I have below output from the debug, I need to set variable and loop thru commands
Debug output:
ok: [leafsw] => {
"msg": [
"cl_list": "AWSCL",
"delete": [
"list": "11111:10000",
"seq": 1
"list": "22222:10000",
"seq": 2
"name": "AWSCL",
"permit": [
"cl_list": "NORM_CL",
"name": "NORM_CL",
"permit": [
I need to fetch cl_list then next task is to use "with_items" to run other commands.
First: how to fetch dict value cl_list
Second: Add to variable so that I can use it a loop.
I tried:
- name: Get CL Name
debug: var="{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ getclname.cl_list }}"
doesn't worked, also I tried:
- name: Get CL Name
debug: var="{{ item.cl_list }}"
with_items: "{{ getclname }}"
What I would like:
variable = ['AWSCL','NORM_CL'] so that I can use that in with_items loops
Any ideas?
you were almost there! try this task:
- name: get the cl_list from the variable
var: item.cl_list
- "{{ my_var }}"
TASK [get the cl_list from the variable] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=None) => {
"item.cl_list": "AWSCL"
ok: [localhost] => (item=None) => {
"item.cl_list": "NORM_CL"
its ready to be processed item by item.
you could do this to get them in a list variable:
- name: get the cl_list from the variable
var: my_var | map(attribute="cl_list") | list
TASK [get the cl_list from the variable] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"my_var | map(attribute=\"cl_list\") | list": [
I am trying to change switch to symfony messenger, but documentation doesnt show me way.
Lets have old configuration for php-ampqlib:
connection: message
exchange_options: { name: 'mail_queue', type: direct }
queue_options: { name: 'mail_queue',arguments: { 'x-dead-letter-exchange': [ 'S', 'mail_queue_failed' ],'x-dead-letter-routing-key': [ 'S', '' ],'x-max-priority': [ 'I',10 ] } }
callback: AppBundle\Consumer\MailQueueConsumer
qos_options: { prefetch_size: 0, prefetch_count: 1, global: false }
connection: message
exchange_options: { name: 'mail_queue_failed', type: direct }
queue_options: { name: 'mail_queue_failed', arguments: { 'x-message-ttl': [ 'I', 20000 ], 'x-dead-letter-exchange': [ 'S', 'mail_queue' ],'x-dead-letter-routing-key': [ 'S', '' ] } }
callback: AppBundle\Consumer\DoingNothingConsumer
How is the same configuration for Symfony messenger? I have spended a lot of hours without success.
Thank you very much.
I have a problem with the usage of Jinja templating in Ansible. I have this nested dictionary:
"fruits": {
"summer": {
"june": {
"fruit": {
"cherry": "cherry"
"vars": {}
"july": {
"fruit": {
"peach": "peach"
"vars": {}
"august": {
"fruit": {
"watermelon": "watermelon",
"strawberry": "strawberry"
"vars": {}
and I want to remove the object "peach". I have tried with pop method, and It works, but I want to use the filter rejectattr
I tried:
- set_fact:
test: |
{%- for x,y in fruits.items() -%}
{%- for j,k in y.items() -%}
{{ k.fruit | dict2items | rejectattr ('key', 'eq', 'peach') | items2dict }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}`
It gives me the following:
"test": "{
"cherry": "cherry"}
{"watermelon": "watermelon", "strawberry": "strawberry"}"
But I want to get the starting structure, less "peach" object.
Any suggestion? Thank You
Ansible isn't a great tool for modifying deeply nested data structures (or really for modifying data structures in general). While I'm sure someone is going to drop by with a clever json_query filter or something, this is trivial to solve by writing a custom filter plugin. If we put the following in filter_plugins/badfruit.py:
def filter_badfruit(v, *exclude):
for months in v.values():
for data in months.values():
data["fruit"] = {k: v for k, v in data["fruit"].items() if k not in exclude}
return v
class FilterModule(object):
filter_map = {"badfruit": filter_badfruit}
def filters(self):
return self.filter_map
Then we can write a playbook like this:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
"fruits": {
"summer": {
"june": {
"fruit": {
"cherry": "cherry"
"vars": {}
"july": {
"fruit": {
"peach": "peach"
"vars": {}
"august": {
"fruit": {
"watermelon": "watermelon",
"strawberry": "strawberry"
"vars": {}
- debug:
var: >-
And get this output:
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"fruits|badfruit('peach')": {
"summer": {
"august": {
"fruit": {
"strawberry": "strawberry",
"watermelon": "watermelon"
"vars": {}
"july": {
"fruit": {},
"vars": {}
"june": {
"fruit": {
"cherry": "cherry"
"vars": {}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The filter is written so that we can provide multiple keys to exclude:
- debug:
var: >-
fruits|badfruit('peach', 'strawberry')
Q: "I want to use the filter rejectattr."
