I have a numeric data.frame df with 134946 rows x 1938 columns.
99.82% of the data are NA.
For each pair of (distinct) columns "P1" and "P2", I need to find which rows have non-NA values for both and then do some operations on those rows (linear model).
I wrote a script that does this, but it seems quite slow.
This post seems to discuss a related task, but I can't immediately see if or how it can be adapted to my case.
Borrowing the example from that post:
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow=nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.9)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
My script is:
tic = proc.time()
out <-,sapply(1:(N_ps-1), function(i) {
if (i/10 == floor(i/10)) {
cat("\ni = ",i,"\n")
toc = proc.time();
},sapply((i+1):N_ps, function(j) {
w <- which(complete.cases(df[,i],df[,j]))
N <- length(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- df[w,i]
yw <- df[w,j]
if ((diff(range(xw)) != 0) & (diff(range(yw)) != 0)) {
s <- summary(lm(yw~xw))
o <- c(i,j,N,s$adj.r.squared,s$coefficients[2],s$coefficients[4],s$coefficients[8],s$coefficients[1],s$coefficients[3],s$coefficients[7])} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,7))
} else {o <- NULL}
toc = proc.time();
This takes about 10 minutes on my machine.
You can imagine what happens when I need to handle a much larger (although more sparse) data matrix. I never managed to finish the calculation.
Question: do you think this could be done more efficiently?
The thing is I don't know which operations take more time (subsetting of df, in which case I would remove duplications of that? appending matrix data, in which case I would create a flat vector and then convert it to matrix at the end? ...).
EDIT following up from minem's post
As shown by minem, the speed of this calculation strongly depended on the way linear regression parameters were calculated. Therefore changing that part was the single most important thing to do.
My own further trials showed that: 1) it was essential to use sapply in combination with, rather than any flat vector, to store the data (I am still not sure why - I might make a separate post about this); 2) on the original matrix I am working on, much more sparse and with a much larger nrows/ncolumns ratio than the one in this example, using the information on the x vector available at the start of each i iteration to reduce the y vector at the start of each j iteration increased the speed by several orders of magnitude, even compared with minem's original script, which was already much better than mine above.
I suppose the advantage comes from filtering out many rows a priori, thus avoiding costly xna & yna operations on very long vectors.
The modified script is the following:
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow = nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.90)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
tic = proc.time()
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) !
dl <- as.list(df)
rl <- sapply(1:(N_ps - 1), function(i) {
if ((i-1)/10 == floor((i-1)/10)) {
cat("\ni = ",i,"\n")
toc = proc.time();
x <- dl[[i]]
xna <- which(naIds[[i]])
rl2 <- sapply((i + 1):N_ps, function(j) {
y <- dl[[j]][xna]
yna <- which(naIds[[j]][xna])
w <- xna[yna]
N <- length(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- x[w]
yw <- y[yna]
if ((min(xw) != max(xw)) && (min(yw) != max(yw))) {
# extracts from lm/ functions
X <- cbind(1L, xw)
m <-, yw)
# calculate adj.r.squared
fitted <- yw - m$residuals
rss <- sum(m$residuals^2)
mss <- sum((fitted - mean(fitted))^2)
n <- length(m$residuals)
rdf <- n - m$rank
# rdf <- df.residual
r.squared <- mss/(mss + rss)
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - 1L)/rdf)
# calculate se & pvals
p1 <- 1L:m$rank
Qr <- m$qr
R <- chol2inv(Qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
resvar <- rss/rdf
se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar)
est <- m$coefficients[m$pivot[p1]]
tval <- est/se
pvals <- 2 * pt(abs(tval), rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
res <- c(m$coefficients[2], se[2], pvals[2],
m$coefficients[1], se[1], pvals[1])
o <- c(i, j, N, adj.r.squared, res)
} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,7))
} else {o <- NULL}
}, simplify = F), rl2)
}, simplify = F)
out2 <-, rl)
toc = proc.time();
show(toc - tic)
E.g. try with nr=100000; nc=100.
I should probably mention that I tried using indices, i.e.:
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) which(!
and then obviously generating w by intersection:
w <- intersect(xna,yna)
N <- length(w)
This however is slower than the above.
Larges bottleneck is lm function, because there are lot of checks & additional calculations, that you do not necessarily need. So I extracted only the needed parts.
