Initial values for non least squares fit in R - r

I am doing a model fitting using minpack.lm package. The objective function is the residual between my experimental data & my ODE model.
The tricky thing is the initial value for my ODE model. So I use a loop to run randomly initial values and keep the best result which minimizes the objective function.
The problem is that if the random initial value is bad, my model can't solve the ODE equation, the result I get is either NAN or errors such as the problem not converged or number of time steps 1 exceeded maxsteps at t = 0. So my questions are:
Is there any way to stop when the initial value is bad and pass to the next initial value in one loop?
Do you have any advice to choose a best initial value than run randomly?
Thanks a lot


Did I screw up my entire data science homework assignment by standardizing my data?

Professor wanted us to run some 10 fold cross validation on a data set to get the lowest RMSE and use the coefficients of that to make a function that takes in parameters and predicts and returns a "Fitness Factor" Score which ranges between 25-75.
He encouraged us to try transforming the data, so I did. I used scale() on the entire data set to standardize it and then ran my regression and 10 fold cross validation. I then found the model I wanted and copied the coefficients over. The problem is my function predictions are WAY off when i put unstandardized parameters into it to predict a y.
Did I completely screw this up by standardizing the data to a mean of 0 and sd of 1? Is there anyway I can undo this mess if I did screw up?
My coefficients are extremely small numbers and I feel like I did something wrong here.
Build a proper pipeline, not just a hack with some R functions.
The problem is that you treat scaling as part of loading the data, not as part of the prediction process.
The proper protocol is as follows:
"Learn" the transformation parameters
Transform the training data
Train the model
Transform the new data
Predict the value
Inverse-transform the predicted value
During cross-validation these need to run separately for each fold, or you may overestimate (overfit) your quality.
Standardization is a linear transform, so the inverse is trivial to find.

How to use robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models in nlslm?

My goal is to estimate two parameters of a model (see CE_hat).
I use 7 observations to fit two parameters: (w,a), so overfitting occurs a few times. One idea would be to restrict the influence of each observation so that outliers do not "hijack" the parameter estimates.
The method that has been previously suggested to me was nlrob. The problem with that however is that extreme cases such as the example below, return Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model.
To avoid this I used nlsLM which works towards a convergence at the cost of returning outlandish estimates.
Any ideas as to how I can use robust fitting with this example?
I include below a reproducible example. The observables here are CE, H and L. These three elements are fed into a function (CE_hat) in order to estimate "a" and "w". Values close to 1 for "a" and close to 0.5 for "w" are generally considered to be more reasonable. As you - hopefully - can see, when all observations are included, a=91, while w=next to 0. However, if we were to exclude the 4th (or 7th) observation (for CE, H and L), we get much more sensible estimates. Ideally, I would like to achieve the same result, without excluding these observations. One idea would be to restrict their influence. I understand that it might not be as clear why these observations constitute some sort of "outliers". It's hard to say something about that without saying too much I am afraid but I am happy to go into more details about the model should a question arise.
control = nls.lm.control(nprint=1,maxiter=100))

How can optimization be used as a solver?

In a question on Cross Validated (How to simulate censored data), I saw that the optim function was used as a kind of solver instead of as an optimizer. Here is an example:
optim(1, fn=function(scl){(pweibull(.88, shape=.5, scale=scl, lower.tail=F)-.15)^2})
# $par
# [1] 0.2445312
# ...
pweibull(.88, shape=.5, scale=0.2445312, lower.tail=F)
# [1] 0.1500135
I have found a tutorial on optim here, but I am still not able to figure out how to use optim to work as a solver. I have several questions:
What is first parameter (i.e., the value 1 being passed in)?
What is the function that is passed in?
I can understand that it is taking the Weibull probability distribution and subtracting 0.15, but why are we squaring the result?
I believe you are referring to my answer. Let's walk through a few points:
The OP (of that question) wanted to generate (pseudo-)random data from a Weibull distribution with specified shape and scale parameters, and where the censoring would be applied for all data past a certain censoring time, and end up with a prespecified censoring rate. The problem is that once you have specified any three of those, the fourth is necessarily fixed. You cannot specify all four simultaneously unless you are very lucky and the values you specify happen to fit together perfectly. As it happened, the OP was not so lucky with the four preferred values—it was impossible to have all four as they were inconsistent. At that point, you can decide to specify any three and solve for the last. The code I presented were examples of how to do that.
As noted in the documentation for ?optim, the first argument is par "[i]nitial values for the parameters to be optimized over".
Very loosely, the way the optimization routine works is that it calculates an output value given a function and an input value. Then it 'looks around' to see if moving to a different input value would lead to a better output value. If that appears to be the case, it moves in that direction and starts the process again. (It stops when it does not appear that moving in either direction will yield a better output value.)
The point is that is has to start somewhere, and the user is obliged to specify that value. In each case, I started with the OP's preferred value (although really I could have started most anywhere).
The function that I passed in is ?pweibull. It is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Weibull distribution. It takes a quantile (X value) as its input and returns the proportion of the distribution that has been passed through up to that point. Because the OP wanted to censor the most extreme 15% of that distribution, I specified that pweibull return the proportion that had not yet been passed through instead (that is the lower.tail=F part). I then subtracted.15 from the result.
Thus, the ideal output (from my point of view) would be 0. However, it is possible to get values below zero by finding a scale parameter that makes the output of pweibull < .15. Since optim (or really most any optimizer) finds the input value that minimizes the output value, that is what it would have done. To keep that from happening, I squared the difference. That means that when the optimizer went 'too far' and found a scale parameter that yielded an output of .05 from pweibull, and the difference was -.10 (i.e., < 0), the squaring makes the ultimate output +.01 (i.e., > 0, or worse). This would push the optimizer back towards the scale parameter that makes pweibull output (.15-.15)^2 = 0.
In general, the distinction you are making between an "optimizer" and a "solver" is opaque to me. They seem like two different views of the same elephant.
Another possible confusion here involves optimization vs. regression. Optimization is simply about finding an input value[s] that minimizes (maximizes) the output of a function. In regression, we conceptualize data as draws from a data generating process that is a stochastic function. Given a set of realized values and a functional form, we use optimization techniques to estimate the parameters of the function, thus extracting the data generating process from noisy instances. Part of regression analyses partakes of optimization then, but other aspects of regression are less concerned with optimization and optimization itself is much larger than regression. For example, the functions optimized in my answer to the other question are deterministic, and there were no "data" being analyzed.

