Firebase startAt String only takes first character - firebase

I have a structure like below under xyz
"pushKey000": {
"findKey": "john_1",
"userName": "john",
"topic": 1
"pushKey001": {
"findKey": "john_2",
"userName": "john",
"topic": 2
"pushKey002": {
"findKey": "joel_1",
"userName": "joel",
"topic": 1
Now am trying to make a query where I want data of all entries with findKey starting with "john". I tried the following:(Using REST for example)"findKey"&startAt="john"
This gives me all the results including 'joel'. Basically it just uses the first character of startAt, in this case J.
This firebase video fires the same type of query but only searches with just first character.
Is there something wrong that I am doing or is there is any other way to retrieve it using findKey? Thanks a lot for the help in advance
PS: My .indexOn is on findKey and can't change it

There is nothing wrong with your code, there is something wrong with your expectations. (I always wanted to write that as an answer :))
The startAt() function works as a starting point for your query, not a filter. So in your case it will find the first occurance of "john" and return everything from that point forward (Including Joel, Kevin, Tim, etc...).
Unfortunatly there is no direct way to do a query where findKey contains the string "john". But luckely there is a (partial) workaround using endAt().
You query will look like this:
Here \uf8ff is the last unicode character (please correct me if I'm wrong).
With this you can query for values that start with "john" like "johnnie", "johnn", "john". But not "1john" or "johm" or "joel".


Move an item within a DynamoDB list

I have a list in a DynamoDB table and would like to move items to different positions in the same list, is there a way to do this in a single update?
At the moment, I'm looking at having to read the list, modify it, then write it back again, but would prefer doing it all in a single update, is there a way to do this?
Edit to add example
So here's some noddy data that shows what I'd like to do:
If the data started like this:
Item: { COLUMN: [ "Element_0", "Element_1", "Element_2", "Element_3" ] }
Then I'd give it from and to indices and it would move the element. So for example if I gave it a from index of 0 and to index of 2 the data should end up like this:
Item: { COLUMN: [ "Element_1", "Element_2", "Element_0", "Element_3" ] }
You can do this with an Update Expression, but it's a little tricky, since you don't have the data.
Basically, you have to create a dynamic update statement that sets every value you want to move. Something like this works:
aws dynamodb update-item --table-name test --key '{"pk":{"S":"1"}}' --update-expression "SET #list[1] = #list[2], #list[2] = #list[1]" --region us-west-2 --profile jw-test --expression-attribute-names '{"#list": "list"}'
I created a table with a key of pk, with a value of 1. The list before the update was like this:
After the update it looks like this:
Default answer if this isn't possible in a single update.
Read out the list, modify it, then write it back. It's not elegant, but it works and isn't that ugly either.
It's not atomic though so any answer that can do it in a single update will get the check mark.

Extract values from web service JSON response with JSONPath

I have a JSON response from web service that looks something like this :
What I need to do is extract the subjects from all of the entities by using JSONPATH query.
How can I get these results :
Subject from the first item - SomeSubjectOne
Filter on specific subject value from all entities (SomeSubjectTwo for example)
Get Subjects from all entities
Goessner's orinial JSONPath article is a good reference point and all implementations more or less stick to the suggested query syntax. However, implementations like Jayway JsonPath/Java, JSONPath-Plus/JavaScript, flow-jsonpath/PHP may behave a little differently in some areas. That's why it can be important to know what implementation you are actually using.
Subject from the first item
Just use an index to select the desired array element.
Specific subject value
First, go for any elements .., check those with a subject [?(#.subject] and use == '..' for comparison.
$..[?(#.subject == 'SomeSubjectTwo')]
[ {
"id" : 12,
"sourceID" : null,
"subject" : "SomeSubjectTwo",
"category" : "SomeCategoryTwo",
"impact" : null,
"status" : "assigned" } ]*
Get all subjects
or simply
[ "SomeSubjectOne", "SomeSubjectTwo" ]

Finding JSONPath value by a partial key

I have the following JSON:
"Dialog_1": {
"en": {
"label_1595938607000": "Label1",
"newLabel": "Label2"
I want to extract "Label1" by using JSONPath. The problem is that each time I get a JSON with a different number after "label_", and I'm looking for a consistent JSONPath expression that will return the value for any key that begins with "label_" (without knowing in advance the number after the underscore).
It is not possible with JSONPath. EL or Expression Language does not have sch capability.
Besides, I think you need to review your design. Why the variable name is going to be changed all the time? If it is changing then it is data and you need to keep it in a variable. You cannot keep data in data.

