"Input datasets must be dataframes" error in kamila package in R - r

I have a mixed type data set, one continuous variable, and eight categorical variables, so I wanted to try kamila clustering. It gives me an error when I use one continuous variable, but when I use two continuous variables it is working.
data <- read.csv("mixed.csv",header=FALSE,sep=";")
conInd <- 9
conVars <- data[,conInd]
conVars <- data.frame(scale(conVars))
catVarsFac <- data[,c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
catVarsFac[] <- lapply(catVarsFac, factor)
kamRes <- kamila(conVars, catVarsFac, numClust=5, numInit=10,calcNumClust = "ps",numPredStrCvRun = 10, predStrThresh = 0.5)
Error in kamila(conVar = conVar[testInd, ], catFactor =
catFactor[testInd, : Input datasets must be dataframes

I think the problem is that the function assumes that you have at least two of both data types (i.e. >= 2 continuous variables, and >= 2 categorical variables). It looks like you supplied a single column index (conInd = 9, just column 9), so you have only one continuous variable in your data. Try adding another continuous variable to your continuous data.
I had the same problem (with categoricals) and this approach fixed it for me.
I think the ultimate source of the error in the program is at around line 170 of the source code. Here's the relevant snippet...
numObs <- nrow(conVar)
numInTest <- floor(numObs/2)
for (cvRun in 1:numPredStrCvRun) {
for (ithNcInd in 1:length(numClust)) {
testInd <- sample(numObs, size = numInTest, replace = FALSE)
testClust <- kamila(conVar = conVar[testInd,],
catFactor = catFactor[testInd, ],
numClust = numClust[ithNcInd],
numInit = numInit, conWeights = conWeights,
catWeights = catWeights, maxIter = maxIter,
conInitMethod = conInitMethod, catBw = catBw,
verbose = FALSE)
When the code partitions your data into a training set, it's selecting rows from a one-column data.frame, but that returns a vector by default in that case. So you end up with "not a data.frame" even though you did supply a data.frame. That's where the error comes from.
If you can't dig up another variable to add to your data, you could edit the code such that the calls to kamila in the cvRun for loop wrap the data.frame() function around any subsetted conVar or catFactor, e.g.
testClust <- kamila(conVar = data.frame(conVar[testInd,]),
catFactor = data.frame(catFactor[testInd,], ... )
and just save that as your own version of the function called say, my_kamila, which you could use instead.
Hope this helps.


SMOTE target variable not found in R

Why is it when I run the smote function in R, an error appears saying that my target variable is not found? I am using the smotefamily package to run this smote function.
tv_smote <- SMOTE(tv_smote, Churn, K = 5, dup_size = 0)
Error in table(target) : object 'Churn' not found
Chunk Codes
df data structure
df 1st few rows
Generally, you should include the minimum code and data needed to reproduce the problem. This saves time and gives you more chance of getting an answer. However, try this...
tv_smote <- SMOTE(tv_smote, tv_smote$Churn, K = 5, dup_size = 0)
I can get the same error by doing this:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:8, y = 8:1)
df_smote <- SMOTE(df, y, K = 3, dup_size = 0)
It appears to me that SMOTE doesn't know y is a column name. In the documentation, ?SMOTE, it says that the target argument is "A vector of a target class attribute corresponding to a dataset X." My interpretation of this is that you need to supply a vector, not a name. Changing it to df_smote <- SMOTE(df, df$y, K = 3, dup_size = 0) gets past that part.
I am not familiar with the SMOTE function, but from testing it would appear that SMOTE cannot accept dataframes with any factor type columns. I get Error in get.knnx(data, query, k, algorithm) : Data non-numeric when using as.factor.