I got this to run in +/- 18 seconds.
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow = nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.9)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
tic = proc.time()
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) ! # outside loop
dl <- as.list(df) # sub-setting list elements is faster that columns
rl <- sapply(1:(N_ps - 1), function(i) {
x <- dl[[i]]
xna <- naIds[[i]] # relevant logical vector if not empty elements
rl2 <- sapply((i + 1):N_ps, function(j) {
y <- dl[[j]]
yna <- naIds[[j]]
w <- xna & yna
N <- sum(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- x[w]
yw <- y[w]
if ((min(xw) != max(xw)) && (min(xw) != max(xw))) { # faster
# extracts from lm/ functions
X <- cbind(1L, xw)
m <-, yw)
# calculate adj.r.squared
fitted <- yw - m$residuals
rss <- sum(m$residuals^2)
mss <- sum((fitted - mean(fitted))^2)
n <- length(m$residuals)
rdf <- n - m$rank
# rdf <- df.residual
r.squared <- mss/(mss + rss)
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - 1L)/rdf)
# calculate se & pvals
p1 <- 1L:m$rank
Qr <- m$qr
R <- chol2inv(Qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
resvar <- rss/rdf
se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar)
est <- m$coefficients[m$pivot[p1]]
tval <- est/se
pvals <- 2 * pt(abs(tval), rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
res <- c(m$coefficients[2], se[2], pvals[2],
m$coefficients[1], se[1], pvals[1])
o <- c(i, j, N, adj.r.squared, res)
} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,6))
} else {o <- NULL}
}, simplify = F), rl2)
}, simplify = F)
out2 <-, rl)
toc = proc.time();
show(toc - tic);
# user system elapsed
# 17.94 0.11 18.44
I would delete element with length !=4 from this data structure
permListParts <- function (x)
f <- function(pp) {
out <- split(seq_along(pp), pp)
myPerms <- perms(length(out))
apply(myPerms, 2, function(x) {
temp <- out[x]
class(temp) <- c(class(temp), "equivalence")
apply(setparts(x), 2, f)
parts <- permListParts(length(x))
out <- rapply(parts, function(ii) x[ii], how="replace")
for delete i use this code:
for(i in 1:length(out)){
but cycle doesn't delete element that i would like
I want to create two lists of data frames in a for loop, but I cannot use assign:
dat <- data.frame(name = c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 13)),
x = c(1,3,4,4,5,3,7,6,5,7,8,6,4,3,9,1,2,3,5,4,6,3,1),
y = c(1.1,3.2,4.3,4.1,5.5,3.7,7.2,6.2,5.9,7.3,8.6,6.3,4.2,3.6,9.7,1.1,2.3,3.2,5.7,4.8,6.5,3.3,1.2))
a <- dat[dat$name == "a",]
b <- dat[dat$name == "b",]
samp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 100)
h <- list(a,b)
hname <- c("a", "b")
for (j in 1:length(h)) {
for (i in 1:100) {
samp[[i]] <- sample(1:nrow(h[[j]]), nrow(h[[j]])*0.5)
assign(paste("samp", hname[j], sep="_"), samp[[i]])
Instead of lists named samp_a and samp_b I get vectors which contain the result of the 100th sample. I want to get a list samp_a and samp_b, which have all the different samples for dat[dat$name == a,] and dat[dat$name == a,].
How could I do this?
How about creating two different lists and avoiding using assign:
Option 1:
# create empty list
samp_a <-list()
samp_b <- list()
for (j in seq(h)) {
# fill samp_a list
if(j == 1){
for (i in 1:100) {
samp_a[[i]] <- sample(1:nrow(h[[j]]), nrow(h[[j]])*0.5)
# fill samp_b list
} else if(j == 2){
for (i in 1:100) {
samp_b[[i]] <- sample(1:nrow(h[[j]]), nrow(h[[j]])*0.5)
You could use assign too, shorter answer:
Option 2:
for (j in seq(hname)) {
l = list()
for (i in 1:100) {
l[[i]] <- sample(1:nrow(h[[j]]), nrow(h[[j]])*0.5)
assign(paste0('samp_', hname[j]), l)
You could easily use an lapply for this using the rep function. Unless you want a random x, paired with a random y. This will maintain the existing paired order.
