Oscillating mesh movement - openfoam

I want to run a simulation in which the DTCHull mesh oscillates left and right in a sinusoidal manner across the water, as is shown in this diagram (Oldfield et. al. 2015):
How would I do this with interDyMFoam? I've seen examples in which rigid-body behaviour is simulated with dynamic meshes (e.g. floatingObject). However, what I need here is to have plain prescribed motion.

To this end, overInterDyMFoam from OpenFOAM-v1712 (starting from OpenFOAM-v1706) can be used alongside the prescribed rigid body motion functionality.
overInterDyMFoam is the interDyMFoam using overset mesh functionality wherein mesh deformation in the latter is replaced by the Chimera grid concept.
Considering no set-up was mentioned in your question and therefore further settings can't be recommended on top of them, I can suggest the following tutorials for a model development from scratch:
tutorials/multiphase/overInterDyMFoam/floatingBody for overInterDyMFoam settings, and
tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/oscillatingInletACMI2D for prescribed oscillatingLinearMotion settings (Might be other tutorials regarding this).


stereo vision 3d point calculation with known intrinsic and extrinsic matrix

I have successfully calculated Rotation, Translation with the intrinsic camera matrix of two cameras.
I also got rectified images from the left and right cameras. Now, I wonder how I calculate the 3D coordinate of a point, just one point in an image. Here, please see the green points. I have a look at the equation, but it requires baseline which I don't know how to calculate. Could you show me the process of calculating the 3d coordinate of the green point with the given information (R, T, and intrinsic matrix)?
1. I also have a Fundamental matrix and Essential matrix, just in case we need them.
2. Original image size is 960 x 720. Rectified ones are 925 x 669
3. The green point from the left image: (562, 185), from the right image: (542, 185)
The term "baseline" usually just means translation. Since you already have your rotation, translation and intrinsics matrices (let's not them R, T and K). you can triangulate and don't need either the Fundamental or Essential matrices (they could be used to extract R, T etc but you already have them). You don't really need your images to be rectified either, since it doesn't change the triangulation process that much. There are many ways to triangulate, each with their pros and cons, and many libraries that implement them. So, all I can do here is give you and overview of the problem and potential solutions, as well as pointers to resources that you can either use as their are or as a source of inspiration to write your own code.
Formalization and solution outlines. Let's formalize what we are after here. You have a 3d point X, with two observations x_1 and x_2 respectively in the left and right images. If you backproject them, you obtain two rays:
rat_2=R*K^{-1}x_2+T //I'm assuming that [R|T] is the pose of the second camera expressed in the referential of the first camera
Ideally, you'd want those two rays to meet at point X. Since in practice we always have some noise (discretization noise, rounding errors and so on) the two rays wont meet at X, so the best answer would be a point Q such that
Q=argmin_X {d(X,ray_1)^2+d(X,ray_2)^2}
where d(.) denotes the Euclidian distance between a line and a point. You can solve this problem as a regular least squares problem, or you can just take the geometric approach (called midpoint) of considering the line segment l that is perpendicular to both ray_1 and ray_2, and take its middle as your solution. Another quick and dirty way is to use the DLT. Basically, you re-write the constrains (i.e. X should be as close as possible to both rays) as a linear system AX=0 and solve it with SVD.
Usually, the geometric (midpoint) method is the less precise. The DLT based one, while not the most stable numerically, usually produces acceptable results.
Ressources that present in depth formalization
Hartley-Zisserman's book of course! Chapter 12. A simple DLT-based method, which is the one used in opencv (both in the calibration and sfm modules) is explained on page 312. It is very easy to implement, it shouldn't take more that 10 minutes in any language.
Szeliski'st book. It has an intersting discussion on triangulation in the chapter on SFM, but is not as straight-forward or in depth as Hartley-Zisserman's.
Code. You can use the triangulation methods from opencv, either from the calib3d module, or from the contribs/sfm module. Both use the DLT, but the code from the SFM module is more easily understandable (the calib3d code has a lot of old-school C code which is not very pleasant to read). There is also another lib, called openGV, which has a few interesting methods for triangulation.
The openGV git repo doesn't seem very active, and I'm not a big fan of the design of the library, but if I remember correctly (feel free to tell me otherwise) it offers methods other that the DLT for triangulations.
Naturally, those are all written in C++, but if you use other languages, finding wrappers or similar libraries wont be difficult (with python you still have opencv wrappers, and MATLAB has a bundle module, etc.).

