Inline styles for tables in ReactJS/JSX - css

Hi I'm having trouble adding inline styling to table components in React. Basically what I'm trying to do is so that the table header/cells are divided equally spacing so I'm adding width: '50%' styling to make this work. I added in the console and it works, but when I return to add it in my code, it doesn't.
I tried adding it to anything just to see if it work and it doesn't. Is there something I'm missing?
What it looks like:
What I want it to look like (after adding width styling to console):
<table className="table table-striped">
<tr styles={{width: '50%'}}>
<th styles={{width: '50%'}}>Hello</th>
<th styles={{width: '50%'}}>World</th>
{(data.length == 0)&&

As mentioned in the comments
Change 'styles' to 'style' – cidicles
Usually plural styles is the convention people use when passing a variable to another component, while singular style is the keyword that jsx-html tags will receive to inline the css.
Other answers recommend adding styles to html tags directly in the css. While adding styles on html tags directly without using classes may work it is worth it to note that it may not scale well This will require more work on us to come back and maintain/update the original code.

You can use table-layout: fixed; width: 100% on the table to force equal column widths:
table {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
table tr th {
text-align: left;
background: gray;
color: white;
<table className="table table-striped">
<tr style={{width: '50%'}}>
<th style={{width: '50%'}}>Hello</th>
<th style={{width: '50%'}}>World</th>
Your width: 50% isn't working most likely because your parent .table doesn't have a width set. You can try adding width: 100% to the table and then your 50% might work.
As other users have mentioned, change styles to style as well.


How to hide this specific text from a <TR> in a TABLE HTML CODE

I am trying to hide this:
<th class="col-image all" data-name="image" data-orderable="false" data-searchable="false" data-width="200px" data-priority="4">Image</th>
And this is my attempt:
thead.col-image all {
display: none;
^ this didn't work - any idea?
You are calling the wrong element and ALSO 'all' is not a selector;
thead.col-image all {} // is calling e.g. <thead class="col-image">
It should be
thead tr th.col-image.all { display: none; }
thead.col-image all means <all> tags in <thead class='col-image'>
correct css for your code should be
thead .col-image.all {
display: none;
with <th> tag only heading will disappear.
Attach a class for <th>or <td> or <tr> depending on your requirement.
and for that class apply the property
{visibility:hidden} which will not affect alignment of your table.
where as {display:none} can affect the alignment (though it works.)
you can use class for td th or add a span to text you want to hide and add class to it
<td class="hide">hide me</td>
<td>and also <span class="hide">hide me</span></td>
TL;DR Wrap your <thead>, <th>, etc. within the <table> element. Also make sure you are calling the proper elements in your CSS.
An HTML table is defined with the <table> tag.
So in essence you have the <th>, <thead>, etc. elements operating outside of a <table>, so you are breaking your code because the <th>, <thead>, etc. require the parent <table> element to function properly.
Why you may ask? As stated above a table is defined with the <table> tag, so you do not really have a table on your page.
In conclusion "wrap your tables rows, heads, etc within the <table> element for now on.
Here is the code:
<th class="col-image all" data-name="image" data-orderable="false" data-searchable="false" data-width="200px" data-priority="4">Image</th>
display: none;
You can view the code live here:
I also added another table in there so you can see how to properly make a table.
Here is a link to Mozilla Developer Network and W3Schools so you can learn more about making tables. Good luck:
Also you were calling classes for thead when you should have been calling classes for th.

Inbox Table Like Gmail - Fixed Row Height

I'm writing an angular email app and have used bootstrap tables in my mail template.
The body of the message is large and I would like to limit this to be just a single line, something similar to how gmail does it. Right now, my cell auto sizes which increases the size of the overall row. I used a couple of angular filters to limit the characters but I don't think that's all that Gmail is doing. There is some sort of an overflow hidden applied to the table row and also the height of each row is consistent.
How do I tweak my table css so that the row does not auto size when the cell data is a lot?
My HTML Code :'m using the latest version of bootstrap css.
I know you'd want overflow: hidden and white-space: nowrap styles. If you want you can also add the text-overlow: ellipsis style for a nice effect. You can use table-layout: fixed to ignore the size of the contents of the cells and only look at the heading sizes, otherwise automatic column sizing can take into account the full width of the string (fiddle):
table.special { table-layout: fixed }
table.special th { width: 20% }
table.special th.content { width: 40% }
table.special td {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis
On your <tr> tags you should add style="width:[desired width]" so they don't resize, example:
<table class="table table-responsive table-striped table-hover">
<th style="width: 100px">MessageID</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Sender</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Content</th>
<th style="width: 100px">Date</th>
<tr ng-click="changeRoute('mail',message)" ng-repeat="message in mails.messages | filter:search | orderBy:sortField:reverse">
<tr ng-click="changeRoute('mail',message)" ng-repeat="message in mails.messages | filter:search | orderBy:sortField:reverse">
You can change the text of the <td> tags and it won't resize. You might want to add a padding to the left on your <td> tags so they are more 'inline' with the <tr> tag's text. DEMO

