I want to gain an understanding of how incrementational compilation can be done on sbt. Having done a bit of research I have found that Zinc is one way of achieving this. sample zinc implementation.
Would love to hear any pointers that people would have to best measure how effective zinc can be
Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of both Zinc and Bloop.
Zinc is the standard (and only) way of doing incremental compilation in Scala. You can expect it to do the right thing and compile your code efficiently.
If you want to integrate with it, I recommend using Bloop which improves on zinc to compile your code faster than a custom zinc integration.
I'm very interested in dataflow and concurrency focused languages. I've read up on the subject and repeatedly I see SIGNAL, Esterel, and Lustre mentioned; so I take it they're prominent players in those fields. However, many of their links in the resources I found are dead and they don't seem very accessible. I managed to find a couple compilers I can compile from source (Polychrony Toolset for SIGNAL and the Columbia Compiler for Esterel) but they've both had issues when trying to compile with cmake. Even textbooks teaching these languages have been tough to come by.
With the background of the way, my actual questions are: is anyone really familiar with this field of programming? Are these languages still big deals, or have they "died out" by now? Could it be they're just available to big companies with a hefty price tag, so the average programmer wouldn't really be able to pick those languages up?
I ran into a couple other dataflow/concurrent paradigm languages, such as Oz or E, but they seemed to be mostly for education and not suitable for real world projects. Not to say they aren't impressive languages, but their implementation was limited and it would be unlikely to see them in production contexts. Does anyone know of other languages in this field they can recommend that are actually accessible (have good documentation, tutorials, and an installable compiler to actually code in)? Or can anyone clarify a language such as Oz or E and hopefully show that they indeed are good enough for large real world projects?
All the languages you mentioned are not widespread. This means their compilers and runtime have bugs, the community is narrow and can give little help, and linking with general purpose libraries can be problematic.
I recommend to use an actively supported general purpose language such as Java, Scala, Kotlin or C++. They all have libraries to support asynchronous computations, and dataflow is no more than support of asynchronous procedure call. You even can develop your own dataflow library. This is not that hard: I wrote a dataflow library for Java which is only 40 kilobytes of source code.
Have you tried Céu? It is a recent variant of Esterel, and compiles to C. It is simple to understand, and provides a reactive and concurrent structuring of control flow. Native C calls can be made by just prefixing them with an underscore ("_printf").
Also, see the paper "Structured Synchronous Reactive Programming with Céu" for a nice overview.
These academics languages mostly disappeared as such and are used in industrial tools
Esterel-Lustre are the basis of in Ansys' SCADE
Signal is used in 3DS' ControlBuild
Esterel was used in Synopsys' ConcentricStudio.
Researchers use also Heptagon for synchronous language studies for code generation, formal methods, new concepts.
i am new to asp.net and i was told that i need to know UML thoroughly to build successful software, is this correct? i mean cant i just "code and fix" and "model" in my brain. how important is UML and what is the best way to learn it?
UML is a standard used to convey information about the design of an object oriented software system in a (mostly) graphical format.
It is important as it makes communicating about such a system easier.
UML is a simple way to graphically document a system and its interactions. Its value to you is not necessarily using UML itself, but the value of documenting a system before coding or modifying it.
I see the advantages as
You are forced to think about the whole design before you start building. A drawing is a lot easier to change than a whole lot of code. Mistakes at this stage are easier to rectify.
It helps to understand the system and interactions far better than code alone can. With all the self-documenting code that you can write, a good diagram will nearly always be clearer to and fast to pick up.
The disadvantages are
Takes time to produce, when you would probably rather be coding and experimenting
Can get out of date if effort is not put in to keeping up to date.
i mean cant i just "code and fix" and
"model" in my brain
You can. It's done every day. And a lot of what's going through it at the time, and how you convey your ideas on napkins is already a form of UML without its rigid nomenclature.
But if you're working with colleagues on big systems, there may be occasions were they speak the language.
In my graduate class on compiler construction we've been introduced to the concept of a lattice. Three lectures have been devoted to lattices and so far it seems like an interesting tangent, but the dilemma is that it doesn't really help explain how a compiler uses a lattice to solve a concrete problem.
We have already covered parsing and typechecking. We're about to start liveness analysis and register allocation.
Note, I'm not looking for resources on building compilers. The following list of links have that covered pretty well. What I'm looking for is an explanation on the relationship between compilers and lattices, bonus points for the most examples.
Learning Resources on Parsers, Interpreters, and Compilers
How much of the compiler should we know?
Learning to write a compiler
Lattices are a very useful structure to represent state while doing static analysis on the program being compiled - eg. for removing dead code detected by liveness analysis, available/very busy expressions, reaching definitions, sign analysis and constant propagation.
Here is a very good read if you want the details: Lecture Notes on Static Analysis
I'm new to this field - but I need to perform a WAV-to-MIDI conversion in java.
Is there a way to know what exactly are the steps involved in WAV-to-MIDI conversion?
I have a very rough idea as in you need to;
sample the wav file, filter it, use FFT for spectral analysis, feature extraction and then write the extracted features on to MIDI.
But I cannot find solid sources or papers as in how to do all that?
Can some one give me clues as in how and where to start?
