`gather` can't handle rownames - r

allcsvs = list.files(pattern = "*.csv$", recursive = TRUE)
##LOOP to redact the snow data csvs##
for(x in 1:length(allcsvs)) {
df = read.csv(allcsvs[x], check.names = FALSE)
newdf = df %>%
DATE = as.Date(DATE,format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
COL_DATE = as.Date(COL_DATE, format = "%Y.%m.%d")
) %>%
filter(DATE == COL_DATE) %>%
df$DATE = lubridate::mdy(df$DATE)
finaldf = merge(newdf, df, all.y = TRUE)
write.csv(finaldf, allcsvs[x])
df = read.csv(allcsvs[x])
newdf = df[, -grep("X20", colnames(df))]
write.csv(newdf, allcsvs[x])
I am using the code above to populate a new column row-by-row using values from different existing columns, using date as selection criteria. If I manually open each .csv in excel and delete the first column, this code works great. However, if I run it on the .csvs "as is"
I get the following message:
Error: Column 1 must be named
So far I've tried putting -rownames within the parenthesis of gather, I've tried putting remove_rownames %>% below newdf = df %>%, but nothing seems to work. I tried reading the csv without the first column [,-1] or deleting the first column in R df[,1]<-NULL but for some reason when I do that my code returns an empty table instead of what I want it to. In other words, I can delete the rownames in Excel and it works great, if I delete them in R something funky happens.
Here is some sample data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RiMrx4wOpUdJkN4il6IopciSF6pKeNLr/view?usp=sharing

You can consider to import them with readr::read_csv.
An easy solution with tidyverse:
allcsvs %>%
map(read_csv) %>%
reduce(bind_rows) %>%
DATE = as.Date(DATE,format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
COL_DATE = as.Date(COL_DATE, format = "%Y.%m.%d")
) %>%
filter(DATE == COL_DATE) %>%
With utils::read.csv, you are importing strings are factors. as.Date(DATE,format = "%m/%d/%Y") evaluates NA.
Above solution returns one single dataframe. To write the each data file separately with the for loop:
for(x in 1:length(allcsvs)) {
read_csv(allcsvs[x]) %>%
COL_DATE = as.Date(COL_DATE, format = "%Y.%m.%d")
) %>%
filter(DATE == COL_DATE) %>%
select(-COL_DATE) %>%
write_csv(paste('tidy', allcsvs[x], sep = '_'))
purrr:map and purrr:reduce can be used instead of for loop in some cases. Those functions take another functions as arguments.
readr::read_csv is typically 10x faster than base R equivalents. (More info: http://r4ds.had.co.nz/data-import.html). Also it can handle CSV files better.


Add filename to a new column when using map_df in r

Is there a quick and easy way using dplyr to add a column called 'site_id' which populates rows from the number given to the filename when using map_df from purrr package to bring the data in to one dataframe?
For example my.files will read in two csv files:
"H:/Documents/2015.csv" and "H:/Documents/2021.csv"
my.files <- list.files(my.path, pattern = "*.csv", full.names = TRUE)
I then use map_df to bring all the data in to one data frame, but would like to create an additional column called 'site_id' that will populate each row from that file with its original file title e.g. 2015 or 2021
I currently merge the .csv files together with this code:
temp.df <- my.files %>% map_df(~read.csv(., skip = 15))
But I envisage using mutate to help but am unsure how it would work...
temp.df <- my.files %>% map_df(~read.csv(., skip = 15) %>%
mutate(site_id = ????))
Any help is much appreciated.
We may use imap if we want to use mutate
setNames(my.files, my.files) %>%
imap_df(~ read.csv(.x, skip = 15) %>%
mutate(site_id = .y))
Or specify the .id in map
setNames(my.files, my.files) %>%
map_dfr(read.csv, skip = 15, .id = "site_id")
Using purrr & dplyr:
temp.df <- my.files %>%
purrr::set_names() %>%
purrr::map(., ~read.csv(., skip = 15)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "site_id")