In R, `Error in f(arg, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)` but there are no Infs, no NaNs, no `char`s, etc

I am trying to use the lqmm package in R and receiving the error Error in f(arg, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1). I can successfully use it for a version of my data in which a variable called cluster_name is averaged over.
I've tried to verify that there are no NaNs or infinite values in my dataset this way:
na_data = mydata
new_DF <- na_data[rowSums(is.na(mydata)) > 0,] # yields a dataframe with no observations
is.na(na_data) <- sapply(na_data, is.infinite)
new_DF <- na_data[rowSums(is.na(mydata)) > 0,] # still a dataframe with no observations
There are no variables in my dataframe that are type char -- every such variable has been converted to a factor.
When I run my model
m1 = lqmm(std_brain ~ std_beh*type*taught, random = ~1, group=subject, data = begin_data, tau=.5, na.action=na.exclude)
on the first 12,528 lines of my dataset, the model works fine. Line 12,529 looks totally normal.
Similarly, if I run tail(mydata, 11943) I get a dataframe that runs without error, but tail(mydata, 11944) gives me a dataframe that generates the error. I can also run a subset from 9990:21825 without error, but extending the dataframe on either side generates the error. The whole dataframe is 29450 observations, and thus this middle slice contains the supposedly problematic observations. I tried making a smaller version of my dataset that contained just the borders of problems, and some observations around them, and I can see that 3/4 cases involve the same subject (7645), but I don't know what to make of that. I don't see how to make this reproducible without providing the whole dataframe (in case you were wondering, the small dataset doesn't cause any error). So here is the csv file I used.
Here is the function that gets the dataframe ready for analysis:
prep_data_set <- function(data_file, brain_var = 'beta', beh_var = 'accuracy') {
data = read.csv(data_file)
data$subject <- factor(data$subject)
data$type <- factor(data$type)
data$type <- relevel(data$type, ref = "S")
data$taught <- factor(data$taught)
data <- subset(data, data$run_num < 13)
data$run = factor(data$run_num)
brain_mean <- mean(data[[brain_var]])
brain_sd <- sd(data[[brain_var]])
beh_mean <- mean(data[[beh_var]])
beh_sd <- sd(data[[beh_var]])
data <- subset(data, data$cluster_name != "")
data$cluster_name <- factor(data$cluster_name)
data$mean_centered_brain <- data[[brain_var]]
data$std_brain <- data$mean_centered_brain/brain_sd
data$mean_centered_beh <- data[[beh_var]]
data$std_beh <- data$mean_centered_beh/beh_sd
I run
mydata = prep_data_set(file.path(resdir, 'robust0005', 'pos_rel_con__all_clusters.csv'))
m1 = lqmm(std_brain ~ std_beh*type*taught, random = ~1, group=subject, data = mydata, tau=.5, na.action=na.exclude)
to generate the error.
By comparison
regular_model = lmer(std_brain ~ type*taught*std_beh + (1|subject/run) +
(1|subject:cluster_name), data = mydata)
runs fine.
I hope there is something interesting and generalizable in this question; I know it's kind of annoying to post to Stack Overflow with some idiosyncratic problem in a ~30000 line dataset.

R nsltools Regression, preview function doesn't take variables

im quite new to R but wanted to use the packages "nls" and "nlstools" since it has nice tools for analysis and evaluation.
the code I use is:
conB1_2015 = read.csv("C:\\Path_to_File\\conB1_2015.csv")
conB1_2015 = na.omit(conB1_2015)
tRef <- mean(conB1_2015$Mean_Soil_Temp_V2..C., na.rm=TRUE)
rRef <- conB1_2015$Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1.[which.min(abs(conB1_2015$Mean_Soil_Temp_V2..C.-tRef))]
rMax <- max(conB1_2015$Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1., na.rm=TRUE)
half <- rMax/2
half_SM <- conB1_2015$Soil_Moist_V3[which.min(abs(conB1_2015$Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1.-half))]
form <- as.formula(Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1. ~ (rRef)*a*exp(b*Mean_Soil_Temp_V2..C.)*Soil_Moist_V3/(half_SM)+Soil_Moist_V3)
preview(form, data = conB1_2015, start = c(a = -1.98, b = -0.05), variable = 1)
The Problem is, that i get this Error running this code:
Error in data.frame(value, row.names = rn, check.names = FALSE) :
row names supplied are of the wrong length
When i change the variables in form <- as.formula(Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1. ~ (rRef)*a*exp(b*Mean_Soil_Temp_V2..C.)*Soil_Moist_V3/(half_SM)+Soil_Moist_V3)
to form <- as.formula(Lin_Flux..mymol.m.2.s.1.~(rRef<-4.41)*a*exp(b*Mean_Soil_Temp_V2..C.)*Soil_Moist_V3/(half_SM<-7.19)+Soil_Moist_V3)
the function works fine.
I wanted to automate the script to run over several csv's to test different models on different data. Is it really not possible to pass variables into the preview function or am I missing something? There can't be a problem with headers or the data table since it's working fine in the second example.

