Carousel web component for polymer 3 - polymer-3.x

I want to use a carousel web component and i can only find one from older versions like for polymer 2
how do i install it as bower is not supported in polymer 3

You can use the polymer-modulizer tool to convert a Polymer 2 component into a Polymer 3 component:


Why are my style overrides not working anymore after migrating Angular Material from version 14 to 15?

The material UI elements utilized in Angular 14 styles are overridden in angular 15 material , and themes are not working. Is there any blog or docs that can be referred to follow the steps for a smoother migration.
Styles overridden in material components like input, select, autocomplete, text font etc.
tried following the official angular migration guide and executed the ng generate #angular/material:mdc-migration command to migrate the angular material components. The items are migrated as expected, But after migration the existing manual styles are overridden by the default material styles.

polymer 3 build --> custom element js not available

I have a polymer 3 app created with polymer init
There I have some custum elements. In my my-app.js I importet the custom element js and used the element there.
Everything works but if I build the app with polymer build the custom element js file was not generated in the build/es5-bundled/src folder
What am I doing wrong?
You have preset set to es5-bundled - a bundled build -> the custom element is generated and written to index.html.
You'll find in index.html something like <script crossorigin="">define(['/src/my-app/my-app.js']);</script>

How to Next.js 7 support for css-modules & normal css at the same time, same behaviour as CRA

I want Next.js 7 support for css-modules & normal css at the same time, same behaviour as CRA.
I found this:
. But it not work with NextJS 7. They use mini-css-extract-plugin there.
So what's the solution ?
Follow these steps:
Add your normal css file in Head component (next/head) for every required component
You can directly put it in the _app.js file if it is common between all
Then load your css module in next.config.js file as explained here

Integrate Angular to WordPress

Is there a way to integrate Angular 6 to existing wordpress page? For example page-reservation.php and here run angular project!
Thanks for answering!
You can create a REST route on the WordPress side for that page to send the page content and call it from the Angular side using Angular HttpClient.
for more details about the WordPress REST API check
Angular HttpClient :
Take a look at Angular Elements.
Angular provides the createCustomElement() function for converting an Angular component, together with its dependencies, to a custom element.
With Angular Elements, you can create Web Components (aka widgets) that can run outside of Angular.
Note that there may be limited/lacking support in some browsers.

Using material design component not yet built into Angular 2

I'm looking to use some material design components such as <md-autocomplete>. However, this particular tag along with several others are not yet available through the official Angular 2 material design NPM
Is there any way to use them by specifying them as a normal class:
<div class="md-autocomplete">Content</div>
until the component is available in Angular2? If so should I include the material design CSS script in my index.html file?
Adding it as a calss will not help you much. You can always create your own component and assign any selector you want but you will still have to do all functionality yourself. Other option is to use some existing one, like ng2-auto-complete