Aligning two clouds using two manually selected points

I'm maintaining software which uses PCL. I'm myself not much experienced in PCL, I've only tried some examples and tried to understand the official PCL-Ducumentation (which is unfortunately mainly sparse, doxygen-generated text). My impression is, only a PCL contributors have real change to use the library efficiently.
One feature I have to fix in the software is aligning two clouds. The clouds are two objects, which should be stacked together with a layer in-between (The actual task is to calculate the volume of the layer ).
I hope the picture explains the task well. The objects are scanned both from the sides to be stacked (one from above and the other from below). On both clouds the user selects manually two points. Then, as I hope there should be a mean in PCL to align two clouds providing the two clouds and the coordinates of the points. The alignment is required only in X-Y Plane.
Unfortunately I can't find out which function should I use for this, partly because the PCL documentation is IHMO really humble, partly because of lack of experience.
My desperate idea was to stack the clouds using P1 as the origin of both and then rotate the second cloud manually using the calculated angle between P11,P21 and P12,P22. This works, but since the task appears to me very common, I'd expect PCL to provide a dedicated function for that.
Could you point me to a proper API-function, code-snippet, example, similar project or a good book helping to understand PCL API and usage?
Many thanks!
I think this problem does not need PCL. It is simple enough to form the correct linear equation and solve it.
If you want to use PCL without worrying about the maths too much (though, if the above is a mystery to you, then studying some computational geometry would be very useful), here is my suggestion.
Most PCL operations work on 3D point clouds. I understand from your question that you only have 2D point clouds OR you don't care about the 3rd dimension. In this case if I were you I would represent the points as a 3D point cloud and set the z dimension to zero.
You will only need two point clouds with 3 points as that is how many points you are feeding to the transformation estimation algorithm. The first 2 points in the clouds will be the points chosen by the user. The third one will be any point that you have chosen that you know is the same in both clouds. You need this third one otherwise the transform is still ambiguous if it is a general transform that is being computed. You can calculate however such a point as you know 2 points already and you know that all the points are on a common plane (as you have projected them by losing the z values). Just don't choose it co-linear with the other two points. For example, halfway between the two points and 2cm in the perpendicular direction (ensuring to go in the correct direction).
Then you can use the estimateRigidTransformation functions to find the transform.
This function is also good for over-determined problems (it is the workhorse of the ICP algorithm in PCL) but as long as you have enough points to determine the transform it should work.

Generating triangulated road geometry from a graph

What I'm trying to achieve:
Have a look at the following image from this paper
It's taking a road graph that is likely represented as segments/junctions, giving the lines width (call it what you like, sweeping, thickening) and then generating triangulated geometry for the roads.
Why I am asking this question:
This operation seems to be a fairly standard thing to do, but I can't any papers that directly deal with how to do it. Most GIS / procedural city generation papers focus on the generation of the road graph itself (e.g. creating interesting topologies), but the step involving taking the graph data and generating triangle meshes / UVs is always glossed over.
Here's a really nice video of complex road intersections with nice texturing and good-looking junctions. This is the level of quality I'd eventually like to achieve, but an incremental step towards this would be more than acceptable to me. Here's another video showing interactive road graph creation with a 3d visualisation.
There is a paper to go with that video but nothing is said about the triangulation strategy :(
I have my own approach to try that's too long-winded to detail here, but I'd much rather implement an existing solution / algorithm if one exists, as it'll be better than anything I cook up in the next few weeks.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
What you are seeking is the offset polygon for each of the regions bounded by roads. If all those regions are convex, this is an easy computation. If some are nonconvex, then it is more difficult, but still well-studied. You can find links at Wikipedia under straight skeleton, or here on StackOverflow under "An algorithm for inflating/deflating (offsetting, buffering) polygons."

How can I produce visualizations combining network graphs and imaginary maps?

Basically, I'm looking for something like this awesome research project: Gmap, which was referenced in this related SO question.
It's a rather novel data visualization that combines a network graph with an imaginary set of regions that looks like a map. Basically, the map-ification helps humans comprehend the enormous data set better.
Cool, huh? GMap doesn't appear to be open source, though I plan to contact the authors.
I already know how to create a network graph with a force-directed layout (currently using Prefuse/Flare), so an answer could be a way to layer a mapping algorithm on top of an existing graph. I'm also not concerned about the client-side at all right now - this would be a backend process, and I am flexible about technology stack and data output at this stage.
There's also this paper that describes the algorithm backing GMap. If you have heard of Voronoi diagrams (which rock, but make my head hurt), this paper is for you. I quit after Calc 1, though, so I'm hoping to avoid remembering what sigmas and epsilons are.
As a start, could you do a simple closest point sort of an algorithm? So it looks something like this: You have your force directed layout and have computed some sort of bounding box. Now you want to render it. Adjust your bounding box to line up to the origin and then as you calculate the color of each pixel, find it's closest point. This should generate some semblance of regions and should be quite simple to try out. Of course, it isn't going to be as pretty as GMap, but maybe a start? The runtime would be awful, but... I don't know about you but computing boundary lines directly sounds a lot harder to me.