iterate reading/mutating csv files in R purr

I have a folder of csv files in R that will need to loop through, clean, and create in columns based on information in the file name. I am trying to use purr and this is what I have done so far.
# get file names
files_names <- list.files("data/", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# inspect
[1] "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(Aug 2020).txt" "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(Aug 2021).txt" "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(Feb 2021).txt"
[4] "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(May 2021).txt" "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(Nov 2020).txt" "data/BOC_All_ATMImage_(Nov 2021).txt"
# extract month/year inside brackets and convert to snakecase
# this will be used later to create column names
names_data <- files_names %>%
str_extract(., "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\))") %>%
str_to_lower() %>%
str_replace(., " ", "_")
[1] "aug_2020" "aug_2021" "feb_2021" "may_2021" "nov_2020" "nov_2021"
now loop through the csvs, read each csv, do some data cleaning and create columns
mc_data <-
~ read_csv(.x, guess_max = 50000) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(month_year = str_extract(.x, "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\))"),
date_dmy = paste0(day, "-", month_year),
date = dmy(date_dmy),
fsa = str_sub(postal_code, start = 1, end=3),
?? = 1) %>%
.id = "group"
I need to mutate one more column and that column has to named based on this names_data extracted. I currently have this as ?? in the fake code above. names_data follows the same order as the file path so the idea is to do it in one loop and save each data after it has been cleaned.
We can use glue syntax and map2. Perhaps:
mc_data <-
map2(files_names, column_names,
~ read_csv(.x, guess_max = 50000) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(month_year = str_extract(.x, "(?<=\\().*?(?=\\))"),
date_dmy = paste0(day, "-", month_year),
date = dmy(date_dmy),
fsa = str_sub(postal_code, start = 1, end=3),
'{.y}' := 1) %>%
.id = "group"

How do I avoid 'NA' values when coercing a .tsv column into numeric via as.numeric?

I have a dataframe with several columns from a .tsv file and want to transform one of them into the 'numeric' type for analysis. However, I keep getting the 'NAs' introduced by coercion warning all the time and do not know exactly why. There is some unnecessary info at the beginning of another column, which is pretty much the only formatting I did.
Originally, I thought the file might have added some extra tabs or spaces, which is why I tried to delete these via giving sub() as an argument.
I should also mention that I get the NA errors also when I do not replace the values and run the dataframe as is:
data_2018 <- read_tsv('teina230.tsv')
data_1995 <- read_csv('OECD_1995.csv')
#get rid of long colname & select only columns containing %GDP
clean_data_2018 <- data_2018 %>%
select('na_item,sector,unit,geo','2018Q1','2018Q2','2018Q3','2018Q4') %>%
rename(country = 'na_item,sector,unit,geo')
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018[grep("PC_GDP", clean_data_2018$'country'), ]
#remove unnecessary info
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018 %>%
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018 %>%
'2018Q1'=as.numeric(sub("", "", '2018Q1', fixed = TRUE)),
'2018Q2'=as.numeric(sub(" ", "", '2018Q2', fixed = TRUE)),
'2018Q3'=as.numeric(sub(" ", "", '2018Q3', fixed = TRUE)),
'2018Q4'=as.numeric(sub(" ", "", '2018Q4', fixed = TRUE))
Is there another way to get around the problem and convert the column without replacing all the values with 'NA'?
Thanks guys :)
Thanks for the hint #divibisan !
Renaming the columns via rename() actually solved the problem. Here the code which finally worked:
data_2018 <- read_tsv('teina230.tsv')
#get rid of long colname & select only columns containing %GDP
clean_data_2018 <- data_2018 %>%
select('na_item,sector,unit,geo','2018Q1','2018Q2','2018Q3','2018Q4') %>%
rename(country = 'na_item,sector,unit,geo',
quarter_1 = '2018Q1',
quarter_2 = '2018Q2',
quarter_3 = '2018Q3',
quarter_4 = '2018Q4')
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018[grep("PC_GDP", clean_data_2018$'country'), ]
#remove unnecessary info
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018 %>%
clean_data_2018 <- clean_data_2018 %>%
quarter_1 = as.numeric(quarter_1),
quarter_2 = as.numeric(quarter_2),
quarter_3 = as.numeric(quarter_3),
quarter_4 = as.numeric(quarter_4)

