How to write this For loops in R efficiently - r

I have a matrix X of nxp dimensions. Before I do some operations on it, I store it as X1. After these operations, I will check if any element of X is
negative, I replace it with its previous value from X1.
Currently, I am using the following code to do this.
X1 <- X
#some operations on X
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in 1:p){
if(X[i,j]< 0){
As n and p become large, this operation is taking a lot of time. Can you please suggest a efficient of writing the same.


Which loop to use, R language?

We have to create function(K) that returns vector which has all items smaller than or equal to K from fibonacci sequence. We can assume K is fibonacci item. For example if K is 3 the function would return vector (1,1,2,3).
In general, a for loop is used when you know how many iterations you need to do, and a while loop is used when you want to keep going until a condition is met.
For this case, it sounds like you get an input K and you want to keep going until you find a Fibonacci term > K, so use a while loop.
ans <- function(n) {
x <- c(1,1)
while (length(x) <= n) {
position <- length(x)
new <- x[position] + x[position-1]
x <- c(x,new)
Tried many different loops, and this is closest I get. It works with every other number but ans(3) gives 1,1,2 even though it should give 1,1,2,3. Couldn't see what is wrong with this.

Matrix operation efficiency in R

I have 3 matrices X, K and M as follows.
x <- matrix(c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3),ncol=3)
K <- matrix(c(4,5,4,5,4,5),ncol=3)
M <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3),ncol=1)
Here is what I need to accomplish.
For example,
Currently I used 3 for loops to calculate the final matrix in R. But for large matrices, this is taking extremely long to calculate. And I also need to change the elements in matrix M to find the best value that produces minimal squared errors. Is there a better way to code it up, i.e. Euclidean norm?
for (lin in 1:N) {
for (col in 1:K) {
Y[lin,col] <- 0
for (m in 1:M){
Y[lin,col] <- Y[lin,col] + (X[lin,m]-K[col,m])^2 * M[m,1]^2
I ended up using Rcpp to write the code in C++ and call it from R. It is significantly faster! It takes 2-3 seconds to fill up a 2000 * 2000 matrix.
Thank you. I was able to figure this out. The change made my calculation twice as fast as before. For anyone who may be interested, I replaced the last for loop for(m in 1:M) with the following:
Y[lin,col] <- norm(as.matrix((X[lin,]-K[col,]) * M[1,]),"F")^2
Note that I transposed the matrix M so that it has 3 columns instead of 1.

vector-matrix multiplication in r

I want to multiply 1000 random variables to a matrix so as to get 1000 different resultant matrices.
I'm running the following code :
Threshold <- runif(1000,min=0,max=1) #Generating 1000 random variables so that we can see 1000 multiple results of Burstscore
Burstscore <- matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(Fm2),ncol=ncol(Fpre2))
#Calculating the final burst score
for (i in 1:nrow(Fm2)){
for (j in 1:ncol(Fpre)){ #Dimentions of all the matrices (Fpre,Fm,Growth,TD,Burstscore) are 432,24
Burstscore[i,j]= ((as.numeric(Threshold))*(as.numeric(Growth[i,j]))) + ((1-(as.numeric(Threshold)))*(as.numeric(TD[i,j])))
I'm getting the following error -
'Error in Burstscore[i, j] = ((as.numeric(Threshold)) * (as.numeric(Growth[i, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length'
You are trying to put in one cell of the Burstscore matrix 1000 values (as you are multiplying each [i,j] one by the entire "Threshold" vector). Apart from this, your code contains unnecesary elements (brackets or as.numeric() statements). And, of course, as said above, it is not fully reproducible, and I had to "invent" several matrices.
I guess that what you want to do is the following:
Threshold <- runif(1000,min=0,max=1)
Growth <- matrix(runif(432*24), ncol=24)
Burstscore <- vector("list", length(Threshold))
for (i in 1:length(Threshold)) {
Burstscore[[i]]= (Threshold[i]*Growth) + ((1-Threshold[i])*TD)
In R, it would be even more elegant to use a lapply() function:
Burstscore <- lapply(Threshold, function(x) (x*Growth)+((1-x)*TD))
Finally, I suggest you also put a more meaningful title to your question, so it could potentially be helpful to others also.

Avoid nested for loops when summing over matrix indices

I have a fairly simply computation I need to do, but I cannot figure out how to do it in a way that is even close to efficient. I have a large nxn matrix, and I need to compute the following:
I'm still fairly inexperienced at coding, and so the only way that comes to my mind is to do the straightforward thing and use 3 for loops to move across the indexes:
for(i in 1:n)
for(j in 1:n)
for(k in 1:n)
sum = sum + A[i,j]*A[j,k]
Needless to say, for any decent size matrix this takes forever to run. I know there must be a better, more efficient way to do this, but I cannot figure it out.
If you don't consider the k and i sums, you can realise that you are just doing the matrix product of A with itself. Such product in R is obtained through the %*% operator. After calculating this matrix, you just need to sum all the elements together:
sum(A %*% A)
should give the result you are seeking.

Logical comparison of two vectors with binary (0/1) result

For an assignment I had to create a random vector theta, a vector p containing for each element of theta the associated probability, and another random vector u. No problems thus far, but I'm stuck with the next instruction which I report below:
Generate a vector r1 that has a 1 in position i if pi ≥ ui and 0 if pi < ui. The
vector r1 is a Rasch item given the latent variable theta.
I tried the following code, but it doesn't work.
r1<-for(i in 1:1000){
} else {
You can use the ifelse function:
r1 <- ifelse(p >= u, 1, 0)
Or you can simply convert the logical comparison into a numeric vector, which turns TRUE into 1 and FALSE into 0:
r1 <- as.numeric(p >= u)
#DavidRobinson gave a nice working solution, but let's look at why your attempt didn't work:
r1<-for(i in 1:1000){
} else {
We've got a few problems, biggest of which is that you're confusing for loops with general functions, both by assigning and using return(). return() is used when you are writing your own function, with function() <- .... Inside a for loop it isn't needed. A for loop just runs the code inside it a certain number of times, it can't return something like a function.
You do need a way to store your results. This is best done by pre-allocating a results vector, and then filling it inside the for loop.
r1 <- rep(NA, length(p)) # create a vector as long as p
for (i in 1:1000) {
if (p[i] < u[i]) { # compare the ith element of p and u
r1[i] <- 0 # put the answer in the ith element of r1
} else {
r1[i] <- 1
We could simplify this a bit. Rather than bothering with the if and the else, you could start r1 as all 0's, and then only change it to a 1 if p[i] >= u[i]. Just to be safe I think it's better to make the for statement something like for (i in 1:length(p)), or best yet for (i in seq_along(p)), but the beauty of R is how few for loops are necessary, and #DavidRobinson's vectorized suggestions are far cleaner.