Fixed width content in semantic ui

Is there a 'correct' way of creating fixed width content in Semantic-UI?
I have a canvas element on the page which must remain a specific size, however when using their grid system it seems to always scale no matter what setup I try.
If I understand you correctly, I think that's not possible with Semantic UI grids. But using min-width and min-height might help you.
.fixed-width {
width: 300px;
min-width: 300px;
border:1px solid #000000;
Have a look at this jsfiddle snippet
Now Semantic UI supports a 16 column grid for table similar to ui grid. You can set length this way
<table class="ui table">
<th class="ten wide">Name</th>
<th class="six wide">Status</th>

column width not controlled by row above it

Putting 2 one-row tables after each other I get the desired outcome: 2 adjacent rows that don't have the same column width.
|100px | 100% - 100px|
| 50% | 50% |
Can I achieve this also with a single <table>?
Basically I cannot use javascript or not in-line css.
No. Within a table the columns remain consistent from top to bottom.
You can play around with the colspans of each cell but that's about it.
e.g. if you wanted you could do this.
<td width="20%">20%</td>
<td width="30%">30%</td>
<td width="50%">50%</td>
<td width="50%" colspan="2">50%</td>
<td width="50%">50%</td>
But you will be limited to using a combination of fixed px sizes OR % sizes as you can't do 50% - 100px for example.
Usually, We transform block elements to the table model to achieve a 'Table like' display, and now, as a solution to your problem: I found myself doing just the opposite.
the main idea is to transform your table, to a block model design, where we can take control of the width of every element.
the main gain of my solution, is that you can use CSS function (like calc) to give responsive width to column [like calc(100% - 100px)].
but the main downsize of my solution is the scenario when you have different cells height in the same row.
luckily that can be easily fixed with faux columns techniques. (I used one-true-layout)
so, after all that been said, lets take a look at the solution: (some of it is written in the CSS section, with regular CSS selectors and not inline as you requested, because it was easier for me. but you can copy-past everything to the right place and make it all-inline)
Working Fiddle Tested on: Chrome, IE10, FF
HTML (I've add the <tbody> so you can apply the inline-CSS styling)
<td style="background-color:red; width: 100px;">100px</td>
<td style="background-color:yellow; width: calc(100% - 100px);">100% - 100px<br/>another line to demonstrate <i>faux column</i></td>
<td style="background-color:azure; width:50%;">50%</td>
<td style="background-color:pink; width:50%;">50%</td>
CSS (all of that styling can be placed inline)
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
table, tbody, tr
display: block;
overflow: hidden; /*Faux column*/
float: left;
padding-bottom: 99999px; /*Faux column*/
margin-bottom: -99999px; /*Faux column*/
You can do this using fake colspan values. Treat them as percentages to keep it simple.
<table border="0" cellspacing="6" width="400">
<td colspan="30" style="background-color:red;" />
<td colspan="70" style="background-color:yellow;"/>
<td colspan="70" style="background-color:black;" />
<td colspan="30" style="background-color:pink;" />

Double border coming in every row of table

There is a table which I have given border. After giving border there were double border that were coming after some googling I found that border-collapse is my saviour. but after trying to use it in every possible way it is not working.
There is a double border at the bottom that is coming that I want to remove.
For better understanding attached screen shot:
I want to remove the double border coming after each cell.
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
<th >
Login Name
CSS is needed to provide a definite answer. As others said, make sure there aren't any global CSS files altering your HTML. It appears your CSS has a tr {margin-top:10px;} set in it, or something providing a similar effect.
Just out of curiosity, why are you using the HTML cellpadding attribute? The CSS padding attribute can perform the same function and provides much more flexibility. You will also find separating your styles (CSS) from your HTML will make changing and updating much easier than going back to modify each inline style.
<table id="table">
<th >
Login Name
#table {
padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px;
//this is shortand for top right bottom left
border-collapse: collapse;
//this is becoming deprecated and is mainly used to support older versions of IE