A: The rejectattr line from your code can be used as is. Combine the dictionaries
test_str: |
{% for i in fruits.summer|dict2items %}
{{ i.key }}:
{{ i.value|combine({'fruit': i.value.fruit|dict2items|rejectattr('key', 'eq', 'peach')|items2dict}) }}
{% endfor %}
test: "{{ test_str|from_yaml }}"
gives the expected result
strawberry: strawberry
watermelon: watermelon
vars: {}
fruit: {}
vars: {}
cherry: cherry
vars: {}
Optionally, put the excluded items into a dictionary, e.g.
fruit: ['peach']
and walk the tree. The variable test will expand to the expected result as well
test_str: |
{% for season,sa in fruits.items() %}
{{ season }}:
{% for month,ma in sa.items() %}
{{ month }}:
{% for a,b in ma.items() %}
{{ a }}:
{% for k,v in b.items() %}
{% if k not in exclude[a] %}
{{ k }}: {{ v }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
test: "{{ test_str|from_yaml }}"
I've a CSV which I converted into a dict using read_csv module.
My aim is to group the data by a field within the dictionary.
For example, in below data I want to use firstname & secondname group by departmentGroup, so that I get a dict array to be re-used later
Below is the input dict created from csv
"ID02": {
"department": "IT",
"departmentGroup": "IT-development",
"firstname": "first02",
"id": "ID02",
"salary": "40000",
"secondname": "surnam2",
"subDepartment": "development"
"ID03": {
"department": "IT",
"departmentGroup": "IT-development",
"firstname": "first03",
"id": "ID03",
"salary": "42000",
"secondname": "surnam3",
"subDepartment": "development"
"ID04": {
"department": "IT",
"departmentGroup": "IT-operations",
"firstname": "first04",
"id": "ID04",
"salary": "46000",
"secondname": "surnam4",
"subDepartment": "operations"
"ID05": {
"department": "IT",
"departmentGroup": "IT-operations",
"firstname": "first05",
"id": "ID05",
"salary": "42000",
"secondname": "surnam5",
"subDepartment": "operations"
I'm looking for output of values grouped by departmentGroup, so i can loop it for future tasks to build-up templates
{"id": "ID02", "firstname": "first02", "secondname": "surnam2"},
{"id": "ID03", "firstname": "first03", "secondname": "surnam3"}
{"id": "ID04", "firstname": "first04", "secondname": "surnam4"},
{"id": "ID05", "firstname": "first05", "secondname": "surnam5"}
I've tried using map but couldn't reach much.
Any ideas on how to group in such a way in ansible?
I confirmed that I could do it by using the filters only.
The below is simpler than using Jinja2 code.
- name: Example Playbook for 65447303
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Read a csv file and converts to dict
path: test.csv
key: name
register: csv_result
- debug: msg="{{ csv_result }}"
- name: Set combined data variable
combined_data: >-
{{ combined_data | default({})
| combine({item.value.departmentGroup: []
+ [{
'id': item.value.id,
'firstname': item.value.firstname,
'secondname': item.value.secondname
+ combined_data[item.value.departmentGroup] | default([]) })
with_dict: "{{ csv_result.dict }}"
- debug: msg="{{ combined_data }}"
I could do it by using Jinja2.
It wasn't easy to do it using the Ansible or Jinja2 filters only.
So I implemented the code using Jinja2.
