firebase reset password controller - firebase

Yesterday my app was launched, Ionic v1, and a few users entered the wrong password and can't log into the app.
The app uses firebase authentication. I have a __refs file that points to the database and have tried numerous things trying to get the reset to work.
I've tried referencing $firebaseAuth, of course my __refs, $firebase then use $firebase.auth()...
I didn't write the authentication of this app so I'm not real sure how it works. I'm hoping that someone can help me.
My reset controller
function($scope, $ionicLoading, $firebaseAuth, __Refs) {
$scope.user = {
email: ''
$scope.errorMessage = null;
var fbAuth = $firebaseAuth(__Refs.rootRef);
$scope.resetPassword = function() {
$scope.errorMessage = null;
template: 'Please wait...'
function showConfirmation() {
$scope.emailSent = true;
function handleError(error) {
switch (error.code) {
$scope.errorMessage = 'Invalid email';
$scope.errorMessage = 'Error: [' + error.code + ']';
My Refs file
.factory('__Refs', function ($firebaseArray, $firebaseObject) {
// Might use a resource here that returns a JSON arrayf
var ref = new Firebase('');
return {
rootRef: ref,
customers: ref.child('customers'),

I can't take credit for the answer it was provide by Abimbola Idowu on HackHands.
Since I paid for the answer I thought I would share it with anyone else that might also be stumped by this.
$scope.resetPassword = function() {
$scope.errorMessage = null;
template: 'Please wait...'
__Refs.rootRef.resetPassword({ email: $ }, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
} else {
This is the __refs service
.factory('__Refs', function ($firebaseArray, $firebaseObject) {
// Might use a resource here that returns a JSON arrayf
var ref = new Firebase('');
return {
rootRef: ref,


Firebase: is it good enough to check if reference exists before start a transaction

I wonder if it is good enough to test if the reference exists
BEFORE I start a transaction on this reference?
e.g: by using .once('value') and snapshot.exists()
I mean if the check is outside the transaction isn't there a risk another user to delete the reference just after the check and before the transacton executor function?
==== edited to include the minimal complete code =====
here is my data in realtime database:
direction: "city"
seatsCount: 2
timeToGo: 5
uid: "-ABSIFJ0vCnt9p8387a" ---- offering user
And here is my code flow:
===== index.js =====
entries = require('./entries');
/// cloud function
exports.TEST_askOfferSeats = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
return entries.askSeats(data);
here is my test data sent by Postman:
"uid": "-FGKKSDFGK12387sddd", ---- the requesting/asking user
"id": "-LKpCACQlL25XTWJ0OV_",
"direction": "city",
"seatsCount": 1,
"timeToGo": 5
===== entries.js =======
exports.askSeats = function(data) {
const TAG = '[askSeats]: ';
var entryRef = db.ref('activeOffers/' +;
return globals.exists(entryRef)
if (found) {
return dealSeats(entryRef, data);
} else {
return 'Offer not found [' + + ']';
===== globals.js ======
exports.exists = (ref)=>{
return ref.once('value')
return (snapshot.exists());
===== entries.js =====
dealSeats = function(entryRef, data) {
const TAG = '[dealSeats]: ';
return entryRef.transaction((entry)=>{
if (entry) {
if (( && ([data.uid])) {
throw new Error('You've already made a deal.');
} else if (entry.details.seatsCount >= data.details.seatsCount) {
entry.details.seatsCount -= data.details.seatsCount;
var deal = [];
deal.status = 'asked';
deal.details = data.details;
if (! { = {};
}[data.uid] = deal;
} else {
throw new Error('Not enought seats.');
return entry;
return success.snapshot.val();
return Promise.reject(error);
Btw: is this 'throw new Error(......)' is the correct way to break the transaction ?
========= updated with final source ===
Thanks to Doug Stevenson.
So here is my final source that is working fine. If someone sees a potential problem please let me know. Thanks.
dealSeats = function(entryRef, data) {
const TAG = '[dealSeats]: ';
var abortReason;
return entryRef.transaction((entry)=>{
if (entry) {
if (( && ([data.uid])) {
abortReason = 'You already made a reservation';
return; // abort transaction
} else if (entry.details.seatsCount >= data.details.seatsCount) {
entry.details.seatsCount -= data.details.seatsCount;
var deal = [];
deal.status = 'asked';
deal.details = data.details;
if (! { = {};
}[data.uid] = deal;
// Reservation is made
} else {
abortReason = 'Not enought seats';
return; // abort transaction
return entry;
.then((result)=>{ // resolved
if (!result.committed) { // aborted
return abortReason;
} else {
let value = result.snapshot.val();
if (value) {
return value;
} else {
return 'Offer does not exists';
.catch((reason)=>{ // rejected
return Promise.reject(reason);
If you read a value before a transaction, then read it again inside the transaction, you have absolutely no guarantee that the second read inside the transaction will yield the same result as the initial read outside before the transaction. It could be modified by the time the transaction is performed.
If you want a truly atomic update, only check value that participate in the transaction within the transaction itself, and make a decision about what to do in the transaction handler.

