I have a question about serial communication with a CP6606 from beckhoff. I'm working with Twincat 3 version 4022.16 in combination with Windows CE 7 compact on the HMI. I've all licenses installed.
For school I have to program a pick and place with integration of a Sick CLV 610 barcode scanner.(RS232) First I need to trigger the scanner with the string "K". Then the scanner will scan and return the scanned result. For stopping the scan, I write the string "I" to the device.
I connect my scanner on the Onboard Com1 on the CP6606.
I use the following configuration in twincat 3:Config scanner. Is it fine to use RS232 or should I use RS485 to do the job? Is my emulation mode right?
I make use of 2 tasks. 1 standard task and a Fast task. The fast task places the data from the hardware in the Buffer. The standard Task processes the data from the buffer. The configuration of the fast task can be found here : FastTask
In my program for the fast task, I use this function block :FB_SerialLineControl
For sending my trigger "K" I use the following 2 function blocks:SendReceive. sSerial_SendText contains the string "K" and after the timeout of 2sec, it will take the string "I" for stopping the process.
I don't get any errors in my program. The trigger just doesn't arrive on the scanner. I cant find any Com port analyzers for Windows CE 7.0 (only 5.0 and 6.0.) It seems something is wrong with my IO config with the Com Device.
Does the runtime version affect this problem? On my PC I use twincat 3 v4022.16 (newest) and on the CP 6606 is running version 4022.2.
I tested the hardware with a program called "putty". When I press "K" on my keyboard the scanner works and displays the code in the terminal.
I did the same test with a program called "Terminal CE" (same as putty but for Windows CE"). The test was also successful, so I think that the problem is not in the hardware but rather in the software.
You can find the source files of this project on this link.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to get a simple Serial Port connection between dotnet 5 and a Marlin based printer board which is running some variant of a micro controller (LPC1768FBD100 https://www.arrow.com/en/products/lpc1768fbd100551/nxp-semiconductors).
I can open a connection to the board using other tools, send a "M503\n" command and receive a response, the tools I've used successfully are
Pronterface (Windows)
Arduino Serial Monitor (Windows)
miniterm (Linux)
putty (Windows)
So I know the board to be functioning correct in both Linux and Windows, but when attempting from .net, I am yet to succeed in getting any response back from the board. I have uploaded a simple tool in .net 5 that connects to a serial port and allows you to TX / RX strings,
I have tested this code in Windows and Linux, same port settings, no response back. I have also tested this exact code against a simple echo program running on an Arduino Uno board and it all works as expected, but for the life of me I can't get anything back from the other board.
I'm wondering if there's something about serial comms that these other apps are doing that I just don't know about. I'm using the same port settings which are shown in device manager across the board when testing in Windows, and also the same settings when testing in Linux.
In Linux the board comes up as ttyACM0, which is how my Arduino Uno is also mounted.
Any suggestions? I'm sure this isn't a "Marlin" issue, as only one of the other tools I've tested with is specific for Marlin and the Arduino serial monitor is about as basic as you can get. There's something I'm not doing in the .net code I think...
I've also tried someone elses old .net code and it also doesn't get a response back from this board, but does from my Arduino Uno running the echo program.
I'm currently looking to see if it's just .net and the underlying mechanisms that is effected here and have found this page,
I've modified my tester code to access to base stream for sending / receiving data just in-case, but this has not fixed the issue.
Okay I got it, I knew I was missing something,
port.DtrEnable = true;
This fixes it and now I'm receiving and sending data to the Marlin board.
I am controlling a device over serial connection using LabVIEW (version 7.0). It is connected using USB, and is installed as a virtual serial port on the computer (running Windows XP). Every now and then my device crashes when my program sends a command, and it is unable to accept any more input (the device itself also stops working) until it has timed out.
I've looked at the serial port traffic using Portmon. Whenever the device crashes the serial driver sends the command I send using my program four times instead of just once, with an IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS command in between. I cannot see what this last command returns, but I assume something happens in the communication earlier on. I'm thinking my configuration of the port is not entirely right, but I have no idea how or why. I open and close the connection to my device every time I want to write something to it.
For completeness' sake: it has a baud rate of 9600, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. I'm aware that the correct settings of these parameters depend on the device, but the manufacturer has not supplied any recommended settings.
The driver is a DLL of some sort? If so, this is the most likely source of your problem, and you likely will need to contact the author of the driver. LabVIEW does have crashing bugs, but by far the most common source of crashes in simple communications apps is a buggy third-party DLL.
In other words, I doubt this is a LabVIEW problem at all and that you would have the same difficulty if you wrote a C program to talk to this driver. I only know what you've posted here about your system, but after many years of chasing down such issues, I would start with the device manufacturer/driver author.
If you have evidence to the contrary, please share.
I downloaded several software that provide virtual COM ports. These COM ports do appear in the Device Manager and can be selected for upload from the Arduino IDE, menu Tools -> Serial Port -> COM3. It starts uploading and reaches 90% and then it either times out or just does nothing.
I want to upload onto the virtual COM port so I could then read the compilation output files in another program. I don't want to use my Arduino at all, and I don't want to manually get the verbose output files when uploading. This problem doesn't happen when I upload on the real Arduino.
The application should work on all platforms. This task seems easy on Linux, and I am facing the stated problem on Windows and any help with Mac would also be useful.
