Influence of work size dimension to performance OpenCL - opencl

I have initially work units with the size of 11*11*6779. For the sake of simplicity I dont want to translate it into 1D global work size. When when i changed it into 21*21*6779 the performance is 5-6x slower than before. the code as far as i know has nothing to do with the number of threads being ran.
The amount of data transfered is only 4x bigger, which I dont think is a reason why the programm runs slower, because i tested the memory allocation process.
Note that my device has a max work items of 256*256*256, meaning I would be use half of all available work items, and this is not a dedicated device (also used for display..).
I wonder if setting the work item sizes into 21*21*6779 uses too many of my work items, or the dimensions are simply inconvenient for openCL to adjust ?

If your max work items is 256x256x256 then why are you using 21x21x6779 (where 6779 is greater than 256)? Note that if the work group size is not specified, the runtime will try to pick one that can divide up your global work size. If your dimensions not easily divisible by the runtime, it might pick bad work group sizes. That could explain why the performance changes based on global work size. I recommend you specify the work group size, and make the global work size a multiple of that (if necessary, pass in the real size as parameters and in each work item check if it is in range; this is a typical pattern you will see a lot in OpenCL).


OpenCL crash when Max work group size is used

So I have a problem.
I am writing an application which uses OpenCL and whenever I use the max work group size or anything above half of the max work group size, I get a crash (a black screen).
Does anyone know what the reason might be?
I would love to use to entire work group size, instead of just half.
Thanks in advance
The most likely reason is that you have a global array of a size that, at some point, is not evenly divisible by the workgroup size.
For example a global array of size 1920. Workgroup size 32/64/128 works, then you get 60/30/15 workgroups. But if you choose workgroup size 256 (or larger), you get 7.5 workgroups. What then happens is that 8 workgropus are executed, and the last workgroup covers threads 1792-2047. Yet, the global array ends at tread 1919, so access to array elements 1920-2047 reads from / writes to Nirwana and this can crash the entire program.
There are 2 possible solutions:
Only choose a workgroup size small enough that all global array sizes are divisible by it. Note that workgroup size must be 32 or a multiple of 32.
Alternatively, at the very begin of the Kernel code, use a so-called "guard clause": if(get_global_id(0)>=array_size) return;. This makes the thread end if the there is no corresponding memory address to the thread ID, preventing crashing. With this, you can also use any array size that is not divisible by the workgroup size.

OpenCL: know local work group size in advance?

I'm working on optimizing a separable image downscaler. My next step is reduction of multiple samplings (nearest) of the same texel by reading all necessary texels into local memory. Here begins the fun...
The downscaler is versatile, so it can downscale anything larger into anything smaller and even take sections of an image and downscale it into a destination image. Thus the final resolution divider never is a whole number. Most of the time it will be something around 3.97 or such. This means: I do not know the required size for that local array at compile time.
To me that means: before enqueuing a task, I'll have to create a local mem object of the required size.
How do I know what workgroup sizes OpenCL will select?
If there is no way, is there a "best practice" to overcome this problem?
P.S.: I'm writing for OpenCL 1.1 compatibility.
Since you are using images, the texture cache can be relied upon instead of using shared local memory.

Is it a bad idea to keep a fixed global_work_size and local_work_size when the number of elements to be processed grow randomly?