dat <- data.frame(name = c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 13)),
x = c(1,3,4,4,5,3,7,6,5,7,8,6,4,3,9,1,2,3,5,4,6,3,1),
y = c(1.1,3.2,4.3,4.1,5.5,3.7,7.2,6.2,5.9,7.3,8.6,6.3,4.2,3.6,9.7,1.1,2.3,3.2,5.7,4.8,6.5,3.3,1.2))
a <- dat[dat$name == "a",]
b <- dat[dat$name == "b",]
h <- list(a,b)
hname <- c("a", "b")
testfunc <- function(df) {
#df[sample(nrow(df), nrow(df)*0.5), ] #gives you the values in your data frame
sample(nrow(df), nrow(df)*0.5) # just gives you the indices
lapply(h, testfunc) # This gives you the standard lapply format, and only gives one a, and one b
samp <- lapply(rep(h, 100), testfunc) # This shows you how to replicate the function n times, giving you 100 a and 100 b data.frames in a list
samp_a <- samp[c(TRUE, FALSE)] # Applies a repeating T/F vector, selecting the odd data.frames, which in this case are the `a` frames.
samp_b <- samp[c(FALSE, TRUE)] # And here, the even data.frames, which are the `b` frames.
I have the following code to analyze data sets:
Data <-list(c(2,3),c(3,2),c(2,2))
StdGrid <- function(Data,TheSizes)
SGrid <- list(
Values = Data,
Sizes = TheSizes
class(SGrid) <- append(class(SGrid), c("StdGrid","Moment"))
MHistogramC <- function(theObject,n,dd)
sizes <- theObject$Sizes
l <- length(sizes)
data <- theObject$Values
Xarray <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
N <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
Histo <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
GrandX <- lapply(data,function(x) log(x))
minX <- rep(0,l)
maxX <- rep(0,l)
DeltaX <- rep(0,l)
for(i in 1:l){
minX[i] <- min(GrandX[[i]])
maxX[i] <- max(GrandX[[i]])
DeltaX[i] <- maxX[i]/n-minX[i]/n
nzero <- numeric()
for(j in 1:n){
for(i in 1:l){
Xarray[i,j] <- minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]
N[i,j] <- length(which((GrandX[[i]] >= minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]-DeltaX[i]) & (GrandX[[i]] <= minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]+DeltaX[i])))
Histo[i,j] <- log(N[i,j])
if(min(Histo[,j]) > - 10000){
nzero <- c(nzero,j)
alpha <- rep(0,lnzero)
falpha <- rep(0,lnzero)
for(j in 1:length(nzero)){
fit <- lm(Xarray[,nzero[j]] ~ log(sizes/dd))
alpha[j] <- fit$coefficients[[2]]
fit2 <- lm(Histo[,nzero[j]] ~ log(sizes/dd))
falpha[j] <- -fit2$coefficients[[2]]
Result <- data.frame(alpha=alpha,falpha=falpha)
MHistogramU <- function(theObject,n,dd)
sizes <- theObject$Sizes
l <- length(sizes)
data <- theObject$Values
Xarray <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
N <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
Histo <- matrix(rep(0,l*n),ncol=n)
GrandX <- lapply(data,function(x) log(x))
minX <- rep(0,l)
maxX <- rep(0,l)
DeltaX <- rep(0,l)
for(i in 1:l){
minX[i] <- min(GrandX[[i]])
maxX[i] <- max(GrandX[[i]])
DeltaX[i] <- maxX[i]/n-minX[i]/n
nzero <- numeric()
for(j in 1:n){
for(i in 1:l){
Xarray[i,j] <- minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]
N[i,j] <- length(which((GrandX[[i]] >= minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]-sqrt(DeltaX[i])) & (GrandX[[i]] <= minX[i]+(j-1/2)*DeltaX[i]+sqrt(DeltaX[i]))))
Histo[i,j] <- log(N[i,j])
if(min(Histo[,j]) > - 10000){
nzero <- c(nzero,j)
alpha <- rep(0,lnzero)
falpha <- rep(0,lnzero)
for(j in 1:length(nzero)){
fit <- lm(Xarray[,nzero[j]] ~ log(sizes/dd))
alpha[j] <- fit$coefficients[[2]]
fit2 <- lm(Histo[,nzero[j]] ~ log(sizes/dd))
falpha[j] <- -fit2$coefficients[[2]]
Result <- data.frame(alpha=alpha,falpha=falpha)
Which compiles, but i don't get anything in return. If I try to print "Result" the console says that the object "Result" was not found.
