I have recently run an ensemble classifier in MLR (R) of a multicenter data set. I noticed that the ensemble over three classifiers (that were trained on different data modalities) was worse than the best classifier.
This seemed to be unexpected to me. I was using logistic regressions (without any parameter optimization) as simple classifier and a Partial Least Squares (PLS) Discriminant Analysis as a superlearner, since the base-learner predictions ought to be correlated. I also tested different superlearners like NB, and logistic regression. The results did not change.
Here are my specific questions:
1) Do you know, whether this can in principle occur?
(I also googled a bit and found this blog that seems to indicate that it can:
2) Especially, if you are as surprised as I was, do you know of any checks I could do in mlr to make sure, that there isnt a bug. I have tried to use a different cross-validation scheme (originally I used leave-center-out CV, but since some centers provided very little data, I wasnt sure, whether this might lead to weird model fits of the super learner), but it still holds. I also tried to combine different data modalities and they give me the same phenomenon.
I would be grateful to hear, whether you have experienced this and if not, whether you know what the problem could be.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, this can happen - ensembles do not always guarantee a better result. More details regarding cases where this can happen are discussed also in this cross-validate question
Unfortunately, I had convergence (and singularity) issues when calculating my GLMM analysis models in R. When I tried it in SPSS, I got no such warning message and the results are only slightly different. Does it mean I can interpret the results from SPSS without worries? Or do I have to test for singularity/convergence issues to be sure?
You have two questions. I will answer both.
First Question
Does it mean I can interpret the results from SPSS without worries?
You do not want to do this. The reason being is that mixed models have a very specific parameterization. Here is a screenshot of common lme4 syntax from the original article about lme4 from the author:
With this comes assumptions about what your model is saying. If for example you are running a model with random intercepts only, you are assuming that the slopes do not vary by any measure. If you include correlated random slopes and random intercepts, you are then assuming that there is a relationship between the slopes and intercepts that may either be positive or negative. If you present this data as-is without knowing why it produced this summary, you may fail to explain your data in an accurate way.
The reason as highlighted by one of the comments is that SPSS runs off defaults whereas R requires explicit parameters for the model. I'm not surprised that the model failed to converge in R but not SPSS given that SPSS assumes no correlation between random slopes and intercepts. This kind of model is more likely to converge compared to a correlated model because the constraints that allow data to fit a correlated model make it very difficult to converge. However, without knowing how you modeled your data, it is impossible to actually know what the differences are. Perhaps if you provide an edit to your question that can be answered more directly, but just know that SPSS and R do not calculate these models the same way.
Second Question
Or do I have to test for singularity/convergence issues to be sure?
SPSS and R both have singularity checks as a default (check this page as an example). If your model fails to converge, you should drop it and use an alternative model (usually something that has a simpler random effects structure or improved optimization).
I am running Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling in R using R2jags. When I open code I used a month ago and run it on a dataset I used a month ago (verified by "date modified" in windows explorer), I get different results than I got a month ago. The only difference I can think of is I got a new work computer in the last month and we installed JAGS 4.3.0. I was previously using 4.2.0.
Is it remotely possible to get different results just from updating my version of JAGS? I'm not posting code or results here because I don't need help troubleshooting it - everything is exactly the same.
Conversion seems fine - Gewekes, autocorrelation plots, and trace plots look good. That hasn't changed.
I have a seed set both via set.seet () and jags.seed=. Is that enough? I've never had a problem replicating these types of results before.
As far as how different the results are, they are large enough to cause meaningful difference in the inference. I am assessing relationships between 30 chemical exposures and a health outcome in among 336 humans. Here are two examples. Chemical B troubles me the most because of the credible interval shift. Chemical A is another example.
I also doubled the number of iterations from 50k to 100k which resulted in very minor/inconsequential differences.
Edit 2:
I posted at source forge asking about the different default RNGs for versions: https://sourceforge.net/p/mcmc-jags/discussion/610037/thread/52bfef7d17/
There are at least 3 possible reasons for you seeing a difference between results from these models:
One or both of your attempts to fit this model did not converge, and/or your effective sample size is so small that random sampling error is having a large impact on your inference. If you have already checked to ensure convergence and sufficient effective sample size (for both models) then you can rule this out.
You are seeing small differences in the posteriors due to the random sampling inherent to MCMC in otherwise converged results. If these differences are big enough to cause a meaningful difference in inference then your effective sample size is not high enough - so just run the models for longer and the difference should reduce. You can also set the random seed in JAGS using initial values for .RNG.seed and .RNG.name so that successive model runs are numerically identical. If you run the models for longer and this difference does not reduce (or if it is a large difference to begin with) then you can rule this out.
