How can I clear a datatable in asp listview? -

When I use the code below, I remove the datatable values, but the data table structure still exists and displays empty fields (see pics) with the DOM explorer showing an empty table and table rows.
How can I clear the datatable values and the table itself? This way when I repopulate search again, the empty smaller table isn't present?
lvwOutput.DataSource = null;
After items.clear and datasource = null

This is ridiculous and I believe there is a better way to do this, but the never ending server/client battle makes this harder than it should be. My listview binded to a datatable is called lvwOutput.
In my btnClear I had to put the following. You cannot hide the element or clear the items in the server side asp code for this to work
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "emptyTable", "javascript:emptyTableRows(); ", true);
In my javascript code I had to put the following, this clears the client code
function emptyTableRows(){
var tableHeaderRowCount = 0;
var table = document.getElementById('lvwOutputTable');
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
for (var i = tableHeaderRowCount; i < rowCount; i++) {
And then in the portion of my code that would display the listview and datatable when the user initiates another sql search. This clears the server side.
lvwOutput.DataSource = null;

You can create a property the stores the data table in session that way you can access it during the click event.
DataTable dtbleDataSource
return Session["dataSource"] as DataTable
Session["dataSource"] = value;
In your click event you can say:


Dynamic controls(Textbox) in

I want to create dynamic text boxes during run time.
Suppose im gettng a text from a database as "# is the capital of India" now i want to replace that "#" by text box while it is rendered to user as below
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id = "someid"></asp:TextBox> is the capital of India
Im able to get the textbox and text as combination. However I cannot access the textboxes with the given id and when any event occurs on the page the textboxes are lost as they logically does not exist untill their state is stored.
I also went through the concepts of place holder and Viewstate to store the dynamically created controls and make their id's available for the methods, but as far as I tried I could not meet the textbox and text combination requirement.
Im looping over the entire text recieved from database and checking if there is any"#". Is yes then i want to replace it with a textbox on which i can call methods to take back the value entered in the text box to database and store it.
eg: text is "#" is the capital of India
for (int i = 0; i < que.Length; j++) //que holds the text
if (que[i] == '#')
//Textbox should be created
//the texts should be appended before or after the textbox/textboxes as text demands
On button click I'm passing request to database, which will send me necessary details i.e. question text, options and also saves the current checked value etc.
protected void BtnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox1.Checked = false;
CheckBox2.Checked = false;
CheckBox3.Checked = false;
CheckBox4.Checked = false;
QuestionSet q = new QuestionSet();
StudentB b = new StudentB();
q = b.GetQuestion(1, 1, qid, 'L', 0, Checked, date);
qid = Convert.ToInt32(q.Question_Id);
Checked = q.Checked;
if (q.Question_Type == 11) //indicates its objective Question
//ill bind data to checkboxes
else if (q.Question_Type == 12) // indicate its fill in the blanks question
for (int j = 0; j < que.Length; j++)
if (que[j] == '#')
string res = "<input type = 'text' runat = 'server' id ='TxtBoxFillUp" + count + "'/>";
htm = htm.Append(res);
htm = htm.Append(que[j]);
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Adding control in the way you do it won't create control as creates it. You do have to create controls as usual .net object.
TextBox myNewTextBox = new TextBox() {};
// Set all initial values to it
And add this cotrol to placeholder or panel, whatever you use. Keep in mind that page events fire even if you use update panel, so in order to maintain state and events of newly created controls you have take care of creating such controls long before page's Load event fires. Here is my answer to another simialiar question.
Seeing the requirements you have:
1.) You need to use JavaScript. Since the ASP.NET will not recreate controls which are dynamically added. Dynamically added controls need to be recreated after every postback. This is the reason why your TextBoxes are Lost after every postback.
2.) You can write JavaScript code to Hide and show the textboxes for blank texts since at every button click you can call Client side functions using: OnClientClick() property of buttons.
3.) Also to Get the TextBoxes using ID property, add them in Markup( .aspx ) portion itself.

