelReset(), and endResetModel() from here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qabstractitemmodel.html#beginResetModel
But I don't know if these are the right functions, and, if they are, how to use them.
Any ideas?
You should call modelAboutToBeReset() before removing real items from your model. This call will "freeze" all views from requesting any data. After removing all real items you should call endResetModel() - it will unfreeze data requesting and force all connected views to update it content.
This is what i did:
TreeModel::addNewSubTreeToModel( TreeNode* t_rootOfNewTree, TreeNode* t_addNewSubTreeAsChildOfThisItem )

Qt Model-View update view?

I have a model which is updated dynamically not related to the view. Which method should be called on the view to show the current models data?
StationListModel *model = new StationListModel(dynamic_list);
QListView *view = new QListView;
view->setModel(model); //view set with empty model
In some point in time the dynamic_list is populated with new entries via a socket connection (nothing to do with View). How to populate the view with new data?
Model must emit signals to notify views when its data changed. Choose appropriate signals depending on how exactly data is changed:
dataChanged signal forces view to update specific cells, but not to create or remove cells.
layoutAboutToBeChanged and layoutChanged signals forces view to update everything.
signals about adding or removing rows and columns forces view to update accordingly.

QTreeView & QAbstractItemModel & insertRow

I'm trying to implement QAbstractItemModel for QTreeView. I have problem with inserting rows.
I noticed that if I insert at the beginning of my application all works fine. But If I insert rows later - after some other operations (like selections etc.) new items stay invisible. Moreover QTreeView seems to doesn't work at all! Do I have to emit some signals to notify QTreeView about rows insertion?
This is my insertion method:
bool LayersModel::insertRows(int position, int count, const QModelIndex & parent)
LayersModelItem * parentItem = getItem(parent);
if (position > parentItem->childCount())
return false;
bool result = true;
for (;count;--count)
result &= parentItem->insertChildren(position, new LayersModelItem());
return result;
LayersModelItem is class with QList with its children and data.
Full code of my project (KDE libs needed) is here:
To see the problem select one of blue item on main window and then right-click on it and select "Delete item". (this method is in Canvas::removeItems()) and it is completly commented - I'm desperate and I've tried to find reason of this problem... (in fact it wasn't delete anything - it adds new item).
Thanks for any help & advice!
Just a quick guess, the QT Doc for QAbstractItemModel says...
The model emits signals to indicate
changes. For example, dataChanged() is
emitted whenever items of data made
available by the model are changed.
Changes to the headers supplied by the
model cause headerDataChanged() to be
emitted. If the structure of the
underlying data changes, the model can
emit *layoutChanged() to indicate to
any attached views that they should
redisplay any items shown, taking the
new structure into account*.
So i guess, you need to emit layoutChanged() signal from your model (whenever you change the data in model) in order to update connected views.
Also read the QT docs for model view architecture, how it is implemented in QT
see if that helps, if it doesn't i will try to download your code and debug it and see, what's wrong.
Good Luck