Your model contains a node for which the default sampling scheme changed between JAGS 4.2.0 and 4.3.0 - there were some changes to sampling schemes (and the order of precedence for assigning samplers to nodes) that could conceivably have changed your results (from memory I think this affected GLM particularly, but I can't remember exactly). However, although this may affect the probability of convergence, it should not substantially affect the posterior if the model does converge. It may be contributing to a numerical difference as explained for point (2) though.
I'd recommend first ensuring convergence of both models, and then (assuming they did both converge) looking at exactly how much of a difference you are seeing. If it looks like both models converged AND the difference is more than just random sampling variation, then please reply here and/or update your question (as that shouldn't happen ... i.e. we may need to look into the possibility of a bug in JAGS).
--------- Edit following additional information added to the question --------
Based on what you have written, it does seem that the difference in inference exceeds what might be expected due to random variation, so there may be some kind of underlying issue here. In order to diagnose this further we would need a minimal reproducible example (https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example). This means that you would need to provide not only the model (or preferably a simplified model that still exhibits the problem) but also some data to which we can fit the model. If your data are too sensitive to share then this could be a fictitious dataset for which you also see a difference between JAGS 4.2.0 and JAGS 4.3.0.
The official help forum for JAGS is at https://sourceforge.net/p/mcmc-jags/discussion/610037/ - so you can certainly post there, although we would still need a minimal reproducible example to be able to do anything. If you do so, then please update both posts with a link to the other so that anyone reading either post knows about the cross-posting. You should also note that R2jags is not officially supported on the JAGS forums, so please provide the minimal reproducible example using plain rjags code (or runjags if you prefer) rather than using the R2jags wrapper.
To answer your question in the comments: in order to obtain information on the samplers used you can use rjags::list.samplers() eg:
# LINE is just a small example model built into rjags:
# $`bugs::ConjugateGamma`
# [1] "tau"
# $`bugs::ConjugateNormal`
# [1] "alpha"
# $`bugs::ConjugateNormal`
# [1] "beta"
Which are the best metrics to evaluate the fit of a GBM algorithm in R (metrics, graphs, ratios)? And how interpret them?
I think maybe you are overthinking this one! Take a step back and think about what matters... the error. You have forecasted values and you have observed values. the difference tells you most of what you need to know when comparing across models. Basic measures like MSE, MPE, etc. should do fine. If you are looking to refine within a given model, I would recommend taking a look at the gbm documentation. For example, you can pass your gbm model object to summary(), to get the relative influence of each of your variables. Additionally, you can find a lot of information in the documentation, so if you haven't taken a look, I would recommend doing so! I have posted the link at the bottom.
I know that there dosens of similar questions/answers, and lots of papers. But please read till the end.
Non-statisticians tend to use stepwise regressions which is strongly argued by statisticians. This is stomething that I don't understand, but I just obey them. "Ok this is not a good way to do your modelling".
Here is (was) my model:
b <- lmer(metric1~a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+l+(1|X/Y) + (1|Z), data = dataset)
drop1 (b, test="Chisq")
(Just a small note: Watch out for the random effects in my model; random effects are Year, Month, Sampling.location; one of my variables is 1/0: I allready log-transformed my variables)
I am trying to find a exploratory model (with drop1 to reach final model) and evaluating it with my biological knowledge to see if the dependent ("metric" in this case) seems to be responding variables. I will repeat this process with 100 metrics just to evaulate which metrics seems to be responding environmental variables.
I was in the search for an acceptable model instead of stepwise according to the suggestions of statistics gurus.
However, there are lots of alternatives. I read alot, but still feel myself lost. Some say Lasso, some say elastic modelling, some say ridge regression... Which one fits for my purpose?
Any advise for a better alternative and an easy model or a help page for dummies, or examples (that could be better) would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
It is not really a programming question, I apologise for that. I have trained my network and generated these graphs.
I am struggling to find an answer to what do Accuracy vs Val_Accuracy and Loss vs Val_loss really represent. I do understand that if val_loss starts to jump high it means that there is over fitting going on and network just starts to memorise the data rather then learning. Could anyone explain in a bit more detail what they all mean?
During a neural network training - you usually provide two sets of data - a train one and validation one. Your training algorithm is taking data from a train set - and using a calculus and backpropagation it's trying to decrease a cost function which somehow represents how good your representation is (smaller the better). Aside of this - a cost is computed for a validation set which is not seen by a training algorithm - so one may check if model doesn't overfit on a train data provided (this happens if train loss is substancially smaller than validation loss). Despite loss different metrics might be computed - one of them might be e.g. accuracy. Sometimes they give you better insights into how your model works because loss might be hard to understand. Metrics give you better understanding on if your model works good.