Use variable names in function in dplyr for sum and cumsum - r

dplyr programming question here. Trying to write a dplyr function which takes column names as inputs and also filters on a component outlined in the function. What I am trying to recreate is as follow called test:
#test df
x<- sample(1:100, 10)
y<- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE)
date<- seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-01-10"), by =1)
my_df<- data.frame(x = x, y =y, date =date)
test<- my_df %>% group_by(date) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(y ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(date >= "2018-01-03")
The function I am testing is as follows:
cumsum_df<- function(data, date_field, cumulative_y, minimum_date = "2017-04-21") {
date_field <- enquo(date_field)
cumulative_y <- enquo(cumulative_y)
data %>% group_by(!!date_field) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(!!cumulative_y ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter((!!date_field) >= minimum_date)
test2<- cumsum_df(data = my_df, date_field = date, cumulative_y = y, minimum_date = "2018-01-03")
I have looked looked at some examples of using enquo and this thread gets me half way there:
Use variable names in functions of dplyr
But the issue is I get two different data frame outputs for test 1 and test 2. The one from the function outputs does not have data from the logical y referenced column.
I also tried this instead
cumsum_df<- function(data, date_field, cumulative_y, minimum_date = "2017-04-21") {
date_field <- enquo(date_field)
cumulative_y <- deparse(substitute(cumulative_y))
data %>% group_by(!!date_field) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(data[[cumulative_y]] ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter((!!date_field) >= minimum_date)
test2<- cumsum_df(data= my_df, date_field = date, cumulative_y = y, minimum_date = "2018-01-04")
Based on this thread: Pass a data.frame column name to a function
But the output from my test 2 column is also wildly different and it seems to do some kind or recursive accumulation. Which again is different to my test date frame.
If anyone can help that would be much appreciated.


More efficient way of taking averages over multiple lists

I have some data where I use the rsample package to create rolling windows (I use the iris data set here). The rolling_iris dataset contains a number of lists.
I would like to compute the min, max, mean and sd of each of the lists. That is in split 1 compute the min across the first 4 columns etc. I originally do this by mapping over the splits and using pivot_longer to rearrange the data then computing the statistics, finally using pivot_wider to get the data back into the original form. This is quite slow.
rolling_iris <- rsample::rolling_origin(iris, initial = 10, assess = 1, cumulative = FALSE, skip = 0)
rolling_iris_statistics <- map(rolling_iris$splits, ~analysis(.x) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:4) %>%
min = min(value),
max = max(value),
mean = mean(value),
sd = sd(value)
) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(rowID = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value)
I would like to map over each of the lists and compute the above statistics. Then once this is done scale the analysis by the following function.
Scale_Me <- function(x){
(x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
rolling_iris_analysis <- map(rolling_iris$splits, ~analysis(.x))
rolling_iris_assessment <- map(rolling_iris$splits, ~assessment(.x))
I managed to compute the following (I am not sure if it is "faster")
analysis <- map(rolling_iris$splits, ~analysis(.x))
map(analysis, ~select(., c(1:4)) %>% as.matrix %>% mean())
The below code subsets into each sub data frame. So, rolling_iris_dfs is a list of data frames. Then, you can iterate over each data frame and compute statistics.
rolling_iris_dfs <- map(seq(1, length(rolling_iris[[1]])), ~rolling_iris[[1]][[.x]]$data)
rolling_iris_stats <- map(rolling_iris_dfs, ~analysis(.x) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = 1:4) %>%
min = min(value),
max = max(value),
mean = mean(value),
sd = sd(value)
) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(rowID = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = value)

How can I pass change arguments into character in a function?