Are there any Open Source APIs available for this WAV-to-MIDI conversion process?
Advance thanks
It's a more involved process than you might imagine.
This research problem is often referred to as music transcription: the act of converting a low-level representation of music (e.g., waveform) into a higher-level representation such as MIDI or even sheet music.
The sophistication of your solution will depend upon the complexity of your input data. Tons of research papers address music transcription only on monophonic piano or drums... because they are easy to transcribe. (Relatively.) Violin is harder. Voice is even harder. Violin plus voice plus piano is much harder. A symphony is nearly impossible. You get the picture.
The basic elements of music transcription involve any of the following overlapping areas:
(multi)pitch estimation
instrument recognition, timbral modeling
rhythm detection
note onset/offset detection
form/structure modeling
Search for papers on "music transcription" on Google Scholar or from the ISMIR proceedings: http://www.ismir.net. If you are more interested in one of the above subtopics, I can point you further. Good luck.
EDIT: That being said, there are existing solutions that we can all find on the web. Feel free to try them. But as you do, evaluate them with a critical eye and ear. What types of audio signals would cause transcription to fail?
EDIT 2: Ah, you are only doing this for piano. Okay, this is doable. Music transcription has advanced to the point where it can transcribe monophonic piano pretty well. A Rachmaninov concerto will still pose problems.
Our recommendations depend upon your end goal. You state "need to perform... in Java." So it sounds like you just want something to work regardless of how it gets you there. In that case, I agree 100% with others: use something that exists.
That's actually an interesting question; all of the MIR libraries I know are typically C/C++/Python/Matlab. But not Java. The EchoNest has a Java API, but I don't think it does note-level transcription. http://developer.echonest.com. (Edit: It does note-level transcription. The returned data includes pitch, timbre, beat, tatum, and more. But I find polyphony is still a problem.)
Oh, Marsyas is Java-based. Cool. I thought it was just C++. http://marsyas.info/ I recommend this. It's developed by George Tzanetakis, a professor in MIR. It does signal-level analysis and should be a good option.
Now, if this is for a fun learning experience, I think you can use the sound manipulation utilities in Java to experiment with the WAV signal and see what comes out.
EDIT: This page describes MIR software better than I can: The Tools We Use
For Matlab, you may be interested in the MIR Toolbox
Here is a nice page of common datasets: MIR Datasets
This is a very big undertaking for being new to the field, unless you mean you are familiar with signal analysis and feature detection in general and want to look more specifically into automatic transcription.
There is no API for WAV to MIDI conversion. Vamp is a framework for feature extraction plugins, but to do automatic transcription you would need to use all the functionality of the existing plugins, plus implement functionality that exists in none of them yet.
Browse through the descriptions of the plugins on the vamp download page, any descriptions you do not understand are topics you should start researching if you want to do this.
If you don't need to automate this task (ie, for a website where people can upload MP3's and get MIDI files back), then you should consider using a tool like Melodyne which is already quite good at going this. As Steve noted, this is a very difficult task to accomplish, and even the best algorithms and solutions present at the moment are not 100% reliable.
So if you are just doing studio work and need to do a few conversions, it will probably save you a bit of time (and lots of headache) to use a tool already designed for this task.
This is a field which is still highly under development, yet, there are some (experimental) algorithms available.
You can install sonic annotator and use a few vamp plugins.
For example:
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-transcription:transcription -w midi
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:silvet:silvet:notes -w midi
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:ua-vamp-plugins:mf0ua:mf0ua -w midi
Dolphin, sorry to be brusque, but you have completely underestimated the problem. What you want to achieve - a full piano sound transcription involving all parameters that were used while playing would need an enormous amount of research with people who have worked in the field for many years. Even a group of PhDs in signal processing would have to invest a lot of work to even come close to what you mean. Music transcription has needed decades of work to even work halfway reliable. I'd suggest you pick a different problem which you can manage better than this.
After reading this question I just wondered whether it would be a good idea to use Haskell (or other functional programming languages) in mission critical industries.
Apart from Erlang, most languages followed imperative/design-by-contract paradigms (Ada, Eiffel, C++).
But what about the functional ones?
The resulting code would be easily maintainable, stable and lots of potential bugs could be eliminated by their strict type systems at compile-time.
Or is lazy evaluation more dangerous than helpful? Are there other security drawbacks?
I think you could. The language seems well suited for such situations, assuming you trust the compiler enough to use it in mission critical situation.
Remember that in mission critical situations it is not only your code that is under scrutiny, but all other components too. That includes compiler (Haskell compiler is not among the easiest ones to code review), appropriate certified hardware that runs the software, appropriate hardware that compiles your code, hardware that bootstraps the compilation of the compiler that will compile your code, hell - even wires that connect that all to the power grid and frequency of voltage change in the socket.
If you are interested in looking at mission critical software quality, I suggest looking at NASA software quality procedures. They are very strict and formal, but well these guys throw millions of dollars in space in hope it will survive pretty rough conditions and will make it to Mars or wherever and then autonomously operate and send some nice photos of Martians back to earth.
So, there you go: Haskell is good for mission critical situations, but it'd be an expensive process to bootstrap its usage there.