How to add custom css font icons in Oracle APEX 5 - css

I have been surfing through the sites looking for a way to add my custom css font icons for my own application.
I have uploaded the css file in the workspace static files, and put the url in Shared Components\ Themes \ Icons \ Custom Library File URLs.
Please show my how to used my custom css font icons, for I don't want to upload images or so.

Depends on your version, but Maxime has an example here describing how to import Font APEX library for APEX 5.0
You're chasing attributes in the theme settings.

Fonts like Wingdings render letters as a variety of symbols. If you look at some font websites likes dafont, you can see a lot of symbol fonts. Download the font file (ttf) and convert it to woff using some converter tool / websites like convertio. You may refer this stackoverflow question to get an idea about its usage in CSS.
Hope this helps.


2sxc 11 Font icon picker Material Icons

I use 2sxc 11 and want to use the Material Icons.
I have the Woff, Woff2 and TTF files but I dont get the icons to pick.
My thought is that it doesn't work because Material does not work with unique classes but a string in the tag.
Is there a way to configure this so I can use the Font Icon Picker?
I don't see any issues - this should work IMHO.
An important detail to note: the icon-picker scans the CSS file for the classes it should provide/show, and this only works if the CSS file is loaded from the same domain. So the WOFF can be loaded externally, and the css for the page itself can also come from google etc. but for the icon picker to work, you need a css file on the same domain (usually in the same app).
That's a security limitation in js/css.

How to use icons from ttf file

We have Lean Symbol ttf file. We want to use that in our application. We have added that one in our application but don't know how to use it. Like other i.e. glyphicons ttf we use class for accessing its icon representation etc. How I can do w/ this?
We have LeanSymbol.ttf file. When I open it by double click I get this one
We want use these icon in our application but don't know how to access that icons.
Go to ForntSquirrel's web font generator.
Upload your font.
Download your kit.
The zip that you download has all the fonts in web format and gives you some great examples of how to use them.
You might want to consider using font awesome, which is awesome.
Bootstrap also includes Glyphicons as one of their components.
Use something like font squirrel to convert the font into a web font. You can then add the generated font-face css to your stylesheet.

Remove unused Font Awesome icons

I uploaded the files to my server but I'm only using 5 icons in my site.
How can I delete the Font Awesome icons that I will never use? Like the useful and beautiful Stethoscope.
Thank you
It sounds like you copied the entire font-awesome directory into your project, and this isn't the result you are looking for. If you only want 5 of the Font Awesome icons in your project, and not have the balance of icons available for future use, take a look at Fontello.
Fontello is an icon fonts generator which allows you to pick and choose only the icon fonts you want for your project.
Here's a link to Fontello on GitHub, with information on how to use it:
Another option you have if you only need a few icons, it's IcoMoon where you can choose the icons that are going to be loaded only including the ones from Font-Awesome.
Otherwise, check this blog that explains how to reduce font-awesome size.
If you are using javascript module imports try:
import { faCoffee } from '#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCoffee' // <-- note the extra faCoffee there

Bootstrap 3 unable to display glyphicon properly

I am migrating from bootstrap 2.3 to bootstrap 3 and everything works well. But when I tried to add some icons, the icon font doesn't displayed properly. I tried to look over here and only '.glyphicon-envelope' was being displayed properly. Others have displayed like 'E001' and so on.
How can I be able to solve this problem?
For other browsers, glyphicons are displayed properly, only firefox was unables to display it properly.
Did you choose the customized version of Bootstrap? There is an issue that the font files included in the customized package are broken (see If you do not want to use the CDN, you have to download them manually and replace your own fonts with the downloaded ones:
After that try a strong reload (CTRL + F5), hope it helps.
the icons and the css are now seperated out from bootstrap. here is a fiddle that is from another stackoverflow answer
#import url("//");
Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons CDN
OK, my problem was not answered by the above. I had the fonts folder at the same location as the bootstrap css and js folders (eg /theme/bootstrap3/..), but it was looking for the font folder in the root (eg /fonts/glyph.. .woff)
The solution for me was to set the #icon-font-path variable to the correct relative path:
Eg #icon-font-path: "fonts/";
Here's the fix that worked for me. Firefox has a file origin policy that causes this. To fix do the following steps:
open about:config in firefox
Find security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy property and change it from ‘true’ to ‘false.’
Voial! you are good to go!
You will only see this issue when accessing a file using file:/// protocol
I had the same problem using a local apache server. This solved my problem:
For Amazon s3 you need to edit your CORS configuration:
First of all, I try to install the glyphicons fonts by the "oficial" way, with the zip file. I could not do it.
This is my step-by-step solution:
Go to the web page of Bootstrap and then to the "Components"
Open the browser console. In Chrome, Ctrl+Shift+C.
In section Resources, inside Frames/ you will
find the font that actually is running the glyphicons. It's
recommended to use the private mode to evade cache.
With URL of
the font file (right-click on the file showed on resources list),
copy it in a new tab, and press ENTER. This will download the font
Copy another time the URL in a tab and change the font
extension to eot, ttf, svg or woff, ass you like.
However, for a more easy acces, this is the link of the woff file.
I ended up switching to Font-Awesome Icons. They are just as good if not better, and all you need to do is link in the font, happy days.
make sure the name of the folder that contains the font name is "fonts" not "font"
you can use tag like this:
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>
Just in case :
For example, I just tryed <span class="icones glyphicon glyphicon-pen">
and after one hour i realized that this icon was not included in the bootstrap pack !! While the enveloppe icon was working fine..
Hope this helps
As others have noted, there are some issues with the customizer.
I was having troubles with the glyphicons not showing either, as well as issues with the navbar layout.
I used the suggestion and uploaded the fonts from the full zip/overwrote the ones from the customized version and that fixed the icons issues.
I also pulled in the CDN CSS and javascript instead of my local copy from the CDN. This fixed my navbar issues.
So I recommend until you get the hang of Bootstrap, not to use the customized version since you might get some frustrating, unwanted results.
For me placing my fonts folder as per location specified in bootstrap.css solved the problem
Mostly its fonts folder should be in parent directory of bootstrap.css file .
I faced this problem , and researching many answers , if anyone still in 2015 faces this problem then its either a CSS problem , or location mismatch for files .
The bug has already been solved by bootstrap
This is the official documentation supporting the above answers.
Changing the icon font location
Bootstrap assumes icon font files will be located in the ../fonts/ directory, relative to the compiled CSS files. Moving or renaming those font files means updating the CSS in one of three ways:
Change the #icon-font-path and/or #icon-font-name variables in the source Less files.
Utilize the relative URLs option provided by the Less compiler.
Change the url() paths in the compiled CSS.
Use whatever option best suits your specific development setup.
Other than this one mistake the new users would do is, after downloading the bootstrap zip from the official website. They would tend to skip the fonts folder for copying in their dev setup. So missing fonts folder can also lead to this problem
Try using CDN
Try setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP Header

Change Drupal font Site-Wide?

There are a few pretty impressive font apps out there. My favourite is Font your Face ( Only problem is it only allows for you to use existing sources. i.e.
Google Font API
Font Squirrel
Common fonts -- fonts already available in most browsers
Is there any way to add a "source" that is effectively grabbing files off the server? I want to be able to upload my own fonts.
We've had good luck with webfonts, though we're not using any Drupal modules, just adding them to the theme using CSS.
The #font-your-face module now includes a local fonts module that does exactly what you've described here.