Give a minimum example.
df <- data.frame("Treatment" = c(rep("A", 2), rep("B", 2)), "Price" = 1:4, "Cost" = 2:5)
I want to summarize the data by treatments for all the variables I have, and put them together, so I define a function to do this for each variable first, and then rbind them later on.
SummarizeFn <- function(x,y,z) {
x %>% group_by(Treatment) %>%
summarize(n = n(), Mean = mean(y), SD = sd(y)) %>%
cbind("Var" = rep(y, 3)) # add a column to show which variable those statistics belong to.
SumPrice <- SummarizeFn(df, df$Price, "Price")
However, R tells me that object "Price" is not found. How to solve this problem?
Also, how to make y as a character indicating the mean and sd are of price?
Price isnt a variable, you need SummarizeFn(df,df$Price) because Price is just defined in your list df
SummarizeFn <- function(x,y,z)
df1<-(x %>% group_by(Treatment)
%>% summarize(n = n(), Mean = mean(y), SD = sd(y))
df1<- df1 %>% mutate ("Var" = z)
SumPrice <- SummarizeFn(df, df$Price,"Price")

Writing dplyr function to pass to group_map

The problem in question would be to apply the function f to each group of a tibble. It is a simpler way to do this, but I would like to solve the problem using the group_map() function.
Data used: starwars of the dplyr package.
What I want is to get an average of the height variable for a grouped tibble considering the variables gender and species. I know the problem could be easily solved by doing:
starwars %>% group_by(gender, species) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(height, na.rm = TRUE))
However, my desire is to implement summarise(mean = mean(height, na.rm = TRUE)) in a function and send to group_map().
I tried to create the f() function that gets the data argument which is a tibble object with the previously defined groups. The second argument of the f() function would be ... so that I could pass the variables of interest from data to f().
f <- function(dados, ...){
dados %>% summarise(mean = mean(..., na.rm = TRUE))
starwars %>% group_by(gender, species) %>%
group_map(.tbl = ., .f = ~f(dados = .x), height)
func_1 <- function(dados, var, ...){
var_interesse <- enquo(var)
dots <- enquos(...)
# Could be attributed direct reference ...
dados %>% group_by(!!!dots) %>%
summarise(media = mean(x = !!var_interesse, na.rm = TRUE))
starwars %>% func_1(var = height, gender, species)
func_2 <- function(dados, var){
var_interesse <- enquo(var)
#dots <- enquos(...)
dados %>% summarise(media = mean(x = !!var_interesse, na.rm = TRUE))
agrupamento <- starwars %>% group_by(gender, species)
agrupamento %>%
group_map(.tbl = ., .f = ~func_2(dados = .x, var = height))