Can't give a subset when using randomForest inside a function

I'm wanting to create a function that uses within it the randomForest function from the randomForest package. This takes the "subset" argument, which is a vector of row numbers of the data frame to use for training. However, if I use this argument when calling the randomForest function in another defined function, I get the error:
Error in eval(substitute(subset), data, env) :
object 'tr_subset' not found
Here is a reproducible example, where we attempt to train a random forest to classify a response "type" either "A" or "B", based on three numerical predictors:
# define a random data frame to train with
test.data = data.frame(
type = rep(NA, times = 500),
x = runif(500),
y = runif(500),
z = runif(500)
train.data$type[runif(500) >= 0.5] = "A"
train.data$type[is.na(test.data$type)] = "B"
train.data$type = as.factor(test.data$type)
# define the training range
training.range = sample(500)[1:300]
# formula to use
tr_form = formula(type ~ x + y + z)
# Function that includes the randomForest function
train_rf = function(form, all_data, tr_subset) {
p = randomForest(
formula = form,
data = all_data,
subset = tr_subset,
na.action = na.omit
# test the new defined function
test_tree = train_rf(form = tr_form, all_data = train.data, tr_subset = training.range)
Running this gives the error:
Error in eval(substitute(subset), data, env) :
object 'tr_subset' not found
If, however, subset = tr_subset is removed from the randomForest function, and tr_subset is removed from the train_rf function, this code runs fine, however the whole data set is used for training!
It should be noted that using the subset argument in randomForest when not defined in another function works completely fine, and is the intended method for the function, as described in the vignette linked above.
I know in the mean time I could just define another training set that has just the row numbers required, and train using all of that, but is there a reason why my original code doesn't work please?
EDIT: I conjecture that, as subset() is a base R function, R is getting confused and thinking you're wanting to use the base R function rather than defining an argument of the randomForest function. I'm not an expert, though, so I may be wrong.

How to use predict from a model stored in a list in R?

I have a dataframe dfab that contains 2 columns that I used as argument to generate a series of linear models as following:
models = list()
for (i in 1:10){
models[[i]] = lm(fc_ab10 ~ (poly(nUs_ab, i)), data = dfab)
dfab has 32 observations and I want to predict fc_ab10 for only 1 value.
I thought of doing so:
newdf = data.frame(newdf = nUs_ab)
newdf[] = 0
newdf[1,1] = 56
prediction = predict(models[[1]], newdata = newdf)
First I tried writing newdf as a dataframe with only one position, but since there are 32 in the dataset on which the model was built, I thought I had to provide at least 32 points as well. I don't think this is necessary though.
Every time I run that piece of code I am given the following error:
Error: variable 'poly(nUs_ab, i) was fitted with type “nmatrix.1” but type “numeric” was supplied.
In addition: Warning message:
In Z/rep(sqrt(norm2[-1L]), each = length(x)) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
I thought all I need to use predict was a LM model, predictors (the number 56) given in a column-named dataframe. Obviously, I am mistaken.
How can I fix this issue?
newdf should be a data.frame with column name nUs_ab, otherwise R won't be able to know which column to operate upon (i.e., generate the prediction design matrix). So the following code should work
newdf = data.frame(nUs_ab = 56)
prediction = predict(models[[1]], newdata = newdf)
