atom editor: list of `styles.less` options - atom-editor

Where can I find a list of the keywords for the styles.less configuration file for Atom?
There are many specific requests for highlighting one thing or another, but I cannot seem to find a general overview of the implemented keywords.

The scope names are supposed to be based on the ones listed at the bottom of the this page (the sublime text ones are also based off this list)
In practice, nothing fits perfectly. The most reliable way to get the needed scope is running Editor:Log cursor scope in the command palette, which will make a notification popup with a list of all the scopes at the cursor. You then need to pick the relevant ones, and prepend each segment with syntax--.
E.g., if the scope popup says,, you can target bold scopes with
atom-text-editor .syntax--markup.syntax--bold {
color: red
And that's just for text; anything at all can be modified if you know enough CSS. Opening dev tools lets you use the selector tool to find anything you like in on the page the DOM. Targeting it in the styles.less file will let you apply changes.

Here is the namespace for Sublime:


Semantically searching in CSS files

Imagine I have a huge CSS file with e.g. more than 40000 lines, like
I want to explore this file and for example search for class definitions containing "hidden" in their name. How can this be done? The word "hidden" can also appear in the definition of the class, so a normal text search is not sufficient. So I am looking for a tool which is able to interpret the CSS file and then allows me to semantically search in it, understanding the difference between "hidden" in a class name and "hidden" in a class definition.
Any tips on this? Thanks!
Update: I am using Visual Studio Code, if there is a matching extension for it, that would be great. A separate tool would also be fine.
I’m not sure which text editor/IDE you are using but most IDE’s allow you to search for classes by name, in which case you could just use “hidden” as the input. In IntelliJ, the command for this is Ctrl+N. You’ll have to check your editor or IDE for the shortcut but a simple Google search should give you the answer.

