Workfront API: Human readable status for Issues and Projects - workfront-api
Querying objects (i.e.: GET /attask/api/v9.0/project/4c78821c0000d6fa8d5e52f07a1d54d0) returns a response similar to the following:
"status": "INP",
How do you get human readable statuses form these responses? Do you hard-code all possible values, or, can it be achieved using queries?
i.e.: "INP" > "In Progress"

You can pull these values from the Custom Enumeration tables (CSTEM). For example, this will return all the task descriptions:{{apiKey}}&fields=*&enumClass=STATUS_TASK&enumClass_Mod=in
You will get something like this:
"color": "FF3939",
"equatesWith": "CPL",
"groupID": "5419c94f00004a056282a15eed58e47f",
"label": "Complete",
"objCode": "CSTEM",
"value": "CPL",
"ID": "57ed3a2000477cfb7368beb5d995bf88",
"customerID": "540f5a3f0019b...",
"description": "Task is fully completed",
"enumClass": "STATUS_TASK",
"extRefID": null,
"isPrimary": true,
"valueAsInt": null,
"valueAsString": "CPL"
For issues use "STATUS_OPTASK".

I created a dictionary and translating the statuses while reading the short version (INP > In Progress)


Azure CosmosDB - Partial Document Update (Patch) on Complex Structures

I'm trying to use the Partial Document Update (Patch API) to update a child object in my document, but I'm running into trouble. I found this Stack Overflow question which is the same question that I have. However, the accepted answer resolves the problem by referring to an object in an array by index. I don't believe that I have the luxury of being able to do that. So, to use the same example document as the other question...
"id": "SalesOrder2",
"ponumber": "PO15428132599",
"OrderDate": "2005-07-01T00:00:00",
"DueDate": "2005-07-13T00:00:00",
"ShippedDate": "2005-07-08T00:00:00",
"AccountNumber": "Account2",
"SubTotal": 6107.082,
"TaxAmt": 586.1203,
"Freight": 183.1626,
"TotalDue": 4893.3929,
"DiscountAmt": 1982.872,
"Items": [
"Id": 1,
"OrderQty": 3,
"ProductCode": "A-123",
"ProductName": "Product 1",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"UnitPrice": 17.1,
"LineTotal": 5.7
"Id": 2,
"OrderQty": 2,
"ProductCode": "A-456",
"ProductName": "Product 2",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"UnitPrice": 10,
"LineTotal": 20
"_rid": "BsMkAMc43s4CAAAAAAAAAA==",
"_self": "dbs/BsMkAA==/colls/BsMkAMc43s4=/docs/BsMkAMc43s4CAAAAAAAAAA==/",
"_etag": "\"00000000-0000-0000-e136-0dbec04601d7\"",
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_ts": 1637760030
I have no guarantee that the item in the Items array with an Id of 1 would be in position 0 of the array. Similarly, the item with an Id of 2 is not guaranteed to be in position 1. Therefore I believe that I need to use the FilterPredicate parameter of the Patch API to filter my results. But when I attempt to do that, I keep getting the following exception:
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosException : Response status code does not
indicate success: PreconditionFailed (412); Substatus: 1110;
ActivityId: dbd258ae-0a0a-4a9b-8c25-1d36e137b7c5; Reason: ();
Any assistance you could provide on how to accomplish this would be appreciated.
As i answered in the attached link, Patch requires the user to pass the specific index of the object needs to be updated. We are working on enabling this particular feature in the coming months, However as an alternative, you should look at Conditional Patch
Code will be something like this,
response = patch(operation, Condition(check if item exists))
if(response == fail/precondition failed)
PatchOperation operation = PatchOperation.Add("/Items", [{"Id" : "P-1", "Description" : "My Product"}]);

/film/film/runtime always returns null

Whenever I try to query for the length of a film I get lists of null. The query I use is directly from the "Build query" button on their site and looks like this:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/film/film",
"/film/film/runtime": []
Ufortunately all the responses I get look like this:
"name": "4D Man",
"type": "/film/film",
"/film/film/runtime": [
"id": "/en/4d_man"
I can hover over the links you can see on the query page and see the runtime (in this case 85 minutes) but as you can see all I get from the query is null. This may be a Freebase bug, but any help is appreciated. Thank you.
There's not a single runtime of a film, the same film can have different runtimes (original version, director's cut, etc...) Freebase use the film_cut type to contain the different runtimes of a movie
You can use this query to get the runtimes:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"/film/film/runtime": [{
"runtime": null
Tune this query to your needs, you may need type_of_film_cut or film_release_region.