Hmm training with multiple observations and mhsmm package in R

i wanted to train a new hmm model, by means of Poisson observations that are the only thing i know.
I'm using the mhsmm package for R.
The first thing that bugs me is the initialization of the model, in the examples is:
initial <- rep(1/J,J)
P <- matrix(1/J, nrow = J, ncol = J)
b <- list(lambda=c(1,3,6))
model = hmmspec(init=initial, trans=P, parms.emission=b,dens.emission=dpois.hsmm)
in my case i don't have initial values for the emission distribution parameters, that's what i want to estimate. How?
Secondly: if i only have observations, how do i pass them to
h1 = hmmfit(list_of_observations, model ,mstep=mstep.pois)
in order to obtain the trained model?
list_of_observations, in the examples, contains a vector of states, one of observations and one of observation sequence length and is usually obtained by a simulation of the model:
list_of_observations = simulate(model, N, rand.emis = rpois.hsmm)
EDIT: Found this old question with an answer that partially solved my problem:
MHSMM package in R-Input Format?
These two lines did the trick:
train <- list(x = data.df$sequences, N = N)
class(train) <- ""
where data.df$sequences is the array containing all observations sequences and N is the array containing the count of observations for each sequence.
Still, the initial model is totally random, but i guess this is the way it is meant to be since it will be re-estimated, am i right?
The problem of initialization is critical not only for HMMs and HSMMs, but for all learning methods based on a form of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. EM converges to a local optimum in terms of likelihood between model and data, but that does not always guarantee to reach the global optimum.
Goal: find estimates of the emission distribution but it also works for initial probability and transition matrix
Algorithm: needs initial estimate to start the optimisation from
You: have to provide an initial "guess" of the parameters
This may seem confusing at first, but the EM algorithm needs a point to start the optimisation. Then it makes some computations and it gives you a better estimate of your own initial guess (re-estimation, as you said). It is not able to just find the best parameters on its own, without being initialised.
From my experience, there is no general way to initialise the parameters that guarantee to converge to a global optimum, but it will depend more on the case at hand. That's why initialisation plays a critical role (mostly for emission distribution).
What I used to do in such a case is to separate the training data in different groups (e.g. percentiles of a certain parameter in the set), estimate the parameters on these groups, and then use them as initial parameter estimates for the EM algorithm. Basically, you have to try different methods and see which one works best.
I'd recommend to search the literature if similar problems have been solved with HMM, and try their initialisation method.

Interpretation auto.arima results in R

As a beginner, I am trying to understand the auto.arima function in the R forecasting package.
Particularly, I am interested in the selection based on the information criteria.
For instance, I set ic=c("aicc","aic", "bic").
I then obtain the best fitting model with AIC, AICc, and BIC.
I also obtain a certain output value for every tested model, e.g. -18661.23 for (1,1,1); -18451.12 for (1,1,2) etc. If e.g. (1,1,1) is the selected model with lowest output value, this value is not equal to the given AIC, AICc, or BIC.
In simple words, how do I interpret the output value of every model? Is it a parallely weighted AIC, AICc, and BIC?
P.S.: I really tried to understand the documentation but it is hard for me to read.
Thank you very much in advance!
As far as I can tell, by "output value" you mean the value printed when you use auto.arima with trace=TRUE.
These values are the AIC (or AICc or BIC) for each model tried. An approximation is used during the search to speed things up, so the value printed may different slightly from the value returned, which is calculated without the approximation.
The argument ic determines which information criterion will be used. For example, setting ic="bic" means that the BIC is used in selecting the model. By default, ic="aicc".
In a function definition, an argument with default value equal to a vector of values is often a shorthand for showing what the possible values that argument can take, with the first value in the vector equal to the default. In this case, the function definition contains ic = c("aicc", "aic", "bic") meaning that ic can take only one of those three values, and the default is aicc if ic is not explicitly passed.
