Unity: how to solve Firebase.Storage.StorageException? - firebase

i'm trying to use firebase storage to upload images.
and here is what I've tried.
public void firetalk(string path)
Firebase.Storage.FirebaseStorage storage = Firebase.Storage.FirebaseStorage.DefaultInstance;
Firebase.Storage.StorageReference storage_ref = storage.GetReferenceFromUrl("gs://<myurl>.appspot.com/");
Firebase.Storage.StorageReference art_image_ref = storage_ref.Child("images/innocence.jpg");
art_image_ref.PutFileAsync(path).ContinueWith((Task<StorageMetadata> task) =>
if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled)
// Uh-oh, an error occurred!
// Metadata contains file metadata such as size, content-type, and download URL.
Firebase.Storage.StorageMetadata metadata = task.Result;
string download_url = metadata.DownloadUrl.ToString();
Debug.Log("Finished uploading...");
Debug.Log("download url = " + download_url);
the firetalk funtion recieves a path and i use PutFileAsync for using the upload using path ,however i'm getting this error..
System.AggregateException: Exception of type 'System.AggregateException' was thrown.
Firebase.Storage.StorageException: Permission denied. Could not perform this operation
GracesGames.SimpleFileBrowser.Scripts.explorer_script:m__0(Task`1) (at Assets/scripts/explorer_script.cs:85)
Firebase.Storage.StorageReference:CompleteTask(Task`1, TaskCompletionSource`1, Func`1, String, Boolean)
any gueses?


send notification from background worker

am using ABP to build my project
I have a module to generate big size files using background worker, and after each successful file generated I need to send notification, but is not working !
I've put the background job in the core project and the queue in the engine project,
the DB notification tables are updated successfully (new record inserted so the pull notification will work fine !), but the browser doesn't receive the notification (so I can inform him that his file is ready), but there is no errors and no any notification send to the browser.
here is the worker class:
public class GeneratedFileWorker : BackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 0)]
public override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteAsync()
var notificationData = new NotificationData();
notificationData["URL"] = "app/main/data/generatedfiles";
using (AbpSession.Use(TenantConsts.DefaultTenantId, TenantConsts.UserServiceId))
GetDownloadArticleInput getDownloadArticleInput = new GetDownloadArticleInput();
if (pendingRequest is not null)
var entityType = _lookupItemManager.Get(pendingRequest.EntityTypeId).Code;
dynamic Args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetDownloadArticleInput>(String.Empty);
switch (entityType)
case "Article":
Args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetDownloadArticleInput>(pendingRequest.ExtensionData);
case "ArticlesList":
Args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetDownloadArticlesInput>(pendingRequest.ExtensionData);
GeneratedFile generatedFileDto = new GeneratedFile();
generatedFileDto = await _generateFile.Generate(Args);
await _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(new UserIdentifier(1, pendingRequest.CreatorUserId.Value),string.Format(_LocalizationSource.GetString("GeneratedFile.fileIsNotready"), _lookupItemManager.GetTitle(pendingRequest.EntityTypeId)), notificationData, NotificationSeverity.Error);
await _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(new UserIdentifier(1, pendingRequest.CreatorUserId.Value), string.Format(_LocalizationSource.GetString("GeneratedFile.fileIsready"), _lookupItemManager.GetTitle(pendingRequest.EntityTypeId)), notificationData, NotificationSeverity.Success);
catch (Exception ex)
pendingRequest.CurrentStateId = _lookupItemManager.GetByCode(LookupCategories.GeneratedFileStatus, "Failed").Id;
pendingRequest.OperationResult = ex.ToString();
await _generatedFileRepository.UpdateAsync(pendingRequest);
await _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(new UserIdentifier(1, pendingRequest.CreatorUserId.Value), string.Format(_LocalizationSource.GetString("GeneratedFile.fileIsNotready"), _lookupItemManager.GetTitle(pendingRequest.EntityTypeId)), notificationData, NotificationSeverity.Error);
I have 2 cases here:
first one working when I define the queue in the host project, and
second one not working when I define the queue in the engine project

How do I know whether FileInputStream opens a file?