How to represent the Data Model of a Graph

So we have been developing some graph based analysis tools, using neo4j as a persistence engine in the background. As part of this we are developing a graph data model suitable for our domain, and we want to use this in the application layer to restrict the types of nodes, or to ensure that nodes of certain types must carry certain properties. Normal data model restrictions.
So thats the background, what I am asking is if there is some standard way to represent a data-model for a graph db? The graph equivalent of an xsd perhaps?
There's an open-source project supporting strong schema definitions in Neo4j: Structr (, see it in action:
With Structr, you can define an in-graph schema of your data model including
Type inheritance
Supported data types: Boolean, String, Integer, Long, Double, Date, Enum (+ values)
Default values
Cardinality (1:1, 1:*, *:1)
Not-null constraints
Uniqueness constraints
Full type safety
Cardinality enforcement
Support for methods (custom action) is currently being added to the schema.
The schema can be edited with an editor, or directly via REST, modifiying the JSON representation of the data model:
"query_time": "0.001618446",
"result_count": 4,
"result": [
"name": "Whisky",
"extendsClass": null,
"relatedTo": [
"id": "96d05ddc9f0b42e2801f06afb1374458",
"name": "Flavour"
"id": "28f85dca915245afa3782354ea824130",
"name": "Location"
"relatedFrom": [],
"id": "df9f9431ed304b0494da84ef63f5f2d8",
"type": "SchemaNode",
"_name": "String"
"name": "Flavour",
"name": "Location",
"name": "Region",
"serialization_time": "0.000829985"
"query_time": "0.001466743",
"result_count": 3,
"result": [
"name": null,
"sourceId": "28f85dca915245afa3782354ea824130",
"targetId": "e4139c5db45a4c1cbfe5e358a84b11ed",
"sourceMultiplicity": null,
"targetMultiplicity": "1",
"sourceNotion": null,
"targetNotion": null,
"relationshipType": "LOCATED_IN",
"sourceJsonName": null,
"targetJsonName": null,
"id": "d43902ad7348498cbdebcd92135926ea",
"type": "SchemaRelationship",
"relType": "IS_RELATED_TO"
"name": null,
"sourceId": "df9f9431ed304b0494da84ef63f5f2d8",
"targetId": "96d05ddc9f0b42e2801f06afb1374458",
"sourceMultiplicity": null,
"targetMultiplicity": "1",
"sourceNotion": null,
"targetNotion": null,
"relationshipType": "HAS_FLAVOURS",
"sourceJsonName": null,
"targetJsonName": null,
"id": "bc9a6308d1fd4bfdb64caa355444299d",
"type": "SchemaRelationship",
"relType": "IS_RELATED_TO"
"name": null,
"sourceId": "df9f9431ed304b0494da84ef63f5f2d8",
"targetId": "28f85dca915245afa3782354ea824130",
"sourceMultiplicity": null,
"targetMultiplicity": "1",
"sourceNotion": null,
"targetNotion": null,
"relationshipType": "PRODUCED_IN",
"sourceJsonName": null,
"targetJsonName": null,
"id": "a55fb5c3cc29448e99a538ef209b8421",
"type": "SchemaRelationship",
"relType": "IS_RELATED_TO"
"serialization_time": "0.000403616"
You can access nodes and relationships stored in Neo4j as JSON objects through a RESTful API which is dynamically configured based on the in-graph schema.
$ curl
"query_time": "0.001267211",
"result_count": 1,
"result": [
"flavour": {
"name": "J",
"description": "Full-Bodied, Dry, Pungent, Peaty and Medicinal, with Spicy, Feinty Notes.",
"id": "626ba892263b45e29d71f51889839ebc",
"type": "Flavour"
"location": {
"region": {
"name": "Islay",
"id": "4c7dd3fe2779492e85bdfe7323cd78ee",
"type": "Region"
"whiskies": [
"name": "Port Ellen",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"altitude": null,
"id": "47f90d67e1954cc584c868e7337b6cbb",
"type": "Location"
"name": "Ardbeg",
"id": "2db6b3b41b70439dac002ba2294dc5e7",
"type": "Whisky"
"serialization_time": "0.010824154"
In the UI, there's also a data editing (CRUD) tool, and CMS components supporting to create web applications on Neo4j.
Disclaimer: I'm a developer of Structr and founder of the project.
No, there's no standard way to do this. Indeed, even if there were, keep in mind that the only constraints that neo4j currently supports are uniqueness constraints.
Take for example some sample rules:
All nodes labeled :Person must have non-empty properties fname and lname
All nodes labeled :Person must have >= 1 outbound relationship of type :works_for
The trouble with the present neo4j is that even in the case where you did have a schema language (standardized) that could express these things, there wouldn't be a way that the db engine itself could actually enforce that constraint.
So the simple answer is no, there's no standard way of doing that right now.
A few tricks I've seen people use to simulate the same:
Assemble a list of "test suite" cypher queries, with known results. Query for things you know shouldn't be there; non-empty result sets are a sign of a problem/integrity violation. Query for things you know should be there; empty result sets are a problem.
Application-level control -- via some layer like spring-data or similar, control who can talk to the database. This essentially moves your data integrity/testing problem up into the app, away from the database.
It's a common (and IMHO annoying) aspect of many NoSQL solutions (not specifically neo4j) that because of their schema-weakness, they tend to force validation up the tech stack into the application. Doing these things in the application tends to be harder and more error-prone. SQL databases permit you to implement all sorts of schema constraints, triggers, etc -- specifically to make it really damn hard to put the wrong data into the database. The NoSQL databases typically either aren't there yet, or don't do this as a design decision. There are indeed flexibility/performance tradeoffs. Databases can insert faster and be more flexible to adapt quickly if they aren't burdened with checking each atom of data against a long list of schema rules.
EDIT: Two relevant resources: the metagraphs proposal talks about how you could represent the schema as a graph, and neoprofiler is an application that attempts to infer the actual structure of a neo4j database and show you its "profile".
With time, I think it's reasonable to hope that neo would include basic integrity features like requiring certain labels to have certain properties (the example above), restricting the data types of certain properties (lname must always be a String, never an integer), and so on. The graph data model is a bit wild and wooly though (in the computational complexity sense) and there are some constraints on graphs that people desperately would want, but will probably never get. An example would be the constraint that a graph can't have cycles in it. Enforcing that on the creation of every relationship would be very computationally intensive. (