Reauthenticate Firebase User

I am working on a project with angularfire and I am trying to implement the method to update user password. Due the messed documentation about it, please help me to find a solution to re-authenticate an user. I've already read this stackoverflow question
vm.updateUserPassword = function() {
if (vm.oldPassword && vm.newPassword && vm.confirmNewPassword) {
if (vm.newPassword === vm.confirmNewPassword) {
var currentCredential = firebaseAuth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(, vm.oldPassword);
.then(function() {
}, function(error) {
console.error('[Account]', error);
} else {
toastr.error('A nova senha não confere');
} else {
toastr.error('Preencha todos os campos corretamente');
database.js service:
vm.updateUserPassword = function(newPassword) {
.then(function() {
console.log('[Database] Password changed successfully!');
}).catch(function(error) {
switch (error.code) {
case 'auth/requires-recent-login':
vm.translationId = error.message;
.then(function(translated) {
}, function(translationId) {
vm.translationId = translationId;
Console error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'credential' of undefined
You can get credential using:
firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(, userProvidedPassword);
instead of:
firebase.auth().EmailAuthProvider.credential(, userProvidedPassword);

How do I dynamically publish collections via a Meteor method?

I dynamically create collections with this method:
createPlist: function(jid) {
try {
Plist[jid] = new Meteor.Collection(pid);
} catch(e) {
console.log("oops, I did it again");
Then I am wanting to publish these selectively, and I am attempting to do it via a method:
getPlist: function(jid,pid) {
// var future = new Future();
try {
Plist[jid] = new Meteor.Collection(pid);
} catch(e) {
console.log("oops, I did it again");
Meteor.publish(pid, function() {
// future["return"](Plist[jid].find({}));
return Plist[jid].find();
// return future.wait();
This returns 'undefined' to my Template helper, and returns nothing (i.e. waits forever) using Future.
Any user can log in and create a Plist collection, which can be either public or not. A user can also subscribe to any collection where public is true. The variable jid is passed to the method 'getPlist' from the template. It is stored in the user's Session.
Thanks! I hope I have explained it well enough!
And of course the template:
getPlist: function() {
Pl = []
jid = Session.get('jid');
pid = "pl_"+jid;
// console.log(pid);'getPlist', jid, pid, function(err,res) {
console.log(res); //returns undefined
try {
Pl[jid] = new Meteor.Collection(pid);
} catch(e) {
// return Pl[jid].find({}).fetch();

firebase .on value not returning null when no data exists

I'm using firebase in angular/ionic 2 and I need to check if a value exists and to create it if it doesn't however firebase is not returning null as it states in the docs and my check does not run because of it.
subscribeToOffer(uid, offerID) {
var path = 'users/' + uid + '/offers/' + offerID;
this.rootRef.child(path).on('value', subscribed => {
if (subscribed.val() !== null) {
} else {
console.log('not subscribed');
Here i have write a simple function for you that will return true if offer id exist and false in other case.
var userRef = new Firebase(FBURL+'users');
var userOfferRef = userRef.child(userId).child("offers");
return userOfferRef.on("value", function(snap) {
var offerIds = snap.val();
return !!offerIds.hasOwnProperty(offerId);

Mongoose async middleware not working on record creation

I am using keystone#0.2.32. I would like to change the post category to a tree structure. The below code is running well except when I create a category, it goes into a deadlock:
var keystone = require('keystone'),
Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* PostCategory Model
* ==================
var PostCategory = new keystone.List('PostCategory', {
autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true }
name: { type: String, required: true },
parent: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory' },
parentTree: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory', many: true }
PostCategory.relationship({ ref: 'Post', path: 'categories' });
PostCategory.scanTree = function(item, obj, done) {
PostCategory.model.find().where('_id', item.parent).exec(function(err, cats) {
PostCategory.scanTree(cats[0], obj, done);
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', true, function (next, done) { //Parallel middleware, waiting done to be call
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if(this.parent != null){
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
process.nextTick(done); //here is deadlock.
PostCategory.defaultColumns = 'name, parentTree';
Thanks so much.
As I explained on the issue you logged on Keystone here:
This appears to be a reproducible bug in mongoose that prevents middleware from resolving when:
Parallel middleware runs that executes a query, followed by
Serial middleware runs that executes a query
Changing Keystone's autokey middleware to run in parallel mode may cause bugs in other use cases, so cannot be done. The answer is to implement your parentTree middleware in serial mode instead of parallel mode.
Also, some other things I noticed:
There is a bug in your middleware, where the first parent is added to the array twice.
The scanTree method would be better implemented as a method on the schama
You can use the findById method for a simpler parent query
The schema method looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.methods.addParents = function(target, done) {
if (this.parent) {
PostCategory.model.findById(this.parent, function(err, parent) {
if (parent) {
parent.addParents(target, done);
} else {
And the fixed middleware looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', function(done) {
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if (this.parent != null) {
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
} else {
} else {
I think it's a bug of keystone.js. I have changed schemaPlugins.js 104 line
this.schema.pre('save', function(next) {
this.schema.pre('save', true, function(next, done) {
and change from line 124 to the following,
// if has a value and is unmodified or fixed, don't update it
if ((!modified || autokey.fixed) && this.get(autokey.path)) {
return next();
var newKey = utils.slug(values.join(' ')) ||;
if (autokey.unique) {
r = getUniqueKey(this, newKey, done);
return r;
} else {
this.set(autokey.path, newKey);
return next();
It works.