Is there a way to style Google Chrome default PDF viewer

Is there a way to style google chrome default pdf view? I'm trying to change the gray background color to white also make the scroller little bigger for mobile devices if possible.
I tried to target it on css with no luck
// pdf viewer custom style
iframe {
html {
body {
background-color: #ffffff !important;
#zoom-toolbar {
display: none !important;
#zoom-buttons {
display: none !important;
It looks like it's creating shadow document on the html but I couldn't find any way to target it
There is no way to directly style the Chrome default PDF viewer (PDFium). Because the plugin displays and controls content outside the scope of the current page's DOM, it can only be modified by the plugin. As indicated here it is impossible to make modifications to this sort of plugin controlled content unless the plugin also adds a content script that allows the page to pass messages to the plugin; the plugin must additionally be programmed to respond to messages and appropriately update the content. In other words the PDF viewer uses a separate DOM to the page which is not directly accessible. Instead you need to access an implemented API.
In this discussion Mike West (Google/Chromium dev) states, in answer to a question on DOM accessibility in Chrome's PDF viewer:
The functionality available in the PDF viewer is (intentionally) fairly limited ... The APIs you're having trouble finding simply don't exist.
Basic API functions are some of those specified by Adobe in their Parameters for Opening PDF Files and are accessed through the URL (eg They are, as indicated above, quite limited, allowing the user to go directly to a page, set zoom factor, show thumbnails etc. Accessing an expanded API through content script messages can potentially be done if you know the available JavaScript messages. A complete list of available JS message names can be determined from the relevant PDFium source here from which it can be seen that advanced styling of the viewer, such as changing colours, isn't possible. (This question gives an example of how to implement the API). Certainly there is no access to PDFium's DOM.
This API is deliberately left undocumented; it may change with additions or removals at any time. Thus, while it's possible that in the future there will be an API to let you style some aspects of the viewer, it's very unlikely that any would go so far as to change the background colour or modify a CSS shadow. And, as stated above, without an API you can't modify content controlled by a plugin when you don't have access to its DOM.
You may, instead, wish to try PDF.js. It is an open source JavaScript library that renders PDF files using HTML5 Canvas. It is also Firefox's default PDF viewer and is quite capable.
Implementing it as a web app is beyond the scope of this question, but there are many helpful tutorials available. And as you, the developer, will have access to all constituent files, you will certainly be able to style the PDF.js viewer as much as you wish.
Just paste this into your browser console.
var cover = document.createElement("div");
let css = `
position: fixed;
pointer-events: none;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
background-color: #3aa757;
mix-blend-mode: multiply;
z-index: 1;
cover.setAttribute("style", css);
Update: Recent versions of Chrome seem to have moved the PDF viewer resources out of resources.pak and into the browser binary itself. It should still be possible to download the Chromium source, edit the files described below, and then recompile, but that's much more painful than simply hacking resources.pak. Thanks, Google.
As a matter of fact, there is a way, but we've got to get our hands dirty, and the process must be repeated every time we update Chrome. Still, to me, the effort is well worth it. I like to change the PDF viewer's background to white, so that when I activate the color-inverting Deluminate extension at night, I get a nice solid black background. It's so much easier on my eyes compared to the default background, which, when inverted, is blindingly bright.
The Chrome source tree contains thousands of HTML, JS, and CSS files that control the behavior and appearance of many parts of the browser, including the PDF viewer. When Chrome is built, these "resources" are bundled together into a single file, resources.pak, which the browser unpacks into memory during startup. What we need to do is unpack resources.pak on disk, edit the files that style the PDF viewer, and then repack the bundle.
The first thing we need is a tool that can unpack resources.pak. The only one that I know of is ChromePAK-V5. It's written in Go, so we need that to build it. We also need to install a build-time dependency called go-bindata. Here's how I went about it:
cd ~/code/chrome
go get -u
git clone
cd ChromePAK-V5
~/go/bin/go-bindata -nomemcopy -o assets.go assets
go build
cd ..
Now that we've got the binary ChromePAK-V5/ChromePAK-V5, we can use it to unpack resources.pak. In my case, running Chromium on Linux, the file is located at /usr/lib/chromium/resources.pak, but it might be somewhere else for you. Once you've found it, copy it, make a backup, and unpack it:
cd ~/code/chrome
cp /usr/lib/chromium/resources.pak .
cp resources.pak resources.pak.bak
ChromePAK-V5/ChromePAK-V5 -c=unpack -f=resources.pak
At this point, the files we need will be located somewhere in the resources directory. Now, in the original Chrome source tree, these files all had sensible paths, such as chrome/browser/resources/pdf/pdf_viewer.js. Unfortunately, these original paths are not recorded in the resources.pak file. ChromePAK-V5 tries to be clever by using a table that maps the SHA1 hashes of resources files to their original paths, but over time, files change, along with their hashes, and ChromePAK-V5 can no longer recognize them. If a file is unrecognized, ChromePAK-V5 will unpack it to, e.g., resources/unknown/12345. And, in general, these numbers change from one Chrome release to the next. So, to find the files that we need to edit, we basically need to grep for "fingerprints" that identify them. Let's get started.
The background color of the PDF viewer is controlled by the file which, in the Chrome source tree, is named chrome/browser/resources/pdf/pdf_viewer.js. To find the file, grep inside resources/unknown for the string PDFViewer.BACKGROUND_COLOR. In my case, the file was unpacked at unknown/10282. Open this file, and change the line (at/near the end of the file) that sets PDFViewer.BACKGROUND_COLOR. I changed it to 0xFFFFFFFF, i.e., white (which becomes black under Deluminate).
Going further, we can also restyle the PDF viewer's toolbar. By default, the toolbar is dark, so it becomes obnoxiously bright under Deluminate. To fix that, we need to find chrome/browser/resources/pdf/elements/viewer-pdf-toolbar.html. I found it at unknown/10307 by grepping for shadow-elevation-2dp. What I did was to go to the #toolbar block and add filter: invert(100%);. Voila, no more blinding toolbar at night.
Finally, if we really want to go all the way, we can get rid of the brief "flash" of the original background color that occurs when loading a PDF. This color is controlled by chrome/browser/resources/pdf/index.css, which I found at unknown/10304 by grepping for viewer-page-indicator {. I changed the background-color property of body to white (i.e. black under Deluminate).
The hard part is now over. The final step is to repack the resources and overwrite the system resources.pak:
ChromePAK-V5/ChromePAK-V5 -c=repack -f=resources.json
sudo cp resources.pak /usr/lib/chromium # or wherever yours should go
Now restart the browser and enjoy!
A codeless approach is to install a tampermonkey plugin.
This is very useful if you are reading a pdf via a browser and just want to change the background color.

Shortcut for finding references of CSS class in Visual Studio?

Normally, you can right-click on a method and select "Go To Definition" (F12) or "Find All References" (SHIFT+F12). You can even go to the definition of a css class from your aspx page by pressing F12 (if your cursor is over the CssClass name).
Is there a similar shortcut for finding all the references of a css class from an external stylesheet? My reason for asking is that I have a stylesheet containing a bunch of css classes that may or may not be in use anymore, and I'd like to know which ones are actually being called without having to read through my code line by line.
Also, I've tried the Quick Find (CTRL+F) tool to search for a particular css class. It doesn't turn up any results even for classes that are in use, so either I'm not using it right or it doesn't bother checking my aspx page for whatever reason. (I suspect it's the former!)
PS I'm using 2010 Express edition.
You can use CTRL+SHIFT+F to bring up the Find and Replace dialog. In there, make sure to verify that the search scope is set to Entire Solution, and try that.

My CSS is huge. Using ModX, can I split up a CSS into parts?