Often it is advised to keep the global_work_size the same as the logical amount of "elements" you must process. My application doesn't have such a thing, though. If I have N elements that need to be processed, then, after a single kernel pass, I will have M elements - a completely different number that doesn't depend on N.
In order to deal with this situation, I could write a loop such as:
while (elementsToBeProcessed)
read "elementsToBeProcessed" variable from device
enqueue ND range kernel with global_work_size = elemnetsToBeProcessed
But that requires one read per pass. An alternative would be to keep everything inside the GPU, by calling enqueueNDRangeKernel only once, with a fixed global_work_size and local_work_size matching the GPU layout and then use a master thread to synchronize the computation within.
My question is simple: is my intuition correct that the second option is better, or is there any reason to go with the first?
That is a tricky problem, which way to take. And depends on the global size values you are going to have and how much they change over time.
A read per pass: (better for highly changing values)
Fitted global size, all the work items will do useful work
Unfitted local size for the HW, if the work size is small
Blocking behavior in the queue, bad device utilization
Easy to understand and debug
Fixed kernel launch size: (better for stable but changing values)
Un-fitted global size, may waste some time running null work items
Fitted local size to the device
Non blocking behavior, 100% device usage
Complex to debug
As some answers already say, OpenCL 2.0 is the solution, by using pipes. But it is also possible to use another OpenCL 2.0 feature, kernel calling inside kernels. So that your kernels can launch the next batch of kernels without CPU intervention.
It is always good if you can avoid transferring data between host and device, even if it means little bit more work on the device. In many applications data transferring is the slowest part.
To find out better solution for your system configuration, you need to test both of them. If you are targeting to multiple platforms then the second one should be faster in general. But there are lot of things that can make it slower. For example the code for it might be harder to optimize for the compilers or the data access pattern might lead to more cache misses.
If you are targeting to OpenCL 2.0, pipes might be something you want to look at for this kind of random amount of elements. (Before I get some down votes because of the platforms not supporting 2.0, AMD has promised 2.0 drivers to come this year) With pipes, you can make producer kernel and consumer kernel. Consumer kernel can start work as soon as it has enough items to work on. This might lead to better utilization of all resources.
The tradeoff: The performance hit for doing the readback is that the GPU will be idle waiting for work, whereas if you just enqueue a bunch of kernels it will stay busy.
Simple: So I think the answer depends on how much elementsToBeProcessed will vary. If a sequence of runs might be (for example) 20000, 19760, 15789, 19345 then I'd always run 20000 and have a few idle work items. On the other hand, if a typical pattern is 20000, 4236, 1234, 9000 then I'd read back elementsToBeProcessed and enqueue the kernel for only what is needed.
Advanced: If your pattern is monotonically decreasing you could interleave the readback with the kernel enqueue, so that you're always keeping the GPU busy but you're also making them smaller as you go. Between every kernel enqueue start an async double-buffered readback of a copy of the elementsToBeProcessed and use it for the kernel after the one you enqueue next.
Like this:
elementsToBeProcessedA = starting value
elementsToBeProcessedB = starting value
eventA = NULL
eventB = NULL
Enqueue kernel with NDRange of elementsToBeProcessedA
non-blocking clEnqueueReadBuffer for elementsToBeProcessedA, taking eventA
if non-null, wait on eventB, release event
Enqueue kernel with NDRange of elementsToBeProcessedB
non-blocking clEnqueueReadBuffer for elementsToBeProcessedB, taking eventB
if non-null, wait on eventA, release event
goto 5
This will kepp the GPU fully saturated and yet will use smaller elementsToBeProcessed as it goes. It will not handle the case where elementsToBeProcessed increases so don't do it this way if that is the case.
An alternate solution: Always run a fixed number of global work items, enough to fill the GPU but not more. Each work item should then look at the total number of items to be done for this pass (elementsToBeProcessed) and then do it's portion of the total.
uint elementsToBeProcessed = <read from global memory>
uint step = get_global_size(0);
for (uint i = get_global_id(0); i < elementsToBeProcessed; i += step)
<process item "i">
A simplified example: global work size of 5 (artificially small for example), elementsToBeProcessed = 19: first pass through loop elements 0-4 are processed, second pass 5-9, third pass 10-14, forth pass 15-18.
You'd want to tune the fixed global work size to exactly match your hardware (compute units * max work group size or some division of that).
This is not unlike the algorithm for how work items cooperate to copy data into shared local memory regardless of work group size.
Global Work size doesn't have to be fixed. E. g. you have 128 stream processors. So, you make a kernel with local size 128 too. Your global work size can be any number, which is multiple to that value - 256, 4096, etc.
Though, size of local group usually is determined by hardware specs. In case you have more data to process, just increase number of local groups involved.