The application will be an educational tool for hardware simulation and visualization trying to give a more hands-on experience for users than other simulators out there. So may be this will give you an idea of why I want to do so.
How can I get started?
I think you might be assuming that uploading code to Arduino is one-way communications: this would be like putting strawberries in a blender, and a Daquiri comes out. If that was true, you could just take whatever the IDE dumps to the serial port, save it to a file, and you have an Arduino binary. (Skip to TL;DR if not interested in details. Upshot: this assumption is not correct).
The 1-way communication assumption is not entirely correct: there is a program on the Arduino (called "a bootloader") which is responsible for communicating with the programmer ("programmer": a program that programs the Arduino, assume it is the Arduino IDE for now). In their most "natural" state, the Arduino CPUs cannot be programmed across serial lines. Rather these chips are programmed either via the in system programming (ISP) or via the JTAG protocol. The bootloader is a program that runs on an Arduino CPU and loading of sketches/programs over the serial port. This program runs at startup and looks for programming commands over the serial port.
If it discovers that a programmer is trying to communicate programming information, it will read the compiled Arduino binary coming over the serial link, store it in flash memory, send it back to over the serial link for verification, and if everything is successful, exit and launch the stored sketch. If no programming information appears on the serial port, that is, no programmer is trying to write a new sketch, then the bootloader simply quits and launches the program already stored in flash.
TL;DR: In order to implement a pseudo-Arduino on your serial port you must write a program some code that simulates an Arduino (bootloader) on the other end of your virtual serial port. So when a programmer/IDE says to Arduino "are you there?" your program will respond "yes!", just like an Arduino would.
The default Arduino bootloader is STK-500 compatible: that means that it implements STK-500 commands - the reference for which can be found here. If you decide to do this, then the easiest thing might be to start with an existing bootloader, such as Arduino's or AdaFruit's (there are others too), and modify it. Such a bootloader would have all the commands already implemented, and since it is written in C (I wouldn't choose an assembly bootloader to modify :), it should be easy enough to modify.
Alternatively, you might decide that STK-500 is too difficult to implement. If this is the case, you can use any programmer protocol that Avrdude supports: Avrdude is a program for programming AVR chips, and Arduino IDE uses Avrdude internally to send the sketch to the Arduino. If you do this, then you'd have to change the settings in Arduino IDE for which programmer you are using.
Personally, I think STK-500 compatible is the best option for this, but YMMV.
I am working on a smartcard reader project here i will have to read/write data from the smartcard reader.
Also i will have to read/write data from PC application.
There are two serial port on my microcontroller one connected to smartcard reader other to PC.
Smartcard reader <------> Microcontroller <-----> PC
I have ported linux & using /ttys0 & /ttys1 driver for this.
1> My question is if application have to find that some data is available to be read from the port than will i have to always check it with read() system call ?
2> Does ttys0 driver have internal buffer to store received data ? Or data is lost if application do not read data immediately ?
3> Here using seprate threads for rx/tx from each port, is it right approach ?
Please guide me i am new to Embedded linux.
Yes, there's a fair amount of buffering on linux tty's.
You have a few choices for how to interact with them.
you can make them non-blocking, and frequently poll to see if you can read data from them (but this may result in uselessly spinning CPU cycles, slowing other tasks)
you can use select() to yield to the scheduler until one of your devices has data for you to act on
you can use blocking I/O, however since you have multiple ports that may also require multiple threads
TTY programming is similar to socket programming in Linux. So basically you can set the socket to be a asynchronous and receive a signal once data is available. Regarding buffering, yes it's buffered using two flipping buffers. You can check chapter 18 in Linux device drivers 3rd edition regarding TTY implementation in the kernel.
I have a number of Windows 2000 systems that we are trying to use to program the new Arduino Uno and Mega devices. These boards now come with a USB connection, an upgrade from the prior FTDI. I'm not able to download the Arduino code into the board from a Windows 2000 system
The supplied drivers are *.inf files that modify the standard USB driver that comes with Windows (in this case Windows 2000).
I go through the process of setting the port, setting the device and doing the download. The download fails, and the apparent error is that the PC can not communicate with the board. I've checked the port, adjusted the baud rates, etc. I've even moved the port number from a high port number (ie COM12) to a lower port (COM2) without any success. I do see activity on the rec/xmt lights on the Arduino board, so some type of data is being sent and received.
I'm looking for:
Someone who has been able to download files from Windows 2000 to the Arduino
A way to shim inside the USB driver to be able to watch the traffic going up and down to the board so I can continue to debug this.
Some general tips for things to look at in the .inf file that need to be set/not set to make it work on Windows 2000.
I know the boards work I've used them on a different set of Windows XP systems. So I know to some extent the install is good and that most of what I have works.
Full dumps can be found on the Arduino forum, http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1291090110/.
This is the information produced by the AVRDude program while it's trying to download the code.
this could be a long shot, but I jsut recentlz had problems uploading too. Fist of all, how long is the USB cabele you are uploading from? Mine in one case was too long and th arduino woul lose sync. Secondly, and this might just be a silly oversight (like i did) do you have things wired in the digital pin 0 and 1? These are used for the communication, and if there is anything else plugged in to them the upload will also fail.
As I said, long shot but those were two errors I had.