I am using Poco::FileInputStream to design a copy function
void do_copy_file(Poco::FileInputStream & iss)
Poco::FileOutputStream fos("output.txt");
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(iss, fos);
Then, a user can call do_copy_file like this
Poco::FileInputStream fis;
My question: Can I judge whether iss refers a valid file?
The Poco::FileOutputStream just throws a Poco::FileException if an error occurs when trying to open it, e.g. if a invalid file path is used. It doesn't have any function to test whether it is valid.
What you could do is change your do_copy_file() function to catch an Poco::FileException exception and return a boolean value - true if opened successfully or false otherwise:
bool do_copy_file(Poco::FileInputStream & iss)
bool result(true);
Poco::FileOutputStream fos("output.txt");
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(iss, fos);
catch (const Poco::FileException&)
result = false;
return result;
Then you call it like this:
Poco::FileInputStream fis;
if (do_copy_file(fis)
//output file stream opened successfully
If you want do_copy_file() to catch an exception for opening the input stream I would recommend doing that in the function itself. Instead of passing the input streams pass the file paths instead:
bool do_copy_file(const std::string &inputFile, const std::string& outputFile)
bool result(true);
Poco::FileInputStream fis(inputFile);
Poco::FileOutputStream fos(outputFile);
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(fis, fos);
catch (const Poco::FileException&)
result = false;
return result;

Unable to open SQLite database from singleton object

I am able to open the database from within the main app activity using the following code, but once it's wrapped into a singleton object, it keeps throwing a null-object error:
object CommonClass {
fun openSQLDatabase(): SQLiteDatabase? {
var dbase: SQLiteDatabase? = null
try {
dbase = openOrCreateDatabase(
Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null
} catch (e: SQLException) {
return dbase
I'm assuming that the main AppCompatActivity should be passing its context to the object in some way, but I've not been able to find a working model.
to Swayangjit
Android Studio highlights the Context.MODE_PRIVATE parameter and flags it as:
Type mismatch.
Required: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory?
Found: Int
But when I implement the AppCompatActivity to the singleton object and pass the Context.MODE_PRIVATE from the main activity, it runs but throws this error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase android.content.Context.openOrCreateDatabase(java.lang.String, int, android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase$CursorFactory)' on a null object reference
I believe the following will work :
object CommonClass {
fun openSQLDatabase(context: Context): SQLiteDatabase? {
var dbase: SQLiteDatabase? = null
if (dbase == null) {
try {
dbase = openOrCreateDatabase(context.getDatabasePath("dbfile.sqlite"), null)
} catch (e: SQLException) {
return dbase
Note this assumes that you want the database in the default location i.e. data/data/the_package_name/databases/dbfile.sqlite
You could invoke/call it using something like :-
val mydb = CommonClass.openSQLDatabase(this)

Obscure Unity Firebase Realtime Database Error: "Custom Run loops are not supported"?

