Why should there be minimal work before MPI_Init? - mpi

The documentations for both MPICH and OpenMPI mention that there should be minimal amount of work done before MPI_Init or after MPI_Finilize:
The MPI standard does not say what a program can do before an MPI_INIT or after an MPI_FINALIZE. In the MPICH implementation, you should do as little as possible.
What is the reason behind this?
To me it seems perfectly reasonable for processes to do a significant amount of calculations before starting the communication with each other.

I believe it was worded in the like that in order to allow MPI implementations that spawn its ranks within MPI_Init. That means not all ranks are technically guaranteed to exist before MPI_Init. If you had opened file descriptors or performed other things with side effects on the process state, it would become a huge mess.
Afaik no major current MPI implementation does that, nevertheless an MPI implementation might use this requirement for other tricks.
EDIT: I found no evidence of this and only remember this from way back, so I'm not sure about it. I can't seem to find the formulation in MPI standard that you quoted from MPICH. However, the MPI standard regulates which MPI functions you may call before MPI_Init:
The only MPI functions that may be invoked before the MPI initialization routines are called are MPI_GET_VERSION, MPI_GET_LIBRARY_VERSION, MPI_INITIALIZED, MPI_FINALIZED, and any function with the prefix MPI_T_.

The MPI_Init documentation of MPICH is giving some hints:
The MPI standard does not say what a program can do before an MPI_INIT or after an MPI_FINALIZE. In the MPICH implementation, you should do as little as possible. In particular, avoid anything that changes the external state of the program, such as opening files, reading standard input or writing to standard output.
BTW, I would not expect MPI_Init to do communications. These would happen later.
And the mpich/init.c implementation is free software; you can study its source code and understand that it is initializing some timers, some threads, etc... (and that should indeed happen really early).
To me it seems perfectly reasonable for processes to do a significant amount of calculations before starting the communication with each other.
Of course, but these should happen after MPI_Init (but before some MPI_Send etc).
On some supercomputers, MPI might use dedicated hardware (like InfiniBand, Fibre Channel, etc...) and there might be some hardware or operating system reasons to initialize it very early. So it makes sense to call MPI_Init very early. BTW, it is also given the pointers to main arguments and I guess that it would modify them before further processing by your main. Then the call to MPI_Init is probably the first statement of your main.


Advantage of MPI_SEND over MPI_ISEND?

Using MPI_SEND (the standard blocking send) is simpler than using MPI_ISEND (the standard non-blocking send), because the latter should be used along with another MPI function to ensure that the communication has been "completed", so that the send buffer can be reused. But apart from that, has MPI_SEND any advantages over MPI_ISEND? It seems that, in general, MPI_ISEND prevents deadlock and also allows better performance (because the calling process can do other things while the communication proceeds in the background by MPI implementation).
So, is it a good idea to use the blocking version at all?
Performance wise, MPI_Send() has the potential of being faster that MPI_Isend() immediately followed by MPI_Wait() (and it is faster in Open MPI).
But most importantly, if your MPI library does not provide a progress thread, your message might be sitting on the sender node until MPI is progressed by your code (that typically occurs when a MPI subroutine is invoked, and definitely happens when MPI_Wait() is called).

Why do OpenMPI programs have to be executed using `mpirun`?

Why can MPI(by which I will mean OpenMPI throughout this post) programs not be executed like any other, and instead have to be executed using mpirun?
In other words, why does MPI not simply provide headers/packages/... that you can import and then let you be master in your own house, by letting you use MPI when and where you want, in your sourcecode, and allowing you to compile your own parallel-processing-included-executables?
I'm really a novice, but for example, I feel like the -np argument passed to mpirun could easily be fixed in the sourcecode, or could be prompted for by the program itself, or could be read in from a configuration file, or could be simply configured to use all available cores, whose number will be determined by a surrounding scheduler script anyway, or ....
(Of course, you can argue that there is a certain convenience in having mpirun do this automatically in some sense, but that hardly justifies, in my view, taking away the coder's possibility to write his own executable.)
For example, I really have little experience, but in Python you can do multiprocessing by simply calling functions of the multiprocessing module and then running your script like any other. Of course, MPI provides more than Python's multiprocessing, but if MPI for example has to start a background service, then I still don't understand why it can't do so automatically upon calls of MPI functions in the source.
For another possibly stupid example, CUDA programs do not require cudarun. And for a good reason, since if they did, and if you used both CUDA and MPI in parts of your program, you would now have to execute cudarun mpirun ./foo (or possibly mpirun cudarun ./foo) and if every package worked like this, you would soon have to have a degree in computer science to simply execute a program.
All of this is maybe super important, as you can simply ship each of your MPI executables with a corresponding wrapper script, but this is kind of annoying and I would still be interested in why this design choice was made.
You can spin up processes however you like, you'll need to have some channel to send port information between processes, a command line arg works. I've had to spin up processes manually, but it's far easier and less painful to use a preconstructed communicator. If you have a good reason, you can do it though.
I have a question where I edited a minimal complete example into the question. The key calls are MPI_Open_port, MPI_Comm_accept, MPI_Comm_connect, and MPI_Intercomm_merge. You have to merge the connecting nodes one at a time. If you want to go after this, be sure you have a good idea about the difference between an inter and intracommunicator. Here's the example for you:
Trying to start another process and join it via MPI but getting access violation