OpenCL: Work items, Processing elements, NDRange

My classmates and me are being confronted with OpenCL for the first time. As expected, we ran into some issues. Below I summarized the issues we had and the answers we found. However, we're not sure that we got it all right, so it would be great if you guys could take a look at both our answers and the questions below them.
Why didn't we split that up into single questions?
They partly relate to each other.
We think these are typical beginner's questions. Those fellow students who we consulted all replied "Well, that I didn't understand either."
Work items vs. Processing elements
In most of the lectures on OpenCL that I have seen, they use the same illustration to introduce computing units and processing elements as well as work groups and work items. This has led my classmates and me to continuously confuse these concepts. Therefore we now came up with a definition that emphasizes on the fact that processing elements are very different from work items:
A work item is a kernel that is being executed, whereas a processing element is an abstract model that represents something that actually does computations. A work item is something that exists only temporarily in software, while a processing element abstracts something that physically exists in hardware. However, depending on the hardware and therefore depending on the OpenCL implementation, a work item might be mapped to and executed by some piece of hardware that is represented by a so-called processing element.
Question 1: Is this correct? Is there a better way to express this?
This is how we perceive the concept of NDRange:
The amount of work items that are out there is being represented by the NDRange size. Commonly, this is also being referred to as the global size. However, the NDRange can be either one-, two-, or three-dimensional ("ND"):
A one-dimensional problem would be some computation an a linear vector. If the vector's size is 64 and there are 64 work items to process that vector, then the NDRange size equals 64.
A two-dimensional problem would be some computation on an image. In the case of an 1024x768 image, the NDRange size Gx would be 1024 and the NDRange size Gy would be 768. This assumes, that there are 1024x768 work items out there to process each pixel of that image. The NDRange size then equals 1024x768.
A three-dimensional example would be some computation on a 3D model or so. Additionally, there is NDRange size Gz.
Question 2: Once again, is this correct?
Question 3: These dimensions are simply out there for convienence right? One could simply store the color values of each pixel of an image in a linear vector of the size width * height. The same is true for any 3D problem.
Question 4: We were being told that the execution of kernels (in other words: work items) could be synchronized within a work group using barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); Understood. We were also (repeatedly) being told that work groups cannot be synchronized. Alright. But then what's the use of barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);?
Question 5: In our host program, we specify a context that consists of one or more device(s) from one of the available platforms. However, we can only enqueue kernels in a so-called command queue that is linked to exactly one device (that has to be in the context). Again: The command queue is not linked to the previously defined context, but to a single device. Right?
Question 1: Almost correct. A work-item is an instance of a kernel (see paragraph 2 of section 3.2 of the standard). See also the definition of processing element from the standard:
Processing Element: A virtual scalar processor. A work-item may
execute on one or more processing elements.
see also the answer I provided to that question.
Question 2 & 3: Use more than one dimensions or the exact same number of work-items than you have data elements to process depends on your problem. It's up to you and how easier the development would be. Note also that you have a constrain with ocl 1.2 and below which forces you to have the global size a multiple of the work-group size (removed with ocl 2.0).
Question 4: Yes, synchronization during the execution of a kernel is only possible within a work-group thanks to barriers. The difference between the flags you pass as parameter refer to the type of memory. With CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE all work-items will have to make sure that data they have to write in local memory will be visible to the others. With CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE it's the same but for global memory
Question 5: Within a context you can have several devices having themselves several command queues. As you stated, a command-queue is linked to one device, but you can enqueue your kernels in different command-queues from different devices. Note that if two command-queues try to access the same memory object (without sync) you get an undefined behavior. You'd typically use two or more command queues when their respective jobs are not related.
However you can synchronized command-queues through events and as a matter of fact you can also create your own events (called user events) see section 5.9 for event and section 5.10 for user events (of the standard).
I'd advice you to read at least the first chapters (1 to 5) of the standard. If you're in a hurry, at least the chap 2 which is actually the glossary.

Are OpenCL work items executed in parallel?

I know that work items are grouped into the work groups, and you cannot synchronize outside of a work group.
Does it mean that work items are executed in parallel?
If so, is it possible/efficient to make 1 work group with 128 work items?
The work items within a group will be scheduled together, and may run together. It is up to the hardware and/or drivers to choose how parallel the execution actually is. There are different reasons for this, but one very good one is to hide memory latency.
On my AMD card, the 'compute units' are divided into 16 4-wide SIMD units. This means that 16 work items can technically be run at the same time in the group. It is recommended that we use multiples of 64 work items in a group, to hide memory latency. Clearly they cannot all be run at the exact time. This is not a problem, because most kernels are in fact, memory bound, so the scheduler (hardware) will swap the work items waiting on the memory controller out, while the 'ready' items get their compute time. The actual number of work items in the group is set by the host program, and limited by CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. You will need to experiment with the optimal work group size for your kernel.
The cpu implementation is 'worse' when it comes to simultaneous work items. There are only ever as many work items running as you have cores available to run them on. They behave more sequentially in the cpu.
So do work items run at the exactly same time? Almost never really. This is why we need to use barriers when we want to be sure they pause at a given point.
In the (abstract) OpenCL execution model, yes, all work items execute in parallel, and there can be millions of them.
Inside a GPU, all work items of the same work group must be executed on a single "core". This puts a physical restriction on the number of work items per work group (256 or 512 is the max, but it can be smaller for large kernels using a lot of registers). All work groups are then scheduled on the (usually 2 to 16) cores of the GPU.
You can synchronize threads (work items) inside a work group, because they all are resident in the same core, but you can't synchronize threads from different work groups, since they may not be scheduled at the same time, and could be executed on different cores.
Yes, it is possible to have 128 work items inside a work group, unless it consumes too many resources. To reach maximum performance, you usually want to have the largest possible number of threads in a work group (at least 64 are required to hide memory latency, see Vasily Volkov's presentations on this subject).
The idea is that they can be executed in parallel if possible (whether they actually will be executed in parallel depends).
Yes, work items are executed in parallel.
To get the maximal possible number of work items, use clGetDeviceInfo with CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. It depends on the hardware.
Whether it's efficient or not primarily depends on the task you want to implement. If you need a lot of synchronization, it may be that OpenCL does not fit your task. I can't say much more without knowing what you actually want to do.
The work-items in a given work-group execute concurrently on the processing elements of a sigle processing unit.