I am currently attemping to build a custom Editor tool for Unity that utilizes the Firebase Realtime Database. This tool would allow someone to right-click on a scene asset in the inspector and select to 'lock' or 'unlock' the scene. Within our Firebase Database, this locking is represented by a dictionary, with each scene name as a key and each value being either "locked" or "unlocked". This funcitonality will be expanded later, but for now, I'm just trying to get things set up so that I can actually connect to and use the Firebase Realtime Database.
I had looked at the Firebase Quickstart Unity project for the Realtime Database (the one that functions like a leaderboard) and saw that it worked fine. I could replace the database URL in the project with the URL for my app's database, and when I entered in values, they appeared inside my realtime database.
So, I based the code for my custom editor script on the code from the quickstart. In fact, I copy-pasted most of it. I will post the script itself, and then describe the errors I receive, as well as the lines that give the errors:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using Firebase;
using Firebase.Unity.Editor;
using Firebase.Database;
public class SceneLockingEditor : Editor
static string sceneName;
DependencyStatus dependencyStatus = DependencyStatus.UnavailableOther;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("OnEnable Called");
sceneName = target.name;
FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
dependencyStatus = task.Result;
if (dependencyStatus == DependencyStatus.Available)
"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + dependencyStatus);
// Initialize the Firebase database:
protected virtual void InitializeFirebase()
Debug.Log("Initializing Firebase");
FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
if (app.Options.DatabaseUrl != null) app.SetEditorDatabaseUrl(app.Options.DatabaseUrl);
static TransactionResult SceneLockTransaction(MutableData mutableData)
List<object> sceneLocks = mutableData.Value as List<object>;
if (sceneLocks == null)
sceneLocks = new List<object>();
if(mutableData.ChildrenCount > 0)
//Look at every child in the scene locks directory.
foreach (var child in sceneLocks)
Debug.Log("Checking next child.");
if (!(child is Dictionary<string, object>))
//If we find the scene we're looking for...
Debug.Log("Checking if the scene has the name we want");
foreach(string key in ((Dictionary<string, object>)child).Keys)
Debug.Log("Key: " + key);
if(((Dictionary<string, object>)child).ContainsKey(sceneName))
string childLockStatus = (string)((Dictionary<string, object>)child)["lockStatus"];
//If the scene is already locked, just abort.
if (childLockStatus == "locked")
Debug.Log("Scene is already locked. Abort.");
return TransactionResult.Abort();
Debug.Log("Scene existed in the database and was not locked. Locking it.");
// If the scene existed in the database but was not locked, we will lock it.
((Dictionary<string, object>)child)[sceneName] = "locked";
// You must set the Value to indicate data at that location has changed.
mutableData.Value = sceneLocks;
return TransactionResult.Success(mutableData);
Debug.Log("Scene did not exist in the database. Adding it as locked.");
// If the scene didn't exist in the database before, we will add it as locked.
Dictionary<string, object> newSceneLock = new Dictionary<string, object>();
newSceneLock[sceneName] = "locked";
// You must set the Value to indicate data at that location has changed.
mutableData.Value = sceneLocks;
return TransactionResult.Success(mutableData);
static TransactionResult SceneUnlockTransaction(MutableData mutableData)
List<object> sceneLocks = mutableData.Value as List<object>;
if (sceneLocks == null)
sceneLocks = new List<object>();
if (mutableData.ChildrenCount > 0)
//Look at every child in the scene locks directory.
foreach (var child in sceneLocks)
Debug.Log("Checking next child.");
if (!(child is Dictionary<string, object>))
//If we find the scene we're looking for...
Debug.Log("Checking if the scene has the name we want");
foreach (string key in ((Dictionary<string, object>)child).Keys)
Debug.Log("Key: " + key);
if (((Dictionary<string, object>)child).ContainsKey(sceneName))
string childLockStatus = (string)((Dictionary<string, object>)child)["lockStatus"];
//If the scene is already locked, just abort.
if (childLockStatus == "unlocked")
Debug.Log("Scene is already unlocked. Abort.");
return TransactionResult.Abort();
Debug.Log("Scene existed in the database and was locked. Unlocking it.");
// If the scene existed in the database but was not locked, we will lock it.
((Dictionary<string, object>)child)[sceneName] = "unlocked";
// You must set the Value to indicate data at that location has changed.
mutableData.Value = sceneLocks;
return TransactionResult.Success(mutableData);
Debug.Log("Scene did not exist in the database. Adding it as unlocked.");
// If the scene didn't exist in the database before, we will add it as locked.
Dictionary<string, object> newSceneLock = new Dictionary<string, object>();
newSceneLock[sceneName] = "unlocked";
// You must set the Value to indicate data at that location has changed.
mutableData.Value = sceneLocks;
return TransactionResult.Success(mutableData);
static public void AddSceneLock()
Debug.Log("Attempting to add scene lock to database.");
DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("SceneLocks");
Debug.Log("Running Transaction...");
// Use a transaction to ensure that we do not encounter issues with
// simultaneous updates that otherwise might create more than MaxScores top scores.
.ContinueWith(task => {
if (task.Exception != null)
else if (task.IsCompleted)
Debug.Log("Transaction complete.");
static public void RemoveSceneLock()
Debug.Log("Attempting to add scene lock to database.");
DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("SceneLocks");
Debug.Log("Running Transaction...");
// Use a transaction to ensure that we do not encounter issues with
// simultaneous updates that otherwise might create more than MaxScores top scores.
.ContinueWith(task => {
if (task.Exception != null)
else if (task.IsCompleted)
Debug.Log("Transaction complete.");
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/SceneAsset/Lock Scene", false, 0)]