MPI_Isend /Irecv: Is it possible to access the sendbuffer on unused memory-locations in the meanwhile

I would like to speedup my MPI- Program with the use of asynchronous communication. But the used time remains the same. The workflow is as followed.
1. MPI_send/ MPI_recv Halo (ca. 10 Seconds)
2. process the whole Array (ca. 12 Seconds)
1. MPI_Isend/ MPI_Irecv Halo (ca. 0,1 Seconds)
2. process the Array (without Halo) (ca. 10 Seconds)
3. MPI_Wait (ca. 10 Seconds) (should be ca. 0 Seconds)
4. process the Halo only (ca. 2 Seconds)
Measurements showed that the communication and processing the Array-core nearly take the same time for common workloads. So asynchronism should nearly hide the communication time.
But it dosn't.
One fact - and I thinks this could be the problem - is that the sendbuffer is also the array the calculations are made on. Is it possible that MPI serializes the memory-access although communication ONLY accesses the Halo (with derived datatype) and the computation ONLY accesses the core (only reading) of the array???
Does anybody know if this is for sure the reason?
Is it maybe implementation-dependend (I'm using OpenMPI)?
Thanks in advance.
It isn't the case that MPI serializes the memory accesses in the user code (that's beyond the library's power to do, in general), and it is true that what exactly does happen is implementation specific.
But as a practical matter, MPI libraries don't do as much communication "in the background" as you might hope, and this is particularly true when using transports and networks like tcp + ethernet, where there's no meaningful way to hand off communication to another set of hardware.
You can only be sure that the MPI library is actually doing something when you're running MPI library code, eg in an MPI function call. Often, a call to any of a number of MPI calls will nudge an implementations "progress engine" that keeps track of in-flight messages and ushers them along. So for instance one thing you can quickly do is to make calls to MPI_Test() on the requests within the compute loop to make sure things start happening well before the MPI_Wait(). There is of course overhead to this, but this is something that's easy to try to measure.
Of course you could imagine the MPI library would use some other mechanism to run things behind the scenes. Both MPICH2 and OpenMPI have played with separate "progress threads" which execute separately from the user code and do this ushering along in the background; but getting that to work well, and without tying up a processor while you're trying to run your computation, is a genuinely difficult problem. OpenMPI's progress threads implementation has long been experimental, and in fact is temporarily out of the current (1.6.x) release, although work continues. I'm not sure about MPICH2's support.
If you are using infiniband, where the network hardware has a lot of intelligence to it, then prospects brighten a bit. If you are willing to leave memory pinned (for the openfabrics), and/or you can use a vendor-specific module (mxm for Mellanox, psm for Qlogic), then things can progress somewhat more rapidly. If you're using shared memory, than the knem kernel module can also help with intranode transport.
One other implementation-specific approach you can take, if memory isn't a big issue, is to try to use eager protocols for sending the data directly, or send more data per chunk so fewer nudges of the progress engine are needed. What eager protocols means here is that data is automatically sent at send time, rather than just initiating a set of handshakes which will eventually lead to the message being sent. The bad news is that this generally requires extra buffer memory for the library, but if that's not a problem and you know the number of incoming messages is bounded (eg, by the number of halo neighbours you have), this can help a great deal. How to do this for (eg) shared memory transport for openmpi is described on the OpenMPI page for tuning for shared memory, but similar parameters exist for other transports and often for other implementations. One nice tool that IntelMPI has is an "mpitune" tool that automatically runs through a number of such parameters for best performance.
The MPI specification states:
A nonblocking send call indicates that the system may start copying
data out of the send buffer. The sender should not modify any part of the
send buffer after a nonblocking send operation is called, until the
send completes.
So yes, you should copy your data to a dedicated send buffer first.