I have several large CSS files and making a change can sometimes take a few minutes just to find the right selector to change. I would like it if there was a nice ModX editor for CSS, but I haven't been able to find one. I am willing to settle for splitting up my files into parts, as long as my site still renders. Can I do that and how? If there is a nice editor (plugin?) instead, where can I find one?
I guess the real question is what kind of parts are acceptable for you. If you follow this question, you can begin the process of allowing ModX to manage your CSS. Once this happens, your options open considerably. Your CSS editing will then become easier and less time consuming depending on your level of expertise with ModX. This answer will be pretty simple, as it will show simply how to add a given selector as a resource. Other further development can be intuited from here, though.
CSS as a Resource
Once your CSS is being managed as a Resource (which takes about 15 minutes), you may utilize Templates, Template Variables, Chunks, Snippets and Plugins. Thisis actually pretty amazing, but setup can be a bit of a pain. You will basically be investing some time to save a lot of time in the future. The next logical step is split your Selectors accordingly, but you don't want to break what currently works. Having a fluid understanding of the getResources addon will be crucial to further development.
How to do it:
1. Create a new chunk
Click the Elements tab, and click "New Chunk". Name it "css-selector". Set the content to:
[[+pagetitle]] {[[+content]]}
It's as simple as that. Don't forget to click "Save"! This will let you set a Selector as a resource. It will use the title for the selector and content for the rules. You can forget about using those braces any more. Your new chunk will handle those from now on.
2. Adjusting your Template
Now, we just have to convince the template that it nows how to read parts, as well as not forget the whole. Open your CSS Stylesheet template (the one that says [[*content]] for its content). Adjust the code so that it has the following:
Again, click "Save". Let me explain the Template real quick. If you have child, they'll get rendered first depending on their menu index. Further, it will render the contents of the document that are not children afterward. This will allow you to only make new resources for your most important selectors, while keeping the stuff that will never change in the main resource.
3. Create a new Template
This is so that your selectors don't do anything funny and just render the content. Create a new Template named "CSS Selector". Set its content to:
4. Create a new Resource
Create a new Resource. Set the title to the selector for the css statement you want to manage. Then set the content to the rules without the braces. For instance, if your css statement is: div#header .logo {border:0;}, you'll set the title to div#header .logo and the content to border:0;. Set the resource alias to whatever you want. I use numbers for each one. Set the template to your new "CSS Selector". Important Now, set the Parent Document to your Stylesheet. Click Save.
5. Testing the Stylesheet
First, Right-click your new resource and choose "View Resource". This will just make sure that the statement was rendered correctly. It should simply say your rule in CSS format.
Next, Right-Click the Stylesheet resource and choose "View Resource". You should see the Selector at the top and all of the other rules below it.
Final Considerations
You'll notice that your child resources do not have to be changed to "CSS" for Document Type. Only the parent stylesheet has to be. This allows for some neat stuff as your expertise with ModX grows.
You can change the order of rules by simply changing the menu index of them.
The number of rules that can be done this way is based on the &limit variable in the getResources statement in your template. &limit applies to each stylesheet, so in this example you have 99 statements per stylesheet that may be separate resources.
A Note on Server Load
This will place load on the server as the number of resources goes up. For development, keep the "do not cache flag" (!) on your getResources statement. Once you are done, remove the exclamation mark and let it all be cached. This will save a ton of load.
Further Development
I added an isEnabled template variable to mine so I can turn on and off each rule as I pleased.
You may possibly begin to manage your CSS on the front-end utilizing FormIt.
Custom Manager Pages may even be a better option for you.
Further abstraction might allow you to create Groupings of statements for even further organization.

Aptana Studio 3 - code coloring like in Dreamweaver

I'm trying to use Aptana Studio 3 instead of phpEd. But I'd like to have the code coloring like in Dreamweaver. I made these changes in phpEd, but I can't find where to change it in Aptana.
Also, I installed the jquery bundle, but I can't to get it working...
Thanks for your help.
Preferences:Aptana:Themes. Figuring out what keyword corresponds to what display object can be a bit tricky, but it is all there.
There's actually a ticket already filed to add a theme that matches Dreamweaver:
I'm looking at it now, but I'm running into some internal bugs (namely that I need to fix before I can finish. In any case it should be in Studio 3.0.2 and hopefully I'll fix it today and it'll be in tomorrow's nightly (here's how to get nightly builds:
As for editing themes yourself, you can see the current scope at the cursor by doing Commands > Bundle Development > Show Scope. Then use scope selectors that match that sort of scope (we adopt Textmate's scoping/theming rules:
Could you finally get your theme?
If you want to create your own theme then first go to: Window->Preferences->Aptana Studio->Themes
To create a new theme just click on the "+" sign next to the themes
To add elements to your new theme right click the text in your
editor and click Commands->Bundle Development->Show scope.
Copy the last section you see to the right of the hint window that
In the themes elements list click the "+" located at the bottom of
the dialog box (next to "Scope selector")
Give a friendly name to your new element.
Assign foreground/background colors to your new element.
Paste the element's scope in the "Scope selector" input box (make
sure your new element is selected, if not, click on it).
I created a theme for PHP, CSS, HTML, JS and XML editors, similar to the old aptana 2 colors. If you want to get it you can write me to at gmail dot com.