public static void LockScene()
Debug.Log("LockScene Called for scene " + sceneName + ".");
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/SceneAsset/Unlock Scene", false, 0)]
public static void UnlockScene()
Debug.Log("UnlockScene Called for scene " + sceneName + ".");
The errors always come from this line:
Any line that has to do with "FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance" will throw one of the following two errors
Error 1:
InvalidOperationException: SyncContext not initialized.
Firebase.Unity.UnitySynchronizationContext.get_Instance ()
Firebase.Platform.PlatformInformation.get_SynchronizationContext ()
Firebase.FirebaseApp.get_ThreadSynchronizationContext ()
Firebase.Database.DotNet.DotNetPlatform+SynchronizationContextTarget..ctor ()
Firebase.Database.DotNet.DotNetPlatform.NewEventTarget (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context c)
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.EnsureEventTarget ()
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.InitServices ()
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.Freeze ()
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoManager.CreateLocalRepo (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context ctx, Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoInfo info, Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase firebaseDatabase)
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoManager.CreateRepo (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context ctx, Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoInfo info, Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase firebaseDatabase)
Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.EnsureRepo ()
Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.get_RootReference ()
SceneLockingEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Bitloft/SCRIPTS/Editor/SceneLockingEditor.cs:37)
UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1242)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Error 2:
Exception: Custom Run loops are not supported!
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.GetExecutorService ()
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.GetConnectionContext ()
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context.NewPersistentConnection (Firebase.Database.Internal.Connection.HostInfo info, IDelegate delegate_)
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Repo..ctor (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoInfo repoInfo, Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context ctx, Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase firebaseDatabase)
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoManager.CreateLocalRepo (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context ctx, Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoInfo info, Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase firebaseDatabase)
Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoManager.CreateRepo (Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.Context ctx, Firebase.Database.Internal.Core.RepoInfo info, Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase firebaseDatabase)
Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.EnsureRepo ()
Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.get_RootReference ()
SceneLockingEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Bitloft/SCRIPTS/Editor/SceneLockingEditor.cs:37)
UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1242)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
It's always one error or the other, and I can't determine what causes one error to appear rather than the other. Both errors stop whatever operation I'm trying to do on the database, which means I can't interact with my database at all.
I've taken a look at the quickstart projects and watched some videos of people setting up Firebase to work with their projects, and I can't seem to determine what I have messed up during the process. I have imported my google-services.json into the unity project. The quickstart projects worked just fine interacting with my database. It's just this particular script that won't work. I cannot find any mention of these two errors anywhere on Google. I even contacted the official Firebase support and they couldn't give me any advice on what the errors mean or what could be causing them.
I considered one problem might be in my initialization function. Instead of doing:
FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
I figured that maybe I am supposed to use FirebaseApp.Create() with a custom name passed in, but that resulted in the same errors being thrown on the same line. I am at a loss for how to proceed with this problem. I don't know of anyone else who has had these particular errors, and I've done very much experimentation with different ways to access the database over the past several days. If anybody has an idea of what I am doing wrong here, or what causes these errors (and, how to fix them), I would really appreciate it.
At first you should initialize firebase with new instance of FirebaseApp with unique name. I do it like this:
FirebaseApp firebaseApp = FirebaseApp.Create(
The second is setup references (DatabaseReference, StorageReference etc.) with this firebaseApp instance and use it only after FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync()
Overall code will look like this:
public static void Initialize(bool isEditor = false)
if (isEditor)
FirebaseApp firebaseApp = FirebaseApp.Create(
FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.Result == DependencyStatus.Available)
database = FirebaseDatabase.GetInstance(firebaseApp).RootReference;
storage = FirebaseStorage.GetInstance(firebaseApp).RootReference;
auth = FirebaseAuth.GetAuth(firebaseApp);
"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + task.Result);
database = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference;
storage = FirebaseStorage.DefaultInstance.RootReference;
auth = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
IsInitialized = true;
I had the same errors. I spent several hours solving this and it worked for me