MPI on a multicore machine

My situation is quite simple: I want to run a MPI-enabled software on a single multiprocessor/core machine, let's say 8.
My implementation of MPI is MPICH2.
As I understand I have a few options:
$ mpiexec -n 8 my_software
$ mpiexec -n 8 -hosts {localhost:8} my_software
or I could also specify Hydra to "fork" and not "ssh";
$ mpiexec -n 8 -launcher fork my_software
Could you tell me if there will be any differences or if the behavior will be the same ?
Of course as all my nodes will be on the same machine I don't want "message passing" to be done through the network (even the local loop) but through shared memory. As I understood MPI will figure that out itself and that will be the case for all the three options.
Simple answer:
All methods should lead to the same performance. You'll have 8 processes running on the cores and using shared memory.
Technical answer:
"fork" has the advantage of compatibility, on systems where rsh/ssh process spawning would be a problem. But can, I guess, only start processes locally.
At the end (unless MPI is weirdly configured) all processes on the same CPU will end up using "shared memory", and the launcher or the host specification method should not matter for this. The communication method is handled by another parameter (-channel ?).
Specific syntax of host specification method can permit to bind processes to a specific CPU core, then you might have slightly better/worse performance depending of your application.
If you've got everything set up correctly then I don't see that your program's behaviour will depend on how you launch it, unless that is it fails to launch under one or other of the options. (Which would mean that you didn't have everything set up correctly in the first place.)
If memory serves me well the way in which message passing is implemented depends on the MPI device(s) you use. It used to be that you would use the mpi ch_shmem device. This managed the passing of messages between processes but it did use buffer space and messages were sent to and from this space. So message passing was done, but at memory bus speed.
I write in the past tense because it's a while since I was that close to the hardware that I knew (or, frankly, cared) about low-level implementation details and more modern MPI installations might be a bit, or a lot, more sophisticated. I'll be surprised, and pleased, to learn that any modern MPI installation does, in fact, replace message-passing with shared memory read/write on a multicore/multiprocessor machine. I'll be surprised because it would require translating message-passing into shared memory access and I'm not sure that that is easy (or easy enough to be feasible) for the whole of MPI. I think it's far more likely that current implementations still rely on message-passing across the memory bus through some buffer area. But, as I state, that's only my best guess and I'm often wrong on these matters.

POSIX Threads: are pthreads_cond_wait() and others systemcalls?

The POSIX standard defines several routines for thread synchronization, based on concepts like mutexes and conditional variables.
my question is now: are these (like e.g. pthreads_cond_init(), pthreads_mutex_init(), pthreads_mutex_lock()... and so on) system calls or just library calls? i know they are included via "pthread.h", but do they finally result in a system call and therefore are implemented in the kernel of the operating system?
On Linux a pthread mutex makes a "futex" system call, but only if the lock is contended. That means that taking a lock no other thread wants is almost free.
In a similar way, sending a condition signal is only expensive when there is someone waiting for it.
So I believe that your answer is that pthread functions are library calls that sometimes result in a system call.
Whenever possible, the library avoids trapping into the kernel for performance reasons. If you already have some code that uses these calls you may want to take a look at the output from running your program with strace to better understand how often it is actually making system calls.
I never looked into all those library call , but as far as I understand they all involve kernel operations as they are supposed to provide synchronisations between process and/or threads at global level - I mean at the OS level.
The kernel need to maintain for a mutex, for instance, a thread list: threads that are currently sleeping, waiting that a locked mutex get released. When the thread that currently lock/owns that mutex invokes the kernel with pthread_mutex_release(), the kernel system call will browse that aforementioned list to get the higher priority thread that is waiting for the mutex release, flag the new mutex owner into the mutex kernel structure, and then will give away the cpu (aka "ontect switch") to the newly owner thread, thus this process will return from the posix library call pthread_mutex_lock().
I only see a cooperation with the kernel when it involves IPC between processes (I am not talking between threads at a single process level). Therefore I expect those library call to invoke the kernel, so.
When you compile a program on Linux that uses pthreads, you have to add -lphtread to the compiler options. by doing this, you tell the linker to link libpthreads. So, on linux, they are calls to a library.