How to search freebase for given names

Context: I am geek but brand new to the Freebase APIs.
I found this page describing Given Name type on Freebase and have tried to query it and am meeting with frustration. I have tried:
"domain": "/base/givennames",
"given_name": null
which gives a "Type /type/object does not have property domain" error and
"type": "/givennames",
"given_name": null
which gives an "Unable to load schema for /givennames" error.
I am guessing that I am missing something important on the page describing the type. Any assistance is appreciated.
The "Build Query" menu option on the far right hand side of the schema page is a good way to get started with queries. In this case you want something like this:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/base/givennames/given_name"

Freebase Obtain All Information On One Subject

I'm trying to find the best way to get the information displayed on a Freebase page via a MQL query.
I've tried the topic API but that includes a lot of metadata.
I've also tried using links/reflection as in:
"id": "/en/samsung_electronics",
"/type/reflect/any_master": [{
"link": {
"master_property": null
"name": null,
"id": null
"/type/reflect/any_reverse": [{
"link": {
"master_property": null
"name": null,
"id": null
"/type/reflect/any_value": [{
"link": {
"master_property": null
"value": null
But that means I'll be missing some information, such as the number of employees because that's given as a "Dated Integer" which, of course, doesn't get automatically expanded and I won't know what I would have to expand in general. My best attempts at expanding all objects by nesting that query once in itself were met with a
"code": 503,
"message": "Backend Error"
In RDF/SPARQL (e.g. DBpedia) I'd just do select ?p ?o where {URI ?p ?o} and select ?s ?p where {?s ?p URI}, am I missing such a simple way to do this in Freebase?
So to summarize, I'm looking for a way to get the information on a Freebase HTML page with as little overhead as possible and without missing anything.
The Topic API was designed specifically for this use case (and is what's used to construct the Freebase HTML page). It takes a filter parameter which can be used to tailor its output to include only parts of the schema which are of interest. What metadata is getting in your way? Why can't you just skip it?
If you'd prefer to use SPARQL, there's an RDF dump available that you could load in your own triple store and query with SPARQL.
