Upgrading deployment to corda version 3.1-corda - corda

We have a cordapp jar and a web application war that depend on corda version 'corda-3.0-RC01'. Our deployment includes a corda jar of the same version. We would like to upgrade to version '3.1-corda'. As I understand, it involves performing contract upgrades on the cordapp and updating the corda jar, cordapp jars and wars in the deployment. However, is it possible to stagger the update of the cordapp (through contract upgrades) by first updating the deployed corda jar and just the webapp war? Would this require the war to be built against corda-rpc version '3.1-corda'? Could you please advise on the best approach here?

Here is the docs for upgrading to Corda3.1:https://docs.corda.net/releases/release-V3.1/upgrading-cordapps.html?highlight=upgrading
However, keep in mind that Corda is currently on 4.0, and going to have another update during the summer.


How to deploy a BPMN created in Eclipse as an Activiti project in Alfresco Community v5.1.0

I have Alfresco Community v5.1 installed on my machine locally and have created a BPMN model in Eclipse using the Activiti project plugin, I have the BPMN and other xml files, but I do not know how to deploy the same in Alfresco Community V5.1.0.
Files that I have created:
The BPMN file
Where do I paste or update these files in the Alfresco Community installed locally and what are the clear steps to deploy the newly created workflow into the Alfresco Community.
I have followed this tutorial by Jeff Pots:
but, was not able to deploy, please help me find this.
Alfresco Version:
Alfresco Share v5.1.f (r125711-b6, Aikau 1.0.63, Spring Surf 5.1.f, Spring WebScripts 6.5, Freemarker 2.3.20-alfresco-patched, Rhino 1.7R4-alfresco-patched, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)
Alfresco Community v5.1.0 (r127059-b7) schema 10001
Thank you all!
Deploy in Alfresco goes throu AMPs or JARs packages. Try to run first tutorial from jpotts https://ecmarchitect.com/alfresco-developer-series-tutorials/maven-sdk/tutorial/tutorial.html.
You need run Alfresco SDK, create changes, build packages and then deploy them on server (locally or remote). Its not so simple as replacing some files... If you working with old Alfresco 5.1, use old SDK 3.0 and old version of tutorial. If you started with sixth tutorial in Alfresco, it is normal to get lost.

Upgrade contracts for Corda 4.0 release

if we want to upgrade contracts for our CorDapp last release, how can be broadcast the latest jar with the upgraded flow ?
I'd suggest using the CorDapp distribution service which is part of the business network toolkit. It allows network operators to distribute CorDapps to their participants by utilising Maven repositories for artifact distribution.
It's available as an open source project and you can read more about and download it here

Which JDK is best suited for R3 Corda framework

We are considering over which JDK is best suited for the R3 Corda.
However there is some incosistency in the way framework suggests the deployment.
Oracle JDK –
Recommended as per the Corda documentation https://docs.corda.r3.com/getting-set-up.html
Open JDK –
The Corda framework has a defined gradle task for docker deployment as “DockerForm”. This task generates the artifacts which are useful for deploying the Corda node as a docker container. So this task generates a Dockerfile for each node. This file is configured to use OpenJDK by default.
Please let us know the rationale behind this. Does Corda 3.x version support Open JDK as well? Do we have any guideline on which JDK to use in what situation?
Another concern is that eventually Oracle JDK will be a licensed product in future. So does R3 have any plans to support Open JDK as well in future?
As of Corda 3.1, Corda only supports the Oracle JDK 8 JVM, with a minimum supported version 8u171.
There is no current plans to add Open JDK support, but that could change (if, for example, Oracle JDK became a licensed product).

Packaging and Deploying ASP.net applications for continuous delivery

I come from a background of Java, PHP and NodeJS development. I have successfully built continuous integration/continuous deployment environments using these languages based on a Linux Platform but now I am working in an environment with a mix of .NET web development and Java based web development.
I would like to build a CI/CD environment that shares tools and concepts as much as possible. The workflow that has worked in the past and seems to be pretty standard is:
Check code into Git
Jenkins checks out the code, runs tests
Jenkins builds the code if tests pass
Jenkins builds a package. WAR file, RPM etc. and pushes it to an artifact repo, Maven, Yum repo, Artifactory, Nexus etc.
Jenkins deploys the package to a given environment by simply pulling the correct version of an artifact and pushing it to a given box. I like to use Ansible or Puppet or some nice configuration management tool for this step and let that handle the versioning and environment specific changes.
I know Microsoft has built tools that can do similar things but I would like to keep things consistent across the organization and I feel like Jenkins is the gold-standard and has been battle tested for a hundred years while Microsoft’s CI tools are relatively new.
I am able to set up a Windows based Jenkins slave compile the code using the MSBuild plugin (This is an excellent tutorial if you are interested http://blog.couchbase.com/2016/january/continuous-deployment-with-jenkins-and-.net). I am stuck on how to package the code. I had thought NuGet would be a good choice for this but I can’t seem to find any guidance on building/deploying NuGet packages for ASP.NET applications and deploying them. I prefer NuGet to something like the web application zip file as the packages are versioned.
Is NuGet the answer or is there something else out there that could support my needs or should I be altering my thinking for CI/CD in a Microsoft environment?

Using XCore generated classes in a war aggregating multiple Maven projects

I have a maven project called myproject.app. I also have another project using vaadin and gwt called myproject.ui and another project, which is an Xcore-Project converted to Maven called myproject.model.
I want to aggregate them all in a war. For this I have a myproject.war with a pom declaring the dependencies.
For Vaadin and GWT everthing is working fine as these projects are pure maven projects. The Xcore project gives me headaches because I can't manage to provide the Plugin Dependencies declared in this project in the war.
I have tried to add the needed libraries in the pom but I can only get old versions (2.2.3) from Central - the XCore project uses 2.8./3.8..
How can I solve this?
The answer is to convert the eclipse dependencies (EMF, XCore ...) to maven artifacts using the Maven Tools 4 Eclipse.
For professional usage it is necessary to setup a maven repository, I used Nexus with success (if you are developing locally and alone it would be enough to install the artifacts in you local repository).
You can get it working by setting up a hosted repository with the converted Eclipse artifacts (documented in the mt4e reference) and creating a repository group aggregating the preconfigured maven central proxy and the hosted repository with the eclipse artifacts.
You need to setup your local settings.xml to use the nexus and you're good to go. Eclipse's artifacts are usable via maven coordinates.
Keep the orbit artifacts in mind and design your patch files carefully.