Loadrunner Parameters in JSON String

I'm trying to use a parameter inside of a JSON string, and would like to use an inner parameter to replace an GUID. I've changed the default parameter start and end characters since curly braces are used in JSON.
I've tried to do something like this, where the json param contains my json which is similar to this below.
request_json = lr_eval_string("<json>");
lr_save_string(request_json, "request_json_param");
I'm expecting the lr_eval_string to replace the with the GUID that's in this parameter, what's the best why of replacing this ID in my JSON String?
Not sure what you are asking but I will put this here in case someone comes here in the future:
lr_eval_json("Buffer/File=my_json.json", "JsonObject=MJO",LAST);
lr_json_stringify("JsonObject=MJO","Format=compact", "OutputParam=newJsonBody",LAST);
"Name=Content-Type", "Value=application/json", ENDHEADER,
return 0;
"LastActionId": 0,
"Updated": "{mydate}"
Okay so instead of doing what I'm thinking above I ended up creating an array of char's with this {"DashboardGUID":"<Dash_GUID>", someotherdata:"123"} in 10 different positions within the array. I then randomly selected an element from this array and when doing the lr_eval_string the parameter was replaced.
Hopefully this makes sense those looking to do something similar.

Couchbase Reduce function

I am trying to learn how to use map reduce functions with Couchbase. until now i created reports engines based on SQL using Where with multi terms (adding and subtracting terms) and to modify the group part.
I am trying to create this report engine using views.
my problem is how to create a report that enable users to dive in and find more and more data, getting all the way to individual ip stats.
For example. how many clicks where today ? which traffic source ? what did they see? which country ? and etc..
My basic doc for this example look like this:
"date": "2014-01-13 10:00:00",
"ip": "111.222.333.444",
"country": "US",
"date": "2014-01-13 10:00:00",
"ip": "555.222.333.444",
"country": "US",
"date": "2014-01-13 11:00:00",
"ip": "111.888.888.888",
"country": "US",
"date": "2014-01-13 11:00:00",
"ip": "111.777.777.777",
"country": "US",
So i want to allow the user to see at the first screen , how many clicks per day there are at this site.
so i need to count the amount of clicks. simple map/reduce:
function (doc, meta) {
group level 4, group true
will create the sum of clicks per hour.
Now if i want to allow a break down of countries, so i need a dynamic param to change.. from what i am understand it can only by the group level..
so assume i have added this to the emit like this:
and then grouping level 5 will allow this divide, and using the key too focus on a certein date.. but what if i need to add a county break down? adding this to the emit again?
this seem to be a mess, also if i will want to do a country stats before the source.. is there any smarter way to do this?
Second part...
What if i want to get the first count as follow:
[2014,1,28,10] {ip:"555.222.333.444","111.222.333.444","count":"2"}
i want to see all the ips that are counted for this time...
how should i write my reduce function?
this is my current state that doesnt work..
function(key, values, rereduce) {
var result = {id: 0, count: 0};
for(i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
if(rereduce) { = + (values[i]).ip +',';
result.count = result.count + values[i].count;
} else { = values.ip;
result.count = values.length;
return result;
i didnt get the answer format i was looking for..
i hope this is not to messy and that you could help me with this..
For the first part of your question, I think you are on the right track. That is how you break down views to enable coarse drill down. However, it is important to remember that views are not intended to store your entire documents, nor are they necessarily going to be able to give you a clean cut swatch of data. You probably will need to do fine-filtering within the access layer of your code (using Linq perhaps).
For the second part of your question, a reduce is not the appropriate mechanism to accomplish this. Reduce values have a very finite (and limited) size and will crash the map/reduce engine once they get too big. I suspect you have experimented with that and discovered this for yourself.
The way you worded the question, it seems like you wish to search for all IP addresses that have been counted "X" number of times. This cannot be accomplished directly in Couchbase's map/reduce architecture; however, if you simply want the count for a given IP address, that is something the map/reduce framework has built-in (just use Date + IP as a key).