Visual Studio SDK - IViewTagAggregatorFactoryService.CreateTagAggregator causes an exception

I need to obtain classifications tags for ITextSnapshotLine lines in a current text view.
First, I get the active text view:
public static IWpfTextView GetTextView()
var textManager = (IVsTextManager)ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
IVsTextView vTextView = null;
var mustHaveFocus = 1;
textManager.GetActiveView(mustHaveFocus, null, out vTextView);
var userData = vTextView as IVsUserData;
if (userData != null)
IWpfTextViewHost viewHost;
object holder;
var guidViewHost = DefGuidList.guidIWpfTextViewHost;
userData.GetData(ref guidViewHost, out holder);
viewHost = (IWpfTextViewHost)holder;
var textView = viewHost.TextView;
return textView;
return null;
Then, I get the collection of ITextViewLine lines from the view and call GetClassificationTags method on each:
GetClassificationTags(new SnapshotSpan(line.Start, line.Length), textView)
The method looks like this:
public IEnumerable<IMappingTagSpan<IClassificationTag>> GetClassificationTags(SnapshotSpan span, ITextView textView)
var snapshot = textView.TextSnapshot;
var componentModel = (IComponentModel)ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SComponentModel));
var exportProvider = componentModel.DefaultExportProvider;
var viewTagAggregatorFactoryService = exportProvider.GetExportedValue<IViewTagAggregatorFactoryService>();
var tagAggregator = viewTagAggregatorFactoryService.CreateTagAggregator<IClassificationTag>(textView);
return tagAggregator.GetTags(span);
As a result I have everything classified correctly. However, Visual Studio throws an exception and logs it to the ActivityLog.xml file. This happens only after classifying all the lines for the first time. The information in log file says:
Unexpected false
at Roslyn.Utilities.Contract.ThrowIfFalse(Boolean condition, String message)
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Diagnostics.AbstractDiagnosticsTaggerProvider`1.CreateTagger[T](ITextBuffer buffer)
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.Diagnostics.AbstractDiagnosticsTaggerProvider`1.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.ITaggerProvider.CreateTagger[T](ITextBuffer buffer)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.Implementation.TagAggregator`1.GatherTaggers(ITextBuffer textBuffer)
I noticed that the exception is not thrown after commenting out the line below:
var tagAggregator = viewTagAggregatorFactoryService.CreateTagAggregator<IClassificationTag>(textView);
Sometimes, there is also this exception in the log file:
System.InvalidOperationException: Unexpected false
at Roslyn.Utilities.Contract.ThrowIfFalse(Boolean condition, String message)
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tagging.AbstractAsynchronousTaggerProvider`1.TagSource.GetTagIntervalTreeForBuffer(ITextBuffer buffer)
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tagging.AbstractAsynchronousTaggerProvider`1.Tagger.GetTagsWorker(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection requestedSpans, Boolean accurate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tagging.AbstractAsynchronousTaggerProvider`1.Tagger.GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection requestedSpans)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.Implementation.TagAggregator`1.<GetTagsForBuffer>d__38.MoveNext()
My question is: what causes this exception and how can I get rid of it?
The code is open source, you can just take a look. My guess is you're trying that on a background thread.
