Upgraded from Angular 5 to Angular 6, Bootstrap button styles have no spacing - css

Recently, we upgraded from Angular 5 to Angular 6.
The issue: Bootstrap button styles now have no margin spacing between them.
Bootstrap Version: 3.3.7
For example, if in the html you do something like this.
<button class="btn btn-success">Success</button>
<button class="btn btn-info">Info</button>
<button class="btn btn-cancel">Cancel</button>
Before we updated, these buttons would have margin space between each.
Just curious if there is something we can update that would fix this or a global CSS style that can be used.

In my project I was able to restore default white spaces between Bootstrap buttons, by setting preserveWhitespaces to true in main.ts file:
.bootstrapModule(AppModule, { preserveWhitespaces: true})
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Found it in this place

ConnorsFan's answer link is the answer to our issue.
Angular 6 by default sets the angularCompilerOption: preserveWhitespaces for the application to false.

To add to the marked answer, this issue is caused by the preserveWhitespaces setting.
what's really happening behind the scenes is your template code, for example
<button class="btn btn-success">Success</button>
<button class="btn btn-info">Info</button>
<button class="btn btn-cancel">Cancel</button>
is getting all the whitespace removed. which also removes the line break at the end of each button element. It's the line break that gives that extra space, not margin between each button.
So this shows more clearly why the buttons are sticking together.
<div><button class="btn btn-success">Success</button><button class="btn btn-info">Info</button><button class="btn btn-cancel">Cancel</button></div>
You can apply the fix as suggestion globally or you can resolve the problem on specific components if needed. https://angular.io/api/core/Component You'll notice that in the docs for #components you can provide an option to turn on/off this feature for that component only.
Another solution as suggested in comments would be to globally add marginto all .btn classes, however this would have the reverse side effect happening of the option ever switches again (giving to much margin between buttons instead of the natural space)
Final note, this is an HTML/DOM side effect, not Angular or CSS, you'll be able to replicate this effect with pretty much any inline elements by removing/adding the linebreak/spaces between each element.

Add the btn-toolbar class to the div to get space margin between the buttons. Like this:
<div class="btn-toolbar">
<button class="btn btn-success">Success</button>
<button class="btn btn-info">Info</button>
<button class="btn btn-cancel">Cancel</button>


Bootstrap4 Disabled button white instead of supposed color

I am using a bootstrap button on one of my page, that is disabled, and the styling seems to not be working properly
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.0.0-alpha.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<button disabled class="btn btn-primary">suivant</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary disabled">suivant</button>
I tried these 2 ways and the result look like this for both approach: initial look || on Mouse over
EDIT: Important to mention that i only have bootstrap4, no personnal style sheet and no other themes
This is a react Project, className is used instead of class
I've updated this codepen to show Bootstrap4 buttons with BS4 alpha 6. They look like they show up as intended in and outside of React.
<button class="btn btn-primary">suivant</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" disabled>suivant disabled</button>
Another stylesheet was making conflict with bootstrap that i wasnt aware of
thanks to #MichaelCoker for making me search trough my project again

Bootstrap 3 btn does not wrap the second line

I'm trying to implemented a button just like the one demontrated in the example page of fontawesome, whose code is:
<a class="btn btn-lg btn-success" href="#">
<i class="fa fa-flag fa-2x pull-left"></i> Font Awesome<br>
Version 4.3.0
It works but only when the second line is no more longer than the first one.
So what causes the weird phenomenon and how to fix it?
There is a running demo over here.
This is a single page app and the broken btns is over the second scene.
The problem comes with white-space: nowrap;. Bootstrap sets it on .btn. In most cases the text in buttons is on one line. In your case it must be on two. So, add a custom class to the button and overwrite it, like this:
.btn-custom {
white-space: normal;

Showing a loading bar inside a button when it's clicked

I have this simple thing to do in angularjs that require a bit of dom manipulation, and i think it suppose to be a directive of some kind but i have no idea how to approach it.
I have this simple button: (html)
<button class="btn btn-success" style='margin-bottom:17px' style='margin-right:5px;' ng-show='pageToShow < pages.length-1' ng-click='changePage("next")'>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" style='margin-right:5px' aria-hidden="true"></span>Next
When i click it, i want inside of it, instead! of the glyphicon, a moving gif, like this:
1) How to remove the already existing img inside of the button and replace it?
2) I want to have other types of spinners, not the rounded one, how can i change the default spinner?
How can i do so?
Check out this directive, it does exactly what you want:
And a demo:
You can change the classes of the button-prepend="" and spinner-icon="" to a css-class that defines your own spinners/gifs.
You can create your own loading gif with http://www.ajaxload.info. Then, use ng-show to determine if the gif or icon should be visible.
<button ng-click="loading = !loading;" class="btn btn-success">
<img ng-show="loading" src='http://i.imgur.com/1HDbs9b.gif' />
<span ng-show="!loading" class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span>

align submit and cancel button with bootstrap

I am using bootstrap 2.0 within my rails app (using the bootstrap-sass gem) and am having trouble getting a submit button aligned with a cancel button.
Here's the code snippet from the form in the html.erb file:
<div class="span3">
<%= f.submit class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<button type="button" class="btn">Cancel</button>
Here's the HTML it produces:
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add Person" name="commit">
<button class="btn" type="button">Cancel</button>
And here's what it looks like in firefox 14.0.1. When I look at the
Note: Adding input-append to the div gets me close (see pic below) but is still off a bit--note that cancel is still a bit lower and that the rounded corners on the right side of the add person button are cut off.
How can I get these two buttons to align properly?
I am using Firefox 14.0.1. When I look at the jsfiddle created by #Vestride to duplicate this problem here's what I see:
I am happy with the first result, but when I add the exact same code to my site, I don't get the same result. Instead I get the messed up alignment above. I wonder what this means? Maybe that my CSS for bootstrap is messed up?
Update 7/27
In response to Vestride's latest suggestion, here are the buttons as they show in my Firefox from the fiddle Vestride put together. Note, there's no improvement with changing from input to submit.
I made a jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Vestride/YT3sq but was unable to duplicate your problem. They align perfectly for me (Chrome 21). What browser are you using? In the second example I added a btn-group class to the container element. That might also solve your problem.
Try making your <input /> a <button type="submit">. Worked in Firefox for me. I updated the fiddle too.
I know it's an old issue, but using Bootstrap 4 I had the same problem. What solved it for me is adding margin-bottom: 0 or mb-0 class using bootstrap classes on the submit button.

Twitter Bootstrap btn-primary Size IE8

Has anyone else noticed strange behaviour by Twitter Bootstrap in IE8 and below? I have two buttons, as follows:
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-large"/>
<input type="reset" class="btn btn-large"/>
The btn-primary button is displaying really small, but the button with just btn btn-large is large, as expected.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Screenshot:
from my comment
Typically any issues you might find with buttons are due to other
style sheets, are you including anything other than bootstrap css?
What you want to do is using CHROME 'right click' on the element, and inspect, then review the styles that are applied to that element.
More-often than not, it is other things being inherited or causing conflict. IE is a fickle beast, one I think most of us would rather do without when it comes to CSS/HTML5 ;)