Using a for loop with knitr::kable and kableExtra::add_header_above

I am using R version 3.5.2.
I would like to evaluate a string in a kable function, but I am having some issues. Normally, I can pass a string through a for loop using the get function but in the kableExtra::add_header_above function I get the following error:
Error: unexpected '=' in:"print(kable(df4,"html", col.names = c("zero","one")) %>% add_header_above(c(get("string") ="
I have tried a handful of techniques like creating a string outside of the kable function and calling it, using page breaks and print statements in the knit loop and trying the eval function as well. I have also added result ="asis" as suggested here
Here is a reproducible example:
```{r results="asis"}
df1 <- mtcars %>% dplyr::select(am,vs)
df1a <- df1 %>% mutate(type = "A")
df1b <- df1 %>% mutate(type = "B")
df1c <- df1 %>% mutate(type = "C")
df2 <- rbind(df1a,df1b,df1c)
vector <- as.vector(unique(df2$type))
for (variable in vector) {
df3 <- df2 %>% filter(type == (variable))
df4 <- table(df3$am,df3$vs)
print(kable(df4,"html", col.names = c("zero","one")) %>%
add_header_above(c(get("string") = 3)))
Ideally, I would like the header of the table to have the string name from the column type. Below is an example of what I want it to look it:
print(kable(df4,"html", col.names = c("zero","one")) %>%
add_header_above(c("A" = 3)))
I understand that the knitr function needs to be treated differently than regular R when using loops as found in this solution but I am still struggling to get the string to be evaluated correctly. Perhaps because the function requires a vecotr input, it is not evalauting it as a string?
You have to define your header as a vector. The name of the header should be the names of the vector and the value of the vector would be the number of columns the header will use.
The loop in the code should look like this:
for (variable in vector) {
df3 <- df2 %>% filter(type == (variable))
df4 <- table(df3$am,df3$vs)
header_temp = 3
names(header_temp) = get("variable")
print(kable(df4,"html", col.names = c("zero","one")) %>%
So first I define the number of columns the of the header in the variable header_temp and then i assign a name to it.

Loop in r to run script

I need to run a script for each station (I was replacing the numbers 1 by 1 in the script) but there're more than 100 stations.
I thought maybe loop in script could save my time. Never done loop before, don't know if it's possible to do what I want. I've tried as the bellow but doesn't work.
Just a bit of my df8 data (txt):
1,01/01/2008 01:00,1586,315,0.4
2,01/01/2008 01:00,10990,16589,0.2
3,01/01/2008 01:00,17221,30523,0.6
4,01/01/2008 01:00,34592,17344,0
5,01/01/2008 01:00,38131,373,0
6,01/01/2008 01:00,44287,370,0
7,01/01/2008 01:00,53903,17314,0.4
8,01/01/2008 01:00,56005,16596,0
9,01/01/2008 01:00,56349,342,0
10,01/01/2008 01:00,57294,346,0
11,01/01/2008 01:00,64423,533,0
12,01/01/2008 01:00,75266,513,0
13,01/01/2008 01:00,96514,19187,0
station <- sample(50:150,53,replace=F)
for(i in station)
df08_1 <- filter(df08, V7==station [i])
colnames(df08_1) <- c("Date","gauging_station", "code", "precp")
df08_1 <- unique(df08_1)
final <- df08_1 %>%
group_by(Date=floor_date(Date, "1 hour"), gauging_station, code) %>%
write.csv(final,file="../station [i].csv", row.names = FALSE)
If you're not averse to using some tidyverse packages, I think you could simplify this a bit:
Updated with your new sample data - this runs ok on my computer:
dat %>%
select(-RowNum) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(date_hour = lubridate::floor_date(date, 'hour'), gauging_station, code) %>%
summarize(precp = sum(precp)) %>%
split(.$gauging_station) %>%
file = paste0('../',.x$gauging_station, '.csv'),
row.names = FALSE))
dat <- data.table::fread("RowNum,date,code,gauging_station,precp
1,01/01/2008 01:00,1586,315,0.4
2,01/01/2008 01:00,10990,16589,0.2
3,01/01/2008 01:00,17221,30523,0.6
4,01/01/2008 01:00,34592,17344,0
5,01/01/2008 01:00,38131,373,0
6,01/01/2008 01:00,44287,370,0
7,01/01/2008 01:00,53903,17314,0.4
8,01/01/2008 01:00,56005,16596,0
9,01/01/2008 01:00,56349,342,0
10,01/01/2008 01:00,57294,346,0
11,01/01/2008 01:00,64423,533,0
12,01/01/2008 01:00,75266,513,0
13,01/01/2008 01:00,96514,19187,0") %>%
mutate(date = as.POSIXct(date, format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
Can't comment for a lack of reputation, but if the code works if you change station [i] for the number of the station, it sounds like each station is a part of and has to be extracted from the df08 object (dataframe).
If I understand you correctly, I would do this as follows:
stations <- c(1:100) #put your station IDs into a vector
for(i in stations) { #run the script for each entry in the list
#assuming that 'V7' is the name of the (unnamed) seventh column of df08, it could
#work like this:
df08_1 <- filter(df08, df08$V7==i) #if your station names are something like
#'station 1' as a string, use paste("station", 1, sep = "")
colnames(df08_1) <- c("Date","gauging_station", "code", "precp")
df08_1 <- unique(df08_1)
final <- df08_1 %>%
group_by(Date=floor_date(Date, "1 hour"), gauging_station, code) %>%
summarize(precp=sum(precp)) #floor_date here is probably your own function
write.csv(final,file=paste("../station", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
#automatically generate names. You can modify the string to whatever you want ofc.
If this and all of the other examples don't work, could you provide us with some dummy data to work with, just to see what the df08 dataframe looks like? And also what the floor_date() function does?