How about this like?
csv file
(venv) $ vi test.csv
(venv) $ vi main.yml
- name: Example Playbook for 65447303
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Read a csv file and converts to dict
path: test.csv
key: name
register: csv_result
- debug: msg="{{ csv_result }}"
- name: Set combined data variable
combined_data: |
{% set data = {} %}
{% set tmp = {} %}
{# initialize data variable #}
{% for key in csv_result.dict.keys() %}
{% set _ = tmp.update(csv_result.dict[key]) %}
{% set _ = data.update({tmp['departmentGroup']: []}) %}
{# Append the data to each department key #}
{% endfor %}
{% for key in csv_result.dict.keys() %}
{% set _ = tmp.update(csv_result.dict[key]) %}
{% set _ = data[tmp['departmentGroup']].append({
'id': tmp['id'],
'firstname': tmp['firstname'],
'secondname': tmp['secondname']
}) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ data }}
- debug: msg="{{ combined_data | type_debug }}"
- debug: msg="{{ combined_data }}"
Execute and Result
(venv) $ ansible-playbook main.yml
TASK [debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": {
"IT-development": [
"firstname": "first02",
"id": "ID02",
"secondname": "surnam2"
"firstname": "first03",
"id": "ID03",
"secondname": "surnam3"
"IT-operations": [
"firstname": "first04",
"id": "ID04",
"secondname": "surnam4"
"firstname": "first05",
"id": "ID05",
"secondname": "surnam5"
I'm trying to populate dictionary from register output result.containers which happens to override the item.Image with same value.
Here is my output.
"result.containers": [
"Image": "lna-docker/webproxy:2.4.0",
"Names": [
"Image": "lna-docker-dev-local/webproxy:1.8.1",
"Names": [
"Image": "docker-release/consul:1.0.1",
"Names": [
"Image": "docker.dev/webproxy:0.6.1",
"Names": [
Here is my code.
- name: Populate dictonary for containerup
containeruplist: "{{ containeruplist|default({}) | combine({item.Image.split('/')[-1].split(':')[0]:item.Names[0][1:]} ) }}"
loop: "{{ result.containers }}"
here is my output
ok: [VM3node.lite.com] => {
"containeruplist": {
"consul": "consul-client",
"webproxy": "webproxy-dev-01"
I'm trying to populate dictionary from register output result.containers which happens to override the item.Image with same value. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ideally I should be getting below output. It's overriding the first two item.Image with value "webroxy" . Could someone help me achieve the below.
containeruplist": {
"consul": "consul-client",
"webproxy": "webproxy-dev-01"
Taking this cut down example set of inventory hostvars:
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"host-a.foo.com": {
"host_domain": "foo.com",
"subnet_address": "",
"subnet_mask": ""
"host-b.foo.com": {
"host_domain": "foo.com",
"subnet_address": "",
"subnet_mask": ""
"host-c.bar.com": {
"host_domain": "bar.com",
"subnet_address": "",
"subnet_mask": ""
I'm trying to produce something representing the following in ansible:
"": {
"mask": "",
"domains": [
"": {
"mask": "",
"domains": [
So far I have this, but I'm unsure how to append to the domains list for each dictionary item (instead of overwriting it):
- name: inventory subnets
inventory_subnets: "{{ inventory_subnets | default({}) | combine({
hostvars[item].subnet_address: {
'mask': hostvars[item]['subnet_mask'],
'domains': [
# How to build this list?
}) }}"
loop: "{{ query('inventory_hostnames', 'all') }}"
Is it possible to perform another combine within a dictionary definition somehow?
The tasks below
- set_fact:
hostvars_list: "{{ hostvars_list|default([]) +
[{'host': item.key}|combine(item.value)] }}"
loop: "{{ hostvars|dict2items }}"
- set_fact:
subnets: "{{ subnets|default([]) +
[{item.0: {'mask': item.1|json_query('[].subnet_mask')|first,
'domains': item.1|json_query('[].host_domain')}}] }}"
loop: "{{ hostvars_list|groupby('subnet_address') }}"
- debug:
var: subnets
"subnets": [
"": {
"domains": [
"mask": ""
"": {
"domains": [
"mask": ""