Using Auto Increment ID with ASP.NET checkbox list

First and foremost, I'm pretty new to programming, so attention to detail is appreciated.
I've currently got an asp checkbox list that receives data from an SQL table. I'm encountering a problem where if there's 2 items that are exactly the same, my remove function will remove both items. The following is the code for that:
protected void btn_remove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < UPCList.Items.Count; i++)
if (UPCList.Items[i].Selected)
var item = UPCList.Items[i];
var frcID = item.Value;
public string Delete(string itemCode)
string connectionString = foobar
Int32 returnDeleted = 0;
string deleteUpcCode =
"DELETE FROM compare1 "
+ string.Format("WHERE itemcode = '{0}'",itemCode);
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(deleteUpcCode, connection);
returnDeleted = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
return returnDeleted.ToString();
I've been told to use Auto Incrementing ID from SQL so that each row will have a unique ID so I can delete only the selected lines. However, I don't even have a clue how to do that. I've already turned on the identity option in SQL for the itemcode column, but aside from that, I'm lost. How do I go about using that ID to delete only selected items from the checkbox list in asp?
When you say the items are "exactly the same", do you mean that they have the same item code? And item codes are allowed to be duplicated in your system (i.e. is that the correct business rule)?
If so, that's why you need a auto-generated ID for each line, so that each row is unique. Which means that you need to use that ID in your DELETE query instead of the item code.
Typically, in a (ASP.NET) web app, this sort of thing is done with a "grid". You can use a GridView with two columns: one is a checkbox and another column is just a label showing the item code. Each row is bound to the ID field.
So, I recommend that you start by checking out GridView (there's lots of examples out there on the web): MSDN documentation for GridView

Find ListBoxes in ASP .NET

i have created dynamic listboxes (4 to 10) in ASP.NET.
and my question is , How do i find the dynamically created listboxes using c#?
Sure... and i appreciate your help . below code i am using for creating dynamic LB
protected void btndyfilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int numberOfListBox = lbFilter.GetSelectedIndices().Length;
string lbname = lbFilter.SelectedValue;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfListBox; i++)
ListBox listb = new ListBox();
ListItem lItem = new ListItem();
listb.SelectionMode = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListSelectionMode.Multiple;
listb.Height = 150;
listb.Width = 200;
lItem.Value = i.ToString();
lItem.Text = lbname;
//once we created the LB dynamically i need to populate each LB with the corresponding values
connstr2 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connstr"].ConnectionString;
conn2.ConnectionString = connstr2;
CubeCollection CubeList = conn2.Cubes;
string cb = ddlCubeList.SelectedItem.Text;
//need to remove the Hardcoded Code
foreach (Member dimem in CubeList[cb].Dimensions["Date"].Hierarchies["Calendar Date"].Levels["Date"].GetMembers())
ListItem Memlist = new ListItem();
Memlist.Text = dimem.UniqueName;
panFilter.Visible = true;
panCubeDef.Visible = true;
so this will create the LB i believe :)... and Inside the commented code i need to use to populate for each LB item ..perhaps it bit hardcoded which i need to remove. so i all dynamic LBs are populated then the selected items from all LBs will come into the where clause in my MDX query..hope i did not confuse you
There is 2 way either you can store dynamic control detail with dictionary or just find when you want to use it using some code like this
Control GetControlByName(string Name)
foreach(Control c in this.Controls)
if(c.Name == Name)
return c;
return null;
while generating ListBox dynamically, give ListBox ID as:
lstBoxNo1, lstBoxNo2. lstBoxNo3 etc. where 1,2,3(no) will be from count.
int count=1;
generate listbox control
`by doing this, u have control over id's.
else use
using this link to understand findcontrol.
The points that you wont to find that dynamic controls are.
The moment you first render the page.
On every other post back.
In the case of 1, then you better keep a variable on your page that keep that creations.
In the case of 2, when you have post back, you need to store somehow the creations of your control in the page when you render it. One good place is to keep that information on the viewstate.
You can also on the post back, just to check if you have any post back valued from controls that you have named with a serial numbering starting from 1, eg You start looking if you have post back from ControlName_1, then ControlName_2, and when you not found any other value you end.

how to set list of data into session context?

I want to store list of data into session object. My scenario is I have one gridview control inside a page. below of the gridview have two text boxes and button. When i press button than gridview will have filled with text boxes value. Every time my pressing on button it will add new row into gridview to show entered data..So, for that i have to use session context. But my issue is how to store two textboxes value into session and how to read it again..
I dont want to use temporary sql database table.
So if anyone knows about it than please help me..
Thanks in advance.
Try this :Use this code on the click event of button
if(Session["value1"] == null)
Session["value1"] = new List<String>();
To output the data you can loop through all the values :
List<String> V = (List<String>) Session["value1"];
for(int j = 0 ; j < V.Count ; j++)
String str = V[j];
//ADD str TO GRID VIEW.....
The same code goes for textbox2. use details view if 1 record is returned and gridview if more than one record

I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?
Databind to both and put this in the OnDataBound event or wherever appropriate in your code. (Obviously you'll need to tweak the code for the names of your objects)
if(myDataTable.Rows.Count > 1)
myGridView.Visible = true;
myDetailsView.Visible = false;
myGridView.Visible = false;
myDetailsView.Visible = true;
