Should I use http or https for tracking links? - http

I want to build a service that helps people tracking their links. Visitors click on my link, they will be redirected to the destination website as below:
Visitors in site A --> (301 redirect) --> site B
Should I use http or https for the link so that I and my customers (the owner of site B) can see the referring site (site A)?

🔒HTTPS. Always and forever.
Protect and offer privacy to your users. Ideally, your domain should use name servers that provide DNS over HTTPS.


Single Google Analytics for multiple domains with a single landing page?

I have a GoDadddy account with hosting and domains (I know,,, GoDaddy sucks...), but I currently have multiple domains pointing to the same folder, and it has a single PHP page with the GA tracking code for a single domain. Because all the domains point to the same folder in the hosting, I see all visits for all domains as they are for a single domain in the GA panel. Is there a way to find out which visits come from what domain?
Currently GoDaddy has 3 hosting plans. The only two that allows you to have multiple domains are Deluxe and Ultimate.
How you conduct the implementation will affect the way GA reports the data. Now I am going to make the assumption that you have access to all the domains you said you currently have.
This is what you need to do to track your traffic
Check if you are allowed to have multiple Domains.
If Domains are not registered in Godaddy, make sure that all domains and the Primary Domain are pointing to Godaddy DNS or nameservers.
Add all domains as 'addons' domains or additional domains to your hosting account making sure you have a separate folder for each domain.
In each Domain Folder, create a basic HTML (index.html) page and paste the Google Analytic code in the Head section. Repeat this for every Domain.
Create 301 redirects to your PHP page that has the same Google Analytic code that you used for all the pages in 4.
IN Google Analytics Report you should be able to see all the redirected domains show as 'referral'.
Note: Sometimes the redirect might take place before the GA script is loaded and therefore you will not be able to track the referral. If you really care about absolutely all the referral traffic data, I will recommend you to not use 301 redirect but let the pages load and place a JavaScript redirect with a 5 second delay.

Same cookie to 2 domain drupal which is One site

I have a Drupal 6.22 webpage. And I have a .de and a .at top level domain. Now the .at domain is an alias of .de. And I want:
I want to use the .at and the .de domain separately, exactly when anybody open my .at/indexp.php, not drop trough the .de domain.
I want to monitoring the incoming users.
So I want to hosting 2 site from 1 server, and I want to have a same login cookie, so anybody log in at .at, and navigating to .de, he keep logged in.
I know, the 2 page with same cantainment is killing the SEO, so thats a new more question.
I tried to solve the "Same Cookie" problem width $cookie_domain, but i can't. As I read, it's just working with 2 different server's 2 different sites.
Without some coding to authenticate the user between both sites, you can't do this.
Technically, browser won't send the cookies to other domains.
If the $cookie_domain is, then, will not get the cookies of
If it's, all and its sub domains will get the cookies from browser. (note the leading dot before
You can't send's cookies from another domain. That's why you are seeing you get redirected to Youtube and back to google when you login at a google domain.
You can point both domains to the same domain and it will work without a problem. But users will have to login twice in both sites.
Alternately you can send the user to the other site right after they login.
For an example, when user logs in at, when the login is successful, send the user to the other domain immediately and the other site ( for instance) can do the same authentication and send user back to the origin site.
I don't know any module that does this though.

How to generate GA for http (main domain) and and https (sub domain)?

I am having main domain ( and a sub-domain ( and I have one GA profile created for
Now i want to track the https sub-domain, if i use the same code generated for http site, will that track both domains?
Yes. The same code will work for both protocols.

Does Google Analytics track the traffic of multiple domains?

I have a website I created an analytics account for this and included the tracking code. Later I registered a new domain and pointed to the same website In Google analytics report, will the analytics display the traffic from both domains or do I need to make some alterations?
Google Analytics tracks website traffic no matter what hostname is specified in the page URL. You can use the Hostname dimension in the content report to find out.
In your case, depending on the type of hostname redirection you may or may not see the in your reports. When you navigate to the in browser, pick any page and can see in your browser - it will be tracked. If you can see - the last will be tracked.
If you website is accessible via and - you may have an issue with cross-domain users and duplicated (inflated count of) users since GA cookie in a browser is set per hostname
I have the same situation where our URL has changed and we are now in a crossover period while both URLs are active.
Without changing the tracking code I am getting our stats as before but I cannot tell in the analytics reports which URL the visitor used to access the site. If that is not of concern to you then you don't need to update your tracking code.
There is a secondary dimension under Content called "Hostname", this will break out your traffic by whether or not it was visited from or

Can we enable https on a single page in windows azure?

I have website hosted on azure, and I need to make the payment pages use https, but the rest of the pages as http. for local testing I created a self signed certificate and in web role properties > certificates , selected the certificate . then on the endpoints have made it https and associated the certificate. Now when I run the site it runs it as https. Can I run only a few pages in https and the rest on http?
Chandermani is right. For details on how to set this all up, will probably help.
Yes you can runs some pages on http and https. For this you need to
Create 2 endpoints one for each http and https
Associate the certificate with https endpoint
Now you can browse the site in both http and https. Now all links to these payment pages should refer to https urls.
Also you need to add a IIS url rewrite module to redirect user to https payment pages in case he directly types the http url of the payment pages.