The inputs are:
Data : is a list of vector/grids
TheSizes : is a vector
theObject : the data defined as the class 'StdGrid' (defined below);
n : the number of values of alpha to be calculated;
dd : the dimension of the physical support of the measure.
What can I do to see the data frame that the code is supposed to return?
That is because your code is just a bunch of functions which are not called at all. A function would return value only when the function is called, it won't call itself.
Now looking at your code, It's hard to deduce what you are trying to calculate/analyze, but assuming all other codes are correct, and all functions are coded perfectly, you need to add the following lines to view the result at the end of your code:
var_MHistogramU <- MHistogramU(theObject,n,dd)
var_MHistogramC <- MHistogramC(theObject,n,dd)
To view the result, simply print the variables.
Remember: Printing Result won't work as the variable result is a local variable for the function, which is inaccessible globally.
I am wondering whether a proper framework for interval manipulation and comparison does exist in R.
After some search, I was only able to find the following:
- function findInterval in base Package. (but I hardly understand it)
- some answers here and there about union and intersection (notably:
Would you know of an initiative to implement a comprehensive set of tools to easily handles frequent tasks in interval manipulation, like inclusion/setdiff/union/intersection/etc. (eg see here for a list of functionalities)?
or would you have advice in developing such an approach?
below are some drafts on my side for doing so. it is surely awkward and still has some bugs but it might illustrate what I am looking for.
preliminary aspects about the options taken
- should deal seamlessly with intervals or intervals set
- intervals are represented as 2 columns data.frames (lower boundary, higher boundary), on one row
- intervals sets are represented as 2 columns with several rows
- a third column might be needed for identification of intervals sets
interval_union <- function(df){ # for data frame
df <- interval_clean(df)
} else {
if(is.POSIXct(df[,1])) {
dated <- TRUE
df <- colwise(as.numeric)(df)
} else {
dated <- FALSE
M <- as.matrix(df)
o <- order(c(M[, 1], M[, 2]))
n <- cumsum( rep(c(1, -1), each=nrow(M))[o])
startPos <- c(TRUE, n[-1]==1 & n[-length(n)]==0)
endPos <- c(FALSE, n[-1]==0 & n[-length(n)]==1)
M <- M[o]
if(dated == TRUE) {
df2 <- colwise(mkDateTime)([startPos], M[endPos])), from.s = TRUE)
} else {
df2 <-[startPos], M[endPos]))
colnames(df2) <- colnames(df)
# print(df2)
union_1_1 <- function(test, ref){
names(ref) <- names(test)
tmp <- interval_union(, ref)))
union_1_n <- function(test, ref){
return(union_1_1(test, ref))
union_n_n <- function(test, ref){
testnn <- adply(.data = test, 1, union_1_n, ref, .expand = FALSE)
ref_interval_union <- function(df, ref){
tmp0 <- adply(df, 1, union_1_1, ref, .expand = FALSE) # set to FALSE to keep ID
interval_intersect <- function(df){
# adapted from :
M <- as.matrix(df)
L <- max(M[, 1])
R <- min(M[, 2])
Inew <- if (L <= R) c(L, R) else c()
if (!is.empty(Inew)){
df2 <- t(
colnames(df2) <- colnames(df)
rownames(df2) <- NULL
} else {
df2 <- NULL
ref_interval_intersect <- function(df, ref){
tmpfun <- function(a, b){
names(b) <- names(a)
tmp <- interval_intersect(, b)))
tmp0 <- adply(df, 1, tmpfun, ref, .expand = FALSE) # [,3:4]
#if(!is.empty(tmp0)) colnames(tmp0) <- colnames(df)
int_1_1 <- function(test, ref){
te <- as.vector(test)
re <- as.vector(ref)
names(re) <- names(te)