3D Software Renderer with VB6

I am IT student and I have to make a project in VB6, I was thinking to make a 3D Software Renderer but I don't really know where to start, I found a few tutorials but I want something that goes in depth with the maths and algorithms, I will like something that shows how to make 3D transformations, Camera, lights, shading ...
It does not matter the programing language used, I just need some resources that shows me exactly how to make this.
So I just want to know where to find some resources, or you can show me some source code and tell me where to start from.
Or if any of you have a better idea for a VB6 project.
I disagree with the previous posts, a 3D renderer is actually pretty simple. A high-quality 3D renderer is hard however.
Get a bunch of 3D data, triangles are simplest.
Learn about homogenous coordinates and the great 4x4 matrix for transforms.
Define a camera by a position and a rotation (expressed in the 4x4 matrix).
Transform your 3D geometry by this camera.
Perform the perspective divide and scale to your window. This converts your 3D data to 2D.
Render the data as 2D.
Now you're going to lose out on a depth buffer, so stick to wireframes in the beginning. :-)
Don't listen to these nay-sayers, go out and have some fun!
Many years ago I made a shaded triangle renderer that used library calls to draw the triangles. It's a rather naive approach but you would be able to achieve the same result using VB6. I got all the maths & techniques from "Computer Graphics principles and practice" by Foley et al. Some parts are out of date now but I think you'd find it very helpful for this project and it can be bought 2nd hand at reasonable prices from Amazon for example.
One simple approach could be:
Read model file as triangles
Transform each triangle using matrices to account for camera position
Project triangle points onto 2D
Draw 2D triangle (probably using GDI)
This covers wireframe viewing. To extend this to hidden surface removal you need to work out which triangles are in front. Two possible ways:
Z-order sorting the triangles and drawing the ones furthest from the camera first. This is simple but inefficient if there are a lot of triangles and can give overlapping triangle effects when the order is not quite correct. You also have to decide how to sort the triangles - e..g by centroid, by extents...
Using a software depth buffer. This will give better results but is more work to implement. You will have to write your own triangle drawing code so cannot rely on GDI. See bresenham's line algorithm and related algorithms for doing filled triangles for how to do this.
After this you'd also need some kind of shading based on lighting. The calculations are covered in Computer Graphics principles and practice. For simple shading you can stick with drawing triangles using gdi , but if you want to do gouraud or phong shading the colour values vary across a triangle. One way around this is to sub-divide the triangle into smaller triangles, but this is inefficient and won't give very nice looking results. Better would be to draw the triangles yourself as required above for the software depth buffer.
A good extension would be to support primitives other than triangles. Basic approach would be to split primitives into triangles as you read them.
Good luck - could be an interesting project.
VB6 is not the best suited language to do maths and 3D graphics, and given that you have no previous knowledge about the subject either, I would recommend you to choose something different (and easier).
As it's Visual Basic, you could try something more form-oriented, that is the original intent of the language.
There is the 3D engine list which lists three engine in pure basic (an oxymoron) + Source code and of them one is in Visual Basic (Dex3D)
DeX3D is an open source 3D engine
coded entirely in Visual Basic from
Jerry Chen ( -onlyuser#hotmail.com ).
Gouraud shading
Omni and spot lights
Hierarchical meshes
Support for 3D Studio files
Particle systems
Bezier curve segments
2.5 D text
Visual Basic source
More information, screenshots and the
source can be found on the Dex3D
Homepage. (<= Dead Link)
EGL25 by Erkan Sanli is a fast open source VB 6 renderer that can render, rotate, animate, etc. complex solid shapes made of thousands of polygons. Just Windows API calls – no DirectX, no OpenGL.
VBMigration.com chose EGL25 as a high-quality open-source VB6 project to demonstrate their VB6 to VB.Net upgrade tool.
A 3D software renderer as a whole project is fairly complex if you've never done it before. I would suggest something smaller - like just doing the 3D portion and using lines to do the rendering OR just write a shaded triangle renderer (which is the underpinnings of 3D renderers anyway).
Something a little simpler rather than trying to write a full-blown 3D software renderer on the first go - especially in VB.
A software renderer is a very difficult project and the language VB6 is not indicated at all ( for a task like this c++ is the way.. ), anyway I can suggest you some great books I used:
Shaders: http://wiki.gamedev.net/index.php/D3DBook:Introduction_%28Volume%29
Math: 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
There are other 2 books. Even if they are for VB.NET you can find some useful code:
.NET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0
Beginning .NET Game Programming in VB .NET
I think you can take two ways either go the Direct X way and use DirectX 8 that has VB 5-6 support. I found a page http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1308.asp
You can always write a engine group up but by doing so you will need some basic linear algebra like Frank Krueger suggests.
