Serverless with golang: 'make' is not recognized as a command - gnu-make

I am following this tutorial to create lambda functions using golang, but I get stuck at the make command where I get: 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I installed serverless using npm install -g serverless and I have node v8.9.4 and I'm running this on windows' cmd
What am I missing?

It turns out I was missing make which has nothing to do with the serverless framework itself.
There's a make for windows


flutterfire : The term 'flutterfire' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I am getting this error when I run "dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli" :
Activated flutterfire_cli 0.1.1+2. Package flutterfire_cli is
currently active at version 0.1.1+2. Resolving dependencies... The
package flutterfire_cli is already activated at newest available
version. To recompile executables, first-run dart pub global deactivate flutterfire_cli. Installed executable flutterfire.
Warning: Pub installs executables into
C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
You can fix that by adding that directory to your system's "Path"
environment variable. A web search for "configure windows path" will
show you how
I have added this to my user path but I am still getting this error.
I checked for solutionsto similar problems which suggested I restart the windows or vs code or terminal - I did all three but it is still not working .
I ran in cmd in that it did not give the warning but when I ran flutterfire configure . It gave this error:
"FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when
attempting to run a command. COMMAND: firebase --version ERROR: The
FlutterFire CLI currently requires the official Firebase CLI to also
be installed, see for how
to install it."
running firebase --version gave this error:
'firebase' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
This should not be happening as I did connect my app to firebase console.
What worked for me is instead of typing
flutterfire I use flutterfire.bat, e.g. flutterfire.bat configure, that way the command works in the git bash with windows.
You have to add Flutter SDK path to your system environment. The error is arising because your system is not able to find the folder where you have installed Flutter in your system.
You may refer to the Stackoverflow case for the steps on how to set path for the system environment.
Alternatively, you may also refer to the video link.
If you have windows 10. Do not use firebase-tools-instant-win.exe its a trap!
Add Paths to System Variables. Don't forget to change to your username in YOU-USER-NAME
Next you can execute anywhere (in cmd or firebase-tools-instant-win.exe)
firebase login
npm install -g firebase-tools
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
Next you open only cmd.exe command promt and go to the root of your project.
flutterfire configure

Pycharm: Flask not recognized in venv "zsh: command not found: flask"

I am rubbing my head not understand why Pycharm can recognize flask with venev as project interpreter, while terminal can't. I tried to look it up online but failed.
Project interpreter in Pycharm with flask showing up installed
venv in terminal
By looking at the images you sent, I ended up with the following conclusion.
The terminal successfully recognized the virtual environment of your project, i.e. venv. However, you don t have the flask module installed in that virtual environment, that s why you get the error flask: command not found.
To see that go into your terminal, inside the virtual environment and type pip list to see all the available libraries. If you don t have Flask in there just type pip install flask.

'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying to use grunt maven plugin in a maven javascript project to use grunt as a minifying tool mainly. When i build my project, i get the following BUILD FAILURE message :
[INFO] OS Name: Windows 7
'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Failed to execute goal pl.allegro:grunt-maven-plugin:1.5.0:grunt (default) on project
I m using eclipse IDE, tomcat Server. I have installed the nodejs, run the npm -g grunt cli command in cmd prompt. Please help me. If you need further details please let me know. Thankyou.

intalling PHPUnit on Windows

I have XAMPP 5.6.3 installed on Windows 32bits (PHP Version 5.6.3), and I want to install PHPUnit.
I followed the instruction in the official site of PHPUnit :
but when I run this line phpunit --version in the command line, I get this message :
'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
how can I solve this problem ?
The problem was that PHP is not included in my PATH.
So I followed this solution :
Windows button + Pause
List item
Advanced System Settings
Environment Variables
append PHP installation dir to the PATH variable.

Express-generator application not found by command prompt

I installed express-generator but when I write in CMD (express --view=ejs astronomy) it gives me this error: 'express' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I did with express-generator couple projects before I installed anaconda python 3.7.4
First, have a look at this: how-to-ask It will help you to use Stack Overflow more effectively.
I think you have not installed express globally!
to install it globally, try the following.
npm install -g express
Also, if express is not in your PATH you have to add the full path to run it in cmd:
(Usually is not recognized as an internal or external command happens because the system couldn't find it in the path variable!)
Hope this helps!
Good Luck!!