tmp0 <- c(max(te[1, 1], re[1, 1]), min(te[1, 2], re[1, 2]))
if(tmp0[1]>tmp0[2]) tmp0 <- NULL # inverse of a correct interval --> VOID
tmp1 <- colwise(mkDateTime)(
colnames(tmp1) <- colnames(test)
} else {
tmp1 <- data.frame(NULL)
int_1_n <- function(test, ref){
test1 <- adply(.data = ref, 1, int_1_1, test = test, .expand = FALSE)
} else {
testn <- interval_union(test1[,2:3])
int_n_n <- function(test, ref){
testnn <- adply(.data = test, 1, int_1_n, ref, .expand = FALSE)
# return(testnn[,2:3]) # return interval set without index (1st column)
return(testnn) # return interval set with index (1st column) --> usefull to go with merge to keep metadata going alon g with interval description
int_intersect <- function(df, ref){
mycols <- colnames(df)
df$X1 <- 1:nrow(df)
test <- df[, 1:2]
tmp <- int_n_n(test, ref)
intersection <- merge(tmp, df, by = "X1", suffixes = c("", "init"))
excl_1_1 <- function(test, ref){
te <- as.vector(test)
re <- as.vector(ref)
names(re) <- names(te)
if(te[1] < re[1]){ # Lower Bound
if(te[2] > re[1]){ # overlap
x <- unlist(c(te[1], re[1]))
} else { # no overlap
x <- unlist(c(te[1], te[2]))
} else { # test > ref on lower bound side
x <- NULL
if(te[2] > re[2]){ # Upper Bound
if(te[1] < re[2]){ # overlap
y <- unlist(c(re[2], te[2]))
} else { # no overlap
y <- unlist(c(te[1], te[2]))
} else { # test < ref on upper bound side
y <- NULL
if(is.empty(x) & is.empty(y)){
tmp0 <- NULL
tmp1 <- tmp0
} else {
tmp0 <-, y))
colnames(tmp0) <- colnames(test)
tmp1 <- interval_union(tmp0)
excl_1_n <- function(test, ref){
testn0 <- adply(.data = ref, 1, excl_1_1, test = test, .expand=FALSE)
# boucle pour intersecter successivement les intervalles sets, pour gérer les intervalles disjoints (identifiés par X1, col1)
tmp <- range(testn0)
names(tmp) <- colnames(testn0)[2:3]
tmp <-
for(i in unique(testn0[,1])){
tmp <- int_n_n(tmp, testn0[testn0[,1]==i, 2:3])
incl_1_1 <- function(test, ref){
te <- as.vector(test)
re <- as.vector(ref)
if(te[1] >= re[1] & te[2] <= re[2]){ return(TRUE) } else { return(FALSE) }
incl_1_n <- function(test, ref){
testn <- adply(.data = ref, 1, incl_1_1, test = test)
incl_n_n <- function(test, ref){
testnn <- aaply(.data = test, 1, incl_1_n, ref, .expand = FALSE)
names(testnn) <- NULL
flat_incl_n_n <- function(test, ref){
ref <- interval_union(ref)
return(incl_n_n(test, ref))
# testing for a vector, instead of an interval set
incl_x_1 <- function(x, ref){
test <- (x>=ref[1,1] & x<ref[1,2])
incl_x_n <- function(x, ref){
test <- any(x>=ref[,1] & x<ref[,2])
I think you might be able to make good use of the many interval-related functions in the sets package.
Here's a small example illustrating the package's support for interval construction, intersection, set difference, union, and complementation, as well as its test for inclusion in an interval. These and many other related functions are documented on the help page for ?interval.
i1 <- interval(1,6)
i2 <- interval(5,10)
i3 <- interval(200,400)
i4 <- interval(202,402)
i5 <- interval_union(interval_intersection(i1,i2),
# [5, 6] U [200, 202) U (400, 402]
# [-Inf, 5) U (6, 200) U [202, 400] U (402, Inf]
interval_contains_element(i5, 5.5)
# [1] TRUE
interval_contains_element(i5, 201)
# [1] TRUE
If your intervals are currently encoded in a two-column data.frame, you could use something like mapply() to convert them to intervals of the type used by the sets package:
df <- data.frame(lBound = c(1,5,100), uBound = c(10, 6, 200))
Ints <- with(df, mapply("interval", l=lBound, r=uBound, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
# [[1]]
# [1, 10]
# [[2]]
# [5, 6]
# [[3]]
# [100, 200]