Trying to understand how eval(expr, envir = df) works

I have built a function which seems to work, but I don't understand why.
My initial problem was to take a data.frame which contains counts of a population and expand it to re-create the original population. This is easy enough if you know the column names in advance.
test_counts <- tibble(Population = letters[1:4], Length = c(1,1,2,1),
Number = sample(1:100, 4))
expand_counts_v0 <- function(Length, Population, Number) {
tibble(Population = Population,
Length = rep(Length, times = Number))
test_counts %>% pmap_dfr(expand_counts_v0) %>% # apply it
group_by(Population, Length) %>% # test it
summarise(Number = n()) %>%
ungroup %>%
{ all.equal(., test_counts)}
# [1] TRUE
However, I wanted to generalise it to a function which didn't need to know at the column names of the data.frame, and I'm interested in NSE, so I wrote:
test_counts1 <- tibble(Population = letters[1:4],
Length = c(1,1,2,1),
Number = sample(1:100, 4),
Height = c(100, 50, 45, 90),
Width = c(700, 50, 60, 90)
expand_counts_v1 <- function(df, count = NULL) {
countq <- enexpr(count)
names <- df %>% select(-!!countq) %>% names
namesq <- names %>% map(
cols <- map(namesq, ~ expr(rep(!!., times = !!countq))
) %>% set_names(namesq)
make_tbl <- function(...) {
expr(tibble(!!!cols)) %>% eval(envir = df)
df %>% pmap_dfr(make_tbl)
But, when I test this function it seems to duplicate rows 4 times:
test_counts %>% expand_counts_v1(count = Number) %>%
group_by(Population, Length) %>%
summarise(Number = n()) %>%
ungroup %>%
{ sum(.$Number)/sum(test_counts$Number)}
# [1] 4
This lead me to guess a solution, which was
expand_counts_v2 <- function(df, count = NULL) {
countq <- enexpr(count)
names <- df %>% select(-!!countq) %>% names
namesq <- names %>% map(
cols <- map(namesq, ~ expr(rep(!!., times = !!countq))
) %>% set_names(namesq)
make_tbl <- function(...) {
expr(tibble(!!!cols)) %>% eval(envir = df)
df %>% make_tbl
This seems to work:
test_counts %>% expand_counts_v2(count = Number) %>%
group_by(Population, Length) %>%
summarise(Number = n()) %>%
ungroup %>%
{ all.equal(., test_counts)}
# [1] TRUE
test_counts1 %>% expand_counts_v2(count = Number) %>%
group_by(Population, Length, Height, Width) %>%
summarise(Number = n()) %>%
ungroup %>%
{ all.equal(., test_counts1)}
# [1] TRUE
But I don't understand why. How is it evaluating for each row, even though I'm not using pmap anymore? The function needs to be applied to each row in order to work, so it must be somehow, but I can't see how it's doing that.
After Artem's correct explanation of what was going on, I realised I could do this
expand_counts_v2 <- function(df, count = NULL) {
countq <- enexpr(count)
names <- df %>% select(-!!countq) %>% names
namesq <- names %>% map(
cols <- map(namesq, ~ expr(rep(!!., times = !!countq))
) %>% set_names(namesq)
expr(tibble(!!!cols)) %>% eval_tidy(data = df)
Which gets rid of the unnecessary mk_tbl function. However, as Artem said, that is only really working because rep is vectorised. So, it's working, but not by re-writing the _v0 function and pmapping it, which is the process I was trying to replicate. Eventually, I discovered, rlang::new_function and wrote:
expand_counts_v3 <- function(df, count = NULL) {
countq <- enexpr(count)
names <- df %>% select(-!!countq) %>% names
namesq <- names %>% map(
cols <- map(namesq, ~ expr(rep(!!., times = !!countq))
) %>% set_names(namesq)
all_names <- df %>% names %>% map(
args <- rep(0, times = length(all_names)) %>% as.list %>% set_names(all_names)
correct_function <- new_function(args, # this makes the function as in _v0
expr(tibble(!!!cols)) )
pmap_dfr(df, correct_function) # applies it as in _v0
which is longer, and probably uglier, but works the way I originally wanted.
The issue is in eval( envir = df ), which exposes the entire data frame to make_tbl(). Notice that you never use ... argument inside make_tbl(). Instead, the function effectively computes the equivalent of
with( df, tibble(Population = rep(Population, times = Number),
Length = rep(Length, times=Number)) )
regardless of what arguments you provide to it. When you call the function via pmap_dfr(), it essentially computes the above four times (once for each row) and concatenates the results by-row, resulting in the duplication of entries you've observed. When you remove pmap_dfr(), the function is called once, but since rep is itself vectorized (try doing rep( test_counts$Population, test_counts$Number ) to see what I mean), make_tbl() computes the entire result in one go.

Moving mean as a function in dplyr

I'd like to create a function that can calculate the moving mean for a variable number of last observations and different variables. Take this as mock data:
df = expand.grid(site = factor(seq(10)),
year = 2000:2004,
day = 1:50)
df$temp = rpois(dim(df)[1], 5)
Calculating for 1 variable and a fixed number of last observations works. E.g. this calculates the average of the temperature of the last 5 days:
df <- df %>%
group_by(site, year) %>%
arrange(site, year, day) %>%
mutate(almost_avg = rollmean(x = temp, 5, align = "right", fill = NA)) %>%
mutate(avg = lag(almost_avg, 1))
So far so good. Now trying to functionalize fails.
avg_last_x <- function(dataframe, column, last_x) {
dataframe <- dataframe %>%
group_by(site, year) %>%
arrange(site, year, day) %>%
mutate(almost_avg = rollmean(x = column, k = last_x, align = "right", fill = NA)) %>%
mutate(avg = lag(almost_avg, 1))
return(dataframe) }
avg_last_x(dataframe = df, column = "temp", last_x = 10)
I get this error:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : k <= n is not TRUE
I understand this is probably related to the evaluation mechanism in dplyr, but I don't get it fixed.
Thanks in advance for your help.
This should fix it.
avg_last_x <- function(dataframe, column, last_x) {
dataframe %>%
group_by(site, year) %>%
arrange(site, year, day) %>%
mutate_(almost_avg = interp(~rollmean(x = c, k = last_x, align = "right",
fill = NA), c =,
avg = ~lag(almost_avg, 1))
